Page 4 (1955 - 1970)

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“Israel is a major player in the high tech world, which explains the considerable contribution of the country not only in the field of high tech startups but also through the R&D centers for companies like Microsoft, Intel and Motorola. We’re super-satisfied with the contributions of our R&D center in Haifa. The quality of the people here is quite fantastic. (…) The science and technology curriculum in Israeli universities is also of a very high standard. The level of technological integration in the country is evident. The use of fast speed internet, lap tops and cell phones is advanced here and puts Israel at cutting edge of world technology. (...) Israel is, by many measures, the country - relative to its population - that's done the most to contribute to the technology revolution.”

– Bill Gates, American founder of Microsoft. 1955 AD

Kloosterman, K. (2005): Bill Gates – Israel is a high tech superpower. In: Israel21c. October 30, 2005. 

"I want to address the people of Israel, the so brave people of Israel, who have chosen democracy and freedom, and owe these to no one but themselves, to their courage, energy and intelligence. Had you not willed it, no one would have sought to do it for you. We should have the honesty and courage to recognize this. But through you I would like to address the whole Jewish people, the Jewish people who were without a land and political institutions for so long, but who share the same moral attitude, the same concept of life, the same tradition, the same faith, the same hope. The Jewish people, whom neither violence nor hate could make give up the universal values the prophets of Israel have taught all mankind. No exile, no adversity could wrench the memory of the Promised Land from the hearts of the Jewish people. And after 19 centuries, every single one of these people, dispersed throughout the world, still said: 'I am a Jew because, born of Israel and having lost her, I have felt her live again in me, more alive than myself'."

 – Nicolas Sarkozy, French President. 1955 AD

Historic Address by President Sarkozy to the Knesset. June 24, 2008​ 

“I will side with the Jewish nation and its democratic aspirations in case of outbreak of a Palestinian Intifada (uprising) and I shall exert all my influence to break any ominous Arab initiatives set to condemn Tel Aviv , because I deem the Arab-Israeli entente and future friendship necessary to impede the Iranian dangerous encroachment. (...) Israel is an island of stability in one of the more troubled areas of the world. I can express my appreciation of lofty ethics which Israel’s founding fathers built this country upon.”

​– Al-Waleed bin Talal al-Saud, Saudi prince and business magnate. 1955 AD

i24NEWS (2015): Saudi prince. 'I will support Israel in an intifada with the Palestinians'. October 29 2015, 03:07 PM. 

“My commitment, that of [governor] Witzel, our commitment, that of my ministers and that of people of goodwill and of the evangelicals, is to look for ways to transform Brazil into what Israel is today. We see Israel as it is today. They don't have mineral wealth, don't have water, biodiversity and fertile land, large tourist areas, except those Biblical areas, and look at all we have and what we are. Look what we have, we have everything. And look what we are not. And what do we lack? Faith. We lack people who serve as examples for others, who do not measure sacrifice in their work field to demonstrate that advice is welcome.”

– Jair Bolsonaro, Italo-Brazilian President of Brazil. 1955 AD

Lisboa, V. (2019): Para presidente, mudanças no Brasil passam por fé, exemplos e trabalho. In: Agência Brasil. 11/04/2019. [Translated by C. Nooij].

Jornal O Sul: Bolsonaro compara Brasil e Israel. 12 April 2019. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“As long as only Israel was in the Islamist martyrs’ sights and they only exploded in clubs and pubs in Tel Aviv, every Israeli response was considered shameful. Now we Europeans are in the sights, the terrorists are also angry at us: an Italian or Parisian could now well understand how life flows in Tel Aviv. (…) The city, whose name means ‘Hill of Spring’, expresses the quintessence of Israeli identity. It brings together the memory of ancient roots and an entirely new construction. (…) It provides shelter to Palestinian homosexuals, has an advanced legislation on civil rights.”

​– Pierluigi Battista, Italian journalist, author and television presentator. 1955 AD

De Feudis, M. (2016): Tel Aviv, dove vince il nuovo. Pierluigi Battista introduce l'ultimo incontro di «Da Sud a Sud». In: Corriere del Mezzogiorno. 27 April 2016. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“After days of political talks, meetings and field trips, I can conclude that it’s not only the security situation of which the depiction in the outside world fails to correspond with reality. (…) Israel [is a] country with a successful enterprise and entrepreneurship, research and education of world class and with empathetic and engaged citizens.”

​– Lars Adaktusson, Swedish member of European parliament. 1955 AD

Adaktusson, L.: Vad tänker du på när du hör ordet Israel?. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“Over the past century the world has witnessed a country rise out of the desert and flourish, against all odds, to become the ‘Start-Up Nation’ – a world leader in technological innovation, cyber security, academia and medicine. The Balfour Declaration was instrumental in the creation of the State of Israel, adding the official British voice to the chorus that wanted to give 'a land without a people to a people without a land'. (...) After the Holocaust and the expulsion of hundreds and thousands of Jews from the Middle East, many of the persecuted sought and found refuge in the Jewish and democratic state. Israel has lived up to the highest ambitions of the Balfour Declaration,as a democratic, prosperous and selfreliant state. (...) That an Israeli Arab party [sits] in a coalition Government (...) is a very welcome development. It is a clear demonstration of Israel’s vibrant democracy, and I wish the new Government every success. (...) Israel is a beacon of hope in a region of instability, and an important ally of the United Kingdom.

​– John Howell, English/British Conservative MP. 1955 AD 

CFI Informed Magazine 2016/2017. Page 22.

Israel and Palestine Volume 697: debated on Monday 14 June 2021.

Israel’s economic development and transformation over the last quarterdecade is breathtaking. Despite the threats the country faces, it still continues to be a tolerant and outward-looking society. Israel’s overseas aid organisations are often the first on the scene at humanitarian disasters, and Israeli NGOs such as Innovation Africa bring Israeli solar, water and agricultural innovations to rural African villages.

​– Anne Jenkin née Strutt, Scottish/British Conservative MP. 1955 AD 

CFI Informed Magazine. 2018/2019. Page 17.

“It's unmistakably Israel, unmistakably Jewish and yet take a walk in Tel Aviv, or around Mamila in Jerusalem and it feels like, well, Europe. (…) Israel's people share more in common culturally and democratically with the EU than with their closest neighbors. Travel across the border to Jordan, or Syria and you are - unmistakably in the Middle-East.”

– Marek Siwiec, Polish member of European parliament. 1955 AD

Siwiec, M. (2014): We do not seek a homogenous supportive position towards Israel or blind obedience to the Israeli government line. In: Jerusalem Post. January 19 2014. 

"It’s clear that Israel is a nation of good and warm people. It’s remarkable how different the reality of this country is from what one hears about it. I can definitely commit myself to being an ambassador of truth for the State of Israel and offer positive messages on behalf of the people of Israel and Jerusalem."

– Miguel Ferrer, American actor. 1955 – 2017 AD

Press, V.S. (2011): Twilight’s Kellan Lutz ‘amazed’ by Israel. In: Israel21c. September 21, 2011. 

“As Ezekiel predicted, the land is fruitful. Israel is the fourth largest grower of citrus in the world, and the third largest exporter of flowers. When I first visited Israel, I worked on a kibbutz, or farm. There I saw the devotion of the people to grow and to spread farms around the land. In 1948, 400,000 acres were cultivated in Israel. Today, over a million acres are cultivated. (…) Astonishingly, these nearly eight million inhabitants are surrounded by 300 million unsympathetic neighbors. Doesn't it seem like the odds are again stacked against them? But the odds are in Israel's favor when you view the Middle East situation as seven million plus God against 300 million. (…) They have been victorious in war. And they have gained global prestige. One-tenth of one percent of world population (the Jews) have managed to secure one third of all of the Nobel Peace Prizes ever given. And one-third of the awards in music, science, and art have been bestowed upon the Jews. The world has watched God not only bring the people back to the land. They have seen the land become fruitful, and its inhabitants increase in prestige.”

– Skip Heitzig, German-American pastor. 1955 AD 

Heitzig, S. (2012): Why we love Israel. In: Connection. The Magazine.

"The United States has a unique bond with Israel and her people, a staunch and enduring alliance founded on our nations' shared commitment to democracy. (...) Israel's continued success is a living monument to the strength and will of the Jewish people there and around the world. I have no doubt that Israel will continue to grow and prosper into the future."

 – Sheldon Whitehouse, American Senator (Dem) from Rhode Island. 1955 AD


"Israel is not just a beacon of democracy in the Middle East, but a shining example of resilience, ingenuity and entrepreneurship. As Mayor, I would build stronger relationships with Israel's great cities and be a champion for London's business. (...) Tel Aviv and London share so much in common. They both have such a wonderful and vibrant cultural scene, and economies with so much potential."

 Susan Hall née Cole, British member of the London Assembly. 1955 AD

CFI INFORMED MAGAZINE 2023/2024. Page 17.

"Israel is one example of what it takes, emphasizing technology and science education, a governmental role in supporting research and development, and a culture that encourages risk taking and allows for rapid failure. For ​a small country, Israel will have an oversized impact on the evolution of the next stage of the technology we all use."

 – Eric Schmidt, German-American executive chairman of Google. 1955 AD

Israeli Government (2012): Israel and its High Tech Revolution. 25 June 2012. 

“In recalling the Middle East war when Israel was just founded, and Israel and the entire Arab world were at war, the war was provoked by the Arabs. (…) The Palestinians are [also] generally the first party to provoke war. (…) If the United States abandoned Israel, Jews would be likely to experience a second Holocaust.”

​– Liu Xiaobo, Chinese democracy activist. 1955 – 2017 AD 

Peacehall / 2002.

Israel was one of the first countries I visited when I became TSA administrator,” Neffenger said. “We’ve learned a lot from you about behavioral detection and modeling, about explosive detection and the types of training you need to give to your screening workforce.

​– Peter V. Neffenger, American Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration. 1955 AD 

Gross, J.A. (2007): Ex-TSA chief lauds Israel ties, says more to come. In: JINSA. June 23 2007.

"If you're going to take it from a secular point of view, you must involve history, which states very clearly that in 70 A.D. the Temple burned, and in the year 135 the Jews were exiled. And in 638 the Muslims full well knew whom the land rightly belonged to... Muslims left the borders of Arabia to enter a land that according to their own scriptures, belongs to the people of Moses."

– Khaleel Mohammed, Indo-Guyanese/Canadian scholar. 1955 – 2022 AD

Handler, J. (2004): The dissenting Muslim. SDSU's Khaleel Mohammed looks to the Quran for his controversial thesis. In: San Diego Jewish Journal. August 2004. 

“I am here to testify full solidarity with the attacked, i.e. Israel. I’m here on behalf of the government, against terrorism, against the infamous banners and against the jackals calling for the boycott of Jewish shops. Against those who haven’t had the courage to say that Israel is right.”

– Andrea Ronchi, Italian Minister of Community Policy. 1955 AD

Martinez, M. (2009): Gasparri e Fassino pregano insieme per l’esercito israeliano. 24/01/2009. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

"At that crucial hour [i.e. the Gorkha earthquake], Israel was first to send relief and rescue teams. After India, Israel sent the largest such operation. This fact will remain fresh in our memories for many years to come. (…) I would appeal to the people of Israel to say that it is now safe; you can enjoy the mountains, the beauty, and the love the Nepalese people have for the Israeli people.”

​– Kamal Thapa, Nepali Foreign Minister. 1955 AD

World Jewish Congress (2016): At WJC forum in Jerusalem, Nepalese FM thanks Israel for support. 26 May 2016. 

“I want to reassure you of Britain’s unshakeable commitment under this Conservative Government to Israel’s security; Israel’s right to defend itself; Israel’s right to exist. (…) We took a bit of flack for it and we are proud of that, and we will stand behind Israel again when it is defending its right to exist and its right to defend itself against attacks.”

– Philip Hammond, English/British State Secretary for Defence, Transport and Foreign Affairs. 1955 AD

Christian Friends of Israel (2015): Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond addresses 500 delegates at CFI Party Conference Reception. October 7 2015. 

“It is my wish to expand and considerably reinforce our cooperation with Israel. (…) Water technology and soil science are closely linked. Which plants are especially drought-resistant? Israel is a world leader in this type of research. (…) New crops, research into drought resilience, water, irrigation techniques – there is no better partner in this field than Israel. (…) Israel’s security is fundamental and it is unquestionably part of Germany’s national ethos. That also applies to our efforts in the field of development cooperation.”

​– Gerd Müller, Bavarian/German Federal Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development (CDU-CSU). 1955 AD

Jewish Voice from Germany (2016): Entwicklungspolitik kann Frieden schaffen. 9. April 2016.​ [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“Israel has made tremendous strides since its establishment in 1948 – and today it is a strong security and trading partner with the United States. Israel's growing business sector has benefited the United States as a whole and the State of Texas. (…) With the second highest number of companies on NASDAQ and strong investment incentives, Israel is equally attractive to U.S. investment. Israel boasts an extremely high level of skilled engineers and is the world leader in medical device patents.”

– Pete Sessions, American Representative (GOP) from Texas. 1955 AD

May 13, 2008 - Issue: Vol. 154, No. 78 — Daily Edition 110th Congress (2007 - 2008) - 2nd Session 

“For the past six decades the United States and Israel have forged a special relationship based on our shared history of overcoming oppression, tyranny and hatred. This bond has strengthened over time through our common interest in peace, prosperity, and democracy.”

– Mike Michaud, Quebecois-American Representative (Dem) from Maine. 1955 AD

April 23, 2008 - Issue: Vol. 154, No. 65 — Daily Edition 110th Congress (2007 - 2008) - 2nd Session. 

“We must never allow anyone to drive a wedge between the State of Israel and the United States of America. It must be so. Israel's right to exist must be acknowledged by every group in every corner of the world. That's the way the world must be to move forward.”

– Lindsey Graham, Scots-Irish American Senator (GOP) from South Carolina. 1955 AD

Lindsey Graham - Speech to the AIPAC. 22 March 2010. 

“I saw for myself that free and open access to their holy places for people of all faiths was not merely the goal in Jerusalem, it was the rule. The city's parks were revitalized. Schools and museums and hospitals sprang up. Music and poetry once again rose into Israel's evening sky. The people came together as artists, architects, lawyers, and theologians in an effort that resulted in a city that no longer just survived but lived and breathed.”

– Mary Landrieu, American Senator from Louisiana. 1955 AD

June 11, 1997 - Issue: Vol. 143, No. 81 — Daily Edition 105th Congress (1997 - 1998) - 1st Session. 

"They know how important Israel is for the western side of the world, for the liberal side of the world. Israel is now the front of the fight against fundamentalism and islamization led by Iran. More and more people will come to understand that it is important to visit Israel, because God blessed Israel, because God blessed Jerusalem, and because it is important to the entire world to come to Jerusalem, to be part of Israel, of Jerusalem, for a few days. And of course, God will bless everyone who supports Israel."

– Ayoob Kara, Druze-Israeli member of Knesset (Likud). 1955 AD 

“Germany, with its historical responsibility, [looks] with respect and admiration upon that which Israel is today – a stable democracy, a friendly state, an innovative country. And (…) Israel [treats] Germany, despite the horrible crimes of the Nazi’s, with respect and admiration, and [shares] our friendship.”

​– Petra Ernstberger, Rhenish/German member of the Bundestag (SPD). 1955 AD

Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft: Warum Israel?. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“The Jewish state, one could say nowadays, is doing much better than many other states, right? Everywhere are riots: in the entire Middle East. In Jerusalem, Israel, it is relatively calm. It’s quite strange that no Arab is taking to the streets to demonstrate against the Jewish state, isn’t it? Seemingly, they’re not doing so bad after all! (…) The existence of Israel speaks for the existence of a living God. The presence of Israel speaks for the power of God’s word. The security of Israel speaks for the power, the truthfulness of God’s Covenant.”

– Norbert Lieth, German author, publicist and missionary. 1955 AD

In: Youtube. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

"Israel embodies the hope cherished by a people of being able to live a life of freedom in a homeland of their own. As a result of the actions of brave men and women, Israel represents the realisation of that very human dream. Throwing off the shackles of prejudice and persecution, in order to live in freedom and dignity – this is a desire shared by many people throughout the world. Today, Israel is a robust democracy, a vibrant, open society with all the conflicts that implies, and a modern economy. The kibbutzim which once made the desert bloom have been replaced by hundreds of start-ups and high-tech research centres in which work is being done which will lead to the inventions of the future; minute microchips and robots, computer tomography and ultrasound scanners. Israeli researchers are world leaders in many areas: Israel has only eight million inhabitants, but it can boast seven major research universities, including the Technion in Haifa and the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot, and 12 Nobel Prize winners!"

– Martin Schulz, Rhenish/German President of the European parliament (SPD). 1955 AD

European Parliament president’s speech to Knesset. February 12, 2014. 

(While not a pro-Israel quote per se, it clearly expresses sympathy for the plight of the Israeli Defense Forces)

"[In the Golan Heights] the strategic situation of Israel becomes very clear. (...) When you turn around, you have an overview of dozens of kilometers of the lower situated Israel. That shows how vulnerable Israel is. There is no strategic depth. (...) I (...) walked around and then you try to imagine just what it would be like if you are sitting on this mountain with a military assignment yourself and you see this territory around you. Yeah, that makes me speechless... I wouldn't want to defend this place: the approaches are gigantic, you're completely unprotected against the air. So you'd be sitting here, if I may call it such, on a bald pimple with a rather desperate mission."

– Peter van Uhm, Commander of the Royal Netherlands Army. 1955 AD

Van Uhm en de Golan Hoogvlakte. In: Israël 65 jaar geliefd en gehaat. Aflevering 1. Juni 2013. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“Jerusalem was already the capital of Israel when America was uninhabited, when
London ​was a swamp and when the Netherlands lied at the bottom of the North Sea.”

– Wim Kortenoeven, Dutch member of parliament (PVV). 1955 AD 

“Boycotting Israel is the most ridiculously stupid thing you can do. What we need to be doing is celebrating what Israel represents. And I say that not as an Israeli, not as a Jew – I say it as a human being who can see [the situation] for what it is.”

– Mike Huckabee, American Governor of Arkansas (GOP). 1955 AD

Eisenbud, D.K. (2014): Huckabee lambasts BDS movement, peace negotiations, praises Scarlett Johanssen. In: Jerusalem Post. Feburary 17 2014, 21:58. 

"We share a unique relationship based on Australia's historical support for Israel and our shared commitment to freedom, security and democracy. Our friendship will remain strong because our values are shared. (...) A touchstone of the friendship between Australia and Israel is Australia's clear and unambiguous commitment to Israel's sovereign right to exist within secure borders, which we so strongly supported in 1948."

– Stephen Smith, Australian Minister for Defence. 1955 AD

Text of FM Stephen Smith's Address to Jewish community. 

"The establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 is an historical milestone in the long and turbulent history of the Jewish people. (…) The new state [gave] the Jewish people its own place and the legal certainty that the countries of Europe had not been able to provide them with. Israel therefore became not only a refuge, but also a source of inspiration and self-assurance. This is reflected in the admirable way in which the Israeli population has built up a modern democracy with an advanced economy during the last sixty years, often under difficult circumstances. Ever since 1948, the Netherlands has maintained warm relations with the young state and Dutch governments have supported Israel. The same applies to the current government.”

– Jan Peter Balkenende, Prime Minister of the Netherlands (CDA). 1956 AD

Drie decennia CIDI. Een joodse stem die gehoord wordt. Pagina 47-53. [Translated by C. Nooij] 

““We have, in Israel, a thriving democracy, a beacon of tolerance, an engine of enterprise and an example to the rest of the world for overcoming adversity and defying disadvantages… It is only when you walk through Jerusalem or Tel Aviv that you see a country where people of all religions and sexualities are free and equal in the eyes of the law. It is only when you travel across the country that you realise it is only the size of Wales – and appreciate even more the impact it has on the world… (...) The modern State of Israel is the fulfillment of many generations of struggle. (…) It is a tragic fact of history that the Jewish people have had to protect themselves from repeated attempts to obliterate them, and that the safety of the Jewish people can never be taken for granted. (...) Seventy years on from the establishment of the State of Israel, the Israeli people can be extremely proud of all that their country has achieved. Today, Israel is a thriving democracy and a global leader in areas such as scientific research, medicine and education. The UK is proud to stand side by side with Israel as an ally with mutual interests, and a close friend with shared values – and I am pleased that the relationship between the UK and Israel continues to go from strength to strength. (...)  I am not just proud to support Israel; I am proud of our role in the creation of Israel. And I want to build the strongest and deepest possible relationship between our two countries. (…) Under my leadership the UK will always be a real and trusted partner for Israel, supporting Israel’s security and prosperity, not just through our words but also through our actions. (...) As a great start-up nation, an engine of enterprise, a world leader in technology, and a great friend of Britain, I want to see an ambitious free trade deal between our countries.

