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גרסה עברית
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*NEW* Click here for Page 6: Quotes by Jewish people!

“I know that the LORD hath given you [Israelites] the land, and that your terror is fallen upon us, and that all the inhabitants of the land melt in fear because of you. For we heard how the LORD dried up the water of the Red Sea before you when ye came out of Egypt and how ye did annihilate the two Amorite kings, Sihon and Og, on the other side of the Jordan. Our hearts did melt, neither did there remain any more courage in any man, because of you: for the LORD your God, he is God in heaven above, and in earth beneath.”

– Rachav Hazona (Rahab), Canaanite prostitute and convert to Judaism. 1323 – c. 1223 BC​
Bible. Joshua 2:9-11. King James Version].

«J'ai permis aux Juifs établis dans mon pays de retourner, s'ils le voulaient, dans leur patrie, de relever leur ville et de rebâtir le Temple de Dieu à Jérusalem sur l'emplacement qu'il occupait jadis.»

– Cyrus II, roi de l'Empire perse. 576 – 530 BC

Josephus, F. (94): ANTIQUITES JUDAÏQUES. Livre X. Chapitre 1. [Traduction de Julien Weill]. 

“[The Jews] are a nation of philosophers; they don’t stop conversing with one another about the Deity, and in the face of the nightly sky they contemplate the heavenly bodies, looking up to the stars and calling upon their Deity in prayers.”

– Theóphrastos, Greek philosopher. c. 371 – c. 287 BC
Porphyry (3rd century): On Abstinence from Animal Food. Book II. 

«Parce que la nation des Juifs a toujours non seulement dans le tems present, mais par le passé esté fidelle et affectionée au people romain, et particulierement à l'empereuer Cesar mon pere, nous ordonnons avec l'avis du Senat que les Juifs vivront selon leurs loix et leurs coustumes comme ils faisoient au tems d'Hircan Grand Sacrificateur du Dieu tres-haute. (...) et que leurs Temples jouiront du droit d'asyle.»

​– Caesar Augustus, empereur de l'Empire romaine. 63 BC – 14 ap. J.-C.

Josephus, F. (94): Histoire des Juifs. Volume 3. [Tradudction de Arnauld d'Andilly en 1676]. 

(BEWARE: Emperor Claudius also expelled all Jews from Rome)

“It is right that also the Jews, who are in all the world under us, shall maintain their ancestral customs without hindrance.”

– Claudius, Roman Emperor. 10 BC – 54 AD

Claudius Augustus (46): Edict of Roman Emperor Claudius Augustus on Jewish Rights. 

(BEWARE: These words are hostile, but recognize the strength of Israel)

“The Jews have long been in revolt not only against the Romans, but against humanity; and a race that has made its own a life apart and irreconcilable, that cannot share with the rest of mankind in the pleasures of the table nor join in their libations or prayers or sacrifices, are separate from ourselves by a greater gulf than divides us from Susa or Bactra or the more distant Indies. What sense then or reason was there in chastising them for revolting from us, whom we had better have never annexed?”

– Flávios Philóstratos, Greek sophist. 172 – 250 AD

Philostratus (3rd century): Life of Apollonius. 5:31-35. [Translated by F.C. Conybeare in 1912]. 

“The Jewish people [is] the people where were the prophets, the people where were

​the patriarchs, the people begotten according to the flesh from the seed of Abraham.”

– Saint Augustine of Hippo, Roman-African (Amazigh) Christian Bishop. 354 – 430 AD

Augustine of Hippo (4th century): The Expositions on the Psalms. Volume 2. Psalms 33-50. [Translated by Alexander Cleveland Coxe before 1896]. 

“When I have successfully concluded the war with Persia, I may rebuild by my own efforts the sacred city of Jerusalem, which for so many years you have longed to see inhabited, and may bring settlers there, and, together with you, may glorify the Most High God therein.”

​– Julianus Apostata, Roman Emperor. 331 – 363 AD

Julian (362): Letter 51. Epistle 25. [Translated by Wilmer Cave Wright in 1923].

«Ô fils d’Israël! Souvenez-vous des bienfaits dont [Allah] vous [a] comblés ! Rappelez-vous que [Il] vous [a] préférés à tous les peuples de la Terre! (…) Et très certainement, [Il avait] apporté aux Enfants d'Israël le Livre et la sagesse et la fonction de prophète, et leur [avait] attribué d'excellentes choses, et leur [avait] donné excellence au-dessus des mondes.»

– Mohammed (psl), prophète arabe de l'Islam. c. 570 – 632 ap. J.-C.

Le Coran. Ayah al-Baraqah. 2:40. [Traduction de Savary].

(Since no illustration of Rüdiger exists, a generic one of a bishop is used, taken from the Ständebuch of Jost Amman from 1658)
“I, Rüdiger, with the epithet Huozmann, bishop of Speyer, believed, in my efforts of turning the town Speyer into a cosmopolitan city, that by introducing Jews to our site, its honor would be raised. (...) Within their area of settlement and outside of it up to the harbor and including said harbor, I granted them the freedom to exchange gold and money and to purchase and sell anything as desired. This permission I have given them for the whole town. Additionally I gifted them a burial ground based on inheritance law, paid for by church property. This I also added: if a Jew from elsewhere sojourns with them, he shall not have to pay customs. (...) All in all, as the highest possible favor I granted them a law, better than which the Jewish people shall not possess any in a town in the German Realm.”

– Rüdiger Huzmann, Palatine/German bishop of Speyer. c. 1050 – 1090 AD

Museum-Digital-Rheinland-Pfalz: Bischof Rüdiger von Speyer gibt den Juden von Speyer im Jahr 1084 ein grundlegendes Privileg. [Translated by C. Nooij].

“The Jews belong in Jerusalem and Israel.”
– Saladin, Ayyubid Sultan. 1137 – 1193 AD
Source unknown.

«Retourneront-ils encore à Jérusalem? Rien n’est plus sûr: les prophètes ne cessent de le confirmer et de le répéter.»

– Thomas Brightman, pasteur anglais. 1562 – 1607 ap. J.-C.
Ifrah, L. (2009): Sion, source d'espérance et clef de la rédemption en Angleterre au xviie siècle. Dans Pardès 2009/1 (N° 45), pages 53 à 69.

«N'importe quel Juif doit être libre de circuler ou d'aller à cheval en toute sécurité et sans entrave de ville en ville et de province en province dans notre royaume. Ils doivent payer les taxes douanières exactement comme le font les Chrétiens, et rien d'autre. (…) En outre, nous ordonnons que tout homme ou toute femme qui enlève un enfant juif soit condamné par le tribunal pour vol. (…) Nous ordonnons que, si un Juif en péril appelle au secours la nuit et que ses voisins chrétiens refusent de lui prêter assistance, chacun d'eux soit astreint à payer trente sous. (…) Nous ordonnons également que les Juifs soient autorisés à vendre et à acheter librement toutes choses, à toucher du pain.»

– Bolesław Pobożny, duc de Grande-Pologne. 1224 – 1279 ap. J.-C.

Boleslas le Pieux (1264): Charte de Kalisz. [Traduction de Wikipedia]. 

(BEWARE: Martin Luther was also a notorious Jew-hater)
«Si les apôtres, qui aussi étaient juifs, s'étaient comportés avec nous, Gentils, comme nous Gentils nous nous comportons avec les Juifs, il n'y aurait eu aucun chrétien parmi les Gentils. (…) Quand nous sommes enclins à nous vanter de notre situation de chrétiens, nous devons nous souvenir que nous ne sommes que des Gentils, alors que les Juifs sont de la lignée du Christ. Nous sommes des étrangers et de la famille par alliance ; ils sont de la famille par le sang, des cousins et des frères de notre Seigneur. En conséquence, si on doit se vanter de la chair et du sang, les Juifs sont actuellement plus près du Christ que nous-mêmes.»
– Martin Luther, père allemand du protestantisme. 1483 – 1546 ap. J.-C.
Luther, M. (1523): Que Jésus-Christ est né juif. [Traduction de Walter I. Brandt].

"I would consider it an extraordinary privilege if I were born out of Jewish parents. Imagine: that I were descended by blood from the people of Jesus Christ my Lord, and of the most holy Virgin Mary. "
– Ignatius of Loyola, Basque Catholic priest. 1491 – 1556 AD
Nota, J. (1956): Ignatius vriend van Israël. In: Streven. Jaargang 9. Page 872-873. [Translated by C.  Nooij].

"That much the Christians and Moslems admit, and thus agree with the Hebrews, that the only true church of God, which alone on the entire globe possessed the truest doctrine of the one God, engraved by the finger of the Deity on tables of stone and sanctified by blood, was among the people of Israel, the sole guardian of the eternal Law and of the Holy Books."
– Jean Bodin, French jurist and political philosopher. 1530 – 1596 AD
Baron, J. L. (1943): Stars and Sand. Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables.

(BEWARE: Shakespeare's works contained anti-Semitic stereotypes)

«Un Juif n'a-t-il pas des yeux ? Un Juif n'a-t-il pas des mains, des organes, des dimensions, des sens, de l'affection, de la passion ; nourri avec la même nourriture, blessé par les mêmes armes, exposé aux mêmes maladies, soigné de la même façon, dans la chaleur et le froid du même hiver et du même été que les Chrétiens ? Si vous nous piquez, ne saignons-nous pas? Si vous nous chatouillez, ne rions-nous pas ? Si vous nous empoisonnez, ne mourrons-nous pas ? Et si vous nous bafouez, ne nous vengerons-nous pas?»

– William Shakespeare, poète, acteur et dramaturge anglaise. 1564 – 1616 ap. J.-C.

Shakespeare, W. (1598): Le Marchand de Venise. Acte 3. Scène 1. 

"I desire the Jews that they would not look upon us as adversaries. We know very well that they are the offspring of holy men, whom God often visited by His prophets and His angels; that the Messiah was born of their nation, as were the first teachers of Christianity. They were the stock into which we were grafted; to them were committed the oracles of God, which we respect as much as they.”

– Hugo Grotius, Dutch jurist. 1583 – 1645 AD

Grotius, H. (1627): Truth of the Christian Religion. Sect. I. [Translated by John Clarke in 1743]. 

“It is perfectly obvious, as far as the more recent past is concerned, how much our religion owes to this nation. For who if not the Jews has kept the Bible for us, safe and sound? How many scribal errors would have crept into the Holy Book if it had been entrusted only to the care of men like Lactantius, Augustine, Gregory, and Chrysostom, who - holy as they were - knew nothing of Hebrew? (…) The Jews, on the other hand, had one interest and one concern that they all shared: to protect the books of Moses, the Prophets, and the Writings from the dangers of the times. They alone are to be congratulated for this; no other nations merits a share in their glory."
– Petrus Cunaeus, Dutch Christian scholar. 1586 – 1638 AD
Cunaeus, P. (1617): The Hebrew Republic. Book I. [Translated by Peter Wyetzner in 2006].

«Je pense effectivement que quelque chose est à la porte​: nous sommes au seuil, vous êtes à l'aube des promesses et des prophéties. (…) Il se pourrait bien, comme certains le pensent, que Dieu reconduise les Juifs depuis les îles de la mer jusqu'à leur pays.»

– Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protecteur du Commonwealth d'Angleterre, d'Écosse et d'Irlande. 1599 – 1658 ap. J.-C.

Cromwell, O. (1653): Discours devant le Parlement. [Traduction de Jean-Claude Lasry, ‎Yolande Cohen et ‎Joseph Josy Lévy en Identités sépharades et modernité]. 

“I humbly conceive it to be the duty of the civil magistrate to break down that superstitious wall of separation between us Gentiles and the Jews, and freely to make way for their free and peaceable habitation amongst us. And the rather, because that people yet, the Holy Scripture saith, that they are a beloved people, and beloved for their fathers' sake. They are a people above all the peoples and nations in the world, under most gracious and express promises.”

– Roger Williams, English Puritan theologian. c. 1603 – 1683 AD

Straus, O. S. (1894): Roger Williams. The Pioneer of Religious Liberty. 

“Everyone here talks of the rumour that the Israelites, who had been scattered more than two thousand years, are about to return to their native land. Only few here believe it, but many desire it.”
– Henry Oldenburg, German natural philosopher from Bremen. 1619 – 1677 AD
Oldenburg, H. (1665): Letter to Baruch Spinoza. [Translared by Jonathan Bennett in 2017 in Correspondence. Baruch Spinoza.].

«Il est certain que dans certaines parties du monde nous pouvons observer un peuple particulier, séparé des autres peuples du monde, et il est appelé le Peuple juif. Ce peuple remonte non seulement à une antiquité remarquable, mais il a aussi persisté pendant une durée longue et singulière. (...) Car alors que les Peuples de Grèce et d’Italie, de Sparte, d’Athènes et de Rome et d’autres venus bien plus tard, ont disparu depuis si longtemps, celui-là existe encore, malgré les efforts de nombreux rois si puissants, qui ont essayé des centaines de fois de les effacer, comme leurs historiens en attestent, et comme on peut facilement en juger par l’ordre naturel des choses sur de si longues périodes. Ils ont cependant toujours été préservés, et leur préservation était prédite. (...) Ma rencontre avec ce peuple me stupéfie…»
– Blaise Pascal, mathématicien, physicien et philosophe français. 1623 – 1662 ap. J.-C.
Pascal, B. (1669): Pensées.

«Il demeurera pour constant que le peuple Juif est le seul qui ait connu dès son origine le Dieu créateur du ciel et de la terre; le seul par conséquent qui devait être le dépositaire des secrets divins. Il les a aussi conservés avec une religion qui n'a point d'exemple. Les livres que les Egyptiens et les autres peuples appelaient divins, sont perdus il y a longtemps, et à peine nous en reste-t-il quelque mémoire confuse dans les histoires anciennes. (…) Les Juifs ont été les seuls dont les Écritures sacrées ont été d'autant plus en vénération, qu'elles ont été plus connues.»
– Jacques Bénigne Bossuet, évêque et auteur français. 1627 – 1704 ap. J.-C.

Bossuey, J. B.: Discours sur l'histoire universelle.

"Should we not esteem that family very noble indeed that could show as long a succession of generations, without any disgraceful weddings in it, or change of mansion? Few noblemen in Europe can prove so much. (...) What deceives us in this respect is our not seeing titles among the Israelites like those of our nobility. Every one was called plainly by his own name; but their names signified great things, as those of the patriarchs. The name of God was part of most; which was, in a manner, a short prayer. Elijah and Joel are made up of two of God's names joined in a different way; Jehosaphat and Sephatiah signify the judgment of God; Jehozadak and Zedekiah, his justice; Johanan and Hananiah, his mercy; Nathaniel, Elnathan, Jonathan, and Nethaniah, all four signify, God given, or the gift of God. (…) Are [these names] not fully as significant as those of castles and towns which our nobility assume?”
​– Claude Fleury, French historian. 1640 – 1723 AD
Fleury, C. (1681): A Short History of the Israelites. [Translated by Ellis Farneworth in 1756 in Monthly Review for October 1756.].

“This people, called Jews, worships only one God, the creator of heaven and earth. Its fundamental law, to which its whole cult refers, obligates men to love God with all their heart, with all their soul, and with all their mind and might. This people provides in its law for a circumcision of the heart, of which that of the body is merely a symbol; and this circumcision of the heart means the suppression of every affection which does not stem from the principles of the love of God. (…) [Philosophers] never developed the thought of the goodness of creation, or of the power of the Creator, or of the selfless love due to Him. Hence, as I review all the nations of antiquity, I find the Jewish people alone worshipping the true God and in possession of the religion of love.”
​– François Fénelon, French Catholic archbishop, poet and writer. 1651 – 1715 AD
Baron, J. L. (1943): Stars and Sand. Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables.

“I observe that the restoration of the Jews to their own land in general, and the rebuilding of their temple with the restoration of their sacrifices (...) is not a thing of doubt or uncertainty in the prophetic writings, but the thing that above all others they every where foretell and describe, in the plainest and most empathical words imaginable.”

– William Whiston, English theologian, historian and mathematician. 1667 – 1752 AD

J.E. Force & R.H. Popkin (2001): Millenarianism and Messianism in Early Modern European Culture. Volume III. 

“The descendants of Abraham represent humanity in its purest form, without brutish giants, just as their religion is pure of superstitious rites. All the religious institutions of the Hebrew people were designed to maintain and promote the knowledge of God and to shield man against sinking into pagan vulgarity. While the pagan priests concealed carefully their religious mysteries, the prescriptions of the Jewish religion were put down in writing, and made accessible to all who could read.”

​– Giambattista Vico, Neapolitan/Italian philosopher, historian and jurist. 1668 – 1744 AD

Jewish Information Society of America (1962): Jewish Information. Volume 3. 

"If [the Jews] ever happen to be resettled in Palestine upon their original foundation, which is not at all impossible, they will then, by reason of their excellent constitution, be much more populous, rich, and powerful than any other nation now in the world. I would have you consider whether it might be not both the interest and duty of Christians to assist them in regaining their country."

​– John Toland, Irish philosopher. 1670 – 1722 AD

Toland, J. (1714): Reasons for Naturalizing the Jews in Great Britain and Ireland on the Same Foot with All Other Nations 

"Jews are so disseminated through all the trading parts of the world, that they are become the instruments by which the most distant nations converse with one another, and by which mankind are knit together in a general correspondence: They are like the pegs and nails in a great building, which, though they are but little valued in themselves, are absolutely necessary to keep the whole frame together."
Joseph Addison, English essayist, poet, playwright and politician. 1672 – 1719 AD
The Spectator. No. 495. Saturday September 27 1712.

​“Certain it is, of all the nations in the world, that of the Jews is the most remarkable. (…) The Jews are scattered through the whole earth; and, were they now to be collected into one body, would compose a nation far more numerous than they were during the short period that they were masters of Palestine.  (…) What distinguishes the Jews from all other nations is, that their oracles alone are true: of this we are not permitted to entertain the least doubt.”
François Marie Arouet (Voltaire), French author and philosopher. 1694 – 1778 AD
Voltaire (1762): The Works of Mr. de Voltaire. [Translated in 1762 by T. Francklin, T. Smollett and others].

"The soil of Palestine still enjoys her sabbaths, and only waits for the return of her banished children, and the application of industry, commensurate with her agricultural capabilities, to burst once more into universal luxuriance, and be all that she ever was in the days of Solomon."

– John Lindsay, Scottish 20th Earl of Crawford. 1702 – 1747 AD

Crawford, A.W.C. (1847): Letters on Egypt, Edom and the Holy Land. Chapter VII. 

"It is the more evident, the Jews will return to their own land again. (…) Besides the prophecies of the calling of the Jews, we have a remarkable seal of the fulfillment of this great event in providence by a thing that is a kind of continual miracle, viz. the preserving them a distinct [nation] when in such a dispersed condition for above sixteen hundred years. The world affords nothing else like it: a remarkable hand of providence. When they shall be called, then shall the ancient people that were alone God’s people for so long a time be called God’s people again, never to be rejected more.”

– Jonathan Edwards, Anglo-American theologian and missionary. 1703 – 1758 AD

Allen, Morrill & Wardwell (1842): Works of Jonathan Edwards. Volume 2. Part VII. 

“The preservation of the Jews is really one of the most signal and illustrious acts of divine Providence. They are dispersed among all nations, and yet they are not confounded with any. (…) What but a supernatural power could have preserved them in such a manner as none other nation upon earth has been preserved. Nor is the providence of God less remarkable in the destruction of their enemies, than in their preservation.”

– Thomas Newton, English cleric, scholar and author. 1704 – 1782 AD

Newton, T. (1823): Dissertations on the Prophecies. 

“It is probable, that the Jews will be restored to Palestine. (…) The Jews are yet a distinct people from all the nations amongst which they reside. They seem therefore reserved by Providence for some such signal favour, after they have suffered the due chastisement. (…) They are treated with contempt and harshness, and sometimes with great cruelty, by the nations amongst whom they sojourn. They must therefore be the more ready to return to their own land. (...) A great part of them speak and write the Rabbinic Hebrew, as well as the language of the country where they reside. They are therefore, as far as relates to themselves, actually possessed of an universal language and character; which is a circumstance that may facilitate their return, beyond what can well be imagined.”

– David Hartley, English philosopher. 1705 – 1757 AD

Hartley, D. (1749): Observations on Man, his Frame, his Duty, and his Expectations. Prop. LXXXIII. Page 373-375. 

“To keep his people from dissolving among foreign peoples, [Moses] gave it morals and practices incompatible with those of other nations; he overburdened it with distinctive rites, ceremonies (…) and all the bonds of fraternity that he placed among the members of his republic were so many barriers which kept it separate from its neighbors. (…) That is how this singular nation, so often subjugated, so often dispersed and apparently destroyed (…) has nevertheless preserved itself up to our times (…) and how its morals, its laws, its rites, continue to exist and will endure as long as the world does.”

– Jean-Jacques Rousseau, French philosopher and author. 1712 – 1778 AD

Rousseau J.-J. (1772): Considerations on the Government of Poland and on its Proposed Reformation.​ 

“You have succeeded [in Jerusalem] in combining your religion with such a degree of freedom of conscience as was never imagined possible and of which no other faith can boast. You have, at the same time, so thoroughly and clearly demonstrated the necessity of unlimited liberty of conscience in every religion, that ultimately our Church will also be led to reflect how to remove from its midst everything that disturbs and oppresses conscience which will finally unite all men in their view of the essential points of religion.”
​– Immanuel Kant, Prussian/German philosopher. 1724 – 1804 AD
Ginzberg, L., et. al. (2023): Judaism. Sacred Texts, History, Theology & Philosophy.

“[My comedy ‘the Jews’] was the result of a very serious consideration of  the humiliating oppression, under which a nation has to suffer, that a Christian, I’d say, could not regard without any kind of reverence. From this nation, so ​many heroes and prophets arose, and now people wonder whether an honest man is to be found among them?”

– Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Saxon/German dramatist and philosopher. 1729 – 1781 AD

HaCohen, R. (2012): The Music Libel Against the Jews. 

"The persecution was begun with the people, whom of all others it ought to be the care and the wish of humane nations to protect, the Jews. (...) If Dutchmen are injured and attacked, the Dutch have a nation, a government, and armies to redress or revenge their cause. If Britons are injured, Britons have armies and laws, the laws of nations to fly to for protection and justice. But the Jews have no such power, and no such friend to depend on. Humanity then must become their protector and ally."

– Edmund Burke, Irish philosopher. 1729 – 1797 AD

Himmelfarb, G. (2011): The People of the Book. Page 54. 

"It pleased God to make one nation the medium of all His communications with mankind: This the nation of the Jews has done to a considerable degree in all ages. As civilization extended, they by one means or another became most wonderfully dispersed through all countries; and at this day they are almost literally everywhere, the most conspicuous, and in the eye of reason and religion, the most respectable nation on the face of the earth."

– Joseph Priestley, English dissenting theologian and political theorist. 1733 – 1804 AD

Priestley, J. (1794): Discourses Relating to the Evidence of Revealed Religion. Volume 1. 

"I insist that the Hebrews have done more to civilize men that any other nation. If I were an atheist, and believed blind eternal fate, I should still believe that fate had ordained the Jews to be the most essential instrument for civilizing the nations. (...) They are the most glorious nation that ever inhabited this Earth. The Romans and their empire were but a bubble in comparison to the Jews. They have given religion to three-quarters of the globe and have influenced the affairs of mankind more and more happily than any other nation, ancient or modern. (...) I really wish the Jews again in Judea an independent nation."

– John Adams, Anglo-American President of the United States. 1735 – 1826 AD

National Archives (1809): Adams Papers. From John Adams to François Adriaan Van der Kemp. 16 February 1809. 

“I believe that the Jew is not able to assimilate, and that he will constantly constitute a ‘nation within the nation’, wherever he may be. The simplest thing to do, would in my opinion be returning to them their homeland, from which they were driven. (…) Jerusalem, nowadays a tiny appalling dump which saddens the hearts of the poor pilgrims going on pilgrimage there, would once again become a magnificent capital city. They would erect the Solomonic Temple from its ruins… They would regulate the waterways of Kidron and turn them into spillways for export trade… The wastelands would be revitalized and made inhabitable.” 

– Prince Charles-Joseph of Ligne, Austro-Belgian field marshal. 1735 – 1814 AD

Gawler, G. (1860) in: Sokolow, N. (1919): History of Zionism. 1600-1918.

“[I have] ever felt regret at seeing a sect, the parent and basis of all those of Christendom, singled out by all of them for a persecution and oppression which proved they have profited nothing from the benevolent doctrines of him whom they profess to make the model of their principle and practice. I have thought it a cruel addition to the wrongs which that injured sect [the Jews] have suffered, that their youth should be excluded from the instructions in science afforded to all others in our public seminaries, by imposing upon them a course of Theological Reading which their consciences do not permit them to pursue.”

– Thomas Jefferson, Anglo-American President of the United States. 1743 – 1826 AD

The Jewish Veteran (1983). Volumes 7-9. Quotations from Thomas Jefferson.  

“In all the various departments of nature [the Jews] behold the God of the heavens and of the earth. This no Greek nor Celt nor Roman has ever done, and how far in this respect is Lucretius behind Job and David! The Mosaic legislation aimed to constitute a free people, that shall be subject to no one but the Law; and in order to insure that none would rob them of liberty, God Himself became law-giver, law-keeper, and king. He dwelt in the midst of His people; and the much abused term ‘Temple’ stood really for the House of the Code which the Lord guarded. The entire people was a priestly kingdom: every one was the servant of this King and His Law.”
​– Johann Gottfried von Herder, Prussian/German poet, philosopher and theologian. 1744 – 1803 AD
Herder, J. G. (1783): The Spirit of Hebrew Poetry. [Translated by James Marsh in 1833].

“What did not Moses forsake and suffer for his countrymen! What shining examples of patriotism do we ​behold in Joshua, Samuel, Maccabees and all the illustrious princes, captains and prophets among the Jews.”
– Benjamin Rush, Anglo-American Founding Father of the United States. 1745 – 1813 AD
Butterfield, L. H. (1951). Letters of Benjamin Rush. 1761-1792. Page 83.​

"Energy is the basis of everything. Every Jew, no matter how insignificant, is engaged in some decisive and immediate pursuit of a goal. (...) It is the most perpetual people of the earth."

– J. W. von Goethe, Hessian/German poet. 1749 – 1832 AD
Gould, A. (1997): What did they think of the Jews?. 

«La dispersion des juifs, errants, malheureux, proscrits dans tout l'univers depuis dix-huit siècles, est un événement unique dans l'histoire. J'ai toujours cru qu'ils étaient hommes ; vérité triviale, mais qui n'est pas encore démontrée pour ceux qui les traitent en bêtes de somme, et qui n'en parlent que sur le ton du mépris ou de la haine. J'ai toujours pensé qu'on pourrait recréer ce peuple, l'amener à la vertu, et partant au bonheur. (…) Les Assyriens, les Perses, les Mèdes, les Grecs et les Romains ont disparu, et les juifs, dont ils ont brisé le sceptre, survivent avec leurs lois aux débris de leur royaume et à la destruction de leurs vainqueurs.»
– Abbé Henri Gregoire, prêtre catholique et révolutionnaire français. 1750 – 1831 AD
Gregoire, H. (1789): La citoyenneté des Juifs. Assemblée constituante. Séance du 23 décembre 1789.

“History confirms (…) the opinion of the unprejudiced mind, that Jews are just as capable as any other people to be productive members of civil society. (…) The Jew, too, qualifies for this enjoyment [of civil rights], this love. His religion does not render him unworthy thereof, for even in strongly pursuing it, he can be a good citizen."

​– Christian Wilhelm von Dohm, Westphalian/German freemason, historian and author. 1751 – 1820 AD

Dohm, C. W. (1781): Über die bürgerliche Verbesserung der Juden. Band 1. S. 44-45. [Translated by C. Nooij] 

“These Jews, represented as a fierce and intolerant people, were none the less, in certain respects, the most tolerant of all, so much so that it is sometimes difficult to understand how the exclusive professors of the truth could appear so obliging to foreign religions. The wholly liberal manner in which Elisha settled the case of conscience proposed by a captain of the Syrian guard is well known. (…) Philo, if I am not mistaken, observes somewhere that the High Priest of the Jews, alone in the whole world, prayed for foreign nations and powers. Indeed, I believe that there is not another example of it in antiquity. The Temple of Jerusalem had a portico designed for strangers who came to pray there freely. (…) Nobody disturbed them or asked them for an account of their national beliefs.”

– Joseph de Maistre, French philosopher and author. 1753 – 1821 AD 

Baron, J. L. (1943): Stars and Sand. Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables.​ Page 55. 

"The establishment of the Jewish State by Moses is one of the most notable events preserved by history, important for the strength of mind, through which it was put into work, even more important for its effects upon the world, which continue until this very moment. (...) Yes, in a certain sense, it is undeniably true that we owe the Mosaic religion a great part of the Enlightenment that we enjoy nowadays. For through it, a precious truth, namely the doctrine of one God, which, if left to the intellect alone, would have been discovered only after a slow process of evolution, was provisionally spread among the people and has been preserved among it as a subject of blind faith, before finally ripening into a concept of reason within the brighter minds."

– Friedrich von Schiller, Württembergian/German playwright, philosopher and poet. 1759 – 1805 AD

Schiller, F. (1790): Die Sendung Moses. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

​"[The inhabitants of the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem] are all in rags, seated in the dust of Zion, looking for the insects that were devouring them, their eyes fixed on the Temple. Penetrate into the dwelling of this people, you will discover them in a frightening poverty, making the children read a mysterious book, which, in turn, the children will make their own children read. What it did 5000 years ago, the Jewish people is still doing. Up to 17 times it has witnessed the destruction of Jerusalem but nothing can keep it from facing toward Zion. (…) These legitimate masters of Judea are being seen as slaves and strangers in their own country. (…) The Persians, Greeks and Romans disappeared off the surface of the earth and a tiny people that preceded these great civilizations still exists, without mixture, in the ruins of its fatherland."
– François-René de Chateaubriand, French writer and politician. 1768 – 1848 AD
Chateaubriand, F.-R. (1809): Itinerary from Paris to Jerusalem and from Jerusalem to Paris.

«Israélites, nation unique que les conquêtes et la tyrannie ont pu, pendant des milliers d'années, priver de leur terre ancestrale, mais ni de leur nom, ni de leur existence nationale! (...) Debout dans la joie, les exilés! (...) Héritiers légitimes de la Palestine! (...) Hâtez-vous! C'est le moment qui ne reviendra peut-être pas d'ici mille ans, de réclamer la restauration de vos droits civils, de votre place parmi les peuples du monde. Vous avez le droit àune existence politique en tant que nation parmi les autres nations. Vous avez le droit d'adorer librement le Seigneur selon votre religion.»

– Napoléon Bonaparte, empereur des Français. 1769 – 1821 ap. J.-C.

Bonaparte, N. (1799): Letter to the Jewish Nation from the French Commander-in-Chief Buonaparte. 

“There, in the Mediterranean lands, life, liberty, morality, science and art begin their higher development. There we find first and foremost the children of Israel, a people still mocked by the nations and, in some countries, treated as outcasts. Yet they were the benefactors of us all… (...) Here we come to the scene of original beauty, where mortal man communicated directly with God and His angels and where yet those with the highest gifts, an Abraham, a Moses, a David, an Isaiah, remain firmly rooted in the ground of reality. (...) Here in the Old Testament, there flourished a Protestantism that preceded the Protestants, a Lutheranism that antedated Doctor Luther. And while I mention the subject, I may add for the comparison is certainly correct in many points that Judaism is the Protestantism of the ancient world, while Hellenism is its Catholicism.”

– Ernst Moritz Arndt, Pommeranian/German author and historian. 1769 – 1860 AD

Baron, J. L. (1943): Stars and Sand. Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables.​ Page 106. 

“[The promise to] give (...) all the land of Canaan for an everlasting possession is absolute and unlimited [and the] title of the Jews to the land of Palestine inalienable. (...) If the grant of the Almighty Maker and Governor of the universe can constitute a legal title to an everlasting possession, the claim of the Jews to the land of Palestine will always be reasonable and just.”

– Charles Jerram, English Anglican priest. 1770 – 1853 AD

Jerram, C. (1795).

“[I] vote for the full emancipation of the Jews. (...) I consider the Jews not an inconvenient body, rather I consider them a much desired, i.e. highly convenient one in infinitely many moments of life. The course of my life has often brought me in contact with Jews, and I have always found them to be experienced, industrious, considerate, in a word, good and noble people.”

– Hans Ernst Karl von Zieten, Prussian/German general field marshal. 1770 – 1848 AD

Landtag Preußens (1847): Vollständige Verhandlungen des ersten Vereinigten Preussischen Landtages über die Emancipationsfrage der Juden. Seite 29. (Translated by C. Nooij, last sentence by J. L. Baron in 1943).

“Judah, thou no more shalt mourn beneath the heathen’s chain; thy days of splendour shall return, and all be new again. The Fount of Life shall then be quaffed ​in peace by all who come! And every wind that blows shall waft some long-lost exile home!”

– Tomás Ua Mórdha (Thomas Moore), Irish poet. 1779 – 1852 AD

Moore, T.: The Complete Poems of Sir Thomas Moore. 

“The whole historical existence and destiny of the Hebrews is confined within one of those great epochs of providential dispensation—it marks but one stage in the wonderful march of humanity towards its divine goal. The whole existence of this people turned on the pivot of hope, and the key-stone of its moral life projected its far shadows into futurity. Herein consists the mighty difference between the sacred traditions of the Hebrews and those of the other ancient Asiatic nations. (…) The whole Hebrew people may, in a lofty sense, be called prophetic, and have been really so in their historical existence and wonderful destiny.”

– Friedrich von Schlegel, Hannoverian/German philosopher and historian. 1772 – 1829 AD

Schlegel, F. von (1772): The Philosophy of History. In a Course of Lectures. Delivered at Vienna. Volume I. [Translated by James Burton Robertson, Esq.]. 

“The Israelites are the most important people of the Orient; for not only did they, through the power that they had acquired under their kings David and Solomon, maintain great influence over the states of the western half of Asia, but their history and literature has also, through Christianity, which had emerged among them, maintained an extraordinarily great and permanent importance for peoples of all climates and tongues. Furthermore, the books passed on to us by them are the most reliable and orderly writings about the ancient history of mankind, and in part also the oldest historical works, to exist.”

– Friedrich Christoph Schlosser, Frisian/German historian. 1776 – 1861 AD

Schlosser, F.C. (1844): Weltgeschichte für das deutsche Volk, Volume 1. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“Let the rulers of this country use their influence with the [Sublime] Porte to give up that part of their territory from which the Jews have been expelled, to its rightful owners.”

– James Ebenezer Bicheno, British Colonial Secretary of Van Diemen's Land. 1785 – 1851 AD

Bicheno, J. (1807): The Restoration of the Jews. 

"There exists at the present time among the Jews dispersed over Europe a strong notion that the time is approaching when their nation is to return to Palestine, and, consequently, their wish to go thither has become more keen, and their thoughts have been bent more intensely than before upon the means of realising their wish."

– Henry John Temple, Anglo-Irish Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (Conservative). 1784 – 1865 AD

Sharif, R. (1976): Christians for Zion, 1600-1919. 

“Sons of Israel! (…) If we have sinned against you, then we shall face God on Judgment Day. (…) If you should demand a complete separation from us and a return to the land of Jacob, very well! Whatever you shall request shall be granted in the name of equity with regard to your wishes. Rise with us for this reason and unite with us in prayer so that God may grant us victory.”

– Joachim Lelewel, Polish historian and politician with German ethnic roots. 1786 – 1861 AD 

Kurek, E. (2012): Polish-Jewish Relations 1939-1945. Page 80.

“Oh! Weep for those that wept by Babel’s stream, whose shrines are desolate; whose land a dream; weep for the harp of Judah’s broken shell. Mourn, where their God hath dwelt the Godless dwell. And where shall Israel lave her bleeding feet? And when shall Zion’s song again seem sweet? And Judah’s melody once more rejoice the hearts that leap’d before its heavenly voice? Tribes of the wandering foot and weary breast. How shall ye flee away and be at rest! The wild-dove hath her nest, the fox his cave, mankind their country – Israel but the grave!”

– George Gordon Byron, English poet. 1788 – 1824 AD

Byron, G.G.N. (1815): Hebrew Melodies. 

(BEWARE: Schopenhauer was also a notorious Jew-hater)

“The small Jewish race (…) was driven from its native land some two thousand years ago and has ever since existed and wandered homeless. On the other hand, many great and illustrious nations with which this pettifogging little nation cannot possibly be compared, such as the Assyrians, Medes, Persians, Phoenicians, Egyptians, Etruscans and others have passed to eternal rest and entirely disappeared. (…) And so even today, this gens extorris, this John Lackland among the nations, is to be found all over the globe, nowhere at home and nowhere strangers. Moreover, it asserts its nationality with unprecedented obstinacy and, mindful of Abraham, who dwelt in Canaan as a stranger but who gradually became master of the whole land, as his God had promised him, it would also like to set foot somewhere and take root in order to arrive once more at a country, without which, of course, a people is like a ball floating in air.”

– Arthur Schopenhauer, Prussian/German philosopher. 1788 – 1860 AD

Singer, T. (2018): Between Eternity and Wandering. The Anti-Jewish Discourse on the Wandering Jew in the Long 19th Century in Germany and Austria. 

“Such a country, once more populated with a new Jewish nation, cultivated and sprinkled by intelligent hands, fertilized by a tropical sun, producing all the beneficial and luxury plants by itself, from the sugar cane and the bananas, to the grapevine and the cereal of the temperate climates, to cedar and alpine fir tree of the Alps; – such a country, I say, would yet today be the land of promise, if the providence returned to it a people and the policy returned to it its rest and freedom.”

– Alphonse de Lamartine, French poet and politician. 1790 – 1869 AD 

Lamartine, A. de (1839): Sämmtliche werke Volume 2 [Translated by C. Nooij].

“I plainly saw the nature and extent of God's covenanted pledge to Abraham, and became fully

convinced that their national restoration was a revealed truth, and that the church would never

​attain to any triumph on earth in which the Jews, as Jews, did not bear a very prominent part.”

– Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna, English feminist author. 1790 – 1846 AD

Elizabeth, C. (1847): The Works of Charlotte Elizabeth. Personal recollections. 

“Israelites, your story is nothing else, from one end to the other, than the omnipotence of God manifested in the infirmity of human nature. (…) Israel pledges to obey the voice of the Lord his God and keep his law; And God, on his part, is committed to protecting Israel on this line, to intervene in all His distress, and to make him victorious over all his enemies. (…) Yours, people of Israel, was the task of bringing all the nations of the earth to the knowledge and obedience of the true God.”

– Abram-François Pétavel, Swiss pastor and author. 1791 – 1870 AD 

“A nation, when brought to the birth, may be born in a day. Greece was given to the Greeks; and in seeking any government for Syria, may not a confederacy of kings, for the sake of the peace of the world, be shut up to the course of giving - if they think it theirs to give - Judea to the Jews?”

– Alexander Keith, minister of the Church of Scotland. 1792 – 1880 AD 

Keith, A. (1844): The Land of Israel. Page 376.

"Replenish the deserted towns and fields of Palestine with the energetic people, whose warmest affections are rooted in the soil. (...) I should be truly rejoiced to see in Palestine a strong guard of Jews established in flourishing agricultural settlements and ready to hold their own upon the mountains of Israel against all ​aggressors. ​I can wish for nothing more glorious in this life than to have my share in helping them do so."

– George Gawler, British Governor of South Australia. 1795 – 1869 AD

Hyamson, A.M. (1918): Restoration of Jews to Palestine. Page 143.

Gawler, G. (1860) in: Sokolow, N. (1919): History of Zionism. 1600-1918. 

"[I denounce] the thralldom and oppression which has so long ground [the Jews] to the dust [and call for] elevating them to a rank of honorable repute among the nations of the earth [by restoring them to Palestine]."

– George Bush, Anglo-American biblical scholar and abolitionist. 1796 – 1859 AD

Bush, G. (1844): The Valley of Vision.

​“I would not want the Jews to leave Poland because, just as the Union of Poland with Lithuania, differing by origin and religion, brought our Polish state to its greatness and happiness, so I am certain that the union of Poland and Israel will assure our spiritual and moral strength. (…) Without the liberation of the Jews and the development of their spirit Poland would be incapable of rising. (…) To Israel, our elder brother, respect, brotherhood, aid on his way to his eternal and temporal weal: equal rights in everything!”

​– Adam Mickiewicz, Polish poet, publicist and dramatist. 1798 – 1855 AD

Rappaport, S. (1980): Jew and Gentile. The Philo-Semitic Aspect. Page 182 

“I love the Jews. I have not let slip any occasion to recall to mind their martyrdoms, their family virtues, the admirable abilities which they have displayed in our time. How could a man remain unconcerned about the destiny of this people, authors of the Christian world, and so much persecuted and maltreated by the Christians. (…) Let us then respect the patient people, whom, for so many centuries, the world has smitten so hard and who, in our days, have suffered so much in Russia. Let us respect the faithful people whose antique worship preserves the type from which humanity departed and to which we are going back, the family pontificate, toward which the future bends. Let us respect the lively energy, from which the Oriental stock has raised up so many unforeseen talents, so many savants and proficients in every art.”

​– Jules Michelet, French historian. 1798 – 1874 AD

Michelet, J. (1864): The Bible of Humanity. [Translated by Vincenzo Calfa in 1877.]. 

”The Jews have always been an industrious people. For as long as they formed their own state, agriculture, horticulture and handicraft were their dominant occupations. Under their hands, Palestine was one of the best cultivated and most fertile countries on earth. After all, the Mosaic Law focused on soil culture, on the stimulation of grain cultivation, viniculture and olivegrowing. Even in the first centuries after Christ and after the scattering of the nation, it remained true to its ancient ethics. At the start of the second century, Josephus still praises the diligence of his compatriotes in the fields of handicraft and agriculture.”

- Ignaz von Döllinger, Franconian/German Catholic theologian. 1799 - 1890 AD

Schirmer, W. (1891): Ahasver. Ein Mahnruf in der Judenfrage. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“Israel is always the people of God [and] cannot cease to be the people of God. (…) The

Jews are the habitual object of the thoughts of God; for, although He cannot recognize them

​for the moment, as being under His chastening hand, they are nevertheless still His people…”

– John Nelson Darby, Anglo-Irish Bible teacher. 1800 – 1882 AD

Wilkinson, P. R. (2009):John Nelson Darby and His Views on Israel. Pages 84-99. 

“In the infancy of civilization, when our island was as savage as New Guinea, when letters and arts were still unknown to Athens, when scarcely a thatched roofed hut stood on what was afterwards the site of Rome, this contemned people had their fenced cities and cedar palaces, their splendid Temple, their fleets of merchant ships, their schools of sacred learning, their great statesmen and soldiers, their natural philosophers, their historians and their poets.” 

– Sir Thomas B. Macaulay, Scottish/British Conservative MP. 1800 – 1859 AD

Macaulay, T.B. (1882): Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches of Lord Macaulay. Page 544-550. 

"Greater Syria is a country without a nation in need of a nation without a country... is there such a thing? To be sure there is: the ancient and rightful lords of the soil, the Jews! These vast and fertile regions will soon be without a ruler, without a known and acknowledged power to claim dominion. The territory must be assigned to some one or other… There is a country without a nation; and God now in his wisdom and mercy, directs us to a nation without a country. (...) There is unbroken identity of Jewish race and Jewish mind down to our times; but the great revival can take place only in the Holy Land."

– Sir Anthony Ashley Cooper, English/British Conservative MP. 1801 – 1885 AD

Scult, M. (1978): Millennial Expectations and Jewish Liberties. Page 91. 

“This long passive defence, amidst so many calamities, is perhaps what I admire most in the history of the last days of the Jewish national State. I see in it something more glorious and more difficult than dying in battle… Almost all peoples know how to die heroically in a crisis. But to resist step by step over a period of two hundred years, as the Jews did, without turning to the extreme of revolt, to resist now violence, now seduction, to let themselves neither be crushed by the threats of Caligula nor be tempted by the splendor of Herod, who sought to introduce into Judea the temples, circuses and arts of Greece, to have before their eyes the example of a whole world yielding, and yet themselves not yielding, that is the acme of national heroism!”

​– Ustazade Silvestre de Sacy, French journalist and politician. 1801 – 1879 AD

Baron, J. L. (1943): Stars and Sand. Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables.​ Page 81. 

“In the pantheistic religions there is only an eternal present. The generations confuse with rather than succeed each other. What can be expected of the future in such societies? Why call upon it, why fear it? Is not God shackled by fate, man by caste? Where is hope amidst these chains which no Messiah is to come and break? It is only among the Hebrews that the genius of futurity truly shines forth, for their God is free. With them, that which has been ceases to be the inflexible rule for that which shall be. Hence the image of a people who, rejecting an odious present, live always outside of it in an effort after the impossible. (…) Thus we see in the East the birth of a liberation movement which progresses to the extent that polytheism recedes. According to the Law of Moses, a Hebrew could not be deprived of his liberty for more than six years, which amounted to an act of real emancipation. (…) The spirit of equality was rooted in the Law, even when the example of the rest of the Orient opposed its scrupulous translation into practice.”

​– Edgar Quinet, French historian and intellectual. 1803 – 1875 AD

Baron, J. L. (1943): Stars and Sand. Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables.​ Page 109. 

“How perfectly the Hebrew type is preserved! Fresh from exhumations in the fatherland of Abraham, we add (…) part of a colossal head from Kouyunjik. (…) And still, after 2500 years, so indelible is the type, every resident of Mobile will recognize, in this Chaldean effigy, the facsimile portrait of one of their city’s most prominent citizens. (…) The number of Jews now existing in the world is estimated (…) from three to five millions. In all climates and countries, they are recognized as the same race. (…) In obedience to an organic law of animal life, they have preserved, unchanged, the same features which the Almighty stamped on the first Hebrew pairs created.”

– Josiah Clark Nott, American physician. 1804 – 1873 AD

Nott, J.C. (1860): Types of Mankind. Chapter IV. Page 116. 

"One of the most important points in the faith of the Church is the gathering of Israel, that happy time when God ​will turn to them a pure language, and the earth will be filled with sacred knowledge as the waters cover the great deep."

– Joseph Smith, American prophet of Mormonism. 1805 – 1844 AD

Kraut, O. (1992): Holy Priesthood. Volume 2. 

“[The Jew] is a friend of enlightenment, of humanity, of ​progress, of tolerance, of all the slogans of religious liberalism.”

– Karl Rosenkranz, Saxony-Anhaltian/German philosopher and pedagogue. 1805 – 1879 AD

Baron, J. L. (1943): Stars and Sand. Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables.​ Page 398. 

“There is no people in the world that has sent out such an obvious example of dogged persistence and unshakable faithfulness, as the Jewish people has; there is no nation that has exerted such a powerful religious influence on humanity as Israel has. Their Bible with Genesis and Psalms is by far the greatest book among the holy books of the nations and it is what makes the Jewish people the ‘People of God’. (…) The Jews must simply, by maintaining their faith, which is more than three millennia old and within which even so long an era could not produce any significant change whatsoever, remain what they are now. They are an incomparable model, which the human spirit would miss; and this disappearance of the Jewish faith would today be all the more sad as the divine idea tends to disappear, at least temporarily, in so many spirits that consider themselves enlightened and sophisticated.” 