​– Theresa May, English Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. 1956 AD

Theresa May “a long-standing friend of Israel”. In: BICOM. 12th July 2016.

Speech on 70th Anniversary of Israeli Independence. 2018.

CFI Annual Business Lunch, December 2016. & UJIA Annual Dinner, September 2018.

“Over the last 2,000 years, the land was neglected, so much that in his famous novel about his trip to the Holy Land 150 years ago, the American writer Mark Twain describes it as deserted and ugly. But if you travel around Israel today, you will see a beautiful country, uniquely positioned as a bridge between Europe, Asia and Africa. If you study Israel's plants and birds, you will discover that there are so many different species in such a small country. (…) Israel is known worldwide as a ‘Start-Up Nation’, a giant of an innovative, dynamic economy.”

– Andrius Kubilius, Prime Minister of Lithuania. 1956 AD

KKL JNF: Lithuanian Prime Minister Plants Tree in Jerusalem. 

“In the name of my country and the whole population, I want you to know Israel is in the heart of all

​Paraguayans. We like you very much. Israel is bigger than you think: Israel is a piece of Paraguay.”

– Horacio Cartes, President of Paraguay. 1956 AD

PM Netanyahu Meets President of Paraguay Horacio Cartes. 19 July 2016.​ 

Australians should never forget that Israel is the one country in the region where democratic rights and freedoms have existed interrupted since the establishment of the modern state of Israel in 1948. It has been said that a nation is born out of the fire and brimstone of war, but for Israel this has been the reality of its entire history. Australia has been, and will continue to be, a true friend and committed supporter of the state of Israel and its people. Australia’s ties to Israel are deep, with our shared interests incorporating that bond of common values that unites free nations around the world. At the heart of our friendship is a shared belief in democracy, individual liberty, equal rights and the rule of law. (...) Israel embodies our faith in the fundamental human desire of people the world over to live their lives in freedom.

Julie Bishop, Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs (Liberal). 1956 AD

Parliament of Australia. House. Monday, 23 May 2011.

“As a boy I cheered as Israeli courage swept away the outnumbering Arabs who tried to destroy it again and again. I bought books about the Six-Day War, many of which carried pictures of glamorous female Israeli soldiers. (…) All I want to ask my fellow Europeans is this: are you happy to help direct the world's fury at the only country in the Middle East whose civilisation even remotely resembles yours? And are you sure that the fate of Israel has no bearing on your own?“

​– Charles Moore, English journalist. 1956 AD 

“The idea of faith in one God was the idea of a wicked person (…), [however] the Bible is at least beautiful because the Jews have tremendous literary talent. (…) I wish the State of Israel a long life from bottom of my heart. (…) At first I was neutral, but the Palestinian suicide bombings shocked me. Unlike the Israelis, who strike at pre-marked targets, the Palestinian attacks are blind, and that is much less moral.”

– Michel Houellebecq, French author, poet and filmmaker. 1956 AD

Sela, M. (2011): Controversial French Writer Houellebecq to Visit Israel. In: HaAretz. March 8 2011. 

“The fact that the unique friendship which links Germany and Israel is possible today – 70 years after the crime against humanity that was the Shoah – fills me with profound gratitude and joy. It’s truly a miracle! This miracle was possible because the nation of the victims held out its hand to the nation of the perpetrators. And because the nation of the perpetrators, because we Germans acknowledged our guilt and our responsibility. And we still acknowledge it today. (…) I want to state very clearly here that this and every other German federal government firmly believes that Israel’s security is non-negotiable – that is a cornerstone of our foreign policy.”

– Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Westphalian/German Foreign Minister. 1956 AD

“Germany, Israel and the changes sweeping the Middle East” – speech by Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier at the Academy of the Sciences and Literature in Mainz. 01.02.2016. 

“Israel will always be there. There is a verse in the Qur’an. It is the command of Almighty Allah. You will be there, that is the abode of your ancestors. You know, those people who say ‘You should go and leave!’, they are being disrespectful. Do not mind them at all. We love you and we want to see you in that region. All through that 4,000 years of history you were there, you were there in the time of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh), you were there after that. That is the land Allah deemed suitable for you. Almighty Allah wants you to live there. We will live altogether in unity and in joy.”

– Adnan Oktar / Harun Yahya, Turkish author and presenter. 1956 AD 

“When David Ben-Gurion proclaimed Israel’s independence, on 14 May 1948, it was not just a sovereign state that would be created; it was a Jewish state, and it symbolised the justified homecoming of an entire people. (…) Israel ranks among the world’s top performers in the area of high technology. Your country produces the world’s highest proportion of engineers – people who are driven by innovation. This is important considering the global shortage of software professionals, especially in a world which is becoming increasingly interconnected. (…) Let me take you back to the first century for a brief moment. At that time, both our countries were part of the Roman Empire. We were both on the outskirts, but still firmly under Roman rule. It is interesting to note that we both revolted against the Romans at the same time – and we were both unsuccessful in defeating them. The Batavian revolt of Julius Civilis, in my part of the world, coincided with the Jewish uprising and the destruction of the Temple in the year seventy CE.”

– Maxime Verhagen, Dutch Foreign Minister (CDA). 1956 AD

Toespraak Verhagen, Herziliya conferentie. 22 januari 2008. 

One cannot help but admire what the State of Israel has achieved since its birth, especially in the face of such adversity. It has faced invasion on repeated occasions and, still today, has a problem with political forces which are hostile to its existence – this is the bottom line. (...) Israel has become an evermore vibrant and successful country.

James Clappison, English/British Conservative MP. 1956 AD

CFI Informed Magazine 2014/2015. Page 28-29.

Israel is the only democratic state under the rule of law in the Middle East, which is otherwise characterized by terror and barbarism. Israel is the only country in the region where everyone - Jews, Christians and Muslims - can live in freedom. Israel stands for hope, progress and Western civilization

Louis Bontes, Dutch member of parliament (PVV / VNL). 1956 AD

Debat over de situatie in Israël en Gaza. Woensdag 20 mei 2015. [Translated by C. Nooij].

“I am impressed by the achievements of the Israeli television and film industry, development of television series that were a national and international success, series that were exported and highly praised around the world – like 'In Treatment' and 'Homeland'. I believe that the success of Israeli productions could inspire the Norwegian industry. It shows that even a relatively small country can achieve great accomplishments. The key to success is a good story and quality directing."

– Thorhild Widvey, Norwegian Minister of Culture (Høyre). 1956 AD

Beck, E. (2014): Norway. Boycotting Israel will not promote positive change. YNet News. 01.20.2014, 12:00. 

"Just as the U.S. is a symbol of hope and freedom around the globe, Israel stands as a symbol of freedom and democracy in an area historically rampant with violence and oppression. (..) Since its rebirth on May 15, 1948, Israel has stood as an immensely strong democratic ally, and unqualifiedly a best friend to the United States of America."

– Michele Bachmann née Amble, Norwegian-American Representative (GOP) from Minnesota. 1956 AD

May 4, 2009 - Issue: Vol. 155, No. 67 — Daily Edition 111th Congress (2009 - 2010) - 1st Session. 

“Since its establishment 60 years ago, the State of Israel has rebuilt a nation and developed a new and dynamic democratic society. The Israeli government and its people have created a thriving economic, political, cultural and intellectual life despite the heavy costs of war, terrorism, and unjustified diplomatic and economic boycotts against the country. The Israeli people have established a nation of diverse cultures with a deep connection to their historical past while at the same time forging their place in today's global economy. Israel has proven its commitment to creating a better global community by becoming a world leader in technology.”

– Tim Mahoney, Irish-American Representative (Dem) from Florida. 1956 AD

April 22, 2008 - Issue: Vol. 154, No. 64 — Daily Edition 110th Congress (2007 - 2008) - 2nd Session. 

“They taught us to hate Israel, as if the Israelis colonized our land for 14 centuries, like the dictatorial, racist and oppressive Arab regimes did! Sorry Arabs, I am not an Arab. And there is no reason to hate Israel. Jerusalem shall remain the land of all the prophets.”

– Matoub Lounès, Kabyle/Algerian (Amazigh) singer, poet and thinker. 1956 – 1998 AD

Lounes, M. (2013). In: Facebook. 10 August 2013. pTranslated by C. Nooij].​ 

“I love Jews. They took a hand full of scorched sand and made the desert bloom. They have been at war since 1948. Attacked by every Arab in the middle east and living a life of uncertainty, they have reaped a bountiful harvest.”

– John Mixon, American online author. 1956 AD

JACKHAMMERJOHN. 15 June 2016. 

"Over the past 60 years Israel has preserved its robust parliamentary democracy and has built a vibrant society and economy. If anyone wants a dictionary definition of the term ‘robust’ they should spend an afternoon in the Israeli Knesset. That is where you see the definition of ‘robust’ at work. By contrast we are a pack of pussycats in here! Over the past 60 years governments from both sides of politics in Australia have supported our strong relationship with Israel. That relationship is strong and it is deep – and it will remain so.”

– Kevin Rudd, Prime Minister of Australia (Labor). 1957 AD

60th Anniversary of the reestablishment of the State of Israel. Speech by Hon. Kevin Rudd Mhr, Prime Minister of Australia, Parliament of Australia, 12 March 2008. 

"Israel is a real, vibrant, functioning democracy – yes, with Arab members of parliament – and so engaging with Israelis, who vote, may be more helpful. I'm here because I love Israel and because it is important to me to express that musician can't be silenced. In a way, I'm here because of the [anti-Israel boycott movement] BDS.

Nick Cave, Australian singer-songwriter and actor. 1957 AD

YNet (2022): Nick Cave says invasion of Ukraine 'not similar' to Israeli-Palestinian conflict. 03.07.22 | 14:14.

“In so many ways, [Israel is] a country so much like Australia, a liberal, pluralist democracy. A beacon of freedom and hope in a part of the world which has so little freedom and hope. (…) When Israel is fighting for its very life, well, as far as I’m concerned, Australians are Israelis. We are all Israelis in those circumstances.”

– Tony Abbott, English Prime Minister of Australia (Liberal). 1957 AD

Narunsky, G. (2012): Abbott. We are all Israeli. In: The Australian Jewish News. March 16 2012, 12:00 am. 

"Your Independence Day is not just another Independence Day of some other country. All people in Poland remember the birth and development of the State of Israel. It is very satisfying for us. (…) Poland can be proud, as can Israel, of its history and achievements, and of what we accomplished together, when we lived together for hundreds of years of shared history."

​– Donald Tusk, Kashubian Prime Minister of Poland and President of European Council. 1957 AD

Opening Statements at the Welcoming Ceremony for Polish Prime Minister, Mr. Donald Tusk. 9 April 2008. 

“We understand the situation you're in, we understand what you are facing and we support your right, your leave to defend your people against terror. The United States has always been a strong ally of Israel on many, many levels. As New Yorkers, we have many connections, family connections, cultural connections, historic connections, so our relations go very deep. And I speak for all New Yorkers when I say: We stand in solidarity with Israel. The fight that you fight is the fight against terror.”

– Andrew Cuomo, Italian-American Governor (Dem) of New York. 1957 AD

PM Netanyahu Meets with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. 13 August 2014. 

"The Israelis have built their own homeland from the ashes of the Second World War. Immigrants from all corners of the world have brought with them customs and skills as well as a willingness to work to Israel. The result has been a dynamic, multi-ethnic nation. One of the biggest things that has grown out of this is a common and modern Jewish identity - and a vibrant democracy. It is characterized by lively discussions and broad participation at all levels. Economically, too, Israel is a success story. An economy that was based on agriculture from the beginning has gradually developed in a high-tech direction. Israel today has significant innovative power and produces world-class scientific results. Israel has also managed to develop a welfare state reminiscent of the Nordic model. Culturally, Israel is a lighthouse in several areas. Seen in the light of the starting point 60 years ago, these are very impressive achievements."

– Lars Sponheim, Norwegian member of the Storting (Venstre). 1957 AD

Med Israel for fred - Israel 60 år. Sep 2 2008. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“There is only one nation on the planet that deserves a country of its own: Israel. (…) Israel is a democratic state whose commitment to democracy and human rights has never been doubted. (…)  What struck me (...) in Israel is how Hebrew – once a dead language – is established in the country as the public language. (…) What impressed me the most in Israel, were the Jewish settlers who got settled in apartments and buildings in the Palestinian neighborhoods of East Jerusalem and have the Israeli flag fly on the buildings’ roofs.”

​– Dan Roodt, South African (Afrikaner) author. 1957 AD

[Translated by C. Nooij]. 

Canada and Israel are the greatest of friends and the most natural of allies. Since its founding in 1948, Canada supported Israel in its right to live in peace and security in one of the least stable regions of the world. There may be no better friend to Canada than Israel, with which we are bound together by a shared belief in freedom, human rights, democracy and the rule of law.”

​– David Sweet, Canadian Conservative MP. 1957 AD


“Of course from the very beginning we were looking at Israel as a nation that succeeded in a very short time to build a modern state. (...) So the idea was to study and to learn from Israeli experience, among others the experience in the field of hi‐tech, cyber, research and development. (...) In these sectors, Israel has a lot to offer and this is what we needed in order to modernize the economy.”

​– Piotr Puchta, Polish Ambassador to Egypt. 1957 AD

Kalhousová, I. (2019): Our Jews, Our Israel!. Page 128.

“Israeli companies are a success story on the NASDAQ, a success which can be mathematically proven. There are no national boundaries when relating to Israeli science and innovation. Israeli companies are inventive in their initiatives, think globally and are very much like American Silicon Valley companies. All the world’s companies wish to imitate the Israeli companies, and we recommend they do so.”

– Robert Greifeld, American CEO of NASDAQ OMX. 1957 AD

Savir, A. (2014): NASDAQ CEO Greifeld Tells Peres: ‘Israeli Companies Are a Success Story’. In: The Algemeiner. January  23, 2014 1:36 PM. 

“In sixty years Israel grew into a wealthy democracy, the only one in the Middle East. Nevertheless it may be considered a miracle that the state still exists, considering that the country had, literally, been under fire ever since the beginning. (...) After centuries-long discrimination and persecution, culminating in the extermination of six million Jews by Nazi Germany, the Jews have gained their own homeland on May 14th 1948, where they can decide their own fate. (...) Israel is a success story, as the population grew from 600,000 pioneers to over seven million inhabitants. Out of desert, fertile agricultural land was made, so that the country is self-sufficient in terms of food production. Partially thanks to a very high quality industry, Israel became a wealthy country with an average income of 23,000 euro’s per head of the population. Furthermore, Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East and the only country in the region with press freedom and equal rights for men and women. The seven million inhabitants include one and a half million Arabs, who enjoy the same democratic rights as other Israelis.”

– Arendo Joustra, Dutch editor-in-chief of Elsevier news magazine. 1957 AD

Joustra, A. (2008): Succesverhaal staat Israël is felicitatie waard. 14-05-2008. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“Israel really is ‘Old New Land’ and rarely does another area on earth have a history, past

and future that are so directly intertwined as they are in the Promised Land of the Lord.”

– Christian Schmidt, Franconian/German minister for food and agriculture. 1957 AD

Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft: Warum Israel?. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“The Chinese people have a good impression of Jewish people. Both peoples value family and education. Both are hardworking and both like to make savings. For Chinese people, Israel is a friendly country with small size but has strong strength and big influence. They are curious about Israel’s culture and history. (…) Israel is a world-known “Start-up Nation.” It’s a leading country in terms of solar energy; telecommunication; energy efficiency; biochemical, agricultural and irrigation technology; and so on. Its hi-tech products and know-hows are quite competitive in the global market, which are also needed in building the Belt and Road.”

​– Zhang Yongxin, Chinese Ambassador to Israel. 1957 AD

Embassy of the PRC in the State of Israel (2016): The Jerusalem Post publishes the interview with Ambassador Zhan Yongxin. 2016-03-22 16:00. 

Israel is to be commended for the energy and effectiveness of its innovation and technology sector. Israel spends an OECD high of 4.2 per cent of GDP on R&D, has the third largest number of NASDAQ listings after the US and China—a remarkable feat for an economy of its size—and has one of the highest start-up densities in the world.

​– Arthur Sinodinos, Greek-Australian Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science (Liberal). 1957 AD

Parliament of Australia. Senate. Wednesday, 25 November 2015.

“We should have understood Israel's concerns sooner, for your predicament in the face of terrorism is the same as ours. (…) Israel is not only a key partner for Europe, it is also our natural partner. Israel lives and exists according to the same traditions and values as the European citizens. I hope to deepen our cooperation in the near future.”

– Franco Frattini, Italian Foreign Minister. 1957 AD

Zimmerman, D. (2008): Top EU official. Gaza siege not a war crime. In: YNet News. 01.22.08, 19:06. 

"​That the modern State of Israel saw the light of day in 1948 is in itself a miracle. That it has survived a series of wars from hostile neighboring states that wanted to defeat the new state is yet another miracle. (...) In 60 years, Israel has been transformed from a poor developing country to a thriving industrial society. It shows what is possible when a population boasts courage, knowledge and willingness to work. Today, Israel can count on leading high-tech companies, research and development that is at the forefront internationally."

– Dagfinn Høybråten, Norwegian member of the Storting (KrF). 1957 AD

Med Israel for fred - Israel 60 år. Sep 2 2008. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

"​The Israelis have to respond [to terrorism] or they will be overrun. There's about 7 million Jewish people in the land of Israel today and they're surrounded by hundreds of millions of people who are sworn to their destruction. So if their outfacing posture is anything other than one of strength, they'll be overrun in short order."

Allen Jackson, American pastor. 1957 AD

We Stand with Israel | Allen Jackson Ministries. In: Youtube. 10 October 2023.

​"As a Christian I want to say that I am indebted to the Jewish people for the roots of our faith. As a European I want to say that I am indebted to the Jewish people for the roots of our civilization and I want to issue a humble call to a return to those roots. (...) As Christians we have so many times failed Jewish people in Europe. This time let us stand up in time, to quote the Book of Truth, and say that your God is our God, and I would add, your civilization is our civilization, your values are our values."

– Tomas Sandell, Finnish journalist.

Per la verità, per Israele. Manifestazione i Roma. 7 Ottobro 2010. 

“Israel is a state that was established under certain historical circumstances, as a result of World War II. It wants to survive. It is a vulnerable country with a security problem that puts its very existence in jeopardy. It is surrounded by an ocean of Arab enmity. It fears for its future, so it has become a militarized state. It dreams of peace and stability. (…) This is a people that fled persecution and the Holocaust, and came to this region. They were exploited by colonialism, which prevented them from going anywhere else. We have not dealt with the issue rationally.”

– Kamal al-Labwani, Syrian doctor and artist. 1957 AD

Orient News TV (2014): Syrian Opposition Activist Kamal Al-Labwani Makes the Case for Peace with Israel. In: MEMRI. March 19 2014. 

“I visited Israel for the first time last year, and I was overwhelmingly inspired. The Jewish people are the historic, indigenous people of Israel. For Canada’s First Nations, Israel’s story demonstrates how an ancient people ​can maintain their heritage while embracing the modern world – and in so doing, achieve self-determination.”

– Chief Ron Evans, Indigenous Canadian Chief of the Norway House Cree Nation. 1957 AD

Csillag, R. (2012): Aboriginal leaders from Canada to visit Israel. In: Jewish Telegraphic Agency. April 25, 2012. 12:46 PM. 

“Many of the accusations against Israel stem from a lack of understanding of the country’s geo-political situation. Israel’s structural difficulties regarding territory and natural resources must be compensated by an extraordinary capacity of defense and a national security doctrine.”

– Marcelo Crivella, Italo-Brazilian Senator (PRB) for Rio de Janeiro. 1957 AD

The Times of Israel: Brazil senator. Rejecting Israel envoy sends pro-BDS message. 8 January 2016, 1:01 am. 

"Time and time again throughout their existence, the Jewish people have been subjected to untold hardships and appalling injustices. The Persians, the Romans, and the Nazis, among so many others, tried to destroy the Jewish people without cause or provocation, but they are gone, and Israel remains. And one day, the people of Israel will walk the streets of Jerusalem in peace and security and the Jihadist haters of Israel will also be no more.”

– Trent Franks, American Representative (GOP) from Arizona. 1957 AD 

"Every time I come here, I get so supercharged with energy. I truly believe that Israel is the energy center of the world. And I also believe that if we can all live together in harmony in this place, then we can live in peace all over the world."

– Madonna L. Ciccone, Italian-American singer and actress. 1958 AD

HaAretz (2009): Madonna in Tel Aviv: Israel Is the Energy Center of the World. Sep 1, 2009. 

"​Israel is, Israelis are being shot at, missiles are launched and for us, who carry responsible within the politics of Germany, that means very clearly that we pronounce what needs to be pronounced: the security of the Jewish State is a German raison d'être. (...) We want to make a powerful mark, we want to proclaim our solidarity with the Jewish State and we want to clearly express that Jew-hatred may have no place in this country or anywhere. (...) We want to show that we stand in solidarity with Israel, we stand in solidarity with the state in which Jews and Arabs live and are able to live in peacefully together, and we stand in solidarity, my ladies and gentlemen, with all those, regardless where, who are attacked."

– Olaf Scholz, Badenian/German Defense Minister. 1958 AD

Kundgebung des “Solidaritätsbündnis für Israel” in Berlin am 20. Mai 2021. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

"​I don’t see right now any blockade from Israel towards Gaza. Israel supplies food, medicines, oil, and water. Where is the blockade? It is all on Hamas. (...) I used to say in my lectures in the US that if you look at Middle East map, you will find that under the Israeli-Palestinian conflict it is one of the safer areas in the Middle East. And I used to say at the time, thank God that I am living under this conflict and not in Libya, Syria, Iraq or Lebanon. (...) If you went today to an Israeli hospital, you will find more Arabs than Jewish people. As you sit here at this cafe, you will count hundreds of Palestinian ladies with Burkas going around, sitting in the coffee shops, shopping. We have heads of departments in the Israeli hospitals who are Arabs and Muslims. We have an Arab judge who is on the supreme court. So, in my opinion, the issue of apartheid with Israel is just a political slogan–no more and no less."

Bassem Eid, Palestinian-Israeli political analyst 1958 AD

"Bassem Eid". Where Do We Stand?. 2024.

“We Germans may count ourselves lucky that the Israeli's have extended us a hand of reconciliation. The encounters between Germans and Israelis run farther and deeper than the diplomatic relations. (...) The relationship between Germany and Israel signifies a deep faith, unparalleled anywhere. Israel and Germany can count on each other unconditionally. (…) We have built up and expanded upon the faith in one another. We will not forget that Israel reached out its hand. Israel is the most important partner in the Middle East, period. (…) With no other country in the world do we have so many, such diverse intensive relations in the field of security policy as we do with the Israeli defense ministry.”

​– Ursula von der Leyen, German Defense Minister (CDU). 1958 AD

Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft: Warum Israel?. [Translated by C. Nooij].

Schröder, T. (2015): Verteidigungsministerin von der Leyen zu Besuch in Haifa. In: Bild. 11.05.2015 - 22:57. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“Germany is committed to the security of the State of Israel. (…) You can be proud of your country, and we are proud to be your friends. (…) Israel is a fascinating country, with a developed economy and a stable democracy.”

– Stephan Weil, German Prime Minister of Lower Saxony (SPD). 1958 AD

Knesset (2014): Knesset speaker to Bundesrat president. 3 June 2014. 

“Israel is the spearhead of the match against fundamentalism and international terrorism, we are on the side of the Jewish state for a planetary battle for civilization. (...) Those who attack Israel, who will profess anti-Zionism, are simply the same people who call Christians crusaders and who threaten the west. So we must be on Israel's side because (...) we know that defending Israel is a way to defend the dignity, the liberty and the existence of all of us."

– Gianni Alemanno, Italian Minister of Agriculture and mayor of Rome. 1958 AD

Dagospia (2009): al galà di israele gelo per piero fassino. 27 October 2009. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

"The only democracy in the Middle East is Israel. Whatever you say about it, whatever your criticism may be, Israel is a democracy and therefore an example in the world. [I admire] that Israel basically started out pretty much from scratch, and always stayed on its feet and was able to maintain itself as an independent state. (...) Israel has always proved capable of remaining independent and defending itself, but what you also see is that Israel is capable of signing peace treaties with its Arab neighboring countries."

– Derk Jan Eppink, Dutch member of parliament (FvD/JA21/BBB). 1958 AD

CIDItv (2023): Israel 75 jaar | JA21-Kamerlid Derk Jan Eppink feliciteert Israel. In: Youtube. 22 May 2023. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

"Israel, the country with which we share bonds of courageous friendship, rooted in a long-standing mutual dialogue which forms the basis for our two peoples. It is enough to remember the connections between the two national movements, the Risorgimento and Zionism, and the impulse they inspired. (...) These feelings are reflected in our excellent relations, which continue to bring the two peoples together. It is our duty to breathe life into the Mediterranean's role as a basin for dialogue and cultural development. The ancient ties shared by Israelis and Italians offer the possibility of cultivating ideas and works aimed at improving the entire region. (...) It is with joy and emotion, therefore, that we can exclaim: long live Italy, long live Israel. Not even the sky places a limit on our friendship!"

– Francesco Maria Talo, Italian ambassador to Israel. 1958 AD

Talo, F.M. (2013): Israele e Italia: amici e partner. Israel HaYom. 2.6.13. 

"I have had the pleasure of going to Israel in the past. Israel is one of our closest partners in the region and is the only democracy in the region. (...) Israel has one of the best educated populations in the world, a strong industrial base, scientific institutions and natural resources. Because of that, certainly there are opportunities for Canada and for Israel. That is the way trade agreements work. Israel can export some of its industry here, and we can export there."

Kevin Sorenson, Canadian Conservative MP. 1958 AD


"Israel has a distinguished record of being a light in the [Middle East] for democracy, the rule of law and human rights. The boycotters would be well served to honestly recognise these facts. (...) Israel is a vibrant beacon of democracy in the Middle East, comprised of Jews and Arabs, Druze and Christians – both secular and religious – whose rights and liberties are protected in equal measure. (...) Israel is the only true democratic country in the Middle East. She has stood with us. We have stood with her. Against all the odds, Israel recently celebrated its 73rd anniversary of independence."

Eric Abetz, German-Australian Senator for Tasmania (Liberal). 1958 AD

Statement on January 12 2022.

Statement on February 3 2022.

Statement on August 2 2021.

“Israel is our only ally in the Middle
East. Such a small country, the focus
of so much hate. God bless Israel.”

– Michael Paré, American actor. 1958 AD 

“Israel [is] in a wondrous way European and, characterized by Oriental charm, at the same time it still [unites] ​two worlds. I love the country for its intrepidity, creativity and diversity. For me, Israel is a piece of home.”

– Nikoline Hansen, German historian and politician from Berlin. 1958 AD

Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft: Warum Israel?. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

"Jewish life belongs to Germany. It must be defended with all our strength, with the utmost consistency. Against anti-Semitism, we must act consequently and what we have witnessed in the past days, must bring shame to us all. And it must be clear: whoever shouts at Jews, shouts at each and every one of us."

– Dietmar Bartsch, Pomeranian/German member of the Bundestag (Die Linke). 1958 AD

Kundgebung des “Solidaritätsbündnis für Israel” in Berlin am 20. Mai 2021. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“I have no clue why Israel left Gaza, why the righteous owner of a land would give up part of their inheritance and freedom. It would be another big blow if Israel gave up the West Bank. God is with Israel. If every Arab country were to send a million soldiers to surround Israel, which would be 23 million soldiers, Israel would be doomed. How did they win five wars in the past? Because God was there.“

– Zachariah Anani, Lebanese Christian convert. 1958 - 2016 AD

Berman, D. (2005): Ex-Terrorist Takes Israel's Side. In: Arutz Sheva. Nov 25, 2005, 9:04 AM (GMT+2). 

"In a region of the world that is characterised more by theocracies and autocracies, the state of Israel is the custodian of the most fragile yet powerful of human emotions, and that is hopeful belief in the freedom of man, freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom of assembly. There are many things for which Israel stands and which characterise the modern state of Israel, but included amongst them is the celebration of knowledge for its own sake and knowledge as the driver of economic development and emancipation from human poverty. Israel also stands for personal independence, a free parliament and an independent judiciary."

– Brendan Nelson, Australian Liberal MP. 1958 AD

Ramsey, A. (2008): Blinkers off for the other side of story. In: The Sydney Morning Herald. March 15 2008, 11.00am. 

“A lot of us are very intensely overwhelmed by this beautiful country and the tenacious, focused spirit of its people. If the world went awry, I would probably want to be in Israel. Here I could look at the vibrant side of life no matter what’s going on outside of me.”

– Giancarlo Esposito, African-American actor. 1958 AD

Jewish Standard (2011): Stars take a shine to Israel. December 2, 2011. 

“I identify with Israel, because it represents democracy, tolerance, equality and human rights. Even though it lives in the shadow of constant conflict, it has to be said that Israel manages to preserve its function as a strong and active democracy.”

– Pilar Rahola, Catalan journalist and politician. 1958 AD.

Visita de Pilar Rahola en el Néguev. In: Kesher. 15 Mayo 2013. Page 4. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

"A country that has really resonated with me and I was really impressed with was Israel. I found that the whole country had a very special atmosphere. I was there to perform but it was one of the few places that I’ve visited over the years that I had some free time to explore, and I was hugely impressed by all the religious history there."

– Andrea Bocelli, Italian singer-songwriter. 1958 AD

Pontz, Z. (2012): World Famous Tenor Andrea Bocelli Tells UK Paper of His Love for Israel. In: The Algemeiner. November 7 2012, 1:32 PM. 

"Israel is the only democratic country in the Middle East, an oasis of fruits and vegetables, science and technology, economic and cultural development in the midst of poor, disorganized enemies and religious fanatics who violently overwhelm entire nations."

– Manuel Gago Medina, Peruvian mechanical engineer and author. 1958 AD

Gago, M. (2023): La legítima defensa de Israel. In: El Montonero. 18 DE OCTUBRE DEL 2023.

“[Jews and Christians] are not the ‘People of the Book’, they are the people of many books. All the useful scientific books that you have today are theirs, the fruit of their free and creative thinking. (…) The Jews have come from the tragedy [of the Holocaust] and forced the world to respect them, with their knowledge, not with terror, with their work, not with crying and yelling. Humanity owes most of the discoveries and science of the 19th and 20th centuries to Jewish scientists. 15 million people, scattered throughout the world united and won their rights through work and knowledge.”

– Wafa Sultan, Syrian-American psychiatrist and author. 1958 AD

Israeli, R. (2018): Paranoia, Inferiority Complex and Fanaticism. Page 8. 

"Since 1948, Israel and the United States have fostered a truly unique union, a bond rooted in our shared values of democratic representation, freedom of expression and religion, and the rule of law. As your representative in the US Senate, I remain committed to ensuring the US remains Israel’s most steadfast and vital ally and that the ironclad friendship between our two countries continues to grow and prosper."

​– Maria Cantwell, Irish-American Senator (Dem) from Washington. 1958 AD 

"Despite discrimination and injustice faced by Arab citizens, the democracy and justice in Israel is better than the democracy and justice in Arab and Islamic countries."

​– Hashem Abd al-Rahman, Arab-Israeli mayor of Umm al-Fahm. 1958 AD

Pipes, D. (2005): "The Hell of Israel Is Better than the Paradise of Arafat". In: Middle East Quarterly Spring 2005, pp. 43-50

"As I said on the 60th anniversary of its founding, the State of Israel appeared as  a light, in a world emerging from deep darkness. Against all odds, that light has not been extinguished. It burns bright, upheld by the universal principles of all civilized nations – freedom, democracy, justice. (...) Indeed, Israel is the only country in the Middle East, which has long anchored itself in the ideals of freedom, democracy and the rule of law. (...) I believe the story of Israel is a great example to the world. It is a story, essentially, of a people whose response to suffering has been to move beyond resentment and build a most extraordinary society, a vibrant democracy, a freedom-loving country… with an independent and rights-affirming judiciary, an innovative, world-leading 'start-up' nation. You have taken the collective memory of death and persecution to build an optimistic, forward-looking land one that so values life, you will sometimes release a thousand criminals and terrorists, to save one of your own."

– Stephen Harper, Anglo-Canadian Prime Minister of Canada (Conservative). 1959 AD

Harper's speech on Israel, anti-Semitism. Nov 08 2010. 

“For Argentina the example of Israel, which is a peuple of struggle and labor, has always been a very important reference. They have grown hand in hand with technology and have demonstrated enormous capacity for innovation in order to create and generate jobs.”

​– Mauricio Macri, Italo-Argentine President of Argentina. 1959 AD

Buenos Aires: "Israel es un pueblo de lucha y de trabajo", dijo Mauricio Macri. Jueves 19 de Junio de 2014. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“The inconceivable crime of the Shoah forms for Germany and the Germans a continual commitment to stand up for Israel’s right to exist. (…) We want the citizens of Israel to live free from any threat.”

– Christian Wulff, Federal President of Germany (CDU) and Prime Minister of Lower Saxony. 1959 AD

Baldauf, A. (2010): Emotionaler Besuch in Jad Vaschem. In: Bild. 28.11.2010 - 13:32 Uhr. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“Stability in the Arab World is impossible without Israel and ​Israel therefore has a fundamental role to play in the Arab World.”

– Stanislaw Tillich, Sorbian Prime Minister of Saxony (CDU). 1959 AD 

“The terrorist threats and actions of extreme Islamist groups are a threat to the entire world community and Israel is on the front lines in confronting this menace. Bosnian Serbs deeply and sincerely sympathize with the friendly people of the State of Israel. Please accept our profound respect, support and compassion for your people.”

– Milorad Dodik, President of the Respublika Srpska. 1959 AD

Freund, M. (2014): Bosnian Serb Leader Backs Israel's Gaza Operation. In: Arutz Sheva. 14 July 2014. 

“The unique relations between Germany and Israel are unbreakable and the security of Israel is of essential importance. (…) Israel is a highly innovative, technology-oriented country. Our economic ties are very good, but could be further expanded. (…) For Germany it must be clear: Whoever has permanent relations with us, cannot politically question Israel’s right to exist.”

​– Sigmar Gabriel, Lower Saxon Federal Vice-Chancellor of Germany (SPD). 1959 AD

Honestly Concerned E.V. (2015): Pressemitteilungen. Bundesminister Gabriel reist nach Israel. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“My organization and I personally believe in the right of the Jews and Israelis to have a country of their own and we only think that Israel and the Palestinians can solve their issue with a secure state of Israel in mind. To be honest as Assyrians we also see that we have the right to go back to our homeland. The Jews did that after so many years of persecution. I support defining Israel as the homeland for the Jews and every Jew should have the right to go there. (…) The Jews have been able to survive as a people in so many different countries and has brought with them home to their new state all that knowledge and developed a prosperous and advanced state from it in an area that is mostly desert, which is fantastic. Assyrians learn from that and try to imitate.”

David William Lazar, US-Assyrian political activist. 1959 – 2019 AD

Petersson, T. (2014): Assyrians learn from the Jewish experiences in the diaspora. In: The Times of Israel. May 6, 2014, 6:32 PM. 

Israel is our permanent and best ally in the Middle East. The Middle East is a region full of chaos, civil wars, dictatorships and extremism.

Rudi Vranckx, Flemish historian and journalist. 1959 AD

Rooms, V. & Defossez, F. (2018): Rudi Vranckx beantwoordt uw vragen. In: VRT Nieuws. Dinsdag 15 mei 2018, 11:33. [Translated by C. Nooij].

Judaism is part of the roots of our civilization. Our country draws part of its strength and wealth from it. Jewish culture is inseparable from French culture. (...) Threatening the Jewish presence means putting into question the very existence of France! (...) Many Jews have left France in recent years. While some did so for noble spiritual reasons, others unfortunately felt compelled to do so.

Brigitte Kuster née Thomas, French Mayor of the 4th Constituency of Paris (Républicains). 1959 AD

Israël Actualités n°637. Jun 7, 2022. [Translated by C. Nooij].

“Israel is the last defense, even for the Europeans. Defending Israel equals defending their own children. Hamas is the enemy of all democratic countries.”

– Gabriella Carlucci, Italian TV presentator and politician. 1959 AD

Roma Today: Manifestazione con Israele, parlamentari in piazza. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“Today we have more than ever things to learn from Israel’s experience. (…) Israel is a special country, a country that provokes passions, torment and questions but also of emotion and respect.”

– Marisol Touraine, French Minister of Social Affairs and Health. 1959 AD

Jews of Eurasia (2016): French Minister in Israel to learn from Israel's experience in dealing with terror attack. 01.04.2016. 

"Based on my knowledge and experience, I can say this: During Operation Cast Lead, the Israeli Defence Forces did more to safeguard the rights of civilians in a combat zone than any other army in the history of warfare. Israel did so while facing an enemy that deliberately positioned its military capability behind the human shield of the civilian population. (...) The truth is that the IDF took extraordinary measures to give Gaza civilians notice of targeted areas, dropping over two million leaflets, and making over 100,000 phone calls. Many missions that could have taken out Hamas military capability were aborted to prevent civilian casualties. During the conflict, the IDF allowed huge amounts of humanitarian aid into Gaza. To deliver aid virtually into your enemy's hands is, to the military tactician, normally quite unthinkable. But the IDF took on those risks."

– Richard Kemp, English colonel in the British Army. 1959 AD

UN Watch Oral Statement UN Human Rights Council, 12th Special Session Geneva, 16 October 2009. Delivered by Col. Richard Kemp. 

“The State of Israel, under the leadership of a small band of courageous Zionists declared independence in its ancient homeland. (…)  It was founded by Holocaust survivors resolved to overcome the horrors of the mid-20th century Europe's atrocities. Today, Israel's boasts a vibrant economy with a well-educated populace. Israel's GDP exceeded most major economies in 2007 and it's reached Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development candidate status. Israel's 60 years on from that historic day next month is an extraordinary success. (...) Israel and Indiana share many concerns that Hoosiers cherish. As our nation’s strongest and most important ally in the Middle East, Israel is also a key partner in our state’s economic growth. (…) Grounded in our shared values and our hope for the future, today our friendship is highlighted by a remarkable entrepreneurial spirit shared between our two nations.”

– Mike Pence, Irish-American Vice President (GOP) and Governor of Indiana. 1959 AD

Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress. Vol. 155, Pt 1. Page 417. January 9 2009.​ 

“Israel is an island of civilization in a sea of barbarity and that's why it's being targeted. Are you uncomfortable with those words: civilization and barbarity? Well, they have meaning. That's what they mean. (...) If you're in favor of legal rights for women, legal protections for homosexuals, advances in science, the arts and medicine, and political access and personal rights guaranteed by law, then yes... you definitely should support Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions for every nation in the region - except Israel. (...) [Palestinian terrorists and Israeli victims] are taken to Israeli hospitals and Israeli surgeons operate on the wounded in order of their severity. Palestinian or Israeli, they don't care: whoever is the next most seriously wounded guy gets the treatment. (...) If you can't see the difference between right and wrong that nakedly and openly, then you're beyond my ability to persuade or anybody's to persuade, and I'm sorry for you."

– Bill Whittle, American author and screenwriter. 1959 AD

BILL WHITTLE: THE CASE FOR ISRAEL. In: Youtube. 23 July 2014.

Bill Whittle on holy war against Israel. In: Youtube. 21 August 2012.​ 

In addition to helping [the Israelis] operationally, [we should] recognize that Israel is vital to our well-being; that Israel's problem is its neighbors, or that Israel is the only force that guarantees religious freedom in that entire region. (...) The Jewish people have roots in Palestine since time immemorial – thousands of years before Yasser Arafat invented the term ‘Palestinian people’ in 1967. (…) Never has a country had to fight its enemies simultaneously on so many fronts. The Jewish people have the right to live in peace everywhere and Israel has the right to self-defense to achieve peace.”

– Rafael Bardaji, Spanish national security advisor. 1959 AD

Bardaji, R.L. (2014): ¿La hora de Israel?. In: ABCAndalucía. July 3 2010. 

Bardaji, R.L. (2014): Israel faces death once more. In: Jerusalem Post. July 3 2014.

Israelis deserve their country, forged by refugees in the shadow of the Holocaust, and they have built a high-tech economy that largely empowers women and respects gay people, while giving its Palestinian citizens more rights than most Arab nations give their citizens. Israel’s courts, media freedom and civil society are models for the region, and there is something of a double standard: Critics pounce on Israeli abuses while often ignoring prolonged brutality against Muslims from Yemen to Syria, Western Sahara to Xinjiang.

Nicholas Kristof, American journalist and political commentator from Illinois. 1959 AD

Kristof, N. (2023): What We Get Wrong About Israel and Gaza. In: New York Times. Nov. 15, 2023.

When Israel was established in 1948 the equality of all citizens was affirmed in the Declaration of Independence. (...) Today’s Israel broadly reflects the gender equality found in other countries in the developed world and is by far the most gender equal country in the region. (...) Israel has had a number of prominent female politicians. Golda Meir became prime minister in 1969, at that time only the third woman in the world to hold such an office. (...) Arab Israeli women (17 percent of female Israelis) enjoy the same legally enshrined freedoms as Jewish women.In fact,Israel is one of few Middle Eastern countries where women are able to vote, dress freely and be elected into a public office.

Meg Munn, English/British Labour MP. 1959 AD

Munn, M. (2011): Women in Israel. Fighting for equality and peace. In: Garratt, B. (2011): Making the Progressive Case for Israel. Page. 53-58.