– Jules Barthélemy-Saint-Hilaire, French philosopher and politician. 1805 – 1895 AD

Rothschild, M. v. (1901): Briefe berühmter christlicher Zeitgenossen über die Judenfrage​. [Translated by C. Nooij.].​ 

“The country is in a considerable degree empty of inhabitants and therefore its greatest need is that of a body of population. (...) Such a people may be found in the Jews; for their ​affections are centred here: and they own no willing subjection to any European crown...”

– James Finn, British Consul in Jerusalem. 1806 – 1872 AD

Gottheil, F.M. (1797): The Population of Palestina circa 1875. 

“The Jews, instead of being stationary like other Asiatics, were, next to the Greeks, the most progressive people of

antiquity, and, jointly with them, have been the starting-point and main propelling agency of modern cultivation.”

​– John Stuart Mill, English philosopher and economist. 1806 – 1873 AD

Mill, J.S. (1861): Representative Government. 

“The signs of the gathering of the Jews has been very prominent during the past [year]. The governments of the world have in some measure been exherted to favor that people. And while I turn my eye towards Zion, I can see the Lord is favoring her. (…) O Lord, hasten the gathering of Israel who are cast out and the dispersed of Judea.”

– Wilford Woodruff, American apostle of Mormonism. 1807 – 1898 AD

Woodruff, W. (1873-1880): Wilford Woodruff’s Journal. Page 397. 

“The hour of liberation of Israel is soon approaching, when the Jewish nation would once again take its place among the powers of the world. (...) Yes, friends, there has existed a Jewish people, renowned for learning and glorious in war. May the hour of Israel's liberation draw nigh! May the approach of western civilisation bring to this magnificent land the dawn of its reconstruction and its political revival. May the Jewish nation regain its rank and position among the nations of the world. The descendants of the Maccabeans will prove themselves worthy of their renowned forbears.”

– Charles Henry Churchill, English officer and diplomat. 1807 – 1869 AD

Kobler, F. (1856): The Vision Was There. 

“Never, at any time, did a nation suffer so much, throw itself so bravely and so completely into the arms of death in order to escape the most poignant of misfortunes, invasion and subjugation by the brute force of foreign armies. All honor, then, to the illustrious martyrs of Jewish patriotism, who paid with their blood for the right to transmit to their posterity the memory of the most glorious resistance ever put up by the weak to the horrors of conquest.”

– Félicien de Saulcy, French archeologist and numismatist. 1807 – 1880 AD

Saulcy, F. de (1866): Last Days of Jerusalem. [Translated by Christian Work] in 1867.]. 

“The Jews, who used to own the country, have not given up on their hope for the future of their country. They used to pray for Jerusalem and Zion and hoped for the Savior, who would liberate the country and make it blossom again. Nowadays not only prayers are made for Palestine within Jewish circles, nowadays work is also carried out for the land of the fathers. And this change of attitude has been accomplished by Zionism.”

– David Friedrich Strauss, Württembergian/German theologian. 1808 – 1874 AD 

Strauss, D. (1908): Palästina. Das Interesse an Palästina. Seite 2. [Translated by C. Nooij].

"How much differently does the persistent viability of the Jewish tribe reveal itself. No other race in the world has been able to offer such defiance in the face of such continued and frightening persecutions. And even now the direct truth comes through, that Jews are more capable of living and succeeding in differing climates than the members of all other species."

– Georg Friedrich Kolb, Palatine/German publisher and politician. 1808 – 1884 AD

Trietsch, D. & Winz, Leo (1901): Ost und West. Erster Jahrgang. [Translated by C. Nooij.]. 

“One can still see (…) in Lithuania and the Ukraine venerable Abraham-like faces among the men, or Joseph-like and Apostle-like countenances, and among the women one still sees Rachels and Judiths, as pretty, expressive and oriental as a painter could possibly wish for. (…) The beauty of Jewish women, as well as the talents of the men, often resulted into influence and wealth.”

– Johann Georg Kohl, German travel writer from Bremen. 1808 – 1878 AD

Kohl, J.G. (1868): Die Völker Europas. [Translated by C.Nooij.]. 

"[Restoring persecuted Jews to their national home in Palestine] is a noble dream and one shared by many Americans. My chiropodist is a Jew, and he has so many times put me ​upon my feet, that I would have no objection to giving his countrymen a leg up."

– Abraham Lincoln, American President of the United States. 1809 – 1865 AD

Sarna, J.D. & Shapell, B. (2015): Lincoln and the Jews. Page 140. 

“If in nature the principle that every people, every living being is entitled to his share of the land, to just a room on this globe, is sacred; certainly there will be no people, there will be no government, there will be no individual who can deny the Jews the right to possession or privilege in Palestine, which they have never morally or politically renounced; which they have never even personally and materially abandoned. So, each mighty generous philanthropist government should help to wash the humanity of this ancient stain, and return to the room of its fathers a people which collected many titles of justice and merit. (…) Get together from all corners of the earth because it is time to rehabilitate the room of your fathers.”

​– Benedetto Musolino, Neapolitan Senator of Italy. 1809 – 1885 AD

Musolino, B. (1851): Gerusalemme ed il popolo ebreo. Page 9-11. [Translated by C. Nooij.]. 

“Though the spiritual history of this people is not completely known, there are enough monuments and fragments extant to convince us that the Jewish spirit is as active as it is tenacious, as intelligent as it is self-willed, as supple as it is determined. The books of Holy Writ captivate his faith but not his thought; firm and immovable in his attachment to the teachings of his fathers, the Jew expounds and develops these doctrines to a certain extent. The progressive variations of the Bible, the works of individual meditation, like the Book of Ecclesiasticus, the writings of Aristobulus, and especially of Philo, the Cabala and the Talmud are decisive testimony of Jewish speculative activity. Undoubt- edly the hierarchy in Judea weighs upon thought, but it does not immobilize it as in other lands of the Orient.”

​– Étienne Vacherot, French philosopher. 1809 – 1897 AD

Baron, J. L. (1943): Stars and Sand. Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables.​ Page 80. 

“The Jews brought great profit to the country and made a valuable contribution to the prosperity of the pre-war years, playing a great part in the development of Hungary into a modern state.”

– György Apponyi, Lord Chancellor of Hungary. 1808 – 1899 AD

Baron, J. L. (1943): Stars and Sand. Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables.​ Page 419. 

“I love the Jews and it is my desire that they should develop according to their lore. There is no race, no religion, that possesses such a tradition, as that of the prophets."

– François Laurent, Luxembourgian historian. 1810 – 1887 AD

Rothschild, M. v. (1901): Briefe berühmter christlicher Zeitgenossen über die Judenfrage​. [Translated by C. Nooij.].​​ 

“Does anybody deny the Jews a single one of the God-given talents that adorn the human race? Does not their history, the study of which has become a duty among all peoples, bear witness to the excellence of their nation? (…) Who among those that are acquainted with the younger generation of educated Jews, fails to admit their extraordinary zeal for scholarly pursuits and their faculties for the study of languages, of mathematics, of the natural sciences?”

– Nikolay Pirogov, Russian founder of field surgery. 1810 – 1881 AD

Baron, J. L. (1943): Stars and Sand. Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables.​ Page 400. 

“The decline of supernaturalism in the West was very much accelerated by Jewish physicians… (…) In the eleventh century nearly all the physicians in Europe were Jews. (…) Though (…) driven into exile, these strangers had accomplished their destiny. They had silently deposited in France their ideas. They had sapped the credulity of the higher classes in Europe and taught them to turn away from the supernatural.”

– John William Draper, American historian, physician and philosopher. 1811 – 1882 AD

Draper, J.W. (1864): History of the Intellectual Development of Europe. 

​"Palestine, though now barren and desolate, requires only an active and industrious population, so abundant are its natural advantages of soil and climate, to restore its original fertility. (...) The advantages derivable to England from this measure are so great that it would almost appear that my real object was to benefit my own country, instead of advocating the cause of a proscribed and harmless race; but so true is it (...) that the protection afforded to this people would quickly return in blessings on England and be felt in the wretched hears and homes of the poor manufacturers of Manchester, Birmingham and Glasgow. (...) The re-establishment of the Jewish nation in Palestine as a protected state, under the guardianship of Great Britain (...) would be attended with political advantages of incalculable importance to Great Britain."

– Edward Ledwich Mitford, English author. 1811 – 1912 AD

Hyamson, A.M. (1918): Restoration of Jews to Palestine. Page 143. 

​"The Jewish nation, though under a cloud, will eventually resume their ancient territory which is so evidently kept waiting for them. The prophecies are clear as day on two points: That the Jews are to repossess Palestine, and, indeed, to rule from Lebanon to Euphrates; and that this event is to be the first of a great series of changes leading to a vast improvement in the condition of poor, suffering mankind, and of creation in general. (...) Whatever Jews have done, Jews may do. They are people of genius; and genius is not confined by nature, but by will, by habit or by accident. What have these people tried and failed in? Warriors, writers, builders, merchants, lawgivers, husbandmen; and supreme in all! In this, history repeats itself. They shall be great in the arts of peace and war, and their enemies melt away before them like snow off a dyke. Should they seem to require help from any other nation at starting, blessed will be the nation that proffers it; and the nation that persecutes them will be made an example of in some way or other. Therefore, if by any chance recent outrages should decide the Jewish leaders to colonize Palestine from Russia, let us freely offer ships, seamen, money— whatever we are asked for. It will be a better national investment than Egyptian, Brazilian or Peruvian bonds.” "

– Charles Reade, English novelist and dramatist. 1814 – 1884 AD


"I am no enemy of the Jews, and if they are hostile to me I forgive them. I love them under every circumstance. For my part, I would grant them all rights, save only the right of holding the chief offices in a Christian State. (…) Their fatherland is Zion, Jerusalem. (…) They also have their own special virtues. They are credited with respect for their parents, faithfulness in marriage, and benevolence."

– Otto von Bismarck, Minister President of Prussia and Chancellor of the German Reich. 1815 – 1898 AD

Headlam, J.W. (1899): Bismarck and the Foundation of the German Empire. Chapter 3. 

“How shall we explain the unique and peculiar position which the Jewish people occupies in the world? Why is it, unlike Saxons, and Danes, and Normans, and Flemings, and French, this singular race still floats alone, though broken to pieces like a wreck, on the waters of the globe, amidst its 1,500 million inhabitants? After the lapse of 1,800 years, it is neither destroyed, nor crushed, nor evaporated, nor amalgamated, nor lost sight of. Rather, it lives to this day as separate and distinct as it was when the arch of Titus was built at Rome.”

– John Charles Ryle, English preacher. 1816 – 1900 AD

Ryle, J.C. (1867): Are you ready for the End of Time? 

“In this miserable corner of the world, what were the Jews? I repeat, it was a people capable in all that it undertook, a free people, a strong people, an intelligent people. When, with their arms still in their hands, they lost bravely the position of an independent nation, they furnished to the world almost as many learned men as merchants.”

– Arthur de Gobineau, French aristocrat and author. 1816 – 1882 AD

Gobineau, A. de (1856): The Moral and Intellectual Diversity of Races. Page 210.​ 

“The Jews were the pioneers in the struggle for the Brazilian independence. Their valuable contribution, their tenacity of ‘chosen people’, of persecuted people, was the foundation whereupon the flag teeming with the hope of freedom from the yoke of the mother-country was placed.”

– Francisco Adolfo de Varnhagen, Teuto-Brazilian diplomat and historian. 1816 – 1878 AD

"In an unexpected and deeply shameful manner, the racial hatred and fanaticism of the Middle Ages is being rekindled in various places and directed against our fellow Jewish citizens. What is being forgotten here is that many of them have bestowed benefit and honor upon the fatherland through their industry and talent in commerce and trade, in the arts and sciences."

– Theodor Mommsen, Frisian/German historian. 1817 – 1903 AD

Mommsen, T. (1880): Declaration of 75 Notables against Antisemitism. 

"There is store of wisdom among us to found a new Jewish polity, grand, simple, just like the old - a republic where there is equality of protection, an equality which hone like a star on the forehead of [this] ancient community, and gave it more than the brightness of Western freedom amid the despotisms of the East. Then [this] race shall have an organic centre, a heart and brain to watch and guide and execute; the outraged Jew shall have a defence in the court of nations, as the outraged Englishman of America. And the world will gain as Israel gains. For there will be a community in the van of the East which carries the culture and the sympathies of every great nation in its bosom: there will be a land set for a halting-place of enmities, a neutral ground for the East as Belgium is for the West."

– Mary Anne Evans (George Eliot), English writer, novelist and journalist. 1819 – 1880 AD

Eliot, G. (1876): Daniel Deronda. 

(BEWARE: Wilhelm Marr was a notorious anti-Semite, in fact he coined the term)

"An entire Semitic tribe is repeatedly and forcibly taken away from its native country Palestine, led into captivity and finally ‘dispersed’. (…) So it is that the Jews did not come as conquerers with sword in hand. The Romans ‘interned’ them as political prisoners into the Occident. (…) Nothing is more natural than that they responded using their inborn gifts of craftiness and cleverness by forming as “captives” a state within a state, a society within a society. (…) There is no way to deny, that the abstract, money-oriented, haggling mind of the Jews has contributed much to the flourishing of commerce and industry in Germany. (…) Into this confused, clumsy Germanic element penetrated a smooth, crafty, pliable Jewry; with all of its gifts of realism, intellectually well qualified as far as the gift of astuteness is concerned.”

– Wilhelm Marr, Saxonia-Anhaltian/German agitator and publicist. 1819 – 1904 AD

Marr, W. (1879): The Victory of Judaism over Germanism. [Translated by Gerhard Rohringer in 2009]. 

“It was already Saturday. So many Jews on such a day! And how cheerfully and colorfully they are clothed! Now I still see that with so ​much pleasure. The Jewish finery on the shabbat has always attracted me more than the cold, barren reformedness.”

– Eduard Douwes Dekker (Multatuli), Dutch anti-colonialist author. 1820 – 1887 AD

Multatuli (1951): Volledige werken. Deel 2. Brief aan Tine. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

"As long as the world lasts, all who want to make progress in righteousness will come to Israel for inspiration as to the people who had the sense for righteousness most glowing and strongest."

– Matthew Arnold, English poet. 1822 – 1888 AD
Arnold, M. (2013): Delphi Complete Poetical Works of Matthew Arnold. 

“No nation has been able to establish itself, as a nation in Palestine up to this day, no national union and no national spirit have prevailed there. The motley, impoverished tribes which have occupied it have held it as mere tenants at will, temporary landowners, evidently waiting for those entitled to the permanent possession of the soil.”

– John William Dawson, Canadian geologist. 1820 – 1899 AD

Dawson, J.W. (1888): Modern science in Bible lands. 

“The most ancient cosmopolitan people on earth is the Hebrew one. Its puzzling deed, long before Socrates, Seneca and Epictetus, before Alexander, Paul and Marcus Aurelius, was the discovery of the unity of the physical and moral cosmos, or with one word monotheism. The Mosaic Genesis has set up the highest metaphysical term of the human being, namely that he is the likeness of God or the son of God. All humans participate in God’s image, as per the Jewish creation theory, and out of this flows the recognition of the very human values, such as the equality and fraternity of all descendants of Adam.”

– Ferdinand Gregorovius, Prussian/German writer and historian. 1821 – 1891 AD

Rothschild, M. v. (1901): Briefe berühmter christlicher Zeitgenossen über die Judenfrage​. [Translated by C. Nooij.]. 

“Their religion undoubtedly belongs to the noblest and purest religions in the world, and their race is in my opinion the most intelligent and most energetic among all the ​races of the earth. She is going to become ruler of this world and she is going to deserve it.”

– Émile de Laveleye, Belgian economist. 1822 – 1892 AD

Baron, J. L. (1943): Stars and Sand. Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables.​ Page 461.​ 

“I have taken a stand on Zionism in my paper several times already and with determination I have made a case for a Jewish restoration in Palestine to occur. The Christian friends of the Jewish people would rejoice wholeheartedly at its development.”

– Joseph Medill, Scots-Irish-Canadian mayor of Chicago. 1823 – 1899 AD

Correspondenzen. Amerika. In: Die Welt. Nummer 17. Jahrgang 3. 28. April 1899. Page 11. [Translated by C. Nooij.]. 

“Through their courage, their energy, and their heroism, these men [the leaders of the Hebrew people] have not ceased to imbue posterity with admiration. They are the models which great heroes and statesmen have ever kept in view. They have inspired the glorious esthetic creations of which humanity can boast with pride.”

​– Pierre Laffitte, French philosopher and historian. 1823 – 1903 AD

Baron, J. L. (1943): Stars and Sand. Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables.​ Page 123. 

"The history of the Jews includes, just like the history of every people, dark and bright pages, but the toughness of the Jewish character, their tireless diligence, their intelligence and endurance have protected the Jews from a destiny, which a hundred other tribes or peoples would definitely have succumbed to under such unheard-of persecutions. (…) Instead, when they were scattered across the world following the destruction of Jerusalem, they became, through their mobile commercial spirit and their economic genius, one of the most fertile cultural elements in the development of nations.”

– Ludwig Büchner, Hessian/German physicist and philosopher. 1824 – 1899 AD

Rothschild, M. v. (1901): Briefe berühmter christlicher Zeitgenossen über die Judenfrage​. [Translated by C. Nooij.]. 

“Besides the immense service which the Jews rendered to the world in the matter of religion, by converting it to the ​belief in one God, we cannot deny that they have also been of the greatest service to us in the matter of science.”

​– Ernest Renan, French philosopher and historian. 1823 – 1892 AD

Baron, J. L. (1943): Stars and Sand. Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables.​ Page 157. 

“[We hope] that the Armenian aspirations will be realized at the same time as the Jewish people will attain ​the reconstruction of its nationality and the realization of its historic claim to the soil of its ancestors.”

– Boghos Nubar Pasha, Armenian Prime Minister of Egypt. 1825 – 1899 AD

Sokolow, N. (1919): History of Zionism. 1600-1918. 

“[During the Hungarian Independence War] the Hebrew race sacrificed its own blood, its own self, and its very soul upon the altar of the defense of legal freedom. In this way the Hebrew race acted, unique in that only the Jews were not granted equal civil rights among the millions in our homeland.”

​– Mór Jókai, Hungarian dramatist and novelist. 1825 – 1904 AD

Herczl, M.Y. (1995): Christianity and the Holocaust of Hungarian Jewry. 

“[We experience] the profound significance of the history of Israel, that through its experiences and trials it was led to an ever deeper and purer conception of the deity. Alone among the nations of antiquity, the Jews possessed a history which strove to recognize in earthly events the rule of a moral order of the universe.”

​– Oskar Peschel, Saxon/German geographer and anthropologist. 1826 – 1875 AD

Baron, J. L. (1943): Stars and Sand. Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables.​ Page 57. 

“The history of the Jews after the destruction of the Jewish State and the scattering of the Jewish people aceoss the earth was already a puzzle to me in my earliest youth, as well as a miracle. With genuine horror I heard, as a child, of the ghastly persecution of Jews during the Middle Ages, of the appalling brutality and barbarism, which the Christians carried out against Jews in retaliation for impossible crimes that are only believable to the most foolish dullness and blindest prejudice. When I saw now, how men, in whom my young heart honored the noblest and bravest pioneers of liberty - a Börne, a Johann Jacoby - were Jews, this adoration was involuntarily transfered onto their race. Even if there was some superficial enthousiasm involved in this, even the mellower criticism had to bow before the fact, that for the good and freedom of mankind, for the arts, literature, science, more has been achieved by the Jews in proportion to their numbers, than by any other people. Early on, I already explained this phenomenon with the fact that the 'struggle for existence', which has been aggravated by two millennia of oppression, has exceedingly sharpened the spiritual skills of the Jews, and forced the more powerful spirits, which did allow themselves to be bended, to be broken, into a revolutionary struggle against oppression and injustice. (...) Whenever Jews are accused of 'usury', it always occurs to me that, while during my life, good and friendly things have been done unto me by Jews, the only usurer that ever got his hands on me and caused me many a fearful hour, was a good Christian, an exemplary human of protestant faith, who went to church twice every Sunday.”

​– Wilhelm Liebknecht, Hessian/German member of the Reichstag (SPD). 1826 – 1875 AD

Dr. Bloch's oesterreichische Wochenschrift 20 (1903) 5 (30.1.1903). Seite 70. [Translated by C. Nooij].

“The resettlement of the Jews in Palestine would be in accordance with the promises made by the ancient prophets. (…) I am convinced of the earnestness of the longing which the poor oppressed Israelite feels for the re-establishment of his nation in the land of his fathers.”

– William Holman Hunt, English painter. 1827 – 1910 AD

The Jewish Chronicle (1896): Mr. Holman Hunt on the Resettlement of Jews in Palestine.​ 

“Palestine [is] the country made over by God to the glorious people of which you have the honour of being a member. (…) I also hope that you will likewise acquaint me with the names and addresses of persons in England, whom you may believe inclined to sympathise with the moral and economical re-constitution of the ancient patrimony of the Hebrews; for our work, supported by the greatest and most aristocratic names among Christians, sympathises not the less, nay, before all, with the Israelites, whose rights to Palestine are superior to all others.”

– Henri Dunant, Swiss founder of Red Cross. 1828 – 1910 AD

Sokolow, N. (1919): History of Zionism. 1600-1918. 

"The [Zionist] movement is of significance and requires strong support. Unfortunately the

governments don’t have the right understanding of this matter, but it should develop gradually.”

– Frederick I, Grand Duke of Baden. 1826 – 1907 AD

Hoppe, H. (1904): Hervorragende Nichtjuden über den Zionismus. Eine Sammlung von Urteilen hervorragender Persönlichkeiten aller Länder. [Translarted by C. Nooij]. 

“The Jewish nation [is] the nobility of the human race. How has it ​preserved itself isolated, poetical despite all the barbarity from without?”

– Henrik Ibsen, Norwegian playwright and poet. 1828 – 1906 AD

Ibsen, H. (2017): The Correspondence of Henrik Ibsen. 

"The idea itself is natural, fine and just. Who can challenge the rights of the Jews in Palestine? Good Lord, historically it is really your country. What a wonderful spectacle that will be when a people as resourceful as the Jews will once again be an independent nation, honored and complacent, able to make its contribution to needy humanity in the field of morals, as in the past."

– Yousef al-Khalidi, Arab mayor of Ottoman Jerusalem. 1829 – 1907 AD

Middle East Institute (1987): The Jerusalem Quarterly. Numbers 41-44. 

“In contemporary Judaism lies simultaniously: extreme resilience of the strongest possible tradition, the most loyal devotion to the faith of the fathers along with the boldest critical ingeniousness in the analysis of all modern things; at the same time also a cosmopolitan spirit, which enables a fraternisation between Jews in Rumania and the coreligionists in New-York, along with national coloration, through which the Jew in Galicia, Poland or Morocco is distinguished from the Jew in Amsterdam, Brussels and Cologne, i.e. a cosmopolitan racial moment on an Israelite historical basis and a modern mixture with contemporary national-governmental factors; at the same time also economical superpower status in the industrial calculation of production and consumption [and] in the domination of the international finance market at the stockmarket.”

– Franz von Holtzendorff, Brandenburgian/German jurist. 1829 – 1889 AD

Rothschild, M. v. (1901): Briefe berühmter christlicher Zeitgenossen über die Judenfrage​. [Translated by C. Nooij.]. 

(BEWARE: John of Kronstadt was also a notorious Jew-hater)

“The Mosaic doctrine shows itself in all its splendour within the sermon of love of man and neighbor. Nothing, which could arouse in the Jew’s heart love and compassion for his fellow men, has neglected ​this doctrine. That alone should account for the absurdity of the Blood Libel.”

– Saint John of Kronstadt, Russian mystic. 1829 – 1908 AD 

Der Wunderpriester Johann von Kronstadt. In: Israelitisches Familienblatt. Nr. 8 (21.2.1900). Seite 3. [Translated by C. Nooij].