“Israel already became a nation in the year 1312 BC, 2000 years before the emergence of Islam. Fourty years later, in 1272 BC, Israel conquered the land and thereafter they possessed it for a thousand years. Even after the Babylonians and the Romans put an end to the Jewish souvereignty, Jews kept living there. (…) From the whole world, a great exodus has been occurring for a century already. It will continue until the whole people is back on its own land, more precisely: God’s land. (…) The land is being restored. The land flourishes. The desert is blossoming. The people is returning. There are elderly women and elderly men sitting on the plains of Jerusalem again. The boys and girls are playing on the plains again. (…) In the middle of all civil wars and conflicts in the Middle East and Africa, Israel is an oasis of tranquility and peace.”

– Dirk van Genderen, Dutch evangelist and journalist. 1959 AD

Genderen, D. van (2015): Nooit bestond er een Palestijnse staat. In: Refoweb. 19-06-2015, 11:45. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

"Today, Israel is the most democratic, humane and tolerant society in West Asia. If it claims defensible borders and sufficient territory, this is a legitimate secular claim, especially if one considers the most likely alternative, viz. the incorporation into the Islamic world with its retrograde, financial and dictatorial regimes which threaten to destroy Israel. (…) For the last fourteen centuries, the Jews have not persecuted anyone. Even today, now that they have a state, they are the ones who have guaranteed freedom of worship as well as free access to the sacred places of Judaism, Christianity and Islam (as well as Bahaism) for the respective believers, in contrast to the earlier Islamic regime. (…) Even the Biblical justification for the Israeli hold over Palestine, is only put forward by a minority of religious fundamentalists: for most Israelis and for their secular government, it is merely a matter of living in a sustainable state with defensible borders, which is a legitimate secular concern.”

– Koenraad Elst, Flemish orientalist and indologist. 1959 AD

Elst, K. (1992): Negationism in Indian History. 

“Look at the Israelis: like the Indians, they were slaughtered for centuries - in their own land by the Romans and when they were scattered around the world, in pogroms in Russia and Eastern Europe. During the Second World War, six million of them went to Hitler’s gas chambers without even a whimper. But after the war, when the new State of Israel was founded, its leaders decided that enough was enough: henceforth it will be 'an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth'. Every time Arab terrorists struck their land, Israelis would retaliate ruthlessly; and every time the sacred land of Israel was threatened, its army would steal the initiative by invading the enemy’s territory. Today, Israel, a tiny nation surrounded by often hostile Arab countries, is feared and respected not only in the Middle East, but all over the world.”

– François Gautier, French writer, journalist and Hindu convert. 1959 AD

The Ferengi's Columns: A Western journalist opening his eyes to the true India 9788124107959. 2001. 

“After many years of struggle, Israel emerged as an independent state. It gave refuge to tens of thousands of Holocaust survivors, many of whom had been languishing in temporary resettlement camps in Europe. Israel also became the home for Jews from scores of countries around the world and continues to provide a refuge to those who face anti-Semitic persecution. In 62 years, Israel has transformed itself from chiefly an agricultural exporter to an international high-tech superpower, and it has used its wealth and power to come to the aid of others in times of need. (...) Despite the threats it continues to face from hostile neighbors and violent militants, the people of Israel have established a vibrant, pluralistic democracy that incorporates the freedoms cherished by all Americans.”

– Chris Van Hollen, Dutch-American Representative (Dem) from Maryland. 1959 AD

April 22, 2008 - Issue: Vol. 154, No. 64 — Daily Edition 110th Congress (2007 - 2008) - 2nd Session.

“As far as we’re concerned, Israel’s security and right to exist are inviolable. For us, this also includes the basis for Israel’s livelihood and prosperity, that is to say healthy trade relations. We therefore condemn the boycott by other countries. (…) We can learn a great deal from Israel when it comes to freedom of scientific research. Take stem-cell research, for example.”

– Cornelia Pieper née Richter, Saxony-Anhaltian Minister of State (FDP). 1959 AD

 [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“Since its inception, Israel has been a close friend and ally of the United States, promoting democratic values in the Middle East.”

– Brian Higgins, Irish-American Representative (Dem) from New York. 1959 AD

April 23, 2008 - Issue: Vol. 154, No. 65 — Daily Edition 110th Congress (2007 - 2008) - 2nd Session.

Looking on the achievements of the State of Israel, they are many and enormous. They are a shining light for democracy and freedom in the Middle East. I was fortunate enough to visit Israel in May 2018. (...) After 70 years of statehood, Israel has grown into a very vibrant country. It is a leader in many areas of technology and it is an innovative and exciting place. (...) Australia and Israel have been good friends and partners in the international community throughout that period.

Maria Vamvakinou, Greek-Australian Labor MP. 1959 AD

Parliament of Australia. Federation Chamber on 20/02/2019.

It is crucial that nations and leaders across the globe express their support for Israel—its right to exist and its right to self-defence. It is also crucial that we stand united across the globe against antisemitism in all its forms.

Anne Webster née Smithers, Australian National MP. 1959 AD

Parliament of Australia. House of Representativeson 18/10/2023.

“Just 60 years after its establishment as a modern state, Israel has flourished as a democracy and has proven to be a close and trusted friend of the United States. (...) For the past 60 years, Israel has represented democracy in a region dominated by mainly authoritarian regimes. Despite a constant struggle for survival, Israel has flourished as a center of innovation in the fields of agriculture, medicine, technology and alternative energy. Like the United States, Israel is a nation of immigrants. Since its inception in 1948, Israel's population has grown five-fold. Despite its small size, it has absorbed millions of immigrants from more than 100 countries. A haven for Jewish refugees from around the world, Israel has helped Jews wherever they suffer from persecution and welcomed them into Israeli society.”

– Jim McGovern, Irish-American Representative (Dem) from Massachusetts. 1959 AD

April 22, 2008 - Issue: Vol. 154, No. 64 — Daily Edition 110th Congress (2007 - 2008) - 2nd Session.

I'm a friend of Israel, and I'm an unabashed friend. In my brand of journalism, I'm allowed to give my opinion, which means I'm allowed to say: I'm a friend of Israel and that's the side I'm on. I will be a defender of Israel. (...) You are a democracy, you are a beacon of freedom in this region. And you do things in this region that no other country does: you treat your Arab citizens, Arab Israelis, better than they would be treated in an Arab country. (...) I found that left-wing people in America generally are pro-Palestinian without even knowing why. They just perceive that you are the bully, the Palestinians are the underdog, and that's all they need to know. All they need to know is everything you do is generally wrong, and everything the Palestinians do - even if it's blowing people up or 'settlers' who are murdered in their homes - [is right]. (...) It's a hard-working, patriotic, capitalistic, freedom-loving country.

Lars Larson, American talk radio show host from Oregon. 1959 AD

Arutz Sheva (2012): US Radio Host Larson. Israel is a Beacon of Freedom in the Region. In: Youtube. 17 jan 2012.

“Israel is an important ally of the United States and like our great country, Israel was founded by people seeking freedom from religious persecution. This persecution came in the form of the Holocaust – one of the most heinous events in recent history. (…) Attacked in 1948 from all sides by surrounding Arab nations, Israel defeated its enemies but soon learned it would have to develop as a democratic nation while vigilantly patrolling its borders for foreign invaders.”

– Jeff Miller, American Representative (GOP) from Florida. 1959 AD

May 2, 2006 - Issue: Vol. 152, No. 50 — Daily Edition 109th Congress (2005 - 2006) - 2nd Session. 

“Israel is one of America's closest allies. We rely on her good will in our war on terror. We enjoy mutually beneficial economic agreements. And, we value Israel as the only functioning democracy in the world's most volatile region.”

– Scott Garrett, American Representative (GOP) from New Jersey. 1959 AD

May 2, 2006 - Issue: Vol. 152, No. 50 — Daily Edition 109th Congress (2005 - 2006) - 2nd Session. 

“It seems the EU unashamedly targets the only country in the region that has similar democratic values to its own, namely political diversity and the rule of law, respect for human rights, as well as shared geopolitical interests. (…) Of all people, Europeans know best that Jews have a historical and legal right to be in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria.”

– András Pátkai, Hungarian member of European parliament.

Stern Hoffman, G. (2013): Hungarian EU veteran András Pátkai to lobby for Israel in Brussels. In: Jerusalem Post. JULY 28, 2013 16:27. 

“Many peoples, still colonized, such as ours, admire, and rightly so, the character, the strength and the meteoric rise of the Jewish people to the mastery of their destiny. The Jewish People had definitively come to realize that only the creation of a state was susceptible to protecting them in a lasting manner. It is for the hope, the spirit of justice and the vision of the future that Israel embodies, that I wish it, in the name of the provisional Kabyle government and in my own name, a radiant future. (…) The Arab opposition to the creation of a Jewish state is the trigger which pushed the people and the young state to make progress on all fronts and to take on increasingly complex challenges. Today, Israel is considered one of the largest democracies in the world. There is an independent judiciary. Freedom of press and expression are respected and Muslims enjoy full rights.”

– Lyazid Abid, Kabyle/Algerian (Amazigh) activist.

Siwel: Lyazid Abid, vice président de l’Anavad : « Les pays arabo-musulmans sont capables des pires cruautés ». 26/04/2013. 

Israel has an important place in my heart, but the relation has deepened and complicated over the years. Since my childhood I have known a collective shame in relation to the Jewish people after the centuries of racism, oppression and annihilation they were exposed to. (...) As a journalist I made many friends in Israeli newspapers, both on the right and on the left. In the beginning I was shocked about the intellectually clear-sighted and heated debates. (...) Coming from Sweden I was used to a black and white world, two perceptions, in favour or against. But in Israel you can speak positively about Israel and at the same time criticize housing policy, you can advocate for the right to defense but horrified by walls, closed border crossings and air raids.

Daniel Grahn, Swedish journalist.

Grahn, D.: Vad tänker du på när du hör ordet Israel?. In: Varför Israel?. [Translated by C. Nooij].

When I think of Israel, there are many thoughts that go through my head. The beautiful Galilee in the north with its undulating fields and grazing livestock - milk. The beautiful contrasts in the south with the desert and date palms - honey. A land flowing with milk and honey. (...) I also think of the miracle of Israel as a nation. (...) I think of Ben Gurion who, about 2000 years after Christ proclaimed the State of Israel and how he, with a mission similar to that of Moses, led an exodus and had brought an oppressed nation into the land God had promised unto Abraham for eternity. Ben Gurion realized that the Negev (...) had to be taken care of in order to receive all Jews coming home to Israel - the desert shall flourish, yes it does today. (...) When I think of Israel, I think of a bunch of innovative companies that made this world a slightly better place to live in. I think of knowledge, which is Israel's biggest export good, and the majority of Nobel laureates, who have a Jewish background. I think of what healthcare would look like without the knowledge that is exported from Israel. I think of what I have in my computer and cellphone, with Intel chips and software from e.g. Waves in Tel Aviv, which I use in my daily job with sound and music recordings... and not least of all Facebook. Presumably we would have been sent back to the 1950s without Israel's involvement in the technological developments. And how could I help thinking about all the good food and all the smells in Israel from the oriental cuisine, I love food; the fragrant spices along the crowded bazaars of old Jerusalem and a shawarma for lunch in the Jewish quarter, frshly fried falafel and hummus tahina and lots of meze laid out on the dinner table (...) down by the port of Jaffa, shakshuka in the early morning on a kibbutz in the Galilee and fresh dates as an afternoon snack at the marketplace in Jericho. Did I mention the divine freshly squeezed pomegranate juice?

Torbjörn Frisk, Swedish program manager of Radio Hope.

Frisk, T.: Vad tänker du på när du hör ordet Israel?. In: Varför Israel?. [Translated by C. Nooij].

"When I hear the word Israel, I think of it as God's people of his own and the land of promise. (...) I am also enormously impressed by all the innovation that comes from the country. Above all, that such a small country can have such a world-leading development in so many fields."

Joakim Claesson, Swedish Vice-CEO at Kristen TV.

Claesson, J.: Vad tänker du på när du hör ordet Israel?. In: Varför Israel?. [Translated by C. Nooij].

For me Israel has always been fascinating. It is so multi-faceted, a miniature of the history and the world, but with a worldwide impact. Ever-present in Israel are biblical history, the highly pulsating present and future prophetic promises. (...) Israel is a gathering point, where God gathers his people, Jews, from the four corners of the earth. (...) During seven years [of staying in Israel] I got to see the country from the inside, live in the intense and pressured atmosphere that everyone there lives under, and at the same time experience the faith in the future and the vitality that characterizes so much of society.

Daniela Persin, Swedish general manager of television channel Himlen TV7.

Persin, D.: Vad tänker du på när du hör ordet Israel?. In: Varför Israel?. [Translated by C. Nooij].

“The Church of Gentile believers is called to bless Israel and is called to be a voice of righteousness in defense of Israel and the Jewish people. (...) The Lord began to call back the Jewish people, when God began to put in the heart of the Jewish people that were in the Diaspora that they wanted to come back to their homeland. And so they began to come back to the nation, to the nation of Israel as we know it. (...) They began to build kibbutzes, they began to build villages, and they began to establish themselves in the nation. Until May 14 1948, how in one day, David Ben-Gurion declared that the State of Israel was now alive, had now commenced. (...) You see there is no other nation in the world, there is no people in the world, that have experienced the scattering and this kind of diaspora, the persecution through the centuries, whether it was the pogroms of Eastern Europe and Russia or the Spanish Inquisition for the Sephardic Jews of Spain and the European world of the day, or even the Holocaust of the 20th century. Friends, nothing succeeded in destroying the Jewish people, and in the hearts of every Jew was this desire to come back to their homeland.”

– Giulio Lorefice Gabeli, Italian-Canadian pastor.

ICEJ Canada (2021): Pastor Giulio Gabeli-Why Should the Church Support Israel?; Christine Williams-History of Zionism. In: Youtube. 5 November 2021.

The State of Israel has become a home for the most diverse groups. Jews from all over the world, Arabs from the region, religious people from the three world religions, survivors of the Shoah and refugees from Africa find their societal and cultural-religious basis in the area of the modern-day country. The development of the state is a success story. With the establishment in 1948, the country has integrated immigrants from over 120 countries into a Jewish-democratic state. Out of a state characterized mostly by agriculture emerged a leading hightech-nation. The founders' generation still had the vision of a socialist-style society. (...) Israel represents a break with the past, that was however never completed. The fighters of the 1943 Revolt in Warsaw subsequently became the victors of the 1948 War. The state sees itself as the successor to the Holocaust victims according to international law. (...)  The process [against Eichmann in 1961] was understood as a sign of Israeli soverignty. Accordingly, the proceedings were conducted in Hebrew. A state sat in judgement on the Holocaust, also on the enemies of the Jews in the past. Unlike Nuremberg, this wasn't about crimes against humanity, but rather about crimes against the Jewish nation. In the foreground stood the truth of the victims. The enforced judgement in 1962 was the only death sentence in the Israeli history as of yet. (...) Ethnically and nationally, the Arab population [of Israel] belongs to the Palestinians, at the same time they are Israeli citizens with all rights and obligations. (...) The level of education of the Arab population is among the highest in the Middle East. The standard of living is higher than that of a great part of the Arab population.

Günther Dichatschek, Austrian student advisor and school development consultant.

Dichatschek, G. (2023): Landeskunde Israel. [Translated by C. Nooij].

“The prophetic thought of a national homeland for the Jewish people, which was at that time scattered across the entire world, the so-called Zionism. (…) And several decennia later, from the ashes of the Holocaust, the modern State of Israel emerged in their own land on the 14th of May 1948. (…) That which God had decided upon, that this land would be the possession of the Jewish people for eternity, FOR ETERNITY, has been visible ever since 1948. And by now, Jews from over 110 countries returned from all over the world. (…) Ever since Israel returned to its own land sixty-five years ago, we’ve been seeing with our own eyes how the two and a half thousand years old prophetic  statements are fulfilling themselves.”

– Gottfried Bühler, Württembergian/German evangelist.

Israelkongress 2013​. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“Once a country attacks Israel, Israel has the right to defend itself and eliminate the threat. Syria and other Arabs attacked Israel in 1967, and therefore Israel defended itself and took the Golan Heights and many more lands. As a long term security plan for Israel, it must surround itself with people who are friends [instead of] foes. (…) We [Assyrians] are an indigenous people of the Mideast, and we share a lot DNA, heritage, Judeo-Christians values, a language, an alphabet, etc. with Jews. (…) My people are tired of living next to peoples (Turks, Kurds, Arabs and Persians) who never value us and systematically tried to kill us. We are entitled to a land in the Mideast. I personally believe we are very close to Jews and that we share a lot, and therefore we must be resettling next to them, and this is a win-win situation for Israel and the Assyrians, who have been Christians for 2000 years. Also, this has been prophesized in the Bible, namely in Isaiah 19:23-25. The father of the Jews was Abraham and Abraham was an Assyrian. We can’t live in Iraq, Iran, or Syria. We have suffered as much as Jews. We share each other’s pain.”

– Wilson Eashoian, Assyrian-American singer.

“The Jewish State is the most important border between Islamists and the free world and civilization. Tel Aviv has taken on the appearance of a French Riviera with its picturesque and laughing crowds that swarm on the evening promenades and among the cafes of Dizengoff Street, just hit by terror. Yet it is an illusion, because Jews there confront - every day and every night - the simple and basic issue of survival. Israel has never formally become a Republic: it is a ‘State’, as if it would unwittingly wish to reflect the temporary nature of the tragic fate of a troubled democracy and state-building country unique in the world, living on against the laws of logic, history and power.”

​– Giulio Meotti, Italian journalist and author. 

Arab citizens of Israel are not forced to live separately from Jewish citizens. Arab citizens of Israel have the same rights as Jewish citizens. Arab citizens of Israel can be anything they want in Israel — doctors, lawyers, soldiers, police officers, members of the Supreme Court, and politicians. Many Arab citizens of Israel join the IDF. Nearly 20 percent of students at Israeli universities are Arab citizens, and Israel has devoted considerable efforts to increase that number. That’s not how apartheid works.

​– A.J. Caschetta, Italian-American English language lecturer.

Caschetta, A.J. (2024): South Africa Is Wrong. Israel Is Not an Apartheid State. In: The Algemeiner. January 30, 2024. 11:12 AM.

"We need to realize and acknowledge that Jerusalem constitutes a religious symbol for the Jews, and that it is as holy to them as Mecca and Medina are to the Muslims. (…) The Jews are an integral part of the history of this region, and Israel is the product of the Jews' historic right in the region."

– Abdelhameed Hakeem, Saudi researcher.

MEMRI: Saudi Researcher Abdelhameed Hakeem: Jerusalem As Israeli Capital With Palestinian Management Of Islamic Holy Places Is A Framework For Peace; Arabs Must Change Anti-Jewish Mentality, We Need To Realize That Jerusalem Is A Religious Symbol For The Jews. December 18, 2017. 

We think Israel is a hotbed of engineering talent and ideas, and we decided it was high time we tapped into its tech ecosystem. (...) Israel is a good place for Internet of Things and wearable app technology, and we think developers here will have good ideas for apps that have a health theme that can connect to smart watches or other digital health devices. (...) I put out the idea that Israel was a good place to look for technology, and company officials who make those decisions were on board from the beginning. There was no questioning as to whether it was a ‘good’ or ‘safe’ decision; they were actually excited at the idea of engaging with Israel.

Scott Lyons, American Tech & Commercial Partnerships Lead for Ford Europe.

Shamah, D. (2015): Ford seeks connected-car apps with a Start-Up Nation twist. In: Times of Israel. 6 October 2015.

“All the trumped up charges and outright lies about Israel are nothing more than window dressing. The reality is that it makes no difference to the Left what Israel actually does. Simply by existing and by protecting themselves Israelis are ‘undeserving’ of any support. It has nothing to do with the right of self defense; it has nothing to do with international law; and it has nothing to do with the justice of their position. Only those who offer themselves for the slaughter (as the Palestinians offer their own children) are worthy of moral consideration. (…) The ability of the Israelis to protect themselves does not diminish the justice of their cause. And the fact that the thugocracy of the Palestinians is grossly incompetent at protecting their own people does not cancel out the essential injustice of their value system (supporting as they do racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia and misogyny) nor the injustice of their cause (killing Jews wherever they live). It simply means that they are incompetent. Divorcing moral judgment from morality is simply unconscionable.”

– Amy Tuteur, American obstetrician-gynecologist. 

“Now the land of Israel teems with Jews from the ends of the earth, from Morocco, Yemen, China, India, America, and beyond. For centuries, Israel was but a dream and a prayer. Now, despite overwhelming odds, pogroms, an Inquisition, the Crusades, persecution, and discrimination, it’s a reality. The Jews survived, but the nations that attacked them are no more. (…) But despite the spiritual, technological, and material contributions by the Jewish people and the state of Israel and the world, many nations clamor for a Middle East devoid of a Jewish presence. The legitimacy of the only democracy in the Middle East still stands in the docket of the world’s court of public opinion.”

– Chris Mitchell, American author and CBN News anchor.

Mitchell, C. (2013): Dateline Jerusalem. Page 112. 

Israel, despite many varied threats against her, including 24/7 in her own neighborhood, is a feared adversary, thanks to the miracle of the IDF. (...) It feels like our world is in short supply of miracles. Israel has the lion’s share of them. The Miracle on the Mediterranean was established on May 14, 1948. Almost 70 years on, the Jewish state survives and thrives in a world increasingly hunted by evil, such as the global jihad threat.

Jim Fletcher, American writer, researcher and speaker.

Fletcher, J. (2016): The Miracle of Israel. In: Times of Israel. APR 10, 2016, 7:37 AM.

“Israel is a leader in UAV (unmanned aerial vehicles). Israel is very advanced in working on protecting soldiers against IEDs (improvised explosive devices). Israel is very adept at research and technology with non-lethal weapons. Israel ​is also at the forefront of missile defense through its own experience. Israel is also ahead in air traffic management.”

– Peter Flory, American NATO military consultant. 

“Israel, the man on the run for violence, without a home, in his hands nothing but a promise of a homeland. Israel stands for a nation that has for centuries been on the run for the so-called master races, most recently in the Russian palaces and the Führer's headquarters; for a nation that has no place in this world and for which in 1948 - so it seems - a promise was fulfilled: I want to bring you back into this land. You will have a place in this world, where you can safely live. That is a blessing, to have such a place in the world. And this blessing,that is God's promise, will pass over to all generations on earth. To all generations, so that all in this world may find a place where they can live in peace and security.

Martin Hofmann, German pastor from Hamburg.

Hofmann, M. (2019): 14. Sonntag nach Trinitatis 2019, Predigttext: 1. Mose 28, 10-22. [Translated by C. Nooij].

“Israel has beaten the Arabs in the science contest. Israel has seduced American and European scientists into allowing it to develop, and meanwhile we have an 'emigration of Arab brains.' (...) Israel has attained twenty-fourth place in the developed world, and second place - immediately after the US - in the field of scientific abilities. And Israel came in fourth after Japan, the US, and Finland in the field of technological inventions."

– Ibrahim al-Negar, Egyptian journalist.

Cohen, S. (2017): 'Israel's success is an embarrassment to us'. In: Arutz Sheva. February 22 2017, 8:50 AM. 

“Israel’s achievements are really spectacular. It is a country that in less than 70 years has become a first-world state. We want to learn how they achieved it. We know that the Jewish people suffered a lot. But their resilience has allowed them to achieve a great deal. (…) Israel is a model of a people who are resilient, and who feel that they need to rely on themselves to solve their problems, and are not relying on others to achieve what they need to achieve.”

– Joseph Rutabana, Rwandan Ambassador to Israel.

Keinon, H. (2016): Rwanda looks to Israel as model of how to persevere after genocide. In: Jerusalem Post. June 24 2016, 04:21.  

“Israel is our friend, and we have no problems whatsoever, and we have very old bonds with the Jewish, and Kurdistan is the homeland for so many Kurdish Jews, so that’s why we have to support them. Why do we have to support our enemy, and turn a blind eye to our close friend, and our people in Israel? (…) Which country has sent food and explosives to Kurdistan, Israel or our brothers from the Islamic and Arabic countries? Who genocided 182,000 Kurds and used chemical weapons? Who has forcibly sent Kurdish girls to Egypt during the Anfal campaign to work in clubs as prostitutes?“

– Dana Berzinjy, Kurdish-Australian author.

Berzinjy, D. (2009): The Historical Relations between the Kurds and the Jewish! In: Ekurd Daily. 10.12.2009. 

“The country has so much: spoiled by the climate, on the Mediterranean Sea with beautiful beaches, next to that deserts, lakes, rivers, the Dead Sea, mountains, the desert, absolute diversity. The Promised Land, in which flows milk and honey, is a fascinating mixture of religion, culture, history and presence. Nature, friendly people, good food complete the package.“

– Barbara Furthmüller, Franconian/German food and travel blogger.

Rundreise Israel. In: Barbaras Spielwiese. Dienstag, 29. November 2016. [Translated by C. Nooij].

Even just viewing the city [of Tel Aviv] from an aerial perspective isn't bad at all. It appears as if it was planned on a drawing board and justifiably calls itself the 'most modern metropolis in the Middle East'. (...) That it's a good place to live is proven by the peaceful coexistence of Jewish and Arab Israelis for a long time.

Katja Wegener, Bavarian/German travel blogger.

Faszinierendes Reiseland Israel. In: WellSpaPortal. 16. JANUAR 2015. [Translated by C. Nooij].

In the case of Israel, it is the result of a long, bloody history that the Jews have attained their own state. In that history, a number of things were decisive in the formation of Israel. Amongst other things the fact that Judaism was on the territory of the land of Canaan earlier than Islam - and Christianity. (...) Land shapes people, people shape spirituality and religion, a religion shapes a culture, a culture shapes a state. So if you see which religion or culture has the most ancient rights to the land, you end up with Judaism, because the religions that appeared on the territory of Israel before Judaism no longer exist. Eventually, European states took their responsibility by granting a part of Palestine to the Jewish people. After the horrors of the Holocaust, this was the inevitable trajectory of history. The diaspora and anti-Semitism had, throughout the centuries, led in Europe (and elsewhere) to many pogroms - and finally the Holocaust. The only thing that could protect the Jewish people seemed to be their own state. Anti-Zionism is therefore the anti-Semitism of this era.

Jasper Mekkes, Dutch philosopher and columnist.

Mekkes, J. (2023): Antizionisme is het nieuwe antisemitisme. In: Joop. 28 feb 2023 - 11:50. [Translated by C. Nooij].

Israel is world renowned as being the “start-up nation” and is the world leader for number of start-ups per capita – with 2,000 startups founded in the past decade, another 3,000 small and medium-sized startup and high-tech companies. (...) Wondrous Israeli innovations (...) are collectively changing the lives of billions of people around the world and (...) Israeli innovators of all faiths feel compelled to make the world better. (...) Israelis are helping to feed the hungry, cure the sick, protect the defenseless, and make the desert bloom. Israel is playing a disproportionate role in helping solve some of the world’s biggest challenges by tapping into the nation’s soul: the spirit of tikkun olam – the Jewish concept of repairing the world.

Kathleen Pokrud, Hongkongese-British consultant and columnist.

Pokrud, K. (2022): Thou Shalt Innovate. In: Expat Life in Thailand. July 14, 2022.

Subject knowledge and critical thinking. Both of these are culturally ingrained in both Germans and Israelis. In both cultures, respect is earned mostly via competence. If you want to be somebody in either Germany or Israel, you have to know your stuff at a very high level. And in both places, debates are highly encouraged and seen as positive in an interaction. In fact, you even assert yourself socially by establishing how knowledgeable, critical, and original you are. You will even do this with your friends, over drinks, not just in some top secret R&D facility between nine and five during the week. The Germans have the term “Streitkultur” (debate culture), and if you’ve been to a Yeshiva, you know that that is also very much a Jewish thing. I am actually not even sure who inspired who in that regard, given that Germany was, for centuries, the Jewish centre of the world. But I digress. So, all in all, I would say that both Israelis and Germans are naturally inclined to critically evaluate what they know at all times, and are driven to present it openly in discourse, leading to forward action. It’s simply how they are. They cannot be stopped. Being alive and breathing in these cultures means to be innovative.

Chris Ebbert, Swedish innovation advisor.

Chris Ebbert. Answer on Quora. Why are Israelis and Germans so innovative?. March 1 2019.

“In the famous television series Game of Thrones, one of the action settings is the Wall, which in addition to being a physical place is a constant reference in many chapters and almost a character in itself. The Wall, located in the cold and snowy north, separates more civilized kingdoms (...) from a sinister, dangerous and wild area that extends beyond the enormous wall of ice. and stone. (...) The Wall is, so to speak, a shared responsibility of the territories that live south of the imposing barrier: everyone understands it as something of their own and as one of their obligations (...) In the West we also have some Walls – not always physical – that help keep us separated from parts of the world where our system of rights does not govern; separations that remove from our lives and our homes the terror, the fanaticism, the extreme violence of those who despise life; walls, in short, that separate us from the Middle Ages although this is not a perfect separation. Israel has been one of them for 70 years, probably the most important. But, unlike what happens with the Wall in Game of Thrones, not all of us who benefit from that defensive barrier no longer feel the slightest responsibility, but even an iota of solidarity, empathy or gratitude. For not thanking them, nor do we thank them, for how much their help – and on many occasions their experts – help us to confront the problems that they have already suffered: much of the intelligence and methods that all of Europe uses to avoid or at least least minimize the terrorist challenge come to us from that small country that has had to suffer in the first place practically each and every form of modern terrorism, from plane hijackings to car accidents. Nobody has, like the Hebrew state, developed the methods of defense, infiltration and response to the aggression of Islamist terrorism, in the real world, in key infrastructures, in the increasingly important cyber battlefield... Israel suffers, invents, solves and finally exports knowledge that everyone takes advantage of, knowledge that saves lives in many corners of this planet.

Carmelo Jordá, Spanish chief editor of Libertad Digital.

Jordá, C. (2018): Israel es nuestro Muro. 14/5/2018 - 09:16.

"Israel is an economic powerhouse (...) Israel is soaring economically and is within the four best performing economies in the OECD countries."

Alfonso Quiñónez, Guatemalan Ambassador to the United States.

Wilson Center (2023): Israel at 75: The Views From Latin America. June 23 2023, 10:00am.

“Black Muslims from Darfur chose Israel above all the other Arab-Muslim states of the area. (…) In Israel, black Sudanese, Christian and Muslim were welcomed and treated like human beings. (…) Israel is a state of people who are the colors of the rainbow. Jews themselves come in all colors, even black. I met with Ethiopian Jews in Israel. Beautiful black Jews.”

– Simon Deng, South Sudanese human rights activist. 1959 AD

Deng, S. (2012): Remarkable Speech by Simon Deng, Once a Sudanese Slave, Addressing the Durban Conference in New York. In: Jewish Post. 

"We are so used to Jews being killed because they are Jewish. This is an error, and not just on a human level. Because it’s the executioner who decides who is Jewish. November 13th [2015] was proof of that. On that day, the executioner showed us that he had decided… we were all Jewish.”

– Gérard Biard, French editor of Charlie Hebdo. 1959 AD

JTA (2016): Charlie Hebdo Editor in Special Anniversary Edition. We Are Used to Jews Being Killed. In: HaAretz. January 5 2016. 

"The European culture is unthinkable and inexplicable without the spiritual, religious, philosophical, cultural, and scientific heritage it received from Jerusalem. Not only Christianity, with its roots in Jewish history and the  Jewish Bible, was born in Jerusalem and brought the Jewish idea of creative  exploring of the world to Europe. Also many Jewish scholars directly contributed  to, or laid the foundations for sciences, arts, and philosophies we like to call European. This direct input of Jewish thinking dates from the beginning of the Diaspora in Roman times and never stopped. We may be grateful for what Jerusalem brought us. For it taught us that we must master the art of debate and doubt in order to find truth and to progress in knowledge. Discussion and debate are Jewish to the core."

– Yves Leterme, Prime Minister of Flanders and of Belgium. 1960 AD 

"Of course Iranians don’t hate Israel. The regime wants you to think so. Our nations share a biblical relationship since the times of Cyrus, who helped the Jewish people in their hour of need. This is our hour of need. We’re asking Israel’s help to free us from our tyrannical regime. (…) The Israeli and Iranian peoples hold together. We are natural allies, the crazy Iranian regime threatens us all. (…) We, the children of Cyrus, the children of Queen Esther, the Persian Queen, need your help.”

– Reza Pahlavi II, Persian Shah of Iran. 1960 AD

Liphshiz, C. (2012): Obama ‘chickened out’ of confronting mullahs. In: Jerusalem Post. June 7 2012, 02:54.​ 

“True innovation can only result from full access to education for all, regardless of race, religion, or sex. We would like to learn from your [i.e. Israel’s] experience in the US, in bringing education and technology to periphery groups and communities. Apple has an enormous admiration for Israel, not just as an important ally for the US, but as a place to do business.”

– Tim Cook, American CEO of Apple. 1960 AD

Apple CEO Tim Cook Praises Israel’s Integration of Minorities. In: Israel Today. February 26 2015.​ 

"When we think about additional PhDs, data scientists, hi-tech resources around analytics and cyber, Motorola wants to put more resources here in Israel. This is an outstanding area for innovation, technology incubation, joint venture investment.”

– Greg Brown, American CEO of Motorola. 1960 AD

Motorola Solutions sets up Israel innovation center. In: Globes. 17 April 2016, 11:47.​ 

“Bulgaria perceives Israel as a close partner and a pillar of stability in the tempestuous Middle East. (…) The Bulgarian community in Israel is unique. While Bulgarian Jews in Israel still cherish their country of origin, ​Bulgaria, they exhibit patriotism for their homeland, Israel. This is a heartwarming combination.”

– Plamen Oresharski, Prime Minister of Bulgaria. 1960 AD

Oresharski, P. (2014): The Strategic Dimension of the Bulgarian–Israeli Partnership. May 20 2014. 

"I've learned Israelis like to laugh a lot. I've learned Israeli's like to work hard. I learned Israelis don't sleep a lot, because they're not letting me sleep. It's not good for your health, but most importantly, Israelis know how to love and THAT's good for your health. (...) Israel is a vital American ally and a vibrant democracy in the world’s most troubled region. The incredible friendship between our countries is carved into the bedrock of our shared values and common belief in God, liberty, equality, and human rights. I will strongly support American efforts to ensure that Israel has the qualitative military edge it needs to defend itself against genocidal enemies and terrorists. I will stand by Israel on the world stage and in the United Nations, where it is so wrongfully singled out for abuse."

– Dr. Mehmet Oz, Turkish-American cardiothoracic surgeon. 1960 AD

United Hatzalah (2013): Dr. Oz visits United Hatzalah in Jerusalem-Channel 10 News in Israel. In: Youtube. July 29 2013.

Deutch, G. (2022): Oz reveals views on Israel in PA Republican primary. In: Jewish Insider. March 16 2022, 1:47 pm. 

“This verdict [against Olmert] provides further evidence that the judicial system in Israel is fully independent in the wake of the separation between the legislative, executive and judicial authorities, as well as total freedom of the media.”

​– Sufian Abu Zayda, Palestinian Prisoner Minister. 1960 AD

Abu Toameh, K. (2014): Arabs. We Want Democracy - Like Israel. May 16, 2014. 

"​When we want to say something heartfelt about Israel, we tend to say that we feel it is a piece of Europe thrown into the middle of the Middle East, which is a cornerstone of our flesh and blood of our own-made blood and in many ways it is a true thing."

– Gaetano Quagliariello, Italian Minister of Constitutional Reforms. 1960AD

Per la verità, per Israele. Manifestazione i Roma. 7 Ottobro 2010. 

“This tiny country, that despite all hostilities from abroad has time and again proven that it ​stands solidly for western values, for democracy and rule of law, [may] not be called into question!”

– Volkmar Klein, Westphalian/German member of the Bundestag (CDU). 1960 AD

Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft: Warum Israel?. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

"In 1993 I started looking into my enemy's book, the Tanach, and I came to the conclusion that the Jewish people are the most peaceful people on earth. (...) Jews are not safe in Arab cities, yet Arabs can walk around freely without fear in Jewish cities. (...) When an Israeli soldier has an Arab casualty, he mourns. When an Arab murders a Jew, the community celebrates!"

– Walid Shoebat, Palestinian-American author. 1960 AD

Shoebat, W. (2008): God's War on Terror: Islam, Prophecy and the Bible. 

The Middle East isn’t a region that springs to mind as a beacon for democracy and equality. One country is the exception - Israel. Israel is a vibrant, boisterous democracy; as any visitor to the Knesset can testify. A country that is not just proudly a Jewish State, but a country proud to welcome, support and celebrate diversity. In Israel you will find churches, mosques, and synagogues, jostling side by side. Look at any of Israel’s neighbours and see if that coexistence is replicated. Key to Israel’s claim to be the Middle East’s strongest democracy is its advancement of ethnic minority representation. While the UK struggles to ensure we have black, Indian, Muslim and Hindu MPs - the Knesset has Jewish, Arab, Muslim, Christian and Druze representation. Arabs make up around 1.7 million of Israel’s eight million citizens and hold 14% of seats in the Knesset. Arab citizens of Israel enjoy more political rights than their neighbours in Arab countries. (...) In a region that sees gay men thrown off the top of buildings and stoned, Israel hosts one of the world’s largest Gay Pride events in Tel Aviv. Each year, about 100,000 people from Israel and around the world, celebrate equality and diversity. (...) In a region where women are forced to wear the niqab, or banned from driving cars, Israel enshrines women’s equality. (...) [and] had already elected its very own Iron Lady as Prime Minister in 1969 making Golda Meir the world’s fourth woman to hold the highest office of any country.

Mike Freer, English/British Conservative MP. 1960 AD

CFI Informed Magazine 2015/2016. Page 22

“We may not treat Israel as if it has Liechtenstein and Switzerland as its neighbors. (...) In Israel, the situation is progressive [compared to Lebanon and Iran]. The army does not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. And there are efforts at better recognizing homosexual partnerships. (…) Israel belongs to the very few states, of which the citizens can’t exit their homeland by land. Various neighboring countries are in a state of war with Israel. There is also no other country, the existence of which is questioned on a daily basis. (…) I would like to know what would happen in Germany if every week a bomb exploded here somewhere.”

– Volker Beck, Württembergian/German member of the Bundestag. 1960 AD

Fischer, J.: Volker Beck im haGalil-Interview. In: HaGalil. [Translated by C. Nooij].

Böhme, C. & Bockenheimer, J.C. (2015): Interview mit Volker Beck. In: Tagesspiegel. 24.12.2015, 14:04. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“Our party has always defended Israel because we are well aware that if Israel disappears, we lose a vanguard. They are fighting now our fight in fact.”

– Oskar Freysinger, Swiss MP. 1960 AD

West, D.: Swiss 'extremist' party taking on Islamic law. In: The Oklahoman. 

“[Anti-Semitism] is predicated as much upon envy – at Jewish success, worldwide and in Israel – as anything else. If you handed over Israel to the Palestinians they would turn it into Somalia before you could say Yom Kippur.“

– Rod Liddle, English journalist. 1960 AD

Liddle, R. (2016): I know who I’m supporting in the Corbyn-Hodge leadership contest. In: The Spectator. 3 May 2016, 12:00 am. 

“Today, 49 years ago [i.e. June 5 1967], Israel was attacked by all the neighboring Arab countries. In six days she came out stronger than before. (…) Israel in its history has never started a conflict but only promoted defensive military actions, having to react to terrorist attacks or attacks by neighboring countries. Israel will continue to be a friendly country for Italy and it will be possible to further improve bilateral relations between our two countries in the fields of economy and research and coordination of actions to combat global terrorism.”

​– Gianni Vernetti, Italian politician. 1960 AD

5 giugno 2016. [Translated by C. Nooij].

Colombia and Israel have forged strong diplomatic, economic, cultural and cooperation ties for 66 years, which have been based on the recognition of Israel as a state, which, as such, has all the guarantees to defend itself from any type of violation of its rights. its sovereignty and especially in the face of recent terrorist attacks. (...) Let us remember that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East, therefore it must be defended as a beacon of light.

​– Claudia Rodríguez de Castellanos, Colombian Senator. 1960 AD

Instagram. 8 October 2023.

“Israel's survival and success are a remarkable testimony to the vision that inspired its creation six decades ago and to the Israeli people who have made that vision a reality. (...) The existence of Israel across these six decades – the way it has grown and flourished – has provided security and opportunity for its citizens. It has strengthened and enhanced Jewish life around the world. And it has been a beacon of democracy that makes the entire world a safer, more hopeful place.”

– Amy Klobuchar, Slovene-American Senator (Dem) from Minnesota. 1960 AD

May 8, 2008 - Issue: Vol. 154, No. 76 — Daily Edition 110th Congress (2007 - 2008) - 2nd Session. 

Modern Israel stands out as a beacon of freedom, equality and democracy - particularly in respect of women and LBGT+ communities - in a region where oppression, discrimination and equality are too often the norm.

Emily Thornberry, British Labour MP of Northern Irish origin. 1960 AD

Jewish News (2017): Emily Thornberry - "Modern Israel is a beacon of freedom, equality and democracy". In: Youtube. 3 November 2017.