"I understand it entirely, if the Jews, especially those who feel oppressed by the state or society, associate themselves with the aspirations of Zionism and expect the ​foundation of their own Jewish state to deliver them from various unpleasant situations."

– Dagobert von Gerhardt, Silesian/German writer. 1831 – 1910 AD
Hoppe, H. (1904): Hervorragende Nichtjuden über den Zionismus. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“The most magnificent fruit of Judaism is their ever ready devotion to charity. Never, never did my Jewish friends close their hand or curtail their contribution when I solicited for humane purposes; never did they make us pay for what we had done to them. And I have become convinced that the command of the divine Master has been followed by them in the finest and purest sense, the command which ordains, ‘Bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you.’ (Matthew 5:44)"

​– Ludwig Noiré, Palatine/German philosopher, teacher and scholar. 1829 – 1889 AD

Baron, J. L. (1943): Stars and Sand. Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables.​ Page 61. 

(BEWARE: Gascoyne-Cecil was also a notorious Jew-hater)

“The Jews have the ability to establish an exemplary regiment in Palestine and to bring the commerce of Asia Minor to an unprecedented level. (…) In the race, which has withstood a 2000 ​year old pressure, there is enough energy and endurance present to fulfill the goals set by Zionism.”

– Duke Robert Gascoyne-Cecil of Salisbury, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. 1830 – 1903 AD

Hoppe, H. (1904): Hervorragende Nichtjuden über den Zionismus. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“I am firmly convinced that the Jewish people will, if in possession of Palestine, considering its unusual talent and astounding energy of mind there, at a place which was once bustling with the commercial life of the Phoenicians, establish a powerful and rich state. And it will come to pass, I strongly believe so: that people shall not perish, which has managed to preserve its ideals under a terrible oppression for thousands of years.”

– Daniil Mordovtsev, Ukrainian historian. 1830 – 1905 AD

Russische Schriftsteller über den Zionismus. In: Die Welt. Nummer 35. Jahrgang 6. 29. August 1902. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

"The Jew is that sacred being who has brought down from heaven the everlasting fire, and has illumined with it the entire world. He is the religious source, spring, and fountain out of which all the rest of the peoples have drawn their beliefs and their religions. The Jew is the pioneer of liberty. (...) The Jew is the pioneer of civilization. Ignorance was condemned in olden Palestine more even than it is today in civilized Europe. (...) The Jew is the emblem of civil and religious toleration. 'Love the stranger and the sojourner', Moses commands, 'because you have been strangers in the land of Egypt.'"

– Leo Tolstoy, Russian novelist and philosopher. 1831 – 1902 AD

Tolstoy, L. (1891): What is a Jew? 

“The expulsion of the Jews was the greatest outrage committed against our country, an unpardonable crime against the future of our nation. With the Moors, culture was banished, and with the Jews, industry, commerce, all the means of civic welfare. To this suicidal madness we owe the unspeakable misery of our people.”

​– Manuel Ruiz Zorrilla, Prime Minister of Spain. 1833 – 1895 AD

Bahr, H. (2013): Antisemitismus. Ein internationales Interview. Page 124. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“I follow the [Zionist] movement with the greatest of interest, I expect from it the very best, for the

Jews and for all of us. After all, the fact that a people seeks to reclaim its native soil after two millennia of absence through the fruits of its labor, ranks among the greatest moral impulses of all times.”

– Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, Norwegian writer. 1832 – 1910 AD

Hoppe, H. (1904): Hervorragende Nichtjuden über den Zionismus. [Translated by C. Nooij.]. 

"Both Jews and Africans are children of endurance and suffering
(...) allied by a history almost identical, of sorrow and oppression."

– Edward Wilmot Blyden, Americo-Liberian educator and politician. 1832 – 1912 AD

Blyden, E.W. (1898): The Jewish Question Page 3.

“Into faraway land, across the sea, let thyself be sent, scattered aborigines with your sharp features. There mayest thou gather thyself robustly, in order to undo thy destiny’s dark curse. Then thou wilst plough the ancient soil of the partiarchs with weaned hands. (...) Transform shalt thou under slender palms, as once, when Rachel became Jacob’s reward, and smoke thy offering unto Jehovah. And once more a king sings deeply glowing psalms to the golden harp, and begets wise Solomons unto posterity.”

– Ferdinand von Saar, Austrian poet. 1833 – 1906 AD

Saar, F. von (1905): Gedichte. Judaea in: Die Stimme der Wahrheit. Jahrbuch für wissenschaftlichen Zionismus (1906). [Translated by C. Nooij.]. 

(BEWARE: Charles Eliot was also a notorious Jew-hater)

“The Jewish race has, despite living in exile and the persecutions suffered all over, constantly reached a high stage of spiritual and worldly culture. In many generations education was among the Jews at a higher level than among the ​Christians. The time shall come, when the university (in Jerusalem) will achieve great things in all sciences and arts.”

– Charles W. Eliot, American President of Harvard University. 1834 – 1926 AD

New York Times (1924): Dr. Eliot urges Jews to uphold Traditions. 

“In our neighboring country Sweden, the Jews are, as a general rule, held in high regard, not just as diligent and undertaking people, but also as honest, peaceful and intelligent fellow ​citizens; in the Swedish world of science, a name does not sound any less good if it is Jewish.”

– Lorentz Dietrichson, Norwegian poet and historian. 1834 – 1917 AD  

"I’ve been tracking the Zionist movement with lively sympathy since its beginning, approve of their achievements by all means and would greet the realisation of these thoughts as highly beneficial for the Jews, for Palestine and for the Gentiles in Europe."

– Felix Dahn, German historian from Hamburg. 1834 – 1912 AD

Hoppe, H. (1904): Hervorragende Nichtjuden über den Zionismus. Eine Sammlung von Urteilen hervorragender Persönlichkeiten aller Länder. [Translated by C. Nooij.]. 

“If the statistics are right, the Jews constitute but one per cent of the human race. It suggests a nebulous dim puff of star-dust lost in the blaze of the Milky Way. Properly the Jew ought hardly to be heard of; but he is heard of, has always been heard of. He is as prominent on the planet as any other people, and his commercial importance is extravagantly out of proportion to the smallness of his bulk. His contributions to the world's list of great names in literature, science, art, music, finance, medicine, and abstruse learning are also way out of proportion to the weakness of his numbers. (...) The Egyptian, the Babylonian, and the Persian rose, filled the planet with sound and splendor, then faded to dream-stuff and passed away; the Greek and the Roman followed; and made a vast noise, and they are gone; other people have sprung up and held their torch high for a time, but it burned out, and they sit in twilight now, or have vanished. The Jew saw them all, beat them all, and is now what he always was, exhibiting no decadence, no infirmities of age, no weakening of his parts, no slowing of his energies, no dulling of his alert and aggressive mind.” 

– Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain), American author from Florida. 1835 – 1910 AD

Twain, M. (1899): Concerning the Jews. In: Harper's. 

"Anthropologically considered, the Jews are one of the most interesting subjects. For no other race type can be traced back through tens of centuries with the same certainty as the Jews, and no other race type presents such permanent forms, no other has so well resisted the influence of time and the influence of its environment."

 – Richard Andree, German geographer from Brunswick. 1835 – 1912 AD

Kautsky, K. (1914): Are the Jews a Race?. Chapter V. 

"We Gentiles owe our life to Israel. It is Israel who has brought us the message  that God is one, and that God is a just and righteous God, and demands  righteousness of his children. It is Israel that has brought us the message that  God is our Father. It is Israel who, in bringing us the divine law, has laid the  foundation of liberty. It is Israel who had the first free institutions the world ever saw. When our own unchristian prejudices flame out against the Jewish people, let us remember that all that we have and all that we are we owe, under God, to what Judaism has given us."

– Lyman Abbott, American theologian. 1835 – 1922 AD

Rhinehart, W.R. (1906): Religious Telescope. Volume 72. 

(BEWARE: Lutostansky was also a notorious Jew-hater)

“Their right place is in their former kingdom of Palestine. (…) Russia would make any

sacrifice to help the Jews settle in Palestine and form an autonomous State of their own.“

​– Hippolytus Lutostansky, Russian priest of Polish ethnicity. 1835 – 1915 AD

Bernstein, H. (1911): Ritual murder libel encouraged by Russian court. 

“I only know and worship one culture, and that’s the culture of the soil and therefore I am an enthousiastic supporter of the Zionist endeavours, which aspire to bring the God-anointed, ancient nation of Hebrews back to its original destination.”

– Georg Schweinfurth, Baltic-German botanist and traveler. 1836 – 1925 AD 

[Translated by C. Nooij].

“The Jews were the very best people in the world when our Lord came to earth, possessing the purest morality, honoring the family as it was honored by no other nation. We ought to keep it before our children that Jesus himself was a Jew; that all the apostles were Jews; that Christianity was planted in Asia and in Europe by Jews.”

– Washington Gladden, American pastor. 1836 – 1918 AD

Cowen, P. (1928): Prejudice Against the Jew. 

“From the belief that God was the only law-giver, it was but a step to the conviction that the national life was to be absolutely regulated by the divine will. (…) It is a proof of the intense vitality of the Jewish people that they did not, like the surrounding communities, succumb to the oppression of foreign political domination. Their energy came from, or was in closest union with, their consciousness of possession of highest truth and their hope of a brilliant future.”

​– Crawford Howell Toy, American Hebraist. 1836 – 1919 AD

Cohen, N.W. (1990): Essential Papers on Jewish-Christian Relations in the United States. 

"No foreign nation can truly possess Palestine, and therefore the Crusades failed. The country remains a mournful ruin and waste place. Century after century. The Jews, the Israelites alone, can possess Palestine, God has declared that. (…) But first of all, the banned Israel must return to the country. (…) The Jewish people is the miracle among the nations, into which it did not merge despite a two-thousand-year-old ordeal. (…) Palestine awaits the Jews. The Jewish colonies of Palestine distinguish themselves from the rest of the country, as do oases from the desert.”

– Father Ignatius, English monk. 1837 – 1908 AD

Hoppe, H. (1904): Hervorragende Nichtjuden über den Zionismus. Eine Sammlung von Urteilen hervorragender Persönlichkeiten aller Länder. [Translated by C. Nooij.]. 

“Israel among the peoples is and remains a providential miracle for those who believe in the prophecies, an unsolvable mystery for those who reject them. (…) The agricultural college at Jaffa shows within how short a time they can be turned into decent farmers, and the Jewish settlements that I visited in Palestine provided me with the fortunate evidence, that the Jews, at least those from the East, can return to their ancient lifestyle very easily. As an agricultural people, Israel has been great; the Diaspora and the Ghetto have transformed the Jew into a finely honed, commercial money man; return him to the nature, and the nature will work her miracles for him.”

– Abraham Kuyper, Prime Minister of the Netherlands. 1837 – 1920 AD

Kuyper, A. (1907): Om de oude wereldzee. Deel 1. Het joodsche probleem.​ [Translated by C. Nooij.]. 

“My personal sympathies have drawn and draw me towards Jewry, and not just because it represents a suffering social class, but also by act of the moral that inheres in them. (…) I can’t speak of Zionism without expressing my sympathy either though. Creating a social circle within which freedom of conscience will prevail, and consequently also freedom of speech, freedom to work and freedom of lifestyle, creating such a general human social circle which would be fulfilled by the idea of equality and tolerance, that´s such a beautiful goal, that one must be captivated by it, regardless of how difficult and far away its realization may be. (…) I believe that Zionism has a future, a good and secure future…”

– Nikolai Bunakov, Russian pedagogue. 1837 – 1904 AD

Hoppe, H. (1904): Hervorragende Nichtjuden über den Zionismus. [Translated by C. Nooij.]. 

“While those around them were groveling in the darkness of besotted ignorance; while juggling miracles and lying relics were the themes on which all Europe was expatiating; while the intellect of Christendom, enthralled by countless superstitions, had sunk into a deadly torpor, in which all love of enquiry and all search for truth were abandoned, the Jews were still pursuing the path of knowledge, amassing learning, and stimulating progress with the same unflinching constancy that they manifested in their faith. They were the most skilful physicians, the ablest financiers, and among the most profound philosophers; while they were only second to the Moors in the cultivation of natural science."

– W. E. H. Lecky, Irish historian and political theorist. 1838 – 1903 AD

Lecky, W.E.H. (1865): History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe. Vol. II. Page 282. 

“For years past, and especially since my visit to Palestine in 1914, I have been in cordial sympathy with the movement for re-establishing the Jewish population in its ancient home (...) which will, I hope, take practical shape in measures to be put through after the war is over. It will be a great benefit to the Jewish race everywhere to have this ancient home to look to as the centre of its national life. (...) We peoples of the West are mere mushroom creatures of yesterday compared with you [Jews]. (...) [They] are its natural inhabitants and who have never been shaken in their loyal devotion to the old memories.”

– James Bryce, Scottish/British Ambassador to the USA (Liberal). 1838 – 1922 AD

Sokolow, N. (1919): History of Zionism. 1600-1918.

Emden, P.H. (1944): Jews of Britain. A Series of Biographies. Page 277. 

"The greatest puzzle is that this people has played its role in the world for 2000 years already, and yet hasn't perished like all the other peoples, that it has rather doubled itself over time and has preserved itself amid the greatest misery. And the answer to this puzzle can be found in the fact that this people has the purest morality, and has always been hopeful to unitedly reattain its deserved position as a reunited nation. (...) If a nation with such a glorious historical past voluntarily surrenders its national aspirations, it would be tantamous with national sacrifice. They have not only the right, but also the duty, to fight for the restoration of their national sovereignty. Zionism is not a mere dream. History gives other examples of the rebirth and revitalization of dead nations, and why should this not be possible in the case of such a richly furnished people as the Jews?”

​– Carl Friedrich Heman, Palatine/German pastor and professor. 1839 – 1919 AD

Hoppe, H. (1904): Hervorragende Nichtjuden über den Zionismus. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“Who could deprive those among their coreligionists, whose hearts are drawn to the ancient home and dwelling of their fathers, of the right to have this natural feeling? The practical thought seems just as commendable to me. (…) I believe that both the Jews of the East as well as those of the West would benefit morally and religiously from it. However, the, to an extent public, life which is established there would also exercise an exemplary influence on the bulk of their countrymen, who stayed behind in their current places of residence, and would thus also have morally deepening effects on them in any case.“

– Martin Greif, Palatine/German poet. 1839 – 1911 AD

Hoppe, H. (1904): Hervorragende Nichtjuden über den Zionismus. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“Zion is not yet lost. Whoever hears pious Jews wailing at Zion’s walls, his heart will beat with pity for the deeply afflicted. And with the wish of those who whimper there, and with those who weep there for noble Jerusalem, he will identify himself, that the people of Patriarchs, the people of sublime seers, that the people of the great sufferers and of the brave Maccabees, that has known for a millennium its one God, may, by Jehovah’s mercy, once again live in Zion. Zion's name was the hope that sweetened his misery; Zion is his eternal guiding star and his mannah in the desert.”

– Johannes Fastenrath, Rhenish/German author. 1839 – 1908 AD

Winz, Leo (1903): Ost und West. Heft 6. Juni 1903. III. Jahrg. Page 415. [Translated by C. Nooij.]. 

"Let this be done with the avowed intention of gradually introducing the Jew, pure and simple, who is eventually to occupy and govern this country. Let the Jew find his way into its army, its law, its diplomatic service. Let him superintend the farming and work himself on the farms. I do not say let him find his way into the mercantile community, into the trade, for he is there already. Let this continue until the end of twenty years, the Jewish principality may stand by itself hither under the suzerainty of Stamboul, if Turkey still exists as a whole, or else as a separate kingdom, guaranteed by great powers."

– Sir Charles Warren, British general. 1840 – 1927 AD

Holt, Rinehart & Winston (1983): The High Walls of Jerusalem. A History of the Balfour Declaration and the Birth of the British Mandate for Palestine. 

"The general law of dereliction does not apply to the Jews in regard to Palestine, for they never abandoned the land. They made no treaty; they did not even surrender. They simply succumbed, after the most desperate conflict, to the overwhelming power of the Romans. (…) According to God's distribution of nations it is their home, an inalienable possession from which they were expelled by force. Under their cultivation it was a remarkably fruitful land, sustaining millions of Israelites, who industriously tilled its hillsides and valleys. They were agriculturalists and producers as well as a nation of great commercial importance – the centre of civilization and religion. Let us now restore them to the land of which they were so cruelly despoiled by our Roman ancestors."

– William Eugene Blackstone, American evangelist. 1841 – 1935 AD

Blackstone, W.E. (1891): May the United States Intercede for the Jews? Our Day. Volume VIII. No. 46. 

“The Chinese and the Jews have always been friends and not enemies. Both have been persecuted and despised at any rate, a considerable degree of prejudice has existed against both. Prejudice grows out of ignorance of facts and is the result of narrow-mindedness. If this prejudice were shown on account of vices or weaknesses, it would be justified; but it is not for these reasons. The Jews and Chinese are despised not on account of their vices – though they may have some – but on account of their virtues, on account of their industry, economy, perseverance, thrift and business ability... Instead of being angry, let us be thankful for this prejudice, because it is evidence of our possession of superior qualities. It makes us more careful and stimulates us.”

​– Wu Tingfang, Chinese Foreign Minister. 1842 – 1922 AD

Baron, J. L. (1943): Stars and Sand. Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables.​ Page 369. 

“Until you can bring me a statesman more comprehensive in view and more diligent in detail than Moses, until you can bring me poets more spiritual than David and him who wrote Job, until you can bring me a lover more pure or a mystic more rapt than John, until you can bring me a man more dear and friendly and helpful and strong and human and Christly than Jesus do not speak to me slightingly of the Jew. And now, to gather together these people from the four ends of the earth, to rehabilitate them in their thousand-fold consecrated home after so many ages of wandering, to re-make them into a homogeneous nation at once the newest and the oldest upon the earth, to endow the nineteenth century with that prodigious momentum which all the old Jewish fervor and spirituality and tenacity would acquire in the backward spring from such long ages of restraint and oppression, and with the mighty accumulation of cosmopolitan experiences; the bare suggestion would seem enough to stir the blood of the most ungentle Gentile.”

– Sidney Lanier, American musician, poet and author. 1842 – 1881 AD

Baron, J. L. (1943): Stars and Sand. Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables.​ Page 431-433. 

“We are only too apt to forget that it is to this despised race that we owe one priceless treasure, the book of books, the Bible, in which scarce out of infancy we were taught to read and which remains our chief comfort throughout life. In it the highest wisdom stands revealed in so noble a form, truth and poetry are blended together to such perfect harmony, the result is a masterpiece whose like no other literature in the whole world can match. (…) As to the historic books of the Old Testament, their simplicity and directness are a strong testimony in favor of the veracity of the writers; and I was much struck once by the suggestive remark of a Jew of high culture.”

​– Elisabeth zu Wied, Queen of Romania. 1843 – 1916 AD

Sylva, C. (1911): From Memory's Shrine. [Translated by Edith Hopkirk]. 

“Israel continues to resemble quick-silver, that strange, liquid metal, whose restless globules run in all directions without mingling with anything they touch, but reunite in large masses as soon as they meet again. (...) It was in vain that we locked them up for several hundred years behind the walls of the Ghetto. No sooner were their prison gates unbarred, then they easily caught up with us, even on those paths which we opened up without their aid. (...) There can be no doubt that the Jews, the so-called Semites, have given proportionately more men of talent to our Aryan civilisation than the so-called Aryans themselves. The chance of discovering a distinguished man, a scholar, or artist, among a thousand Western Jews is three or four times as good as among a thousand Englishmen, French, or Germans.”

​– Anatole Leroy-Beaulieu, French publicist and historian. 1842 – 1912 AD

Leroy-Beaulieu, A. (1895): Israel Among the Nations. [Translated by Frances Hellman]. 

"The poor should formally yearn for a home which does not torment them and does not just feignedly tolerate them, and thirst for patrimonial-peaceful soil. (...) The Jews however will also be more devoted to trade than production in Palestine, but there they would be – as once did the Phoenicians – in the right place to carry out commerce between the Orient and the Occident."

– Peter Rosegger, Styrian/Austrian writer and poet. 1843 - 1918 AD

Kaufmann, M.W. (1900): Zionisten und Christen. Page 98. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

"The resourcefulness of the modern Jews, both in mind and soul, is extraordinary. (...) The Jews, however, are beyond all doubt the strongest, toughest, and purest race at present living in Europe; they know how to succeed even under the worst conditions (in fact better than under favorable ones) by means of virtues of some sort - which one would like nowadays to label as vices - owing above all to a resolute faith which does not need to be ashamed before modern idea. (...) It is certain that the Jew, if he desired - or if they were driven to it, as the antisemites seem to wish - could now have the ascendancy, nay, literally the supremacy, over Europe; that they are not working or planning for that end is equally sure."

– Friedrich Nietzsche, Saxon-Anhaltian/German philosopher. 1844 – 1900 AD

Gould, A. (1997): What did they think of the Jews?. Page 208. 

“[Palestine] will develop day by day now, in industry, in commerce, in agriculture, under an enlightened government. Up to the present the people of this country were like lost sheep. Now they have found their shepherd. (…) For the present I think a neutral government like the British administration would be best. A Jewish government might come later. (…) The Zionists should make it clear that their principle is to elevate all the people here and to develop the country for all its inhabitants. This land must be developed, according to the promises of the prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah and Zachariah. If they come in such a spirit they will not fail.”

– `Abdu'l-Bahá, Bahá’í leader from Persia. 1844 – 1921 AD

Bahai News Service (1911): Star of the West. Volume 10. Issue 10. 

“As a Christian, I also believe in the Jewish national movement, known as 'Zionism’, for according to the Bible, indeed according to the ancient Hebrew prophets themselves, a ‘Jewish state’ is supposed to emerge in Palestine once more, and as it seems to me, judging by the signs of the times, the Jews will very soon be in possession of their own dear home in the ancient, God-given fatherland.” 

– William Hechler, Anglo-Indian Anglican clergyman, writer and Zionist. 1845 – 1931 AD

Rosenberger, E. (1959): Herzl as I Remember Him. Page 54. 

“It would be a deed of justice and of reparation to assist, by the protection of the Allied Powers, in the renaissance of the Jewish nationality in that land from which the people of Israel were exiled so many centuries ago. The French Government, which entered this present war to defend a people wrongfully attacked, and which continues the struggle to assure the victory of right over might, can but feel sympathy for your cause, the triumph of which is bound up with that of the Allies. I am happy to give you herewith such assurance.”

– Jules Cambon, French Ambassador to the USA. 1845 – 1935 AD

Friedman, I. (1973): The Question of Palestine. Page 162. 

How should the Zionists, seeing as they preserve reverence unto their fathers, lack Christian friends? After all, reverence is paramount for human feelings. I myself have always considered the Jews to be a nation. The Jewish blood is one of the strongest and, in the case of mixed marriages, its racial characteristics are passed on to the grandchildren. And, if you proudly affirm their nationhood, I should be as foolish as to under-appreciate you for that reason. On the contrary! (…) So, once more, I am delighted by this Jewish movement and by the many beautiful things it has yielded.”

– Carl von Torresani, Austrian officer and novelist. 1846 – 1907 AD

Kaufmann, M.W. (1900): Zionisten und Christen. Page 123-124. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

Whether the Jewish State, which is looking forward to its reestablishment, is in spiritual and cultural regard desirable for the other nations, is irrelevant for the global historic process, for it enforces itself in the holy necessity of the Jewish independent existence. Like every people, the Jewish one, too, must have its place in the sun, its national center. (...) Zionism is a powerful spring of love following a centennial winter. This hibernation of the Jewish idea of people and state and their blossoming in Zionism is purely biologically one of the most astonishing phenomena of human history. Morally and culturally, Zionism brilliantly confirms which eternal values rest within the secret of the blood and within the abiding faith in its purity as racial phenomena."