“At one point I was deployed in Lebanon. Now, Lebanon is a very pretty coastal strip and behind it you’re walking on the moon: barren hills. I was once in Tunisia, there the moonscape started on the beach: pretty much no trees whatsoever. And then, you’re in Israel and at one point you see, in the middle of the drought, in the middle of that moonscape, a kind of Garden of Eden. (…) Jews could be a blessing there for the whole region.”

​– Klaas Jan de Graaf, Dutch teacher. 1960 AD

Christenen voor Israël (2015): #Israëlcursus, dag 5 met Klaas-Jan de Graaf (Leraar geschiedenis op middelbare school). In: Youtube. 26 oktober 2015. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“As Israel celebrates this anniversary, it’s important that the United States remains committed to standing by our strongest ally in the Middle East. Israel has been a friend of the United States for many decades and has consistently promoted the ideals of democracy. This partnership has historically provided invaluable international intelligence that has saved the lives of countless innocent civilians. I will continue to support the State of Israel and its citizens as they strive for peace in the region.”

– Dean Heller, American Senator (GOP) from Nevada. 1960 AD​ 

“Zionism is the global movement of the Jews who strived to establish their homeland and gather their people from all over the world. They came to Palestine because of the ancient historical link of the Jews to the land of Palestine, as acknowledged by all religions. (…) They wanted to rectify a historical mistake. (…) We never heard a claim that ancient Jews lived in Alaska or Australia. History and all religions and cultures admit that the Jews lived in Palestine. (…) Zionism is the establishment of a Jewish homeland, which is the right of any nation. You cannot expect them to establish their homeland on the moon. They have the right to return to their homeland.”

​– Malika Mezzane, Moroccan Amazigh activist. 1960 AD

MEMRI: Video Interview with Malika Mezzane Israel. October 7 2014. 

Uganda and Israel enjoy a historical relationship based on a solid, special strategic diplomatic and political ties. (...) Proudly flying the [Ugandan and Israeli] flags.”

Henry Oryem Okello, Ugandan Foreign Minister. 1960 AD 

Instagram. 3 February 2020.

“Israel is an example of mankind’s triumph over fascism.”

​– Ravi Shankar Etteth, Indian author and cartoonist. 1960 AD

Israel & Iran: Prevent another Holocaust on Auschwitz anniversary – Ravi Shankar Etteth. On: Bharata Bharati. Feb 21, 2012. 

“Israel endures and it flourishes. It has made its part of the desert bloom. It is a model of democracy that the rest of that region would do well to emulate, and it has been a great partner to us in the war on terror, cooperating with us on homeland security matters so that we can be better prepared to counter the kinds of attacks that the Israelis have had to endure for three generations."

– Charlie Dent, American Representative (GOP) from Pennsylvania. 1960 AD

May 14, 2008 - Issue: Vol. 154, No. 79 — Daily Edition 110th Congress (2007 - 2008) - 2nd Session. 

Israel has my unwavering support and I stand behind the Jewish state in its inherent right to defend itself and potect its citizens. (...) Israel is a beacon of democracy in a region marked by turmoil and injustice."

– Charlie Dent, American Representative (GOP) from Utah. 1960 AD

Curtis, J. (2023): TO MY FRIENDS IN UTAH'S JEWISH COMMUNITY. October 12, 2023.

“Since its independence in 1948, Israel's promotion of democratic values has helped forge a thriving society and a bastion of freedom in a region where that value is sadly all too scarce. The vision of a permanent homeland for the Jewish people was centuries in the making and was finally achieved in May of 1948. From its outset, Israel has faced a myriad of challenges which it has navigated successfully against all odds. A small state with few natural resources and residing in a region decidedly unfriendly to its very existence, the odds against Israel have always been high. Yet the nation of Israel has endured. Today, Israel is known for a vibrant, high-tech economy.”

– Bob Casey Jr., Irish-American (Dem) Senator from Pennsylvania. 1960 AD

April 19, 2018 - Issue: Vol. 164, No. 64 — Daily Edition 115th Congress (2017 - 2018) - 2nd Session. 

“Israeli ideology (Zionism) is based on geo-politics, territorial survival and a 2,000-year history of

​anti-Semitism. (…) Religiously, Chaldeans and Jews share some common history and traditions.”

– Michael Sarafa, Chaldean-American CEO of the Bank of Michigan. 

In Israel, the Jewish people clearly fulfil the established criteria for indigeneity. When a Māori person reads the genealogies in the Tanakh, it resonates with the practice that is kept alive in Māori gatherings, where much of the speechmaking revolves around whakapapa, recounting genealogy to establish the connections between peoples. When Hebrew literature speaks longingly of the mountains surrounding Jerusalem, we think of our mountains which we remember every time we present our pepeha (formal introduction). The places where our ancestors are buried are considered sacred, much like the reverence for the Tombs of the Patriarchs. (...) In Māori culture we have the concept of ahi kaa (keeping the fires burning). A remnant remains in the land to keep alive the fires of occupation. The fact that there has been a continuous presence of Jews in the land of Israel for well over 3,000 years meets the criterion of keeping ahi kaa. In the Māori worldview it affirms their mana whenua or historic right to the land.

Sheree Trotter, Maori activist from New Zealand.

Trotter, S. (2021): A Light for the Indigenous Nations. In: Tablet. November 29, 2021.

I'm (...) proud to be a Zionist. That is, I believe in the right of Jews, whether by birth or descent, to return and live in peace and prosperity in their ancestral homeland. (...) There is no stronger case than the Jews in proving their connection for over 3,000 years to their ancestral homeland through archaeology, genetic studies and historical and biblical texts that confirm that Judea and Samaria are their Jewish homelands. I am a Zionist, because I am also a Christian, and my faith has me believe in upholding the nation of Israel and the Jews as God's chosen people. (...) There are 9 million Israelis, over 2.5 million of them are Palestinian, are Arabs that live in the nation, and so we want to declare that Israel is a democratic nation - the most the most democratic nation in the whole of the Middle East.

Alfred Ngaro, New Zealand Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector of Cook Island descent.

Indigenous Coalition for Israel (2022): Self-Identifying As A Zionist (Proudly) - Hon. Alfred Ngaro. In: Youtube. 2 November 2022.

Indigenous Coalition for Israel (2023): Hon Alfred Ngaro at Israel Support Rally, Auckland. In: Youtube. 17 December 2023.

“Israel is at the front of the war against terror in our region, ‎and if Israel is hurt, we all will suffer, and Jordan will suffer the most. (…) We Arabs have boycotted Israel for 70 years. Where has it gotten us? We are ‎light-years behind Israel in technology and the economy. We will stop this in ‎Jordan and begin learning from our Israel friends.”

– Abed Almaala, Jordanian politician.

Almaala, A. (2017): BDS. A threat to the entire Middle East. In: Israel haYom 15th Feb 2017. 

Israel's sun is mercilessly hot. Next to the desert, colorful flowers and proud palm trees prevail. Green oases make the country a paradise. (...) The food in Israel could not have been more creative. A firework of spices. (...) I love this mixture of thousand year old history, culinary delights, the mix of desert and palms, the Red Sea and the harmony between old and new."

Liz Erbe, Silesian/German wedding speaker.

Warum ich Israel liebe – Teil 1. In: Israel National Trail. [Translated by C. Nooij].

Israel provides a stable ally and a landing platform in the Middle East for military operations conventient to both oil sources and the Suez Canal. If it came to war, America can rely on Israel not only to fight alongside (which given its experience in fighting in the Middle East does count) but also to provide logistic support and ground facilities. So yes, there are military reasons to support Israel. Second, Israel is a hotbed of technological development - military, security, cybernetics, agriculture, medical technology, water management. Right now, the US has access to most of it. This is a valuable assset - like Silicon Valley only more so."

Linda Olsvig-Whittaker, American ecologist and landscape archeologist in Israel.

Linda Olsvig-Whittaker. Answer to "Should Americans support Israel?". In: Quora. November 17 2023. [2020].

The State of Israel has not known one day of peace. Notwithstanding all of these challenges, the Israelis have built a remarkable country. There is a constitution. Under that constitution, the Israeli constitution, people’s rights are protected. People have the right to practise freedom of religion and freedom of speech, something they would not have the right to do if they were governed under Hamas terrorists. As I mentioned earlier, Hebrew is not the only official language in Israel. People have freedom; people have democracy. Israel is a legitimate state, recognized by the United Nations. It is recognized by every respected west-ern democracy in the world. (...) Under the Israeli constitution, you are dealing with a modern western democracy. It is a modern western democracy constantly under threat from tyrants and dictators—a tiny democracy fighting against a tide of autocratic dictatorships. The Israelis have built a country with virtually no natural resources. (...)Half of Israel is a desert. The other half is squashed up against the Mediterranean Sea in a strip of land that in areas is barely wider than Essex county. Yet, still, the Israelis have built a modern western democracy much like our own.

Anthony Leardi, Canadian MPP in Ontario (Progressive Conservative).

Legislative Assembly of Ontario. October 18, 2023. 43rd Parliament, 1st Session.

“[In Israel I perceived] the process of welcoming people from all over the world to become a member of your country and then defending and valuing democracy and freedom… it’s not magic that then creates an outcome, in which the United States and Israel have so much in common. It’s because they were formed under the same principles. I know Americans don’t know that, because I didn’t. I feel guilty in my ignorance.”

– Edward Schrank, US Marine sergeant.

In: Youtube. 

Israel is not a perfect society. Indeed, no nation is. But Israel stands as a beacon of democracy, human rights, and pluralism in the midst of surrounding dictatorships filled with the repression of basic human rights.  These values are under extraordinary assault, and Israel is the front line of this battle.   When we stand with Israel, we are standing with the values of democracy, freedom, and human rights.

Robert Stearns, American evangelical pastor.

30th Eagles' Wings: Why Israel?

“The whole basis of my eschatology is simply coming to understand the context of the Bible, which is thoroughly a Jewish book, it’s a Jerusalem- centric book. It’s an Israel-centric, Middle Eastern, Eastern book.”

– Joel Richardson, American evangelist author.

In: Youtube. 

I understood why Israel came to be, the suffering of a persecuted people and the realisation that after 2,000 years the jealousy and hate is still there. There can not ever not be an Israel. It is amazing what hard work and tenacity can achieve. I deeply admire Israel. Despite what the rest of the world says, they have not lost their humanity. Understanding Israel requires one to do a bit more homework than looking at memes on Facebook."

Hennie de Ruyter, South African (Afrikaner) IT developer.

Hennie de Ruyter. Answer to "Why do you support Israel if you're not Jewish?". In: Quora. 17 November 2023

The modern state of Israel is an amazing country. It was created by buying land from Turkish and Arab land owners. Most other states are an outcome of war and/or genocide. They give a (relatively) safe home to Jewish people who are persecuted almost everywhere else. (...) Arab residents of Israel were given Israeli citizenship. Arabic is a semi-official language of Israel. (...) Despite all the problems with managing the occupied areas, and the constant threat of genocidal war, Israel has managed to build a prosperous country. Israel pushes above its weight when it comes to contributions to science, third world aid, arts, sports and technology.

Helene Høgsbro Thygesen, Danish-Dutch statistician.

Helene Høgsbro Thygesen. Answer to "Why do you support Israel if you're not Jewish?". In: Quora. October 23 2023.

"I have long regarded Israel as the only country in the whole Middle-East that has made a serious and sustained investment of blood, sweat and tears to create a free and flourishing country. The fact that they have been so remarkably successful, despite tremendous efforts by their neighbouring countries to destroy them, is an amazing feather in their cap."

Derek Bernard, British honorary secretary of the Jersey Shooting Federation.

Derek Bernard. Answer to "Why do you support Israel if you're not Jewish?". June 27 2018.

Israel [is] the only country that has more trees than 50 years ago; (...) has the only theater in the world consisting of solely deaf and blind actors; (...) has the most university graduations per capita; developed the technology of original cellphones; developed an anti-drug straw against 'spiked' drugs and it's free; developed the first internal (stomach) video camera that can diagnose cancer and digestion diseases; developed the 'GPS navigation app'. (...) Israeli citizens, notwithstanding many problems, are considered the happiest people among Western nations; (...)  developed the first touch-free, radiation-free, baby-sensitive baby bed, which prevents the death of babies by monitoring their breathing and movement. [Israel is the] first country in the world that prohibited the usage of underweight models in fashion shows; the USB stick was designed in Israel in 1996 and conquered various awards. Israel has the highest concentration of 'high-tech' companies in the world after the 'Silicon Valley'; (...) possesses the only underwater restaurant; [is the] only country where all banknotes also contain braille lettering in order to accomodate blind people; [where] cows produce the second most milk per cow, after South Korea; which has the only revived language in the world as the official language. (...) [Israel] was the first country to sign the Kimberley process, THE international standard that certifies diamonds as being 'conflict-free'.

Hennie Heymans, South African (Afrikaner) police brigadier.

Heymans, H. (2021): Enigste land in die wêreld waar vroue mag... In: Nongqai. Vol. 12. No. 2. February 2021. [Translated by C. Nooij].

“Israel now has the most advanced research facilities, top universities and advanced infrastructure. Many Arabs don’t know that the life expectancy of the Palestinians living in Israel is far longer than many Arab states and they enjoy far better political and social freedom than many of their Arab brothers. Even the Palestinians living under Israeli occupation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip enjoy more political and social rights than some places in the Arab World.”

– Abdulateef Al-Mulhim, Saudi navy commander.

Al-Mulhim, A. (2012): Arab Spring and the Israeli enemy. In: Arab News. October 6 2012 03:00. 

“Israel today is a remarkable country. Though small and threatened on all sides, it is nonetheless making major contributions to the world in such areas as hi-tech and medical advances. Israel is also leading the way in agricultural innovations and water conservation. It pioneered drip irrigation and currently recycles over 80 percent of its wastewater, far outstripping any other nation. And, although over half of its land is still arid desert, Israel exports high-quality farm produce in all seasons, even while its neighbors must import food to feed their populations. It also would surprise many to learn that the Israeli people are blessed with one of the most nutritious food supplies in the world. (...) Yet the land of Israel was not always so fruitful, and the Jewish people certainly were not known for having a ‘green thumb’. (...) For more than 100 years now, the world has been witnessing the physical restoration of Israel to her land with amazing accuracy. The people are returning to rebuild the waste places of Judea and to plant vineyards once again on the mountains of Samaria. The land is yielding its fruit once more, the desert is blossoming like a rose, and the people are being restored to health.”

– David Parsons, American author, attorney, journalist and minister.

Parsons, D. (2014): The Restoration of Israel. In: ICEJ. 2.5.2014. 

“Failing to find a glimpse of hope across the greater Arab world, we must concede that Israel has become the only ‘safe haven’ where one can be sure of his life and dignity. Yes, Israel, the state our demagogues continue to call ‘the alleged entity’. (…) I foresee a time when millions of Arabs might stand humbly in front of IDF soldiers, begging for protection. So, I urge you, dear fellow Arab, to visit Israel.”

– Nabil Sharaf el-Din, Egyptian journalist.

Eldin, N.S. (2010): Would we go to Israel?. In: Jerusalem Post. November 10 2010, 23:12. 

“You cannot find the ancient neighbors of the Jews anywhere. Have you ever met a Moabite? Do you know any Hittites? Are there any tours to visit the Ammonites? Can you find the postal code of a single Edomite? No! These ancient peoples disappeared from history and from the face of the earth. Yet the Jews, just as God promised, returned to their land.”

– Gary Frazier, American evangelist.

The Fellowship (2020): The Miracle of the Jewish People's Return to Israel. January 1 2020. 

“In Israel they discovered an infectious spirit of get-’er-done, live-for-today optimism. (…) Now known for its groundbreaking research in chemistry, IT, biotech and nanotechnology, the Technion has produced much of the innovation and technical leadership that has kept Israel both functional and free. It is also a lynchpin in Israel’s growing reputation as a startup capital, with more high-tech companies per square cubit than anywhere outside Silicon Valley.”

– Rick Spence, Canadian expert on entrepreneurship.

Spence, R. (2014): Why Israel is the ideal place to teach entrepreneurs how to succeed. In: Financial Post. Dec 14, 2014. 

"We are two billion Muslims in the world. How many Jews are there worldwide? 17 million. 17 million... There are more people in central and southern Iraq. That is the number of the Jews in the whole world. How many Nobel prizes in the field of science have they won, and how many have we won, in the last century? We, with almost two billion Muslims have won 10 Nobel prizes in a hundred years. They number 17 million, and how many prizes have they won in the past hundred years? 200. They have won 200 prizes, 50-60 of them in physics alone. In other words, if we were to say that the physics of the 20th century is Jewish, nobody could call it an exaggeration."

- Salam Al-Askari, Iraqi-Arab Shia clergyman.

MEMRI (2017): Iraqi Cleric Salam Al-Askari. Jews Have Won International Respect through Science, Whereas Muslims Have Become the World’s Headache. Aug 28 2017. Salam Al-Askari on YouTube. 

“[Most Jews] are dedicated to education, farming, art, literature, inventing medical interventions, developing water treatment and technology advances that can benefit all mankind, and in so doing, enjoy democratic freedoms, and, except when their aggressor neighbors are lobbing rockets into Jewish neighborhoods, or are bombing, knifing, running over or randomly beating to death people in Jewish cities, Israelis enjoy a significantly higher standard of living than their neighbors. (…) Imperfect as any other ethnicity, Jews none the less seem to have adopted their own mission statement – upholding the dignity of humanity. This is why Jewish physicians offer the same medical care to a suicide bomber who was clinging to life, as the victims of that Palestinian bomber.”

​– Dr Robin McFee, American physician and author. 

Jon Jay Ray (2015): Israel deserves our support for its morality alone.​ 

"Israel has built a prosperous nation, through kibbutzim that made the desert bloom, business that broadened the middle class, innovators who reached new frontiers, from the smallest microchip to the orbits of space. Israel has established a thriving democracy with a spirited civil society and proud political parties and a tireless free press and a lively public debate – lively may be an understatement. And Israel has achieved all this even as it’s overcome relentless threats to its security, through the courage of the Israel Defense Forces and a citizenry that is so resilient in the face of terror. This is the story of Israel. This is the work that has brought the dreams of so many generations to life."

– Barack Hussein Obama II, African-American President of the United States. 1961 AD

Remarks at the Jerusalem International Convention Center in Jerusalem, Israel March 21, 2013. 

"We cherish Israel as a democracy in a region facing profound upheaval. It is a society, as I have noted previously, based on liberty, justice and peace, and which has guaranteed freedom of religion, language and culture to all its people. (...) Israel is a modern miracle."

– Julia Gillard, Welsh-Australian Prime Minister of Australia. 1961 AD

Australian Jewish News, The (2013): PM's Yom Haatzmaut message. 15 April 2013. 

"The Israeli people are the most resilient people on earth. They have not missed a single waiver commitment or product commitment, despite the conflict. That's why we believe so deeply in them. We're there for almost 50 years, we were the first company to start the Tech Nation. This is a resilient people, we will support them, we believe so deeply in what they've done."

Pat Gelsinger, American CEO of Intel. 1961 AD

Fox Business. 22 December 2023.

“The creation of Israeli state 52 years ago was a great event in the world. The existence of Israeli state in the last years, its development and the creation of the country, after centuries-old hardships of Jewish people, demonstrated how important this event (…) was for the Jews and all the humanity. (…) The creation of Israeli state proceeded under hard conditions. But it was not easy for this state to reach its present level either. It demonstrates once more that every nation in the world wants to be free and independent, wants to live freely in its own lands, own motherland. The Jewish people have been deprived of this opportunity for centuries. But they never forgot their national peculiarities, their traditions and never lost hope to obtain their own independent state. (…) In Azerbaijan we regard Israeli state as a friendly state and Jewish nation as a friendly nation.”

​– Ilham Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan. 1961 AD

Speech of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the official reception in honour of the national holiday of Israel - May 11, 2000.

“Kenya views Israel as a critical partner, friend and ally, all the more reason why we desire peace in that part of the world. (…) Israel has faced [the] challenge [of terrorism] much longer than we as a country or region have. We can really practically learn a lot from Israel’s experience.”

– Uhuru Kenyatta, President of Kenya. 1961 AD

Keinon, H. (2016): During historic Netanyahu visit, Kenyan president says Africa needs Israel. In: Jerusalem Post. JULY 5, 2016 14:26. 

"​Considering that, in 2008, Israel can demonstrate an impressive economic, scientific and technological strength, along with a vibrant democracy, Israel has in many fields fulfilled - or over-fulfilled - Theodor Herzl's visions. (...) Culturally, historically or politically, there is no country in the Middle East that is closer to Norway than Israel. This may appear to be self-evident, but it shouldn't be. Regardless of which yardstick one chooses, Israel is probably one of the most complex societies in the Western world. It is almost impossible to conclude anything about the Israelis - a multitude of exceptions will always emerge. This diversity has long been one of Israel's strongest trademarks, and a clear advantage in today's globalized world - a world Israel has managed to take advantage of in an impressive way."