– Michael Georg Conrad, Franconian/German philosopher. 1846 – 1927 AD

Conrad, M. G. (1919): Judentum und Judenstaat. In: Wiener Morgenzeitung. 1. Jahrgang. Nr. 255. 5. Oktober 1919. [Translated by C. Nooij.].

Hoppe, H. (1904): Hervorragende Nichtjuden über den Zionismus. Page 18. [Translated by C. Nooij.]. 

“We forget, or rather we do not wish to know, that as a man, our Lord was a Jew, the epitome par excellence of the Jewish nature, the Lion of Judah; that His Mother was a Jewess, the flower of the Jewish race; that the apostles were Jews, along with all the prophets; finally, that our whole liturgy is based on Jewish books. How, then, can we express the enormity of the outrage and the blasphemy involved in vilifying the Jewish race?"

– Léon Bloy, French author and poet. 1846 – 1917 AD

Rappaport, S. (1980): Jew and Gentile. The Philo-Semitic Aspect. Page 88. 

“I came from Russia as a convinced adherent of the Zionist movement, of the repatriation of those Jews in Russia and other countries who want to return to the homeland of their race. There is no hope that the Russian people or the government would ever grant the Jews political rights. (…) It can’t reasonably be expected from the other countries of Europe or from America that they would open their doors for the immigration of 1 – 2 million poor Jewish laborers. The homeland Palestine offers them a shelter and perhaps a limited autonomy under Turkish suzerainty.”

– Mícheál Mac Dáibhéid (Michael Davitt), Irish nationalist leader. 1846 – 1906 AD

Hoppe, H. (1904): Hervorragende Nichtjuden über den Zionismus. Page 63. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“[Herzl and Zangwill] love the country of their fathers and they love their race. I love mine. Why should the holiest feeling cherished by the human chest, be less holy in the case of the children of that tribe, which was the early Church? ‘Help us resettle the vanishing crowds of our brothers in Palestine!’ is the calling of Herzl and Zangwill to the financial kings of their race. The Christian spectator must confirm the seriousness of the crisis and cannot remain unaffected by the nature of any such plea.”

– Frank Hugh O'Donnell, Irish nationalist. 1846 – 1916 AD

Ein irischer Führer über den Zionismus. In: Die Welt. Nummer 20. Jahrgang 6. 16. Mai 1902. [Translated by C. Nooij] 

(BEWARE: Von Hindenburg appointed Adolph Hitler as his Chancellor)

“The Jewish people have given to humanity some of its greatest men. Germany is proud to have among its citizens a scholar of the calibre of Prof. Einstein. I do not need to tell you that in Germany your race has a significant share in the development of the German culture. Informed as I am of the multiple activities of the Jewish race, familiar with their history and coming in contact with the outstanding representatives of your race, I fully appreciate the part Jews play in Germany and all over the world in the advancement of humanity toward a better world.”

​– Paul von Hindenburg, Prussian/German President of the German Reich. 1847 – 1934 AD

Gould, A. (1997): What did they think of the Jews?. Page 210. 

“So long as anti-Semitism maintains the wretched view that half a million human beings of a different race can oppress fifty millions of our brethren, so long will the healthy, vigorous, and right-minded person see in the whole movement only the expression of an un-Christian mentality that wishes to saddle its own guilt for our deplorable conditions upon a defenseless minority.”

​– Moritz von Egidy, Hessian/German officer, philosopher and Christian reformer. 1847 – 1998 AD

Baron, J. L. (1943): Stars and Sand. Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables. Page 300. 

"It is very understandable to me that within the better Jews lives the dark longing for building up the great memories of the past and for building an empire on the site of their great history in Palestine. (…) It would be without precedent in history that a people, which is scattered entirely, regains a national state through moral elevation.”

– Otto von Leixner, Moravian/Austrian historian. 1847 – 1907 AD

Hoppe, H. (1904): Hervorragende Nichtjuden über den Zionismus. Page 26. [Translated by C. Nooij.]. 

"We have no prejudice against the Arabs; the sons of Ismael are hardly of less noble origin as the sons of Israel. But as a national economist I am obligated to conclude that since about twelve centuries, since the Arabs hold the Kingdom of David in their possession, they have allowed it to decay. (...) If brought before the judgment seat of history, a sentence of expropriation on grounds of the common good would be justified. But the Zionists do not demand this expropriation at all; in contrary, they are prepared to show the Arabs how to bring the land to higher culture. (...) When the Jews lived in their country, they were undoubtedly good farmers and made the most out of what the Judean soil could give them. (...) Wherever they were allowed to own land, in America and even in Galicia, they understood quite well how to practise agriculture. (...) In any case they are working on this with success in Palestine. (...) To me, as a descendant of the Huguenots, who were raised with the Bible, Palestine is a holy land, and my heart beats faster at the thought that it is renewing itself, after it has been abandoned by its children for 1900 years."

– Charles Gide, French economist. 1847 – 1932 AD

Gide, C. (1924): Die zionistische Kolonisation. Aus dem Französischen übersetzt von Walter Fischel. In: Der Jude, Jahr 8, Heft 3. Page 129-136. [Translated by C. Nooij] 

Brief aus Palästina, den 17. Juli 1923. In: Wiener Morgenzeitung 5. Heft 1599. Seite 2. [Translated by C. Nooij] 

“Zionists are those Jewish patriots, who see a nation in their people and who might place the Jewish national sentiments above the religious ones. The Zionists want to enhance their nation materially and morally. (…) The Zionists’ goal of enhancing their people is noble; the means, based on offertory, are clever, and the settlement of the Jewish masses from the countries supersaturated with Jews is praiseworthy. (…) In general, I find the proposals of the Zionists so reasonable and honest, albeit divergent and difficult to achieve, that I have the sincerest sympathy for their originator. Yeah, just work on the recovery of your ancient fatherland, on the delight and ennoblement of your people, on its salvation from the hatred of other peoples!”

– Bolesław Prus, Polish writer and journalist. 1847 – 1912 AD

Kaufmann, M.W. (1900): Zionisten und Christen. Page 87. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“Here we start with a pure race of unusual intellectual vigor and power, the Jews, long thrown by circumstances into an environment which has brought out many of  their faculties in a very high degree. They are the oldest civilized race now remaining on earth; they are artistic, musical, literary, exceptionally philosophic, and hereditarily cultivated.” 

– Grant Allen, Canadian author and novelist. 1848 - 1899 AD

D. Appleton (1884): The Popular Science Monthly. Volume 24. 

“Since a long time, I am a convinced Zionist and in this quality of mine I appear before you here. But even in the most sanguine moments of my Zionist thinking, I have never anticipated or thought of the possibility that the great work of building up Palestine would become a reality so soon, or that I would even be able to witness it myself. (...) The Arabs (...) can't possibly be upset over the fact that the Jews are given a nest in Palestine, from whence they had been separated for centuries, for the Jewish people is certainly entitled to freely develop themselves on the soil of their ancestors. (...) If Zionism can be developed into a working scheme, the benefit it would bring to the Jewish people - especially perhaps to that section of it which most deserves our pity - would be great and lasting. It is not merely that large numbers of them would thus find a refuge from religious and social persecution; but they would bear corporate responsibilities, and enjoy corporate opportunities of a kind which, from the nature of the case, they can never possess as citizens of any non-Jewish state."

– Arthur James Balfour, Scottish Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. 1848 – 1930 AD

Wiener Morgenzeitung. Volume 2. Heft 537 des 21.7.1920. Page 3. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

Sokolow, N. (1919): History of Zionism. 1600-1918. 

“It’s one of the most extraordinary things in the history of the world that a nation like yours, one in religion, one by blood, one in your sacred language, decidedly a nation, should yet be a people; which really has a national country known and recognised by all the world. It is known that Palestine is the home of the Jew (...) which should be made into a West Asian Switzerland, and who have more right than the ancient race to which it belonged? (...) None are better fitted to carry out these improvements and to direct the present population in agriculture, than the descendants of the ancient conquerors who made hewers of wood and drawers of water of the aboriginal population. The energy, industry and tact, which are so remarkable in the Jewish character, are qualities invaluable in a country whose inhabitants have sunk into fatalistic indolence. (…) I most sincerely believe that in the time of the present generation you will become a people, scattered no doubt all over the world, but with a home you can turn to as the home of the race, or you will be swallowed up in the nations among whom you dwell and there will be no Israel at all."

– Claude R. Conder, English/British explorer, lieutenant and antiquarian. 1848 – 1910 AD

Hyamson, A.M. (1918): Restoration of Jews to Palestine. Page 143.

Gordon, B.L. (1919): New Judea. Jewish Life in Modern Palestine and Egypt. Page 30. 

“I am in favour of the establishment in Palestine of a National Home for the Jewish people, and sincerely trust the policy will be successfully carried out.”

– Alexander Bruce, Scottish/British Secretary for Scotland. 1849 – 1921 AD

Sokolow, N. (1919): History of Zionism. 1600-1918. 

“Aside from the religious and philantropic grounds that justify Zionism, the human point of view demands the restoration ​of the Jews to Palestine. In order to fully develop, the genius of the Jewish race requires a clear national existence.”

– Thomas Davidson, Scottish-American philosopher. 1849 – 1900 AD

Correspondenzen. Amerika. In: Die Welt. Nummer 17. Jahrgang 3. 28. April 1899. Seite 12. [Translated by C. Nooij.]. 

“We must honor the Jews, if not for the invention, at least for their unique conception of another sublime idea; the idea of Providence. There would be no modern civilization without Christianity, whether accepted or rejected, no Christianity without Judaism, no Judaism without a small people that sacrificed its political fortune for its religious vocation, and, finally, no conscience or sentiment for this vocation without the Prophets who sustained it in moments of weakness, who fashioned it with their voices and who, we are inclined to say, created it. To argue now whether this civilization could not have taken another course, or whether the cultures of Greece and Rome would not have sufficed to form it, such as it is, would be as idle as to ask what would have become of the Reformation of the sixteenth century without Luther and Calvin, or of the French Revolution if Louis XVI had died in the prime of life.”

​– Ferdinand Brunetière, French author. 1849 – 1906 AD

Baron, J. L. (1943): Stars and Sand. Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables. Page 140. 

“The achievements of the Old World may not tempt us to overlook a movement that intends to rebuild a state that is older than the oldest state of Europe. (…) No man seriously thinks of violently sending all of the world’s Jews to Palestine; but nobody with even the slightest understanding of national life, will be surprised that the scattered, oppressed and despiced Jews wish to establish a home for one of the greatest historic peoples of the world, where they can live in tranquillity and peace according to their ideals.”

– William Thomas Stead, English editor and journalist. 1849 – 1912 AD 

“Every one knows and many acknowledge the intellectual gifts, creative force, thirst for knowledge, and persevering, clear-sighted energy of the Jewish people. But too little is said of the qualities which nevertheless appear most characteristic to those who have seen Jewish women and men at close quarters: their strength in love, their sense of fraternity, their helpfulness and self-sacrifice. It was not an accident that Jesus came of the Jewish people. The attempts now made to prove that he was an Aryan are a waste of labor for those who as in my case have more readily found his qualities in those of Jewish than in those of Germanic descent.”

​– Ellen Key, Swedish feminist. 1849 – 1926 AD

Key, E. (1913): Rahel Varnhagen. A Portrait. 

“There is a domain without Jews, therefore presumably without exploitation; and the Russian must be happy! But, alas and alack, Orthodox Russia sighs and groans there, and it cannot be the Jews who are responsible for it! (…) The social position of the Jews is the barometer indicating the moral condition of nations.”

– Alexandra Kalmykova, Russian author and activist. 1849 – 1926 AD

Baron, J. L. (1943): Stars and Sand. Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables. Page 228. 

"Even if the Jews aren’t a nation in the ordinary sense of the word, why should they not become a nation? (…) As for Zionism, I see it as a future opportunity for the Jewish nation, and such a thing may not be given up on. In any case I sympathize with Zionism as a cause full of character. It contains a potency of willpower and gives Jewish life a specific character. (…) Zionism has gained my full sympathy and I appreciate it much higher than what is called nationalism in modern France. It is a progressive movement, a reawakening, of which I expect a lot for the entire civilization."

– Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk, Moravian President of Czechoslovakia. 1850 – 1937 AD

Masaryk über Bolschewismus, Sozialismus und Zionismus. In: Wiener Morgenzeitung, Nr. 2005, 6. Jahrgang. 14. September 1924. [Translated by C. Nooij]

​Christliche Staatsmänner und Gelehrte über den Zionismus. In: Die Welt. Nummer 43. Jahrgang 6. 24. Oktober 1902. [Translated by C. Nooij] 

“What a strange idea, to think me a Jew-hater! Isaiah and David and Heine are good enough for me; and I leave more unsaid. Were I of Jew blood, I do not think I could ever forgive the Christians; the ghettos would get in my nostrils like mustard or lit gunpowder.”

​– Robert Louis Stevenson, Scottish author. 1850 – 1894 AD

Stevenson, R.L. (1892): The Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson. Volume 2. 

“Us Germans have no reason to oppose a Jewish State in Palestine and will ​gladly welcome the development of a unique Jewish-Hebrew culture there.”

– Cornelius Gurlitt, German architect and art historian from Hamburg. 1850 – 1938 AD 

“The expulsion of Jews from a country has sometimes led to untoward consequences by depriving it of an energetic, enterprising, and adventurous element. Frederick the Great remarked that to oppress the Jews never brought prosperity to any Government. Indeed, the ‘debacle’ of the once mighty Empire of Spain has been traced to the enforced exodus in 1492… It has been surmised that the advent of the Jews to Holland stimulated that previously lethargic and contented nation into world-wide activity; and induced Cromwell to encourage their return to England after an exclusion for over 300 years… (…) The triumphant emergence of the Jews from their manifold tribulations is evidently due to the earnestness of their religious exercises, to their strict adherence to hygienic laws, to their extraordinary energy, undaunted perseverance, indomitable will and power of endurance qualities which may well serve as an object-lesson worthy of imitation by the world at large.”

​– John Cockburn, Scottish/British Premier of South Australia. 1850 – 1929 AD

Baron, J. L. (1943): Stars and Sand. Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables. Page 86. 

"At present Palestine supports only six hundred thousand people, but with proper cultivation it can easily

maintain two and half millions. You are a people without a land; there is a land without a people. Be

united. Fulfill the dreams of your old poets and patriarchs. Go back, go back to the land of Abraham."

– John Lawson Stoddard, American lecturer. 1850 – 1931 AD

Stoddard, J.L. (1897): Lectures. Page 1897. 

“I believe that the efforts of the Jews at reestablishing their own national residence in Palestine will be crowned with success. (…) In my opinion, the Zionist movement too belongs to those things that lie in the air, sowing healthy seeds into the ground everywhere.”

– Arthur Gundaccar von Suttner, Lower-Austrian writer. 1850 – 1902 AD

Kaufmann, M.W. (1900): Zionisten und Christen. Page 105. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“It seemed to me that it was entirely becoming and commendable that the Jewish people in all portions of the world should desire to have a national home for such members of their race as wished to return to the country which was the cradle of their race, and where they lived and labored for several thousand years, running back to days just apparent in the dim dawn of recorded history. What could be more praiseworthy or more appealing than such a desire? Why should it not be gratified?”

– Henry Cabot Lodge, American Senator (GOP) from Massachussets. 1850 – 1924 AD

United States Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs (1944): Jewish National Home in Palestine. Page 375. 

“I greet you as representatives of the Jewish people. I thank you for what the Jewish people did in the [Great] War. They displayed great valor on the field of battle, taking the offensive as men throughout the struggle. You have reason to be proud of your race.”

​– Ferdinand Foch, French Marshal and Supreme Allied Commander. 1851 – 1929 AD

Baron, J. L. (1943): Stars and Sand. Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables. Page 417. 

"The Jewish people is too individual, too different from other nations, to lose itself in assimilation. (…) The Jews are going through a rebirth as a nation, by acknowledging themselves as such. ​We can expect a lot from them, because they possess many intellectual powers."

– Léon Bourgeois, French politician (RP). 1851 – 1925 AD

Hoppe, H. (1904): Hervorragende Nichtjuden über den Zionismus. Page 56. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“The Jews, despite centuries of oppression and hardship, never gave up on the restoration of their age-old homeland. Today, the hour of salvation draws near. The grey pilgrims with their long beards and torn clothes, climbing the heaps of ruins of the ancient Temple, spoke truth: Zion will rearise! (...) The persistence of this tough race, which remained unbroken by any stroke of fate, will finally be rewarded. Seventy generations long, they kept their eye directed to the old land from the Diaspora. For 20 centuries, their strong confidence remained unshaken, and now their fatherland Palestine is emerging on the horizon, no longer as a 'Fata Morgana', but rather as a fast-approaching reality! The Jews, scattered across the entire globe, will find a rallying point there. At the Wailing Wall of Jerusalem, tears will no longer have to be shed. Shortly the sons and daughters of Zion will cheer and rejoice, the time of their sufferance will come to an end, finally justice will befall them."

– Henri van Kol, Dutch member of parliament (SDAP). 1852 – 1925 AD

Kol, H.H. van (1919): Die Zukunft des jüdischen Volkes. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“Among the relics of antiquity that have come down to our day, there is no other object of so great interest as the Jewish people. (...) In them we have a monument of antiquity of inestimable value, upon which are recorded, in clearly legible characters, the origin, progress and final destiny of the whole human race—a living and intelligent witness of the gradual outworking of a wonderful purpose in human affairs, in exact conformity with the predictions of their divinely inspired prophets and seers. As a people, they are marked as distinct and peculiar by every circumstance of their history and by their common religious faith, as well as by every element of their national character, and even by their physiognomy and their manners and customs. The national characteristics of many centuries ago are still prominent, even to their fondness for the leeks and onions and garlic of Egypt, and their stiffnecked obstinacy. As a people, they truly had much advantage every way, in having committed unto them the oracles of God, developing among them poets, lawyers, statesmen and philosophers, and leading them up step by step from being a nation of slaves to be — as in the time of Solomon, the zenith of their glory — a people distinguished and honored among the nations, attracting the wonder and admiration of the world."

– Charles Taze Russell, Scotch-Irish American Adventist minister from Pennsylvania. 1852 – 1916 AD

Russell, C.T. (1891): Thy Kingdom Come. Study VIII. Page 149. 

"It seems to me that the establishment in Palestine of a National Home for the Jewish people would make for the peace of the world. This Jewish State should be, as George Eliot finely says, 'a republic where the Jewish spirit manifests itself in a new order founded on the old'.”

– Hallam Tennyson, English/British Governor-General of Australia. 1852 – 1928 AD

Sokolow, N. (1919): History of Zionism. 1600-1918. 

“If it were possible to create a new country on ancient arable land, where a human class in possession of an ancient culture could show how the social relationship can be set up to the benefit of all – that would encompass the greatest cultural advancement humanity has ever made.”

– Moritz von Auffenberg, Austrian general. 1852 – 1928 AD

[Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“None of the resplendent names in history – Egypt, Athens, Rome – can compare in eternal grandeur with Jerusalem. For Israel has given to mankind the category of holiness. Israel alone has known the thirst for social justice, and that inner saintliness which is the source of justice.”

– Charles Wagner, Alsatian/French Lutheran pastor. 1852 – 1918 AD

Hertz, J.H. (1920): A Book of Jewish Thoughts. Page 134. 

"If the commercial future of Palestine is capable of a great development, I am pleased that the Jewish people will contribute to this development. (…) The geographical situation of Palestine, between Orient and Occident, seems to make it the clearing house of the world above all else. I can easily imagine the Jewish people in their own country as a community, defended by the powers. The future of Palestine is for the Jews. May they just maintain and develop their national sense."

– Hall Caine, Manx author and playwright. 1853 – 1931 AD

Hoppe, H. (1904): Hervorragende Nichtjuden über den Zionismus. Page 57. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“As a Christian, I perceive that I am deeply indebted to Judaism. Was not my Savior after the flesh a Jew? The prophets and apostles, too, were Jews. The foundation stone, the basis, of a universal church was taken from the house of Israel. And as a Slav, I feel that I bear a great and heavy guilt against Jewry, and that I should pay for it with whatever ransom I may. The Jewish question is essentially a question of righteousness and justice. Justice is trampled under foot in the person of the Jew, for the persecution to which he is subjected is without the slightest justification.”

– Vladimir Solovyov, Russian philosopher, theologian and poet. 1853 – 1900 AD

Baron, J. L. (1943): Stars and Sand. Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables. Page 296. 

“The Jews were at all times fulfilled by the importance of progress and despite all the unfortunate circumstances under which they suffer, the Jews have contributed amazingly to the progress of science and civilization. The Jews may not be fully satisfied until the Jewish homeland in Palestine is established, from whence they will have the opportunity to have their spiritual impact on Europe. The 320 million souls in India wish them the best success in their efforts. I wish that the day may come soon, when meetings might be held as a sign of mutual consensus between Jews and the other Asians, in Peking, Teheran, Delhi, Cabul, etc., so that the true understanding between us may take on practical forms.”

– Haraprasad Shastri, Indian/Bengali scholar. 1853 – 1931 AD 

“The resources of the country are still virgin soil and will be developed by the Jewish immigrants. One of the most amazing things until recent times was that the Palestinian used to leave his country, wandering over the high seas in every direction. His native soil could not retain a hold on him, though his ancestors had lived on it for 1000 years. At the same time we have seen the Jews from foreign countries streaming to Palestine from Russia, Germany, Austria, Spain, America. The cause of causes could not escape those who had a gift of deeper insight. They knew that the country was for its original sons, for all their differences, a sacred and beloved homeland. The return of these exiles to their homeland will prove materially and spiritually [to be] an experimental school for their brethren who are with them in the fields, factories, trades and in all things connected with toil and labor.”

– Hussein bin Ali, King of Hejaz. 1854 – 1931 AD

Katz, S. (1985): Battleground. Fact and Fantasy in Palestine. Page 75. 

“The re-establishment of Judea through the labor of the Jewish people is very meaningful. It is a great idea ​[and] providential. It is in accordance with God’s will. (…) Yes, indeed! I believe we will be good neighbors.”

– Benedict XV (Giacomo della Chiesa), Piedmontese/Italian Pope of the Catholic Church. 1854 – 1922 AD

NY Times (1985): Vatican Ties Would Solve None of Israel's Problems. 

“Zionism is indisputably a sweet dream, and it is unacceptable not to feel sympathy for the efforts made by the persecuted nation to establish their own fatherland.”

– Vladimir Korolenko, Ukrainian writer. 1853 – 1921 AD

Russische Schriftsteller über den Zionismus. In: Die Welt. Nummer 35. Jahrgang 6. 29. August 1902. [Translated by C. Nooij] 

“Little Judea gave Rome more trouble than Gaul. The empire had to keep its best legions in garrison there, legions that were sorely needed elsewhere: Batavi, Nervi, and Celts. The Jews were a restless crowd. They had never, you might say, never, you hear, disarmed morally. They had flown into the face of Assyria and Babylon and Egypt, pitched themselves insanely against those mighty empires. They had watched those colossi topple into the abyss of history... (...) We sometimes talk of the Jews as a people without a country, a people of nomadic wanderers, but we forget that the Jews defended their land with a heroism and desperation seldom witnessed anywhere else. They never resigned themselves as the Greeks did, for instance, to the loss of their national independence.”

​– Hubert Lyautey, French Resident-General in Morocco. 1854 – 1934 AD

Baron, J. L. (1943): Stars and Sand. Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables. Page 88. 

"The Zionist movement, which emerged towards the end of the past century, signifies a great advancement… The Jews are the advancement. (…) The Argentine Republic, the trade and progress of which owe the Jews more than is usually assumed, has joined the ranks of the Zionist movement with particular enthusiasm. (…) The hopes of the Zionists will be realized sooner or later, now we must work diligently in order to pave the way for the future.”

– Estanislao Zeballos, Argentine Minister of Foreign Affairs. 1854 – 1923 AD

Hoppe, H. (1904): Hervorragende Nichtjuden über den Zionismus. Page 95. [Translated by C. Nooij.]. 