– Erna Solberg, Prime Minister of Norway (Høyre). 1961 AD

Med Israel for fred - Israel 60 år. Sep 2 2008. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“We must not forget that Israel is the only sustainable and functioning democracy in the Middle East. (…) Standing on top of Mount Tavor, overlooking the country, I realized just how small Israel is, and I came to understand what security means for Israel. If 1,500 rockets were fired at you… how would you react? Germany stands by its commitment to the security of Israel, and, let me add, Israel has the legitimate right to defend itself. (...) We are engaged in ensuring that the future of Israel can be secured in a more stable and more democratic neighborhood.”

– Guido Westerwelle, Rhenish/German Foreign Minister (FDP). 1961 – 2016 AD

Kalman, A. (2013): German FM says Israel has ‘absolute right’ to self-defense. In: The Times of Israel. 6 May 2013. 

“Israel offers an outstanding digital ecosystem and we are extremely happy to be in this country. For companies in our business, Israel is one of the key places to be. (…) Israel is a fantastic place to be in the digital industry and of ​course our will is to strengthen and to keep on investing here. (…) I am a friend of Israel, I love Israel.”

– Stéphane Richard, French CEO of Orange. 1961 AD

Times of Israel, The (2015): On Israel visit aimed to resolve dispute, Orange CEO specifies no new investment. 12 June 2015, 7:43 pm. 

Without forgetting our painful past, we take pride in the achievements of Jews of Lithuanian descent. (...) There is a glue: roots, a common heritage and history. (...) Lithuania and Israel enjoy their intensive bilateral cooperation in the field of defence. We are fully aware of Israel’s leadership in cyber security, thus we wish  to practically share expertise and organize some joint training. (...)Lithuania and Israel enjoy special historical and cultural ties. We speak in favor of ever closer ties with Israel, as well as better dialogue between Israel and the European Union.

Linas Linkevičius, Lithuanian Foreign Minister. 1961 AD

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania (2018): Linkevičius. 2018.05.07.

Prime Minister Netanyahu's Media Advisor (2017): PM Netanyahu meets Lithuanian FM Linkevičius. 94.09.2017.

Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to the State of Israel (2017): Lithuanian and Israeli Foreign Ministers watch a basketball match. 2017.09.04.

Consular information of MFA of Lithuania (2020): L. Linkevičius and Israeli Foreign Minister agree to strengthen bilateral relations. 2020.07.30.

Anti-Semitism has been a stain on our party. [I vow to] tear out this poison by its roots and judge success by the return of Jewish members and those who felt that they could no longer support us. I absolutely support the right of Israel to exist as a homeland, I support Zionism without qualification.

Keir Starmer, English/British Labour MP. 1961 AD

Liphshiz, C. (2020): Keir Starmer elected leader of British Labour Party. In: Ottawa Jewish E-Bulletin. April 6 2020.

Israel have a good image, and they are alive. They have a good image because they are a good people and a good country. They are alive because, as we have seen for literally thousands of years of history, no matter what tragedy befalls the Jewish people, the Jewish people live and the Jewish state lives. Israel lives.

Sussan Ley née Braybrooks, Anglo-Australian Liberal MP. 1961 AD

Parliament of Australia. House of Representatives on 16/10/2023.

Israel is a strategic partner. We do not have many strategic partners, but Israel is definitely our strategic partner.

Witold Sobków, Polish Ambassador to the United Nations, to the United Kingdom and to Ireland. 1961 AD

Kalhousová, I. (2019): Our Jews, Our Israel!. Page 122.

Israel is the only country in the region that has shown that it wants and will work toward peace. Since 1947, the Palestinians and Arab countries have fought more than five wars against Israel over territory, and at each opportunity, a victorious Israel has returned land it acquired in exchange for peace. (...) Israel is the only country in the region dedicated to peace and the only power capable of stable, just and democratic government in the region. (...) The goal [of peace negotiations] should be a strong, free and prosperous Israel. The United States should not be some honest broker between two sides, but rather should stand publicly with one side - Israel. Then, and only then, will real peace truly come.

Joe Walsh, Irish-American Representative (GOP) from Illinois. 1961 AD

Walsh, J. (2012): Myth of a two-state solution. In: The Washington Times. May 3 2012.

Israel is a beacon of democracy in the Middle East, and it’s one of America’s strongest allies. We stand with Israel and support its unequivocal right to defend itself and its people.

John Thune, Norwegian-American Senator (GOP) from South Dakota. 1961 AD

Senator John Thune. In: Twitter. 7 October 2023 16:13 p.m.

“Jerusalem is the perfect location for the establishment of a project center for cyber security of the Fraunhofer SIT. Israel counts as a cyber nation, with first class cyber security research and development in the whole country. The faculty for informatics and engineering science at the Hebrew University counts among the world’s leading scientific institutes and is home to one of the best research teams of Israel in the area of cyber security. (…) Jerusalem offers not only a lively research and innovation environment, but it’s also one of the prettiest cities in the world, lying right in the geographical and political centre of the country.”

– Michael Waidner, Württembergian/German director of Fraunhofer SIT. 1961 AD

Küch, O. (2015): German and Israeli Research Leaders Join Forces to Launch Global Cybersecurity Center. 21.10.2015. 

“The Jewish communities gave us so much cultural diversity, economic enrichment, many scientific achievements and contributions to the arts. We regrettably eradicated them through centuries of anti-Semitism and the Shoah. To preserve our own cultural legacy we must continue to recognize our responsibility for this tragedy and also our responsibility for securing and promoting the Jewish state. I am proud to say that this responsibility is alive in my country and pre-dates WWII."

– Alexandr Vondra, Czech Defense and Foreign Minister. 1961 AD 

“The best organized, funded and promoted terrorism since time immemorial is suffered in the first instance and in front-line combat by Israel. Journalism is silent like a bitch when when rockets fall from the sky ceaselessly. (…) They are firing rockets on civilians. They are launched systematically, on a daily basis for years, launched incessently, even when they claim there is a truce, not for a moment do they reduce the pressure on our own. For Israel, gentlemen, if you had not heard, is one of our own. They’re defending our value system, keeping the only democracy in the area alive.”

– Juan Carlos Girauta, Catalan/Spanish member of European parliament (PP). 1961 AD

Girauta, J.C. (2008): Israel siempre. In: Libertad Digital. 29.12.2008.​ [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“Assuming that Israeli soldiers are ‘war criminals’ is not only defamatory but also to completely ignore the Israeli military service imposed by law to all men and women, between age 18 and 21, as a contribution to the defense of a country whose identity has been forged from the constant danger of being attacked by its neighbours. Furthermore, Israeli soldiers who commit ‘potential crimes’ are subjected to the democratic courts and respective inquiries according to the legal tools of the Israeli democracy, something that is lacking in the neighbourhood.”

– Juan Fernando López Aguilar, Spanish Justice Minister (PSOE). 1961 AD

López Aguilar, J.F. (2016): Mi visita a Israel.  In: elDiario. 3 de junio de 2016 20:08h. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“In the more than six decades since Israel became its own nation, it has built one of the most stable and advanced economies in the world, with remarkable achievements and contributions in agriculture, medicine and technology. The Israeli people are to be commended and admired. (…) There is much to learn from the dedication, vigilance and passion of the Israeli people. (…) [I] assure the Israeli people of my dedication and commitment to ensuring that their country remains free and independent, now and forever.”

– Allen West, African-American Representative (GOP) from Florida. 1961 AD 

“Why don’t [the Syrians] learn from the Israeli army, which tries, through great efforts, to avoid shelling areas populated by civilians in Lebanon and Palestine? (…) Didn’t Hezbollah take shelter in areas populated by civilians because it knows that the Israeli air force refrains from bombing those areas? (…) The Israeli army, if it wanted to break up a demonstration, would use water cannons or rubber bullets, not rockets or explosive barrels as happens in Aleppo today.”

– Faisal Al-Qassem, Syrian Druze television presenter. 1961 AD

Jewish Chronicle, The: Did Al Jazeera host really praise IDF?.​ 

"After Silicon Valley, Tel Aviv is the most innovative start-up region in the world. Science and economy are working hand in hand here. No other federal state has such continuous, close and friendly relations with Israel as North Rhine-Westphalia does. I want to continue and deepen this tradition. (…) Besides the Silicon Valley, Israel is the start-up region, in which a particularly great dynamic in the digitalized economy can be found."

​– Armin Laschet, Rhenish/German Prime Minister of Northrhine-Westphalia. 1961 AD

Ahren, R. (2018): Seeking deeper tech ties, German state to open office in Israel. In: The Times of Israel. 5 September 2018, 5:06 pm. 

"Before I was in Ukip, I was the strongest defender of Israel, which I see as being on the frontline. It seems to me to be a remarkable achievement of a country surrounded by inhospitable people or people who actively want to destroy it. I know who our friends are, and Israel is our friend."

– Peter Whittle, English politician (Ukip). 1961 AD

Jewish Chronicle, the: Meet the Israel-loving friendly face of Ukip. 

“I’m a native of Los Angeles and a year ago I was fortunate enough to go to Israel. (…) I was there for a week and people could not have been nicer and warmer to me. And you know, people from Israel I found very loving and caring and very kind. (…) I’m a big supporter of Israel.”

– George Lopez, Mexican-American comedian and actor. 1961 AD

Isreallycool (2015): George Lopez Singing Israel's Praises. In: Youtube. 30 November 2015. 

“The conscience of the Jewish people [gives me hope]. The Jews have been the conscience of humanity, always, wherever they go. Not all Jews, but part of them. Ethics. Morality. They invented it!”

– Hany Abu-Assad, Palestinian-Dutch film director. 1961 AD

Interview by Tikkun magazine. 

“Could we move Israel to our southern border? They know how to defend a country.”

​– Ann Coulter, American columnist and lawyer. 1961 AD

Coulter, A. (2015): Adios, America. 

“In Israel, there's a lot to learn from anyone, because to live there you've got to deal with the truth. Things happen real fast. Your day goes from cool to catastrophic in one second. Israelis know that the cafe you're in could blow up, or the shopping mall, and they rock that.”

​– Henry Rollins, American actor, musician and radio host. 1961 AD 

"Thousands of years ago, a flower was born. It was the most beautiful one among all the flowers. The flower was called Israel. (...) Her perfume was smelt all over the earth. (...) I will never forget Israel the country – Israel the civilisation (…) that put its sons and daughters at risk to find the terrorists who hide amongst civilian. (…) Israel the democracy that allows different religions to exist on its land. (…) For these reasons I will never forget Israel, the 'flower' of the Middle East. (…) Israel is the light of love, democracy, civilization, tolerance, and justice and I pray from the depth of my heart that the light of Israel radiates to cover the darkness around it."

– Tawfik Hamid, Egyptian journalist and author. 1961 AD

Hamid, T.: Poem written as a child. 

"The Jewish people today are much safer and more secure, with a greater sense of purpose and sovereignty. The Jewish people, because of millennia of persecution and even genocide, deserve their own State. We celebrate that in this motion. It is not a perfect State. The motion acknowledges Israel's complexity, but it is not a reason to constantly attack its historic and outstanding achievement. It took those millennia of persecution and turned it into a thriving cosmopolitan and secure State with its own secure borders, national security and a thriving economy"

Mark Latham, Australian Liberal MP. 1961 AD

Parliament of New South Wales. ISRAEL INDEPENDENCE DAY. May 2022.

“One day, I hope that I will be the Iraqi ambassador to Israel. (…) I consider myself a friend of Israel. At this time, Arabs ​need to understand that there is no conflict between Israel and Arab states, rather there is an Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

– Hamid al-Sharifi, Iraqi diplomat. 1961 AD

Rudaw (2016): Ex-Iraqi diplomat on official visit to Israel. 10-04-2016. 

“We and the international community are grateful to Israel for her contributions in the fields of agriculture, technology, and medicine to name a few. Furthermore, Israel is a true democracy in an unstable region of the world, and the nation has long been an ally of the U.S.”

– Zack Space, Greek-American Representative (Dem) from Ohio. 1961 AD

April 24, 2008 - Issue: Vol. 154, No. 66 — Daily Edition 110th Congress (2007 - 2008) - 2nd Session. 

“Israel has created a nation characterized by strong democratic principles, a compassionate and determined people, innovative industry, especially in technology, medicine, and science, a competitive global economy. In a mere six decades, Israel has built all that tremendous innovation, tremendous economic prosperity and progress virtually out of nothing, virtually out of the sands of the desert. It has become a beacon of freedom and democracy in a region that has very few examples to speak to. Israel is the only fully developed democracy in that sense. It represents to all peoples what can be achieved when people come together in a common cause, set aside differences, work together in a very determined way to make life better for them and their children.”

– David Vitter, American Representative (GOP) from Louisiana. 1961 AD

May 14, 2008 - Issue: Vol. 154, No. 79 — Daily Edition 110th Congress (2007 - 2008) - 2nd Session​ 

“At a time when the Middle East is plagued with escalating uncertainty, it is critical that the U.S. stand firmly with our close ally, Israel. The Israeli people have celebrated great achievements over the last 64 years, but they’ve also experienced great hardship and made incredible sacrifices in their quest for genuine peace. (…) America and Israel have a special relationship based on shared values, a shared vision, and shared strategic challenges.”

– Peter Roskam, Dutch-American Representative (GOP) from Illinois. 1961 AD 

"There is a philosophical grounding to my belief in Israel and it is my belief, it is our obligation, to defend Israel. But it is also something that is elemental to being an American because there is no greater ally on earth, and that's something we can say proudly."

– Bill de Blasio, Italian-American mayor of NYC. 1961 AD

Goldenberg, S. (2014): De Blasio praises Israel at closed-door AIPAC event. In: Politico. 01/24/2014 05:00 AM EST. 

“Israel is the only modern state whose existence can be considered a realization of a prophecy

contained in both the Quran and the Bible. We must pray for that state to be a light for the nations

and by our means we must support its right to independence, sovereignty and security."

– Abdul Hadi Palazzi, Italian sheikh. 1961 AD

WND Staff (2011): A Muslim Zionist. February 4, 2011 at 1:00am. 

“Israel, one of the few democracies in the Middle East, forms the national home for Jews all over the world. There, they were able to settle following the horrors of the Second World War. And even today, Jews come back ‘home’  there. Based on the Bible, we, as Christians, feel united with the Jewish people.”

– Arie Slob, Dutch Minister of Education (CU). 1961 AD

Dijkstra, S. (2017): MessiaNieuws: Wat stem je als je een pro-Israël stem wilt geven?. 14/03/2017. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“If I understand a little about Jewish culture and heritage, you do not deny human nature; you embrace it, and you tackle the dark side of that nature. And this is something we Europeans need to do. (…) I believe that Israelis and Europeans share a common heritage, a common belief, which is one of the greatest of all human achievements: a willingness to accept the other for who he is without condemning him. We should cherish that.”

– Frans Timmermans, Dutch Foreign Minister (PvdA). 1961 AD

Timmermans (Foreign Affairs) at University of Tel Aviv December 2013​.​ 

"If I were Israeli I would be proud. Proud that my people dared to resurrect a homeland from the still burning ashes of the past. Proud that we stood our ground and never allowed our many enemies to make us feel weak, small, or inadequate. Proud that despite the world’s disapproval, my nation is still here, still successful, still democratic, still egalitarian, and still ethical, even if no nation around us is any of those things. (...) In addition to having the most ethical army in the world, Israel also has the most committed and the most ingenious soldiers and intelligence professionals. (...) They come from a nation that has a high sense of its own moral values and its own historical purpose. They come from citizens who know that every human life is valued, and who know that the state belongs to the people. (...) Israelis are argumentative and show little deference to hierarchy, and they see themselves as the owners and protectors of their nation, not its subjects."

– Fred Maroun, Lebanese-Canadian online author. 1961

Maroun, F. (2014): If I Were Israeli…. In: The Times of Israel. Nov 28, 2014, 11:25 PM.

Maroun, F. (2015): What can Arabs learn from Israel?. In: The Times of Israel. Jan 7, 2015, 12:53 AM. 

​"If 100,000 French people of Spanish origin were to leave, I would never say that France is not France anymore. But if 100,000 Jews leave, France will no longer be France. The French Republic will be judged a failure. (…) To understand what the idea of the republic is about, you have to understand the central role played by the emancipation of the Jews. It is a founding principle.”

​– Manuel Valls, Prime Minister of the French Republic. 1962 AD

Goldberg, J. (2016): French Prime Minister: If Jews Flee, the Republic Will Be a Failure. In: The Atlantic. January 10 2015. 

"Israel is our friend, our ally. (...) We’re historic allies of Israel. Don’t forget that Paraguay’s vote was the decisive vote in the creation of Israel.”

​– Luis Castiglioni, Italo-Paraguayan Minister of Foreign Affairs. 1962 AD

Infobae (2018): El canciller paraguayo le envió una carta a Benjamin Netanyahu para que reabra la embajada israelí en Asunción. 01-11-2018, 08:23 a.m. EST.
Ahren, R. (2018): Cheering Jerusalem reversal, Palestinians say they will open Paraguay embassy. In: Times of Israel. 5 September 2018, 11:38 pm.

​"I recall with pleasure that Nepal was the first country in the South Asia region to formally recognize the State of Israel by establishing diplomatic relations and hosting Israeli Embassy in Kathmandu. This landmark development constituted the bedrock of a relation which has, over the decades, evolved to become stronger, warmer and friendlier – a relationship enjoyed not only at the governmental level but equally by our two peoples. Though, as nations, our geographic location and historical evolution are unique, a few common features remain prominent. Both countries are the lands of ancient civilizations and are able to preserve their heritages and way of life despite many adversities. Diversity has remained a hallmark of our cultures and societies. Our common faith in democratic system of governance has created a conducive environment for further nurturing our bilateral ties. (...) I fondly recall the quick humanitarian assistance received from the Israeli Government in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake that struck Nepal in April 2015. The Israeli doctors as well as experts from the Israel Defence Force provided much needed support in rescue and emergency healthcare. The people and Government of Nepal are ever grateful for support from a friend in the time of need. (...) We are happy to see the great strides Israel has made in the overall advancement of its people and nation over seven decades since its establishment. Israel has achieved unparalleled success in many fields. It has remained at the forefront of scientific invention and technological advancement which have benefited the people all over the world. We wish Israel and its friendly people continuing success and prosperity in the days to come.  Nepal is inspired and wants to be benefitted by this cutting-edge technological advancement.

​– Pradeep Kumar Gyawali, Nepalese Foreign Minister. 1962 AD

Remarks by Hon. Pradeep Kumar Gyawali at a seminar organized by Embassy of Israel in Kathmandu to mark the 60th Anniversary of Nepal-Israel relations. March 18, 2021.

“The PVV is one of the greatest supporters of Israel. It is the only

democracy in the Middle East. Israel is the outpost of civilization.”

​– Marcel de Graaff, Dutch member of European parliament (PVV / FvD). 1962 AD

[Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“The fact is, you’ve got two choices with the Jews. You can be jealous and envious and as a result hostile, or you could appreciate the fact that they created western civilization and be grateful that they’re here and that maybe they’ll be your friends.”

– Tammy Bruce, American radio host and author. 1962 AD 

“I am fortunate and proud to have been born in Israel. (…) I am proud to be Israeli and Israel is the best country in the

​world. See how Jews, Muslims, Christians and Druze show support for each other. (…) God bless the State of Israel.”

– Azzam Azzam, Druze-Israeli textile worker. 1962 AD

PM Sharon spoke with Azzam Azzam | Prime Minister's Office. 5 December 2004. 

“Israel punches way above its weight class in initial public offerings, patents, and technology in general. It should — the nation is itself, after all, an IPO. In 1948, the country was an act of entrepreneurship — an idea, an implementation plan, setbacks and then success. In this way, it's a lot like its closest ally, America: utopian vision, harsh reality, painful lessons, improved performance. (…) But Israel has had a much tougher row to hoe. Its foreign conflicts are existential, not optional. Its local markets are far too tiny to sustain its economy. It needs trade in a way that very few nations in the world need trade to survive. Perhaps that's the secret to Israel's success — very small margins of error. (…) Thousand year old nations sitting on huge natural resources can afford mistakes. Refugees from genocide with brains, but not much more than the clothes on their back, can afford very, very few errors, and no really big ones.”

– Jerry Bowyer, American economist and author. 1962 AD

Bowyer, J. (2008): Looking at Israel's Wealth DNA. In: CNBC. 17 May 2008. 

“Israel is an open democracy that lets people live freely and participate within the confines of their security situation, and (…) rockets being rained down upon them, homicide bombers coming into their children's school and blowing up their children, blowing up their buses on a busy street or a cafe where people are just trying to have a meal. That is their daily life. And we are supposed to castigate them for defending their nation, for their leaders defending their nation against that, and that is somehow apartheid? (...) Israel has tried to live peaceably in that region of the world among its neighbors. It has fought to exist. It fights every day to exist.”