“The Jews embarrass the world as they have done things which are beyond the imaginable. They (...) violated the rules of history by staying alive, totally at odds with common sense and historical evidence. They outlived all their former enemies, including vast empires such as the Romans and the Greeks. (...) They built living monuments such as the duty to be holy and the privilege to serve one's fellow men. They had their hands in every human progressive endeavor, whether in science, medicine, psychology or any other discipline, while totally out of proportion to their actual numbers. They gave the world the Bible and even their 'savior'. (...) The study of history of Europe during the past centuries teaches us one uniform lesson: That the nations which received and in any way dealt fairly and mercifully with the Jew have prospered; and that the nations that have tortured and oppressed them have written out their own curse." 

– Olive Schreiner, South African (English) intellectual. 1855 – 1920 AD

Steinberg, D. (2008): Reflexions. Page 26. 

“There would be no Jewish religion if there were no Jewish nation. But there is one. The Jewish nomocracy (that is, rule of the law) unites the Jews, no matter how scattered they may be over all the lands of the world, into a firm, uniform and absolutely political organism, in which community of blood testifies to a common past and gives a guarantee for a common future. (…) The Jewish faith in God, that which can and may be called ‘religion’ in their case, for it has become since the source of a fine morality, is a part of this national idea, not vice versa. To assert that there is a Jewish religion but no Jewish nation is simply nonsense.”

– Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Anglo-German author. 1855 – 1927 AD

Chamberlain, H.S. (1900): Foundations of the Nineteenth Century. The Jewish Question. 

”It would be a mistake to ascribe to Roman legal conceptions an undivided sway over the development of law and institutions during the Middle Ages. (...) The Laws of Moses as well as the laws of Rome contributed suggestions and impulse to the men and institutions which were to prepare the modern world; and if we could have but eyes to see (...) we should readily discover how very much besides religion we owe to the Jew.”

– Woodrow Wilson, Scottish-American President of the United States (Dem). 1856 – 1924 AD

Hunterberg, M. (1937): Tragedy of the Ages. Page 62. 

“The Jew that was once in about the same position that the Negro is today has now complete recognition because he has entwined himself about America in a business or industrial sense. (…) We have a very bright and striking example in the history of the Jews in this and other countries. There is, perhaps, no race that has suffered so much, not so much in America as in some of the countries in Europe. But these people have clung together. They have had a certain amount of unity, pride, and love of race.”

– Booker T. Washington, African-American activist. 1856 – 1915 AD

Pipkin, J.J. (1902): The Negro in Revelation. 

The Jew originally had no special tendency towards trade. In former times he was a stockbreeder, tiller of the soil and craftsman of the most simple kind; and whenever danger was looming, he was a warrior with exceptional courage, as the glorious deeds of Judah Maccabee and other Jewish heroes testify. (...) That the Jews had been a nation of tradesmen during the last centuries, was used as an accusation against their race, even though that is difficult to understand. Honest trade is just as much of a just profession as any other and has not contributed little to the elevation and convenience of humanity. (…) The God, whom both the Israelites as well as the confessors of Islam worship, will, in due time, create a place for Israel in its ancient continent, where the Jew shall sing under the protection of his more powerful elderly brother Ishmael the words of the splendid singer of Israel [i.e. King David].”

​– Abdullah Quilliam, English author and convert to Islam. 1856 – 1932 AD

Zionistische Demonstrations-Versammlung in Liverpool. In: Die Welt. Nummer 38. Jahrgang 6. 19. September 1902. [Translated by C. Nooij] 

“It seems to me right and proper that socialists support with all their forces the undertaking of our Jewish comrades and of the entire Jewish nation to gain control over Palestine and to reestablish the Jewish State with a Jewish nationality and government.”

– Eugene V. Debs, French-American Congressman (Socialist) from Indiana. 1855 – 1926 AD 

“The Jews belong to Palestine and Palestine should belong to the Jews. Why do not your rich men lead them back from their lands of bondage back to their appointed home?"

– H. Rider Haggard, English author. 1856 – 1925 AD

Haggard, H.R. (2001): Diary of an African Journey. 1914. 

“Since the Jews don’t form an industrial proletariate, the current propaganda of social democracy is insufficient and incomprehensible to them. (…) For Zionism I have warm feelings, even if I don’t believe in the feasibility  of the idea. At least Zionism brings into these weak masses life and selfconscousness. I consider the Zionist agitation as political propaganda to be justified, for even the highest conceptions can’t be brought to a nation but in a form suiting its individuality.”

​– Ivan Franko, Ruthenian politician in Austria-Hungary. 1856 – 1916 AD

Massenelend in Galizien. In: Die Welt. Nummer 3. Jahrgang 1. 18. Juni 1897. [Translated by C. Nooij] 

“No one who has visited a dozen or two of the post-war and pre-war Jewish colonies in Palestine can fail to conclude that the movement that has called and is calling these civilised settlements into existence is one which cannot fail to be most highly beneficial to the country. (...) Every new colony is a centre of progress.”

– Sir Martin Conway of Allington, English/British Conservative MP. 1856 – 1937 AD

Conway, W.M. (1923): Palestine and Morocco. Page 253. 

“The sympathy that I have for the Jewish people, is a deep one; it is some sort of enchantment. And my race – the Irish one – has many points of contact with the Jews. (…) Against the persecutions in the Balkan states, too, there is only one remedy: a Jewish state, which is respected and feared. The great powers may form some sort of platonic protective committee, but above all, the Jews will have to rely on themselves and tranform themselves into a great power. And are they not a great power in all arts, in the science and literature of all nations in the world? The Jew is the brainman, partaking significantly in the administration and leadership of all nations.”

– Seoirse Bearnard Ó Seách (George Bernard Shaw), Irish playwright. 1856 – 1950 AD

Hoppe, H. (1904): Hervorragende Nichtjuden über den Zionismus. Page 68. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“We know that [the Jews] were essentially cattle breeders and crop farmers 2-3,000 years ago, like the Arabs still are as of today. We also know that they developed specific warlike traits under David and the Maccabees. (…) Already at the time of Christ, the Diaspora, especially Alexandrian Jewry, was richer and more highly regarded than the Jerusalemites were. Therefore, a half independent Jewish state could exist alongside a strong Diaspora in our century too. Either way, it would benefit all, Jews as well as Christians, if the Jewish proletariat is settled somewhere on earth under bearable life conditions, where it is able to live according to its own customs and according to their own taste. For that reason, we can't but wish the Zionist movement complete success.”

– Carl Peters, Hannoverian/German colonialist. 1856 – 1918 AD

Tägliche Rundschau. In: Die Welt. Nummer 42. Jahrgang 7. 16. August 1903. [Translated by C. Nooij] 

“Brave Israelites! Today you have, through your heroic conduct, proven yourselves to be true descendants of the Maccabees. May you be destined in harmony with God's will, to distinguish yourself as well in peaceful functions, for the benefit of Bulgaria."

– Alexander Joseph of Battenberg, Prince of Bulgaria. 1879 – 1886 AD

Der ungarische Israelit (1893). 21. Jahrgang. Nr. 28. 20. Dezember 1893. 

“The principle of nationality requires [the Turks’] dispossession. Nor is there any indigenous civilisation in Palestine that could take the place of the Turkish except that of the Jews who have given to Palestine everything it has ever had of value to the world.”

– George Adam Smith, Scottish-Indian theologian. 1856 – 1942 AD

Katz, S. (1985): Battleground. Fact and Fantasy in Palestine. Page 116. 

"Mark well that in the Catholic Mass, Abraham is our Patriarch and forefather. Anti-Semitism is incompatible with the lofty thought which that fact expresses. It is a movement with which we Christians can have nothing to do. No, no, I say to you it is impossible for a Christian to take part in anti-Semitism. It is inadmissible. Through Christ and in Christ we are the spiritual progeny of Abraham. Spiritually, we [Christians] are all Semites."

​– Pius XI (Achille Ratti), Lombardian/Italian Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. 1857 – 1939 AD

Pope Pius XI (1938): Spiritually, we are Semites. 6th of September 1938. 

“Is there anyone, not devoid of the most elementary sentiments of humanity and justice, who would deny to this exiled people the right to reclaim their place, by the same title as other indigenous elements hold, in a Palestine where the collective control of the European Powers would guarantee to every one the protection of his most sacred rights?”

​– Stéphen Pichon, French Minister of Foreign Affairs. 1857 – 1933 AD

Baron, J. L. (1943): Stars and Sand. Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables. Page 438. 

"It seems to me that it is entirely proper to start a Zionist State around Jerusalem. (…) There can be no peace worth having until (…) the Jews given control of Palestine."

– Theodore R. Roosevelt, Dutch-American President of the United States (GOP). 1858 – 1919 AD

Roosevelt, T. R. (1954): The Days of Armageddon. 1900-1914. Page 1372. 

"The Japanese government gladly takes note of the Zionist aspiration to extend in Palestine a national home for the Jewish people and they look forward with a sympathetic interest to the realization of such desire upon the basis proposed.”

– Chinda Sutemi, Japanese Ambassador to Germany. 1857 – 1929 AD

World Zionist Organization, Central Zionist Archives, Jerusalem, Copy Z4/2039. 

​"I have long hoped that it would be possible to make such a [Balfour] Declaration; and it is now pronounced in terms that should be equally welcome to those Jews who have found happy homes on friendly shores, and to those who have longed for the re-establishment of their race in the ancient land."

– Robert Crewe-Milnes, British Secretary of State for War (Liberal) and Ambassador to France. 1858 – 1945 AD

​​Sokolow, N. (1919): History of Zionism. 1600-1918. 

“Palestine is the California of Asia. (...) The colonies around the Lake of Tiberias and at the head of the Jordan Valley with their clean, modern houses and tree-lined streets, miles ahead of the windowless, unshaded mudhouses of the neighboring Arab villages. Science, dexterity and diligence will transform the Plain of Esdraelon and the Jezreel Valley into just as enchanting an image of scenic beauty and agricultural opulence, as one is anthralled by on the road from Los Angeles to St. Bernardino. The Jews bring upon their ancient homeland the same optimism and energy, that characterize California. A striking example of this is Jaffa and Tel Aviv. (...) There is nothing on this planet that is comparable to the modern miracle of Tel Aviv, apart from that one miracle of self-confidence and vision: Los Angeles. The modern mill in Haifa, the electric light in Tel Aviv, the hydro-electric development of Tiberias, the arrangements made for drinkable water and healthcare in Jerusalem are proofs for Jewish acumen and dexterity. They leave no room for doubt regarding he final success of the plan for a Jewish homeland.”

– Elwood Mead, American agriculturalist. 1858 – 1939 AD

Mead, E. (1924): Palästina und Kalifornien. In: Aufbau 1 von 15.5.1924. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“[The Jew] has given the only true knowledge of God. He has given Moses, who gave to the world the first Republic, and whose laws, after 3,300 years, still form the basis of the civilised world's jurisprudence. (…) Our Bible was written by Jews. What would the world have been without the Bible ? (…) It was the Bible (...) which lifted the people of Europe into a civilised condition (…) and for this great book on which men found their dearest hopes we are indebted to the Jews.”

- Madison C. Peters, American pastor, actor and author. 1858 – 1918 AD

Jeffrey, G.R. (2008): Countdown to the Apocalypse. 

“Not to greater inborn mental powers, but simply to the stricter compliance with religious laws and to a virginal, economical and conscientious lifestyle do the Semites owe their greater financial successes. If only the Christians would do the same, they’d need not fear a Semitic superiority. (…) I have found among the Jews the most compassionate, most warm-hearted, most sacrificial and noblest characters and I have gotten to know among the Christians the most self-serving, most heartless and the most inferiorly thinking and acting creatures, so that I can only feel horrified by the brutality of the presecution of Jews.”

– Philo vom Walde, Silesian/German writer. 1858 – 1906 AD

Dr. Bloch's oesterreichische Wochenschrift (1895). Jahrgang 12. Nr. 51. Seite 941. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“The movement for the establishment in Palestine of a National Home for the Jewish people is one which has my most cordial sympathy, and I sincerely hope that your demonstration may be a success.”

– Lord Alfred Emmott, English/British Liberal MP. 1858 – 1926 AD

Sokolow, N. (1919): History of Zionism. 1600-1918. 

"I entirely sympathize with the daring idea of Zionism and wish that Zionism shall overcome

all obstacles and contradictions, which pop up during each attempt to move forward."

– Paul Milukoff, Russian historian and politician. 1859 – 1943 AD

Russische Schriftsteller über den Zionismus. In: Die Welt. Nummer 35. Jahrgang 6. 29. August 1902. [Translated by C. Nooij] 

“Most [of the pioneers in Palestine] are young men, who usually walk around in khaki kneebreeches and neckless white shirts, bareheaded or with European cloth caps. There are also girls, with bob cuts, short-sleeved white cotton dresses and horn-rimmed glasses. They enjoyed secondary and tertiary education, so that the labourers at the university construction look like students. They generally possess a splendid physical constitution and their heads are painted with expressions of the most confident willpower. (…) The pioneers and the new immigrants, who are blessed with the same pioneering spirit, have built these colonies with their bare hands on soil that was originally often marshy and malarious and was only bought at outrageous prices (…) from the Arab landowners. (…) The main reason that makes me believe that the Jewish colonisation in Palestine is an experiment that can be realised to the end, and will surely give in one way or another valuable and lasting results, is that the pioneers, in believing that are reviving the life of their ancestors in Palestine, represent an absolutely new type of synthesis of the Occidental and Oriental spirit at the most critical point of the European-Asian border.”

– Graham Wallas, English socialist and psychologist. 1858 – 1932 AD

Wallas, G. (1924): Palästinapioniere. In: Wiener Morgenzeitung. Nr. 2080, 6. Jahrgang. 3. Dezember 1924. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“Zionism is the ambition of Jewry to establish an autonomous commonwealth, based on the foundations of Jewish history and modern culture. The principles of Zionism are partially located in the prayers and in the theological books of the Jewish people, which are steeped in the thoughts of the restoration of the Jewish empire and Jerusalem as the residential city. The external impetus for the founding of Zionism was given by anti-semitism, which has expressed itself with particular strength in the states of the Old and New World during the past two decennia.”

– Ivan Troitsky, Russian theologian. 1858 – 1929 AD

Hoppe, H. (1904): Hervorragende Nichtjuden über den Zionismus. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“The thought of creating a homeland for the Jews in Palestine safeguarded by public law, has my full sympathy. The injustice of two millennia would thus be atoned for, and the development of a completely unique Jewish culture would be an enrichment of world culture.”

– Ludwig Quidde, German pacifist politician from Bremen. 1858 – 1941 AD

Das Jüdische Echo. Nr. 41. Seite 648. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

(BEWARE: Kaiser Wilhelm II was also a notorious Jew-hater)

"The main idea [of the Zionist movement] has always interested me, nay sympathetically affected me. (...) I am convinced that the settlement of the Holy Land by the financially strong and diligent People of Israel will make the former achieve undreamt blossoming and blessing. (...) The land has room for everyone. Just be sure to provide water and shade. For the native population, too, the activities of the colonies can serve as an inspiring model. Your movement, with which I am well acquainted, contains a healthy idea."

– Kaiser Wilhelm II von Hohenzollern, King of Prussia and German Emperor. 1859 – 1941 AD

Benner, T.H. (2001): Die Strahlen der Krone. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

Steininger, R. (2015): Deutschland und der Nahe Osten. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 
Theodor Herzl trifft Wilhelm II. in Jerusalem (1898). [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“The policy of the government finds my warmest and unreserved consent; I sympathize with the Zionist endeavours.”

William Palmer, English/British High Commissioner to South Africa (Liberal/Conservative). 1859 – 1942 AD 

“The Zionists have come to this country to live in it. They are educated and cultured people. They have no grandiose ambitions, and they are united among themselves. It is neither just nor humane for us to hate and resent this nation.”

– Hussein al-Husayni, Ottoman-Arab mayor of Jerusalem. ??? - 1918 AD

Pappe, I. (2010): The Rise and Fall of a Palestinian Dynasty: The Husaynis, 1700-1948. Page 141. 

“It is a great thought and a sign of good omen that the first decisive deed of Zionism will participate in the realization of a great idea, the idea of the upswing of all nations, regardless of class or faith or any other conditions. Regardless of class and religion we see the Holy Land in Palestine. From this land came those great moral inspirations, in the courses of which the lifestyle of half the world still moves as of today. From Palestine went forth those wonderful influences, which the human spirit can still hardly understand in their full meaning. (…) It will be the goal of Zionism to turn Palestine back into a source of knowledge and idealism and to dress the ancient truths in new garbs through the establishment of educational facilities that are open to all.”

– George Barnes, Scottish/British Minister of Pensions (Labour). 1859 – 1940 AD

Jüdische Rundschau (1918): Heft 35.  Seite 270. 

If this decision in the spirit of national liberation and national concentration is carried out, which, as far as I know, has always distinguished your movement, then it will become a starting point for a new and fruitful development in the history of your highly talented race. The impact that the Jewish citizens of the various countries have so far made on the progress of general civilization, will be continued as before, but part of the difficulties that arose in certain parts of the world because a disproportionately numerous Jewish population lives among the other nations residing there, will most certainly become easier to overcome and disappear, once a reestablished Jewish nation state becomes the natural center for the observation of Jewish interests throughout the world. (...) International socialism has, through its repeated position statement against not only the shameless persecutions of Jews in certain countries, but also in favor of the Zionist program of establishing a free, national Jewish State, made its point of view in regards to your efforts clear.”

– Hjalmar Branting, Prime Minister of Sweden. 1860 – 1925 AD

Ein Glückwunschschreiben Brantings an die Zionistische Organisation in Schweden. Wiener Morgenzeitung. Heft 482 vom 27.5.1920. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“All obstacles for the Jewish colonisation and immigration in Palestine must be removed and for the Jewish colonisation work the opportunity of free development must be guaranteed through international legal relations. Therefore our peace manifest demands international protection for the Jewish colonisation.”

– Piter Jelles Troelstra, Frisian/Dutch socialist leader. 1860 – 1930 AD

P.J. Troelstra über die Judenfrage. In: Das jüdische Echo Vol. 4 (28/12/1917). Nummer 52. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“It is rather distressing that the Jewish nation, a nation which has done so much for the world should even now be hated and persecuted. Why the new German Government should behave in this strange manner I cannot even guess. It is foolish as well as wrong; for the Jews have stood by the graves of all their oppressors in turn. What we were to look for was the secret of the unique greatness of the Jewish people. In what sense, and for what reason, were they ‘the chosen people’? Shall we not say it was because of their indomitable faith? They worshipped a God who revealed His name, that is, His character, as ‘I will be with you’. What will He be to them? They did not know. They guessed. They staked their lives, their fortunes, their hopes, on their guesses, and they guessed wrong again and again. Goethe speaks of the unconquerable levity of the human race, which goes on cherishing illusions twenty times proved fallacious. But it is not levity. It is something much nobler. 'Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him'. It is the last word of Jewish nationalism.”

​– Rev. Ralph William Inge, English priest and author. 1860 – 1954 AD

Baron, J. L. (1943): Stars and Sand. Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables.​ Page 91. 

"Zionism doesn’t want to let the people die, it believes in its viability and hopes that it will reach a new unfolding of its powers, following the securing of its economic base. (…) The very wish to once more create a right to exist for a tribe that has been oppressed and persecuted for millennia on its own soil, deserves the attention of all the unprejudiced.”

– Friedrich Naumann, Saxon/German politician and pastor. 1860 – 1919 AD

Naumann, F. (1902): Der Zionismus. In: Die Welt. Nummer 38. Jahrgang 6. 19. September 1902. Seite 10. [Translated by C. Nooij.]. 

“I would prefer to see the Jews as an independent nation among the nations, so that they deliver their excellent gifts to the restless development in a nation state, which is certainly not always possible for them in their current state, being entangled between reluctant elements. Although I must say on the other hand, that the nations will then lose a driving element in their structure, to some extent the leaven of evolutionism, as well as a tremendous labour force.“

– Franz Kranewitter, Austrian dramatist. 1860 – 1938 AD 

“In the practical possibility of the establishment of a new Jewish realm in Palestine I would gladly believe. I hope [that] the European governments themselves, despite their antagonism (or rather, thanks to their antagonism), will provide the Jews active support in the realisation of their plan.”

​– Pyotr Yakubovich, Russian revolutionary, poet and politician. 1860 – 1911 AD

Russische Schriftsteller über den Zionismus. In: Die Welt. Nummer 35. Jahrgang 6. 29. August 1902. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“In this country some of our chief offices of State are now held by the Jews, and we are undoubtedly under a great debt to those of the Jewish persuasion for carrying on the usages, customs, and government of civilisation. Therefore we cannot disregard them, or treat them in the way that other countries have done. I should be very sorry to see us do it.”

– Charles Cochrane-Baillie, British Governor of Queensland and of Bombay. 1860 – 1940 AD

House of Lords (1920): The Parliamentary Debates. Official Report. Volume 40. Page 1015. 

“The hedarim established by the Zionists are in no way inferior to any European school. They are located in spacious accommodations full of light and air, in compliance with all sanitary necessities. The excellent learning books were written by the Zionists, applying all means, to promote the spiritual development of the Jewish youth and to spread the knowledge of the Hebrew language. As long as the Jews want to raise their children in the spirit of the Jewish religion, the Jewish language must be granted a proper place in the Jewish elementary school. The opponents of Zionism claim that the Jewish language is dead. But a language, in which daily journals appear, the largest part of the Jews from the cities and towns of the settlement area engage in correspondence, scientific treatises and monographs are written, such a language cannot be considered dead. Now there is not a single city in the settlement area, where the Zionists have not built their good schools.”

– Prince Esper Ukhtomsky, Russian poet and Orientalist. 1861 – 1921 AD

Das Organ des Fürsten Uchtomsky gegen die Gegner des Zionismus. In: Die Welt. Nr. 42. Jahrgang 6. 17. Oktober 1902. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“Not having a country of their own, the Jews regard the whole world as their home and they succeed wherever they go as the only truly cosmopolitan people. They are the most ancient people, unchanged for 4,000 years while many other peoples perished. Considering their size, no other people had so many great personalities; not only in religion (Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Paul), but also in all other important fields – philosophy, music, social reform, politics, business, and, most of all, pacifism.”

– Kanzo Uchimura, Japanese evangelist author. 1861 – 1930 AD

Christian Literature Society of Japan (1992): The Japan Christian Review. Volumes 58-59. Page 114 

​“I regard Jewish nationalism as an effort to preserve and enrich Jewish culture and tradition. (...) I have deep sympathy for that great movement of yours in the West of Asia in the creative activities of Zionism (...) for it represents a great truth – the marvelous stir of awakened life to discover its own home land. Yes, the whole mind of Asia is hungering for its spiritual home.”

– Rabindranath Tagore, Bengali/Indian poet, author and playwright. 1861 – 1941 AD

Tagore, Friend of Jews, Zionism, Dies In India (1941). In: ⁨⁨The Sentinel⁩. 14 August 1941⁩.

Tepper, A. (2023): Classic Sephardic Judaism, Made in China. 

“Since the Holy Land has been laid waste by the Romans and the Jewish people exiled from its ancestral home, it has witnessed some of the greatest events in human history, such as the rise of Islam, the Crusades, the appearance of Napoleon on the streets of Jaffa, but now it witnesses the greatest of all historical events: the return of a large part of the Jewish people to their ancestral homeland, after centuries of exile. (...) Since the conclusion of the war, 40,000 Jewish pioneers from all parts of Europe have immigrated into Palestine and have settled there as agricultural laborers. They are drying up swamps, planting forests, building roads, bridges, houses, schools, and houses of worship, and are turning a wilderness into an Eden. The Holy Land, cradle of all great religions, will soon raise from its ashes and be again what it has been at the time of the great prophets: a land flowing with milk and honey."

​– William Emett Dever, Irish-American mayor of Chicago. 1862 – 1929 AD

Mayor Dever's Kerem Hayesod Proclamation. In: Daily Jewish Coureer. April 15, 1924. 

"It is (…) of great interest to mention, and indeed also admirable, how such a large percentage of international Jews have sustained the peculiarity of their race and their traditions; and like we are aware of and understand today, in an era of new racial concentration, the striving of Poles for independence, I do not find it irrational to seek to help such a large part of today’s European Jews attain a kind of racial concentration on a Semitic territory, quite apart from the cultural significance of such a colonization."

– Johannes Schlaf, Saxon-Anhaltian/German playwright, author and translator. 1862 – 1941 AD

Kaufmann, M.W. (1900): Zionisten und Christen. Page 102. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“I admire and honor the Jews. I admire the serious and august power of their art – what can be compared with their poetry? I honor their valiant spirit, which rejects hereditary falsehoods – who has ever struggled more bravely for freedom? A people to whom Heine, Marx, Lassalle belong, deserves glory and love; and especially Germans, who are illumined by the lustre of these names, owe it their eternal gratitude.”

– Alejandro Sawa, Spanish author, poet and journalist. 1862 – 1909 AD

Bahr, H. (2013): Antisemitismus. Ein internationales Interview. Page 122. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“For my part, I have a profound respect for the Jewish race. (…) They are among the most cultured and enlightened of British citizens. There is no doubt ​that they have contributed very largely to the wealth and prosperity of this country.”

– Edward Goulding, Anglo-Irish/British Conservative MP. 1862 – 1936 AD

UK Parliament (1911): Aliens Bill Volume 24. Debated on Friday 28 April 1911. 

“[The Zionists] could pave the way for their countrymen to establish an independent kingdom in the Holy Land as it was before Christ."

– Henri Lammens, Flemish Jesuit and Arabist. 1862 – 1937 AD

Sulaiman, K.A. (1984): Palestine and Modern Arab Poetry. Page 4. 

“The fate of the Jews is a scandal of history. Like Hellenism, Judaism is a deep source of our western civilization: it has given it its Bible, its God, its unquenchable thirst for justice and the lyric of its ancient prophets, launched as a cry against divinity. That such a people has, for 18 centuries been massacred, quartered and scattered across the world for eighteen centuries like a vile herd; that they have been made them into, in the words of Jaures, the ‘great deprived of the world’, damned to an exile without end, and that this very exile was then declared a crime so as to justify new persecutions, is an injustice that, since many years, has outraged all generous hearts. This indignation has in recent times been translated into a concrete plan: returning to these displaced people a homeland, an asylum, a fatherland. Zionism, then, was born.”

– Paul Painlevé, Prime Minister of France. 1863 – 1933 AD

Corcos, F. (1923): Israël sur la terre biblique. Page 198. 

“We were thoroughly imbued with the history of your race in the days of its greatest glory, when it founded that great literature which will echo to the very last days of this old world, influencing, moulding, fashioning human character, inspiring and sustaining human motive, for not only Jews, but Gentiles as well. We absorbed it and made it part of the best in the Gentile character.”

– David Lloyd George, Welsh Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. 1863 – 1945 AD

Millgram, A.E. (1990): Jerusalem Curiosities. Page 259. 

"The Jews are not only our ancestors, but our brothers. Our origin is the same, our language is almost common, our father is their father. We are proud to belong to the same race. We owe all to Judaism, our teachings are taken from their sacred law. Our faith is similar. We love the same God. We love Jerusalem as much as they do. We sincerely want that our relation with them will be constant and always fruitful. We assist each other and we hope with all our heart that God will deliver the oppressed Jews from those persecutions of which they are the object. We express our best wishes that all Jews will be assured of peace and tranquility, because we feel how sincere and precious is their love for us."

– Anthony II Peter Arida, Maronite Patriarch of Antioch. 1863 – 1955 AD

Nisan, M. (2017): Politics and War in Lebanon: Unraveling the Enigma. Page 125. 

“The Armenians convey to the Jewish people an expression of their strong sympathy and best felicitations. We stand at the commencement of a new era, in which the entire world will proclaim and recognize liberty, equality and fraternity, and in which the sufferings which your fiercely persecuted race has had to endure for 2000 years, will become merely a sad memory. Humanity will no longer tolerate such scandals as Armenian massacres or will once again, thanks to the admirable will-power and democratic spirit of your people, become a place of prosperity and light, the meeting ground where the three religions and races, the Hebrew, the Arab and the European, will unite harmoniously. Independent Armenia will constitute an insurmountable bulwark against any new and hostile attack on Palestine. Armenia and Palestine, akin through their suffering, conscious of their cultural missions, greet one another and pledge one another mutual brotherly understanding.”

– Mihran Damadian, Armenian author, activist and teacher. 1863 – 1945 AD

Baron, J. L. (1943): Stars and Sand. Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables. Page 437. 

“May the influence of the Hebrew University be worthy of the ideals which are for ever and ever connected with the city of Jerusalem and may her work be worthy of the high intellectual rank of a nation that through its services played a meaningful role in science and has participated considerably to the maintenance of the efficiency of the older sites of science, both through the capability of its scholars as well as through the generosity of her benefactors.”

– Albert Charles Seward, English/British Vice Chancellor of Cambridge University. 1863 – 1941 AD

Zionist Review (1925): Hebrew University Number. Page 133. 

“Labour recognizes the claims generally of Jews in all countries to the elementary rights of tolerance, freedom of residence and trade, and equal citizenship, that ought to be extended to all the inhabitants of every nation’s territory. Further, it trusts that an understanding may be reached at the close of the war, whereby Palestine may be set free and form a State under an International Agreement, to which Jewish people may return and work out their own salvation without interference by those of alien race or religion.."

– Arthur Henderson, Scottish/British Labour MP. 1863-1935 AD

Sokolow, N. (1919): History of Zionism. 1600-1918. 

“I have (…) experienced the greatness of Zionism. I have experienced, that it is a dream of glowing and enchanting beauty, and that only a great nation can have such dreams. (…) After they achieve a fatherland, their nature can be expressed much more purely than now, now that they are now absorbing all sorts of foreign things, occasionally allowing their character to become blurred. Only from that moment will their voice be able to resound brightly and with power within our culture. Those are the reasons which make me see a great and noble movement in Zionism. I believe: it is good for the Jews and good for our culture. (…) The saddest thing has, for me, always been those Jews who are ashamed to be Jews, who deny their great people, who perhaps indeed even wish to imitate the words or gestures of another people by pretending to be Germans or Frenchmen. (…) It is fortunate for the Jews, that their youths are now learning again, how to commit to Jewishness with pride.”

– Hermann Bahr, Upper-Austrian writer, playwright, director and critic. 1863 – 1934 AD

Hermann Bahr. In: Die Welt. Nummer 25. Jahrgang 1. 19. November 1897. Seite 25. [Translated by C. Nooij.]. 

“Hearty congratulations on the steadily progressing organizations of the Zionists and on the remarkable ​advancement of the Jewish nationalistic institutions which they have achieved in Palestine.”

– Giichi Tanaka, Japanese Prime Minister. 1864 – 1929 AD

Maruyama, N. (1984): Japan’s Response to the Zionist Movement in the 1920s. 

“I profess in general a profound esteem and great veneration for the Jewish people, which has always and everywhere been an element of progress and prosperity.”

– Eleftherios Venizelos, Greek Prime Minister. 1864 – 1936 AD

Baron, J. L. (1943): Stars and Sand. Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables. Page 414. 

“For the Zionist attempt at solving the general Jewish Question there exists among us a vibrant interest. We recognize the great seriousness of the efforts by the national-minded parts of your people, aimed at that goal and wish these efforts, in all impartiality, the best outcome.”

– Michael Mayr, Federal Chancellor of Austria. 1864 – 1922 AD

Deutschösterreich. In: Jüdische Preis. Seite 42. 7. Jahrgang. Nr. 6. 18. Februar 1921. 

“The idea of establishing a Jewish state has existed among Jews since time immemorial… There are many chapters and verses about this in the holy Torah. (…) In general, I think that the brotherhood and closeness between Jews and Arabs is most natural and most desired. Are we not truly brothers – close in family, spirit, religion, and language, and also somewhat in history. (…) For individual Jews, the gates of the land must certainly be open, without interference.”

– Ruhi al-Khalidi, Arab politician in the Ottoman Empire. 1864 – 1913 AD

Gribetz, J.M.: Arab–Zionist Conversations in Late Ottoman Jerusalem. In: Ordinary Jerusalem, 1840-1940. Page 305-329. 

“The sentiment of possessing the homeland again will be a source of comfort for the Jews everywhere. (…) The Jews love the land of their ancestors and I hope that their nationalism will not make them forget that they are more than nationalists. They are more connected to all the nations than anyone else. (…) I believe in the Jewish ideals and wish them luck.”

– Philip Snowden, English/British Chancellor of the Exchequer. 1864 – 1937 AD

Ein englischer Arbeitervertreter über die jüdische Palästina-Arbeit. In: Wiener Morgenzeitung Vol. 5. Heft 1489 (6.4.1923). [Translated by C. Nooij] 

“Our wish is that the Arab countries shall be for the Arabs, Armenia for the Armenians, and Judaea for the Jews. (…) It is, indeed, not the birth of a nation, for the Jewish people through centuries of oppression and captivity have preserved their sentiment of nationality as few people could; but if it is not the birth of a nation, I believe we may say that it is the re-birth of a nation.”

​– Lord Robert Cecil, British Conservative MP. 1864 – 1958 AD

George H. Doran Company (1918): Great Britain, Palestine and the Jews. Page 89.

Sokolow, N. (1919): History of Zionism. 1600-1918. 

"I become nervous when I hear the word 'anti-Semitism'. Such a quantity of human stupidity and human lowliness enclosed in one term leaves me speechless right now and I tremble with agitation. Peace returns to me only when I point out to myself that we are dealing with the loutish excess of a dying off era of humanity."

​– Karl Friedrich Henckell, Hanoverian/German author, poet and publisher. 1864 – 1929 AD

Moleschott, J. (1894): Antisemiten-Hammer. Stimmen der Zeit über Judenthum und Antisemitismus. Seite 525. [Translated by C. Nooij].

“As far as concerns the results of their presence in the part of Palestine in which they chiefly dwell, those of us who have seen those Jewish settlements must feel that they are a fulfilment of the old prophecy that ‘the desert shall blossom as the rose’. (…) They had hoped that in one place on this earth this people of something like sixteen and a half millions might have a sphere of their own, where they could show what was in them, where they could be masters of their own destiny and affairs, and where there could be a centre of Jewish life, culture and influence throughout the world.”

​– Cosmo Gordon Lang, Scottish Anglican Archbishop of York and Canterbury. 1864 – 1945 AD

UK Parliament (1939): Volume 113. Debated on Tuesday 23 May 1939. 

"It is impossible for one who has studied at all the services of the  Hebrew people to avoid the faith that they will one day be restored to their historic national home and there enter ​on a new and yet greater phase of their contribution to the advance of humanity."

– Warren G. Harding, President of the United States. 1865– 1923 AD

U.S. Government Printing Office (1922): Congressional Record. Page 9814. 

“I have judged the Zionist movement very skeptically, before I was able to look around in a few eastern states. Now I can, based on good conviction, wish them the best of success. Special circumstances have brought me into contact with outstanding Zionists; I no longer doubt that the goal shall be achieved. The enthusiasm with which young Jews, who have practically been taught agriculture in Germany, went to Palestine, has filled me with admiration.”

– Philipp Scheidemann, Hessian Chancellor of the German Reich. 1865 – 1939 AD 

[Translated by C. Nooij].

“Accept my hearty congratulations on the achievement of your thousand years old aspiration. Have followed with keen interest the progress of your movement.”

– Kosai Uchida, Prime Minister of the Japanese Empire. 1865 – 1936 AD

Maruyama, N. (1984): Japan’s Response to the Zionist Movement in the 1920s. 

'If the Jews believe they might greatly ease their lot by being able to go to the land of their fathers, we would regard this as a humanitarian question. We will never forget that without Judaism we would not be.''

– Rafael Merry del Val, Spanish-British Roman Catholic cardinal. 1865 – 1930 AD

NY Times (1985): Vatican Ties Would Solve None of Israel's Problems. 

“I consider the reestablishment of a Jewish tribal land beneficial for the strengthening of the

Jewish national sentiment. The feeling of owning a motherland has a soothing effect on the

fellow countrymen in a strange place. In addition to this there’s the backing of the motherland.”

– Heinrich von Schullern zu Schrattenhofen, German-Austrian author and military doctor. 1865 – 1955 AD

Zur Judenfrage. In: Neue jüdische Monatshefte. Heft 10. 25/02/19. Page 279. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

"From the depths of my heart, I sympathize with the Zionist movement, as a protest against the disgusting behaviour, with which the contemporary civilized spheres of society both in Russia as well as in Western Europe act towards the Jews. The Zionist movement generates my sympathies simply because I see in it the revelation of a high idealism. (…) The Jewish state would be the first state organism established through the will of people, and therefore the success of this matter would indicate the advent of a new era in world history."

– Mikhail Tugan-Baranovsky, Ukrainian politician and author. 1865 – 1919 AD

Maxim Gorkij und Tugan Baranowsky über den Zionismus. In: Die Welt. Nummer 10. Jahrgang 6. 7. März. 1902. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“As an agrarian reformer I am primarily interested in the colonial side of your [Zionist] movement. (…) It is clear to me that hardworking people, who are carried away by the enthousiasm for a high goal during the disappointments and deprivations of the first years and perhaps decennia, can achieve a great deal – particularly in Palestine. Even if the circumstances of the time require different forms of realisation – the basic truth of agrarian reform hasn’t been represented as clearly and consistently by any recognized national leader as it was by the mighty leader of the Exodus.”

– Adolf Damaschke, Brandenburgian/German agrarian reformer and pedagogian.  1865 – 1935 AD

Kaufmann, M.W. (1900): Zionisten und Christen. Page 36. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“We have sympathy for the Zionist endeavours, even if only because their goal constitutes the establishment of a free and independent commonwealth. But we also sympathize with them because our endeavours and wishes arise from the same motivations. The motifs of Zionism are beautiful and ideal, for they have their source in the most noble human feelings, in the love for the paternal soil.”

– Ernest Breiter, Polish politician in Austria-Hungary and West Ukrainian People's Republic. 1865 – 1935 AD

Hoppe, H. (1904): Hervorragende Nichtjuden über den Zionismus. Eine Sammlung von Urteilen hervorragender Persönlichkeiten aller Länder. Page 40. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

"And now we can tell of the Hebrews, a Semitic people, not so important in their own time as in their influence upon the later history of the world. They were settled in Judea long before 1000 B.C., and their capital city after that time was Jerusalem. (…) Their importance in the world is due to the fact that they produced a written literature, a world history, a collection of laws, chronicles, psalms, books of wisdom, poetry and fiction and political utterances which became at last what Christians know as the Old Testament, the Hebrew Bible. (…) The Jews were a new thing, a people without a king and presently without a temple, held together and consolidated out of heterogeneous elements by nothing but the power of the written word. (…) [Jewish] people are rich enough, able enough, and potent enough to save themselves. (…) What is to prevent Jews having Palestine and restoring a real Judea?"

– H. G. Wells, English author. 1866 – 1946 AD

Wells, H.G. (1922): A Short History of the World. 

Jewish Telegraphic Agency (2012): When the Comic Stops Laughing.

Kobler, F. (1856): The Vision Was There. 

“Although their state was destroyed, the Jewish race itself has survived, and so has its national spirit. (...) I wish to assure you of my sympathy for this [Zionist] movement, which is one of the greatest movements of the present time. All lovers of democracy cannot help but support wholeheartedly and welcome with enthusiasm the movement to restore your wonderful and historic nation, which has contributed so much to the civilizations of the world and which rightfully deserves an honorable place in the family of nations.”

– Sun Yat-sen, Chinese President (ROC). 1866 – 1925 AD

Gao, B. (2013): Shanghai Sanctuary. Page 15.

​Xun, Z. (2013): Chinese Perceptions of the Jews' and Judaism. Page 57. 

“The Arab population do not and cannot use or develop the resources of Palestine. This is not disputed by any one who knows the country. The total population of Palestine today (…) is less than was that of Galilee in the time of Christ. (…) Already Jewish immigration is changing that. To the older Jewish settlements and agricultural schools are owing, to a great extent, both the Jaffa orange trade and the culture of vines; to the newer, agricultural machinery, afforestation, the beginnings of scientific manuring, the development of schemes of irrigation and of agricultural cooperation. Palestine not only offers room for hundreds of thousands of Jews, it loudly cries out for more labour and more skill.”

– Ramsay MacDonald, Scottish Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. 1866 – 1937 AD

Keleman, P. (1996): Zionism and the British Labour Party. 

“What really overwhelms me is the general spiritual condition inside and outside Italy; the falsehood, wickedness and stupidity in which we are so immersed and almost submerged; (…) the cold plundering and persecution of the Jews, our fellow citizens, our companions, our friends, who worked for Italy and loved Italy not any more nor any less than we do."

– Bernedotto Croce, Italian Minister of Public Education. 1866 – 1952 AD

Faraone, R. (2003): Giovanni Gentile e la "questione ebraica". Page 25. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“For those who are interested in the preservation of the national peculiarity of a nation, it was sad to observe how the great Jewish nation lived scattered across the whole world for centuries, without possessing any centre on the territory, that brought them their emergence as their national homeland, but which they, despite the Diaspora, remembered with pride and to which they extend all their aspirations.”

– James O’Grady, Irish/British Governor of Tasmania and of the Falkland Islands. 1866 – 1934 AD

Balfour über den Zionismus und die Zukunft Palästinas. In: Wiener Morgenzeitung. Nr. 537 vom 21. Juli 1920. Page 3. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“During the Boer War, Jews were among the most faithful and most trusted men on commando, and in the development of South Africa, Jews always played their full part and carried their full burden. In nationalism, in the love of people, in their hatred for oppression, the Jew and the Afrikaner have always stood together.”

​– Barry Hertzog, Afrikaner Prime Minister of South Africa. 1866 – 1942 AD

United Party of South Africa (1945): A Guide to Politics for Young and Old. 

“[We hope] the first Hebrew University will not only be a centre of science ​and of education, but also a cradle of truth, of peace and of solidarity.”

– Vasil Zlatarski, Bulgarian historian. 1866 – 1935 AD

Universitätsfeiern. In Sofia. In: Wiener Morgenzeitung. Nr. 2205 vom 10. April 1923. Page 3. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“The victory of the Zionist idea is the turning point for the fulfilment of an ideal which is so dear to me: ​the revival of the Orient. The goal of Zionism is to carry the torch which should illuminate the Orient.”

– Ahmad Zaki Pasha, Egyptian Secretary General of the Cabinet. 1867 – 1934 AD

Küntzel, M. (2008): Jihad and Jew-Hatred. In: New York Times. 

“It is remarkable and very dangerous that anti-Semitism is being justified by economic necessity. (…) You might look upon it as a class war, a war of the unsuccessful commercial and industrial groups against the Jew, who has discovered the secret of business.”

– Ernest Dimnet, French priest and author. 1866 – 1954 AD

Baron, J. L. (1943): Stars and Sand. Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables. Page 29. 

"The pearl of Zion has become a dunghill, one of the poorest cities, where filth would reach dozens of feet in the air at some locations. The land flowing with milk and honey had become a desert under the centuries-long Turkish domination, but in the course of not even half a century much has changed. Trees have been planted in order to prevent the washing away of the earth, and in order to absorb the water in the swampy areas of the Jezreel valley. And there, where a lack of water is present, wells are drilled for irrigation. Incredible effort has been put into turning Palestine into the land of promise and future. Areas where the soil is so barren and brackish that a sheep or goat can’t feed itself, have been transformed into thriving plantations and farmlands through irrigation and modern agrotechnics. Yet the agriculture takes up only a fifth of the Jewish population, the remainder works in the commerce or the industry. Whereas not a single factory could be found in Palestine roughly a quarter of a century ago, we now witness flourishing diamond, leather and textile factories."

– Johannes de Heer, Dutch evangelist. 1866 – 1961 AD

Heer, J. de (1947): Wat de Schrift zegt van het Joodsche vraagstuk. Page 111. [Translated by C. Nooij].

"[We express] recognition of the achievements of the new Jewish commonwealth in Palestine.  (...) [Zionism] based on work, on socialist transformation and international solidarity, deserves the assistance of all socialists. [I observe] great Zionist achievements and possibilities."

– Emile Vandervelde, Flemish socialist politician.. 1866 – 1938 AD

Jewish Telegraphic Agency (1928): Leaders of Socialist International Create Pro-palestine Committee.

"As a human being, as a Christian and as a priest, I am deeply saddened by the hatred that is stirred up against an entire nation. Our opinion on the Jew is superficial and short-sighted. I know Jewry from personal experience. (…) The Jewish proletariat, the craftsmen and all elements constituting the nation are sympathetic, upright, labor-loving and modest people, who arouse only the best of emotions everywhere they go. Despite their lack of education, they are not ignorant. On the contrary: they surprise everyone with their high intelligence, with their high competence to absorb superior culture.”

– Grigory Spiridonovich Petrov, Russian priest. 1866 – 1925 AD

Ein russicher Priester über den Zionismus. In: Die Welt. 6. Jahrgang. Nr. 51 vom 19. Dezember 1902. Page 2. [Translated by C. Nooij] 

“The Jewish colonies in Palestine, which all emerged in the last forty years, are the only points of light in a land that was transformed into a wilderness by Turkish mismanagement. The opportunities that Palestine offers are unlimited; the first step to success is the Jewish nation taking root on its own soil once more as its own lord; or, to use an old proverb: that ‘the nation without a land is given to the land without a nation.’ (…) It was pleasing to see cities and villages such as Lod, Petah Tikva and Tel Aviv, the orange groves and vineyards of Rishon LeZion, and the figs and olives of Rehovoth, blossoming. Everything witnesses the fact that Jewish heads, Jewish work and Jewish capital are abundant and acting for the best of purposes, ever since I have seen this tempting little country for the last time.”

– John Henry Patterson, Anglo-Irish commander of the Jewish Legion. 1867 – 1947 AD

Israelitisches Familienblatt. Nr. 5 vom 1. Februar 1923. Page 3. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

"Make Palestine a cultural center, make it the center of Jewish scholarship and revive the spiritual glory of the ancient people which has a natural affinity for religion. It is not important, essentially, how much land the Jews have or how much political power they enjoy. What does size matter? Athens and the Greek states were insignificant territorially, and yet they produced not only the world's greatest cultures but the great political writings of Plato. In small states the principles of economics, sociology and politics can be more intimately and more scientifically worked out. What does size matter? The Jews can make the world sit up and take notice; they can make the resurrection of Palestine one of the most exciting phenomena of present day history.”

– George W. Russell, Irish nationalist author, poet and painter. 1867 – 1935 AD
Baron, J. L. (1943): Stars and Sand. Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables. Page 440.

“At the time I left Germany there were nearly two million prisoners of war in the Empire, of whom about ten thousand were Russian officers, nine thousand French officers, and about one thousand British officers. As a rule our inspectors found the hospitals, where the prisoners of war were, in as good condition as could be expected. I think that this was largely due to the fact that so many doctors in Germany are Jews. The people who are of the Jewish race are people of gentle instincts.”

​– James W. Gerard, American lawyer and diplomat. 1867 – 1951 AD

Gerard, J. W. (2003): My Four Years in Germany. 

“That people who had given Maimonides to the science of the Middle Ages, and who were the mainstay of all the industries and commerce of Spain, left our country en masse [in 1492]. Spain, deceived by its extraordinary vitality was opening its own veins to satisfy the growing fanaticism, believing that it could survive this loss without danger. (…) After this, ruin overwhelmed us… the nation from a population of thirty millions had shrunk to seven millions in less than two hundred years. The expulsion of Jews and Moors by religious intolerance, the continual foreign wars, the emigration to America in the hopes of growing rich without work, hunger, the lack of sanitation, and the abandonment of agriculture, had brought about this rapid depopulation.”

​– Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, Spanish author, journalist and politician. 1867 – 1928 AD

Ibáñez, V.B. (1909): Shadow of the Cathedral. [Translated by W.A. Gillespie]. 

“The Arab population shows a remarkable increase since 1920, and it has had some share in the increased prosperity of Palestine. (...) In particular, the Arabs have benefited from social services which could not have been provided on the existing scale without the revenue obtained from the Jews. (...) The Arab claims that the Jews have obtained too large a proportion of good land cannot be maintained. Much of the land now carrying orange groves was sand dunes or swamps and uncultivated when it was bought. (...) The Jews of Palestine are as fit to govern themselves as any organized and educated community in Europe.”

– William Peel, English/British Conservative MP. 1867 – 1937 AD

Palestine Royal Commission (1937): Peel Commission Report 1937. 

“The old Palestine should be resurrected through the ideas of the Zionists. Great are their plans and even if only a tenth of these should be realized, it will still not only render the Jewish nation a great service, but also, primarily, the native population of Palestine. (…) The centres of the truly Jewish entity, the Hebrew culture, in Western Europe have long since disappeared and their centres in Eastern Europe are today likewise doomed. What will become of the Jewish nation when it abandons these last places, too, in which its character is rooted? That it has, up to today, been preserved as a nation, it owes only to the Torah. Should it take root once more in the land of its ancestors and establish a new cultural centre, its true national home, there, it should use the Torah as its basis. (…) Nowadays the Jewish nation has at its disposal uncountable authors, politicians and scholars, exerts a powerful political influence, but little by little it loses its national characteristics and will forfeit them all if it proves incapable of establishing a fixed, secured home for its character in Palestine.”

​– Alois Musil, Austro-Moravian / Czechoslovak orientalist. 1868 – 1944 AD

Die Sicherung der Ernährung Jerusalems. In: Wiener Morgenzeitung, Heft 827, 3. Jahrgang. 17. Mai 1921. [Translated by C. Nooij]​.

“[Jews] have superiority in the drama, medicine, commerce (chiefly finance), metaphysics, music, poetry, philology, and chess-playing. (…) The Jew is ever striving, striving, to rise to a higher social station. The Jewish workman will starve himself so that his children be well-fed, be well-clad, and have a superior education, and in my investigations in schools I have never ceased to be surprised at the quickness of Jewish children compared with their Gentile companions.”

– John Foster Fraser, Scottish travel author. 1868 – 1936 AD

Fraser, J.F. (1915): The Conquering Jew. Page 37. 

“Just as I myself have Jewish brothers in my student corps, that I - and this is also the prevailing opinion within my corps - count among our best, I also know enough young Israelite Germans who have proven before the enemy as well as in spiritual confirmation, that they are as good Germans as just any full-blooded Teuton. Excluding these forces from our ranks, is an unjustice and (...) a folly as well.”

– Walter Bloem, Rhenish/German author. 1868 – 1951 AD

Im deutschen Reich - Walter Bloem und die Judenfrage. In: Im Deutschen Reich. Vol. 27. Heft 9 vom September 1921. Page 271. Translated by C. Nooij. 

"I, however, very much like the Jewish nation, great in its suffering, I take a bow before the power of its soul, agonized by centuries of heavy injustices, which, despite being exhausted, still craves ardently and boldly for freedom. Good, fiery blood flows through the arteries of your nation! (...) I admire the spiritual steadfastness of the Jewish nation, its manly idealisms, its unconquerable faith in the victory of good over evil, in the possibility of happiness on earth. The Jews – mankind's old, strong leaven – have always exalted its spirit, bringing into the world restless, noble ideas, goading men to embark on a search for finer values."

– Maxim Gorky, Russian writer. 1868 – 1936 AD

Maxim Gorkij und Tugan Baranowsky über den Zionismus. In: Die Welt. Nummer 10. Jahrgang 6. 7. März. 1902. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“I am irritated by the hypocrites and the idiots who do not give the honour that is due to the young and magnificent Jewish nation... The Jews alone are capable of bringing this country [of Palestine], which is at the world's cross-roads, to life again... With my whole heart I want Israel to possess Palestine, so as to be in a better position to fulfil its role of binding humanity together, its vocation as sons of God, its mission to guard and defend the holy places.”

​– Paul Claudel, French Catholic poet, diplomat and dramatist. 1868 – 1955 AD

Sisters of Our Lady of Sion: Jewish-Christian Dialogue. SIDIC Periodical.

“It is not an empty dream when one assumes that at the end of the next human generation the new Zion will be a state, which will without any doubt only include an outspoken minority of the total Jewish race, but still count one to two million souls which will form a true national people with its own special rural and urban culture, its own centres of art and science, a nation that will form a unique link between the East and the West.”

– James Louis Garvin, English journalist and author. 1868 – 1947 AD
Baron, J. L. (1943): Stars and Sand. Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables. Page 254.

“I pronounce my sympathies to you in light of the celebration of the adoption of the Mandate over Palestine as a Jewish National Home by England. I should like to assume that the aspirations of the Jewish people, which also met to such a large extent with the sympathies of my deceased father (Joe Chamberlain), have finally come true and I wish you the highest success for your undertaking."

– Neville Chamberlain, English Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. 1869 – 1940 AD

 Wiener Morgenzeitung. Volume 2. Heft 537 des 21.7.1920. Page 3. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“The land [of Palestine] is already very Jewish. It will be yours and must be yours; it is merely a question of time. Wait till you have half a million Jews there."

– Vittorio Emanuele III di Savoia, King of Italy. 1869 – 1947 AD

Avineri, S. (2013): Herzl. Theodor Herzl and the Foundation of the Jewish State. Page 252. 

"Israel is absolutely certain to be fully established as a nation and the Jews again as a specially favored people of God. ​The zealous workers in Zionism today are fulfilling prophecy. Zionism is one of the steps in the great divine program."

– Joseph Rutherford, American founder of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. 1869 – 1942 AD

Rutherford, J. (1921): Zionism Certain to Succeed. In: The Golden Age. 1921 Easter. Page 369-382. 

"Those Germans, who make a distinction between "folkish" and "Jewish", and not between Jews of this and that sort and Germans of this and that sort, ought to take a good look at themselves and remember how many stimulating and meritorious things educated Jews have already done for spiritual Germany and how much, on the other hand, has been corruptly and lovelessly destroyed by "ethnic kinsmen'." 

– Hans Pfitzner, Saxon/German componist. 1869 – 1949 AD

​Konflikt der Kulture. In: Bayerische Israelitische Gemeindezeitung. Jahrgang 6. Heft 12 vom 15.6.1930. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

"I have great interest for the labor of the Zionist Organization in Palestine and was pleased to be able to follow the progresses of this work. The organisation does good work. I am particularly interested in the thorough scientific method applied in the agricultural education and organisation. The system of educational farms is similar to the one in New Zealand and Australia. I was especially surprised by the successes of the agricultural school for young girls in Nahalal. These only 17 year old girls will be of great help for their future husbands. I believe the Zionist settlers in Palestine will in many respects be valuable and loyal mediators between the West and the East and to some extent create a link between the great eastern and western nations of the world."

– Sir James Parr, New Zealand's High Commissioner in London. 1869 – 1941 AD

Der Oberkommissar von Neuseeland über die Entwicklung Palästinas. In: Wiener Morgenzeitung. Nr. 8025 vom 1. August 1927. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“My attitude towards Jews is one of great sympathy. I am very much attracted to the Jews. (…) They have got a wonderful spirit of cohesion. That is to say, wherever you find Jews there is a spirit of comradeship among them. (...) They are energetic, intelligent and progressive. (...) The Jews have a good case in Palestine. If the Arabs have a claim in Palestine, the Jews have a prior claim.”

– Mahatma Gandhi, Gujarati/Indian nationalist and politician. 1869 – 1948 AD

Gandhi, M. (1931): Interview to The Jewish Chronicle, London. 

“If Israel shows in anything that it is God's people, then it is in this, that it endures Martyrdom. For stronger than he who conquers the world is the man who bears Martyrdom… No affliction, no smart, no curse can destroy that which has by the grace of the spirit been granted to you from the heart of eternity.”

​– Arnold Hendrik de Hartog, Dutch theologian and educator. 1869 – 1938 AD

Baron, J. L. (1943): Stars and Sand. Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables. 

"No ancient people have had a stranger history than the Jews. (…) Its history explains a nation, and here is a people, far more conscious of its race today than ever it was under the Jewish kings. No longer a nation, they are scattered all over the world, eager everywhere to take on a local colour, but everywhere conscious that nobody believes in this local colour; they are an alien race wherever they are. Foreigners and Orientals still, they intermarry only among themselves; they maintain tribal customs and ceremonies, which their fathers practised in the days when Pericles guided Athens. (…) Stranger still, the ancient religion of the Jews survives, when all the religions of every ancient race of the pre-Christian world have disappeared. (…) Again it is strange that the living religions of the world all build on religious ideas derived from the Jews: Protestantism, Catholicism, Islam, all have creeds in which One God is central.”

– Terrot R. Glover, English philologist. 1869 – 1943 AD

Glover, T.R. (1935): The Ancient World. A Beginning. Page 184-186. 

I very cordially sympathize with the purpose of it, and heartily rejoice that there is good prospect of securing to the Jewish people a National Home in their own country.

– Hugh Cecil, English/British Conservative MP. 1869 – 1956 AD

Sokolow, N. (1919): History of Zionism. 1600-1918. 

“There is among the Jews still a Jewish nation and this nation will – sooner or later – surely obtain a corner of the earth as its homeland. If I were a Jew, working on the realization of this goal would be the mission of my life.”

– Friedrich Fürst von Wrede, Salzburgian/Austrian author. 1870 – 1945 AD

Hoppe, H. (1904): Hervorragende Nichtjuden über den Zionismus. Eine Sammlung von Urteilen hervorragender Persönlichkeiten aller Länder. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

"The people of South Africa and especially the older Dutch population has been brought up almost entirely on Jewish tradition. (…) I do not think there is any record in the whole history of the human race which compares to that of the Jewish people. Yet through it all you have kept the faith, you have kept up your self-respect, you have kept up your national ideals, and you are surviving today, among the nations of the world. You have not been absorbed, you have not been merged, and you have not lost your identity, but through all tribulations and persecutions, through all the vicissitudes of human history you have survived. You have survived, and the day will come when the words of the prophets will become true, and Israel will return to its own land. (...) Great as are the changes wrought by this war, the great world war of justice and freedom, I doubt whether any of these changes surpass in interest the liberation of Palestine and its recognition as the Home of Israel."

– Jan Christiaan Smuts, Afrikaner Prime Minister of South Africa. 1870 – 1950 AD
Fromkin, D. (2010): A Peace to End All Peace. Page 283. 

“Half [of the Jews in the world] live in the civilised world, where there is no caste segregation of the Jews. There the great and universally progressive features of Jewish culture have made themselves clearly felt; its internationalism, its responsiveness to the advanced movements of our times (the percentage of Jews in democratic and proletarian movements is everywhere higher than the percentage of Jews in the general population). (…) Only entirely uneducated and completely oppressed people can believe the lies and slanders which are being spread about the Jews. (…) Disgrace and infamy to the damnable Tsarism which tortured and persecuted the Jews!”

– Vladimir Lenin, Russian Chairman of the Soviet Union. 1870 – 1924 A

Lenin, V.I. (1934): Lenin on the Jewish question. 

“It is absolutely necessary that an entente be made between the Zionists and Arabs, because the war of words can only do evil. The Zionists are necessary for the country: The money which they will bring, their knowledge and intelligence, and the industriousness which characterizes them will contribute without doubt to the regeneration of the country.”

– Daud Barakat, Lebanese journalist. 1870 – 1933 AD

Mandel, N. (1965): Attempts at an Arab-Zionist Entente 1913-1914. Page 243.

“Truly the Jews are a miracle in themselves. They number not more than 18,000,000 in all, while some 2,000 are said to be residing in Japan. A strange thing is that they had been prophesised to become the financial leaders of the world. This has become true, and in addition we see rising from among them the greatest of our scholars, religionists, politicians, musicians, etc. (…) The Asiatics have had very little contact with the Jews in the past, because they have been living chiefly among the so-called Christian countries of Europe. But these Christian countries have mocked and made fools of these poor forsaken people, despisingly calling them 'Jew, Jew'. However, they can never get the upper hand of them, as they are so superior in every respect to any other people.

– Juji Nakada, Japanese Bishop. 1870 – 1939 AD

Nakada, J. (1933): An Unknown Nation. [Translated by Rev. B. Kida]. 

“I have had the utmost sympathy with the aspirations of the Jewish people throughout the world for a settlement in Palestine, and that has been greatly increased by a visit some years ago to Palestine, where I saw a new rural population springing up that helped one to recall some of the passages of the Old Testament which one had learned long since. I have this sympathy because I am an orthodox Christian, and not in spite of it. I think no matter what may be the opinion of others that that is a sentiment which orthodox Christians ought to have.”

– Sir James Hope, Scottish/British Conservative MP. 1870 – 1949 AD

UK Parliament (1939): Volume 113. Debated on Tuesday 23 May 1939. 

“On the perspectives of Zionism, opinions might differ; the Jewish people must, however, under the principle of the national right of self-determination, enjoy the right to shape its faith according to its own wishes and ideals in every instance. (…) Socialism will have to tackle the agrarian problem. It must conduct a policy of advancing production. That makes yet another reason for the socialist Internationale to give the Jewish settlement work in Palestine free rein.”

​– Camille Huysmans, Flemish socialist politician. 1871 – 1968 AD

Allgemeine Zeitung des Judenthums. Vol. 81. Heft 50 (14.12.1917). Page 591. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

"The Jews themselves, of whom a considerable number were already scattered throughout the colonies, were true to the teachings of their prophets. The Jewish faith is predominantly the faith of liberty. (...) The Jewish nation has preserved throughout the millennia a deep-rooted strong notion of nationality and a wonderful spirit of its own, without concern for the numerous disturbing influences all around it. In all countries they settled, the Jews contributed to the economic successes of the country and were constantly true supporters of the cause of liberty. (...) The plan to rebuild the Jewish homeland ought to earn the sympathies of everyone. I wish everyone success."

– Calvin Coolidge, American President of the United States. 1872 – 1933 AD

Coolidge, C. (1925): Address at the Laying of the Cornerstone of the Jewish Community Centre in Washington, D.C. 

​“The Jews (…) have collaborated loyally in every phase of national endeavor. Their sons have fought by the side of our sons on the battlefield, not once, not merely in the last war, but in every struggle that has taken place since the emancipation by the Assemblée Nationale in 1789. (…) French culture is richer because of the Jewish contribution. Recognizing this, we are grateful for that contribution.”

– Édouard Herriot, Prime Minister of the French Republic. 1872 – 1957 AD

Baron, J. L. (1943): Stars and Sand. Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables. Page 417. 

(BEWARE: In 1967 Russell took the side of the Arab aggressor states attacking Israel)

​“I have come gradually to see that, in a dangerous and largely hostile world, it is essential to Jews to have some country which is theirs, some region where they are not suspected aliens, some state which embodies what is distinctive in their culture”

– Bertrand Russell, English philosopher from Wales. 1872 – 1970 AD

Porat, D. (1981): Bertrand Russell On Zionism. 

“The Jews will go to Palestine. If they do not go there with [Colonial Secretary Malcolm MacDonald’s] consent, they will go there without your consent. They are going home at last. They have had enough of this. They know perfectly well that for any man who reaches Palestine to-day there must be work there, but if not, he can starve among his friends there instead of being starved and bludgeoned to death by his enemies. They like work, if they can get it, and I believe that wherever there is land there is an opportunity for work. But if they cannot get work, let them starve. It is better for a Jew to starve in Palestine, in his home, than to be killed at Sachsenhausen, or Dachau, or some of those foul torture places to which they are being sent at the present time. The only way out is Palestine.”

– Sir Josiah Wedgwood, English/British Liberal/Labour MP. 1872 – 1943 AD

UK Parliament (1938): Palestine. Debated on Thursday 24 November 1938. 

“The revitalization of the wonderful and neglected mine of Hebraic culture – Italian Zionism was that and nothing more – was so precious a contribution to universal culture that anybody who cares for intellectual values must resent its destruction. Personally, I, as an Italian, deplore it deeply.”

– Carlo Sforza, Italian Foreign Minister. 1872 – 1952 AD
Baron, J. L. (1943): Stars and Sand. Jewish Notes by Non-Jewish Notables. Page 412.

“It is evident enough that, but for the persistent efforts of those early Christians of the Jewish race, all the great nations of the earth would certainly still be heathen nations, instead of being such comparatively enlightened, and rapidly progressive Christian nations as they are at present. (…) Why shouldn’t the Sovereign of the foremost empire upon earth now cause a royal proclamation to be made, calling upon British subjects everywhere to favor as much as possible the restoration of the homeless and destitute Jewish people to ‘the land of their fathers’ and to contribute freely and liberally of their abundance for this purpose; that they may have every opportunity to attain to the highest cultivation of which they are capable; that their country may soon become evidently the fittest location upon earth for the supreme international tribunal which shall henceforth leave the nations neither excuse nor occassion for war.”

– Henry Wentworth Monk, Canadian mystic. 1872 – 1896 AD

Kay, Z. (1978): Canada and Palestine. The Politics of Noncommitment. Page 10. 

"Before the magnitude of this war, most ideals seem to shrink in size. But one ideal is the peer even of this war in magnitude and grandeur. It is the ideal of the restoration of the Jews to a country which, small and poor as it is, they made as famous as Greece and as great as Rome. And lastly, there is no ideal (...) that would exhibit the contrast between English and German political ideals so favourably to us, and so eloquently, vindicate our own, as the establishment of a Jewish State under the British Crown."

– Herbert Sidebotham, English journalist. 1872 – 1940 AD

​Sidebotham, H. (1918): England and Palestine. Essays towards the Restoration of the Jewish State. 

“The Zionist movement seems very sympathetic to me. And it is desirable that the movement does not bump into any artificial obstacles anywhere.”

– Vladimir Arsenyev, Russian explorer. 1872 – 1930 AD

Russische Schriftsteller über den Zionismus. In: Die Welt. Nummer 35. Jahrgang 6. 29. August 1902. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“The Jews can build on Great Britain’s sense of honour and good name as a sufficient ​guarantee for the realization of their aspirations in regards to the future of Palestine.”

– Jimmy Thomas, Welsh/British Secretary of State for the Colonies (Labour). 1874 – 1949 AD 

"It is because they are a clever race that others are jealous of them, for anything that is wrong you point to the Jews! It is so much more easy than finding the real cause, or because people want something to strike and so the popular cry: ‘the Jews, the Jews’. You remember I told you about the prophecy regarding the Jews that when they will be persecuted and driven to Jerusalem that the golden age shall come? (…) It is a legacy from the animal world. Just as dogs of one street do not like dogs of another.”

– Sri Aurobindo Ghose, Bengali/Indian nationalist, philosopher and poet. 1872 – 1950 AD 

Mother India. Monthly Review of Culture. Volume 13. Page 6. 

"The distinction of Jews is based on their delicate capacity to adjust themselves to the respective cultures, on their extreme predisposition and on their dissecting intellect, which stops at nothing. (...) The 5th and 8th Commandment forbid the hatred of the enemy, the Christians owe a debt of gratitude to the Jewish people, which God elected for His Incarnation, and reject with profound outrage the desecration of Jewish synagogues and graves."

– Leo Frobenius, Prussian/German ethnologist and archeologist. 1873 – 1938.

Konflikt der Kulture. In: Bayerische Israelitische Gemeindezeitung. Jahrgang 6. Heft 12 vom 15.6.1930. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“Some people like Jews and some do not; but no thoughtful man can doubt the fact that they are beyond all question the most formidable and the most remarkable race which has ever appeared in the world. (…) We owe to the Jews a system of ethics which, even if entirely separated from the supernatural, would be incomparably the most precious possession of mankind, worth in fact the fruits of all wisdom and learning put together. (…) It is manifestly right that the scattered Jews should have a national center and a national home and be reunited, and where else but in Palestine, with which for 3,000 years they have been intimately and profoundly associated?"

– Winston Churchill, English Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (Conservative). 1874 – 1965 AD

Himmelfarb, G. (2011): The People of the Book. 

"I have watched with genuine admiration the steady and unmistakable Progress made in the rehabilitation of Palestine which, desolate for centuries, is now renewing its youth and vitality through the enthusiasm, hard work and self-sacrifice of the Jewish pioneers who toil there in a spirit of peace and social justice. It is very gratifying to note that many American Jews, Zionists as well as non-Zionists, have rendered such splendid service to this cause which merits the sympathy and moral encouragement of everyone."

– Herbert Hoover, German-American President of the United States (GOP). 1874 - 1964 AD

Hoover, H. (1932): Message to the Zionist Organization of America on the Anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, October 29, 1932. 

“What a sublime role the Jewish spirit has played in world history! Just as we owe Greece our conception of beauty, Rome our ideas of legal basis, we owe Palestine the religion that forms the foundation stone of our Western civilization. Sinai is a Jewish mountain; however, so are the Mount of Olives and Mount Calvary. (…) After a dispersal, aberration and oppression of nineteen centuries – what can we expect from the liberated genius of a gifted race? As shackled as the Jew has been, he has nevertheless put abundant gifts into the service of humanity,  and if only the awakening of his national self-consciousness through the creation of a National Home will guarantee his personal freedom and his self-esteem not only in Palestine, but also in every other country, then the world will be enriched by the achievements of his energy and his spirit.”

– Arthur Meighen, Ulster-Scottish-Canadian Prime Minister of Canada (Conservative). 1874 – 1960 AD

Der kanadische Ministerpräsident über den Zionismus. In: Wiener Morgenzeitung. 3. Jahrgang. Heft 856. vom 15.6.1921. Page 2. [Translated by C. Nooij.]. 

“Since the granting of equal rights a century ago, the Jewish people of Canada, true to their age-old traditions, have taken an active and honorable part in the public and political life of the Dominion. (…) I (…) desire to join with my fellow Canadians of every race in wishing continued happiness and prosperity to the sons and daughters of Jewish origin in their adopted homeland of Canada.”

​– Mackenzie King, Scottish-Canadian Prime Minister of Canada (Liberal). 1874 – 1950 AD

Rhinewine, A. & Goldstick, I. (1932): Looking Back a Century on the Centennial of Jewish Political Equality in Canada. Page 120. 

"The survival of the Jews, their resistance to destruction, their endurance under absolutely peculiar conditions and the fateful role played by them in history: all these point to the particular and mysterious foundations of their destiny. (...) And if we search for revelation in history, we will find it, more compelling than anywhere else, in the history of that unusual people, our ancestors. For almost two thousand years Jews remained a distinctive nation without any of the usual prerequisites of nationhood. They had no land, no sovereignty, no power, no overarching political structures, not even a shared culture. They were scattered over the face of the earth and almost everywhere they were a minority. For the most part, they refused active efforts to convert them and resisted the passive pull of assimilation. No other people kept its identity intact for so long in such circumstances."

– Nikolai Berdyaev, Russian philosopher. 1874 – 1948 AD 

Berdyayev, N. (1949): The Meaning of History. Page 87.​ 

“My friends and I had (…) the desire to give Jews the dignity and status of a separate nation. We desired that in some fashion and so far as possible, Jews should be represented by Jews, should live in a society of Jews, should be judged by Jews and ruled by Jews. I am an Anti-Semite if that is Anti-Semitism. It would seem more rational to call it Semitism.”

– G. K. Chesterton, English theologian, philosopher and poet. 1874 – 1936 AD

Chesterton, G.K. (1920): The New Jerusalem. Chapter XIII.