– Scott Perry, American Representative (GOP) from Pennsylvania. 1962 AD 

“We can learn a lot from the courage and the determination of the Jewish people, the people of Israel. A people and nation that has fulfilled the dream of their own state. A people and a nation that takes the blows that are actually meant for us. (…) Israel is the outpost of our European civilization. Israel is an island of democracy and freedom. Israel has taken on the battle that Europe doesn’t dare fight.”

– Filip Dewinter, Flemish member of parliament (VB). 1962 AD

Dewinter, F. (2010): De strijd tegen radicale islam en moslimterrorisme. 7 december 2010. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“It is a blessing that the Jewish people, which has again and again been tried, persecuted and expelled so sorrowfully over its many millennia of history, were able to find a lasting homeplace within the land of its fathers 60 years ago.”

– Thomas Rachel, Rhenish/German member of parliament (CDU). 1962 AD

Rachel, T. (2008): Pressemitteilung vom 14.05.2008 zum 60. Jahrestag der Gründung Israels. 

“As Germans, we simply cannot overestimate the fact that 70 years after the Holocaust so many Israelis have a positive opinion of our country, the country of the perpetrators of the mass murder of Jews. That is testimony to the greatness of Israel, that Israelis are able to trust us despite the monstrous crimes of the past. In order to gain such trust in today’s Germany, it was and is essential that we Germans take responsibility for the darkest chapter in our past and stand up for Israel’s right to exist and its own security.”

​– Clemens von Goetze, German Ambassador to Israel. 1962 AD

Schayan, J. (2016): „Das Jubiläumsjahr zeigt, wie reich unsere Bindungen sind“. In: 21.04.2016. 

In Israel one can truly make the most of it. The variety of foodstuffs here is quite impressive.

​– Sarah Wiener, German-Austrian entrepreneur, television chef and MPE (GRÜNE). 1962 AD

Schröder, N. (2017): Sarah Wiener: „In Israel kann man aus dem Vollen schöpfen“. In: Bild der Frau. 03.03.2017. 11:41.

“For 54 years, Israel has existed as the only democracy in the Middle East. (…) We must also not forget Israel’s right as a sovereign state to defend itself and her people from terrorism. Israel has stood solidly by the efforts of the United States to combat terrorism around the world. Likewise, the United States must stand by Israel in its efforts to eradicate the scourge of terrorism.”

– Pat Tiberi, Italian-American Representative (GOP) from Idaho. 1962 AD

April 18, 2002 - Issue: Vol. 148, No. 44 — Daily Edition 107th Congress (2001 - 2002) - 2nd Session. 

Israel is our most important partner in fighting terrorism. In fact, they are the first line of defense for the U.S. when it comes to terrorism because the sources of that terrorism are the same for both of us. Israel is a fabulous intelligence partner. I liken them to a giant antenna in the Middle East that serves and provides information to America. As the only true democracy in the Middle East, Israel is a beacon for the American ideals of freedom, personal liberty, and market economy.

Russ Fulcher, American Representative (GOP) from Idaho. 1962 AD

Fulcher, F. (2023): Standing with Israel As It Defends Itself Against the Barbaric War Launched By Hamas and Other Terrorists. October 25, 2023.

“Israel is a modern success story. It is the only democracy in the Middle East. It is the only Middle Eastern country where Arabs have the right to vote for their elected officials and their political leaders. And, it is one of the only Middle Eastern nations without oil wealth that has transformed itself from an agrarian based economy to a high tech economic powerhouse. (...) I believe the survival of the Jewish state is paramount. I believe her existence, while small in geographic size, is the one of largest symbols of humankind's continued faith in God, enduring spirit to survive, and belief in freedom and democracy.”

– Joseph Crowley, Irish-American Representative (Dem) from New York. 1962 AD

April 22, 2008 - Issue: Vol. 154, No. 64 — Daily Edition 110th Congress (2007 - 2008) - 2nd Session.

"We believe Israel has a right to exist and to full security. We don’t live in the age of empires or religious supremacism but that of the nation-state. If the Greeks can form a country from their part of the crumbling Ottoman Empire, then what’s wrong with the Jews doing the same? The whole world order is based on nation-states, and history shows the Jews need protection.”

– Mehrab Sarjov, Balochi/Iranian writer and activist. 1962 AD

Kessler, O. (2013): Baloch Nationalists Take on Iran and Pakistan, Vow Close Ties with Israel. In: The Tower Magazine. 05.15.13 4:41 PM. 

"I am a proud supporter of the democratic state of Israel.
Israel is a beacon of peace and human rights in the Middle East.

Ann Wagner née Trousdale, American Representative (GOP) from Missouri. 1962 AD

U.S. Government Publishing Office: House Hearing, 115 Congress. FEBRUARY 14, 2018.

”Most of the chips in our computers were designed or built by Intel Israel. Our mobile phones are full of Israeli technology. Apple is reportedly going to open its first R&D center outside of California in Israel. Israeli security technology companies are helping the United States protect our homeland. Israeli inventions are saving American lives – like the PillCam – a swallowable camera that can detect cancer. Israel produces more medical device patents per capita than any country in the world, and this is an extraordinary testimony to people in the United States right now that Israel has more startups than anywhere outside Silicon Valley.”

- Chris Christie, American Governor (GOP) of New Jersey. 1962 AD 

I stand with world Jewry and the state of Israel. (...) And, by the way, I’m not Jewish. I’m a queer Black disabled woman who just happened to develop a deep appreciation for Jewish culture growing up. (...) We, as Black people, should be standing shoulder-to-shoulder with our Jewish allies. We have mutual history. I am only responsible for myself. Therefore, I can say for myself that I will stand in open, steadfast solidarity with the Jewish community.

- Tamara Adrine-Davis, African-American journalist and blogger. 1962 AD 

Adrine-Davis, T. (2023): Comment. In: An Open Letter to the World on Antisemitism. In: Hadassah Magazine.

Israel is a beacon of democracy in a region where other leaders—from Hamas to Iran—do not even acknowledge Israel’s right to exist. And yet, while Israel is surrounded by neighbors who seek its destruction, the international community has the audacity to make this nation the subject of its harshest criticism. I will not stand for this, today or any day. (...) As I have said before, the United States has always supported Israel; it supports Israel today; and it will support Israel moving forward.”

- Kelly Craft née Guilfoil, American Ambassador to the United Nations. 1962 AD 

Press Release: Statement by Ambassador Kelly Craft. NOVEMBER 18, 2019.

"[Israelis] are really funny, they're such great improvisers, they're hilarious. That's why they're the best comedians in the world. (…) I think there might be people, a lot of people in the world who think of this as a very tense place. That is not the impression that you get. The men are incredibly jacked, like every guy I think has been working out for six hours in the morning. And every woman is absolutely gorgeous."

– Conan O’Brien, Irish-American comedian. 1963 AD

Conan O'Brien interview with Yonit Levy in Israel 2017. In: Youtube. 31 aug 2017. 

“On behalf of the Hungarian government I made it clear that we recognize the right of Israel to defend itself, and we also expect others to recognize our right to do so. (…) There is a lot for us to learn from Israel, because Israel teaches the world and us that if you don't fight for something, you will lose it. (…) I would like to remind everyone of the point of view of the State of Israel: the defense of every state's external borders carries key importance for the nation's safety. That is a thought that we V4-countries share. (…) The EU should value those efforts that the State of Israel makes for the stability of the region, which is not only in Israel's interest, but in Europe's too, because it protects us from newer and newer waves of migrant invasion.”

– Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary. 1963 AD

Euronews (2019): Hungary pledges support for Israel during Budapest talks. 18/07/2017 - 15:30. 

“Few things so perfectly illustrate the power of hope and all that can flow from it quite like the existence of Israel. When it was first proclaimed in 1948 by David Ben-Gurion, that declaration of independence was nothing less than a triumph over the darkness of the Shoah. (...) No matter which party is in power here, Israel will always have Australia's friendship and support."

Anthony Albanese, Prime Minister of Australia (Labor). 1963 AD

May 5 – Israeli Independence Day Message.

Australia Israel Labor Dialogue. May 2020.

I think Israel is an example of a model state. We see this in the hi-tech sector and the military. This model of keeping the citizens engaged, giving them the feeling that everyone has a part of the country’s future, this is the strength of your model and I think it could be beneficial to many other countries."

Rumen Radev, President of Bulgaria. 1963 AD

World Jewish Congress (2008): 'Israel is an example of a model state,’ Bulgarian president tells WJC forum. 26 Mar 2018.

“In my first trip to Israel I saw exactly why it has been punching above its weight for decades now, thanks to a bustling tech sector and an ever-growing innovation ecosystem."

Alister Henskens, Dutch-Australian Minister for Skills and Training. 1963 AD

Adno, C. (2022): ‘Punching Above Its Weight” Henskens Lauds Israel. In: Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce. Jul 21, 2022.

“Israel stands in the same cultural tradition as Europe, for we share the same cultural, religious roots and values of the Judeo-Christian development history. Israel is - also in this sense - the bridgehead of democracy in a largely undemocratic Middle East. There, Israel defends human rights, a liberal economic order and a truly democratic societal system. If Israel fails in this struggle, maybe also because it is abandoned by its alliance partners, that marks only a stage win for fundamentalist terrorists. Their true enemies are in America, in western-oriented Europe, in the rest of the democratic world that they regard as decadent."

– Mathias Döpfner, Hessian/German CEO of Axel Springer SE. 1963 AD

Döpfner, M. (2008): Brückenkopf der Demokratie. In: Berliner Morgenpost. 04.05.2008, 04:00 Uhr. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

[Israel] is not an occupying nation. As an evangelical Christian, I am convinced by my reading of the Bible that 3,000 years on now, in spite of the denial of so many, [this land] is the rightful homeland of the Jewish people."

Mike Pompeo, Italian-American Secretary of State. 1963 AD

McGreal, C. (2023): Pompeo says Israel has biblical claim to Palestine and is ‘not an occupying nation’. In: The Guardian. 16 Feb 2023.

“I love Israel, it’s very close to my heart. Because of my faith it’s very special to me. (…) It’s very apparent that if Israel is not safe, then the rest of the world is not safe. (…) As Christians, we have such a debt of gratitude to Israel and the Jewish people. I’ve just come from Yad Vashem, and it’s horrific to think that this could happen just a few generations ago. Israel, which is a chain of generations, saw six million links in that chain destroyed. (…) What’s very clear to me is God’s love of Israel and His chosen people. They are the apple of His eyes, His chosen people, His bride, His beloved, His firstborn etched on the palms of his hands. The Abrahamic covenant is unconditional and it is forever.”

– Kathy Ireland, American model, actress, author and entrepreneur. 1963 AD

Evyatar, I. (2010): Born-again Zionist supermodel. February 12, 2010 17:40. 

“Israel is a democratic state that is close to us. It cannot be that everyone around Israel arms himself to the teeth and we then say from misunderstood pacifistic orientation: ‘We do not concede to Israel its right to self-defense.’ [The delivery of submarines] is a necessity and we help the State of Israel, so that it does not stand defenseless in this region.”

– Torsten Albig, German Prime Minister of Schleswig-Holstein (SPD) from Bremen. 1963 AD

Welt, die (2016): Albig. U-Boot-Exporte für Israels Sicherheit notwendig. 02.04.2016. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

"The Jewish contribution to finance, science, the arts, academia, commerce and industry, literature, philanthropy and politics has been astonishing relative to their tiny numbers. Although they make up less than half of one percent of the world population, between 1901 and 1950 Jews won 14% of all the Nobel Prizes awarded for Literature and Science, and between 1951 and 2000 Jews won 32% of the Nobel Prizes for Medicine, 32% for Physics, 39% for Economics and 29% for Science. This, despite so many of their greatest intellects dying in the gas chambers. Civilization owes Judaism a debt it can never repay, and support for the right of a Jewish homeland to exist is the bare minimum we can provide."

– Andrew Roberts, English/British Conservative MP. 1963 AD

Boroson, W. (2013): A Member of Parliament on Israel. In: Jewish Standard. April 19, 2013, 12:51 am. 

"Israel remains the only true democracy in the Middle East. (...) Israel has become a rising diplomatic and economic power. Among countries in the OECD, Israel had the fourth best performing economy in 2022. Its vibrant tech industry is one reason why, which helped coin the phrase 'start-up nation', due to Israel's people as well as their strive to excel and to innovate. (...) As Israel celebrates 75 years of statehood, it is a moment to mark how Israel's influence and reach extends well beyond its immediate neighborhood. Israel is not merely a place, it stands for a commitment to markets and ideas that makes it an increasingly important influence on the world stage."

Edward Acevedo, Hispanic-American Representative (Dem) from Illinois. 1963 AD

Wilson Center (2023): Israel at 75: The Views From Latin America. June 23 2023, 10:00am.

"It’s an enormous pleasure to be out here to have a look at what this small but incredibly vibrant country has to offer. There is no doubt about it, this is a country with a huge amount of enthusiasm for technology, for cyber security, for a whole load of 21st Century industries, and it’s absolutely the case that Britain should be doing everything we can to engage commercially with Israel”

Mark Garnier, English/British Conservative MP. 1963 AD

CFI Year in Review. 2018. Page 2.

“The conventional explanation for Jewish success, of course, is that Jews come from a literate, intellectual culture. They are famously ‘the people of the book’. There is surely something to that. But it wasn't just the children of rabbis who went to law school. It was the children of garment workers. And their critical advantage in climbing the professional ladder wasn't the intellectual rigor you get from studying the Talmud. It was the practical intelligence and savvy you get from watching your father sell aprons on Hester Street.”

​– Malcolm Gladwell, British/Canadian journalist. 1963 AD

Gladwell, M. (2008): Outliers.​ 

“Israel is an immense source of inspiration for me. (...) I am not ashamed to stand with Israel, but proud. I am grateful to Israel. I will always defend Israel. Your country is the cradle of Western civilization. We call it the Judeo-Christian civilization with good reason. (...) Israel, including Judea and Samaria, has been the land of the Jews since time immemorial. Judea means ‘land of the Jews’. Never in the history of the world has there been an autonomous state in the area that was not Jewish. (…) Israel (…) is a beacon of light; it is like a Hanukkah menorah whose lights have been kindled in a region that until 1948 was engulfed by darkness. (...) When the flag of Israel no longer flies over the walls of Jerusalem, the West will no longer be free.”

– Geert Wilders, Dutch member of parliament (PVV). 1963 AD


“Israel is a democratic country surrounded by dysfunctional Muslim countries. The country has 8.3 million inhabitants and nearly 800,000 of these are Arabs (who are very happy about living in Israel). Israel has a multi-party system and red and blue parties like in Europe. Israel grants freedom and independence to the individual, which has bestowed upon the country creative power and technological development. In Israel, men and women are equal, there are secular legal rules and, not least, there is freedom of expression.”

– Christian Tybring-Gjedde, Norwegian member of the Storting (FrP). 1963 AD

Tybring, G. (2017). In: Facebook. 31 August 2017.​ [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

"As we know, Europe has been built from the ashes of the Holocaust. After the Second World War, the widespread opinion in Europe was to make sure that never again would similar atrocities take place. (...) It is unfortunate that some people these days forgot it, but we have to remember that. We must stay true to our common roots. Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East and it has every right to exist. And I would also like to add that Jerusalem is the undivided capital of Israel. And as Europeans we have to protect also Jerusalem, because Jerusalem is the first D.C., it was much before Washington D.C. David's City, City of David."

– Hannu Takkula, Finnish member of parliament. 1963 AD

Per la verità, per Israele. Manifestazione i Roma. 7 Ottobro 2010. 

“I appreciate Israel because it is able to maintain itself as the only democracy in the Middle East and that is worthy of our support. Israel is, furthermore, the only country in the Middle East, where homosexuals and lesbians are equal before law – this is a huge achievement of Israeli society.”

​– Johannes Kahrs, German member of the Bundestag (SPD) from Bremen. 1963 AD

Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft: Warum Israel?. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“Several hours after the Independence Declaration, Arab troops from Egypt up to Iraq stormed into the tiny country. The UN did nothing. To everybody’s awe, Israel won the war: 600,000 Jews facing 120 million Arabs. Sound work, comparable to the famous battle between Sparta and the Persians in ancient times.”

– Adjiedj Bakas, Indo-Surinamese / Dutch trendwatcher. 1963 AD

Bakas, A. (2014): Demografische oorlogsvoering is de belangrijkste belemmering voor vrede. In: De dagelijkse standaard. 10 juli 2014. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

"It's the state that became a home for Holocaust survivors and the only state in the world that would welcome Jewish refugees without any question, should Jews be persecuted again. And Israel is the most pluralistic democracy in the region. (…) [They] live in a terrible region. And the people outside it want to do nothing good [to them]. But [they]’re Israelis. [They] actually possess a relatively strong military. [They] have political friends. Those are also reliable. [They] can do it. [They] have no need for fear.”

– Sylke Tempel, Franconian/German journalist and author. 1963 – 2017 AD

Bleiker, C. (2015): German-Israeli security cooperation. In: Deutsche Welle. 05/12/2015. 

"To understand Israel as a political state, one should understand the uniqueness of the Jewish people from a global view. The birth of Israel as a Jewish State in 1948 brings hope and security to a people of common heritage. The recognition of a Jewish State gives Jews and Christians around the world a proclamation that God keeps His promises. We continue to see people groups from around the world being displaced because of persecution for their faith (i.e. Syria, Iraq, Nigeria, and Myanmar, etc.). Most displaced people would want nothing more than to be able to return to their homeland. Israel is a beacon of hope to all peoples, demonstrating that perseverance and tenacity can one day enable living in a nation where they can practice their faith freely.

Denise Bubeck, American political activist (GOP) from Iowa. 1963 AD

Bubeck, D. (2017): Six Day War anniversary reminds us of U.S.-Israel ties.

"I am proudly a very pro‑Israel person and I thank the member for his motion. I have read many books about the remarkable story of Israel, its technology and its economy. The brains trust of Israel is a complete inspiration. The first book I read was Leon Uris' Exodus. That is where I learned, as a teenager, that Australia was the first country in the world to vote for Israel as a State because A for Australia meant that we were called early in the vote. The position of the Commonwealth was a significant moment for those people who had fought so hard for the situation."

Catherine Cusack, Australian councillor (Liberal) in New South Wales. 1963 AD

Parliament of New South Wales. ISRAEL INDEPENDENCE DAY. May 2022.

“I think the relationship between the United States and Israel is strong, will remain strong, and must be strong for our own security. (…) Israel's national security is America's national security, and terrorists like Hamas pose a threat not only to Israel, but to free peoples everywhere. We must continue our steadfast, unwavering commitment to Israel's safety, sovereignty, and security. (...) Today, Israelis and Marylanders are partnering together on life-saving innovations that are sparking job creation, progress and advancement in the ways in which we feed, fuel and heal our changing planet.”

– Martin O'Malley, Irish-American Governor (Dem) of Maryland. 1963 AD

Conroy, S. (2015): Martin O'Malley Wants U.S. And Israel To Get Out Of Each Other's Campaigns. In: Huffpost. Mar 26, 2015, 10:06 PM EDT. 

“I think it is clear by now: Israel has shown remarkable restraint. It possesses a military with clear superiority over that of its Palestinian neighbors, yet it does not respond to threat after threat, provocation after provocation, with the type of force that would decisively end their conflict. But sometimes restraint can work against you. Sometimes you just have to say, enough is enough.”

– Rand Paul, American Senator (GOP) from Kentucky. 1963 AD

Glueck, K. (2014): Paul rebukes W.H. in pro-Israel op-ed. In: Politico. 07/02/2014 11:13 AM EDT. 

“I have become convinced that our relationship with Israel is not just a spiritual priority, but it should be a political and national security priority as well. Israel is unlike any other place on earth where spiritual understanding unfolds and faith deepens as you literally walk the paths of Jesus and the Patriarchs. The Bible comes alive as you sail on the Sea of Galilee, stand in the ruins of the Capernaum synagogue, meditate on the Mount of Beatitudes and overlook the vast Valley of Jezreel – the place of Armageddon.”

– Tony Perkins, American Representative (GOP) from Louisiana. 1963 AD

Perkins, T. (2015): In: Holy Land Tour. October 27 - November 6, 2015. 

Israel is the world’s only Jewish state and is the home of a strong and resilient people who have consistently suffered the most callous and savage attacks throughout history, from exile to the Holocaust and now Hamas terrorism. This is a pivotal moment for the world, and it is important that we let the world know exactly where Australia stands. We stand with Israel. We stand with its people.

Melissa Price née Dellar, Australian Minister for Science and Technology (Liberal). 1963 AD

Parliament of Australia. House of Representatives on 18/10/2023.

“In forging a new nation, Israel established a home for people that were targeted for extermination and ostracism in other lands. From an arduous beginning, Israel's rise has come to mirror our own. Hailing from more than 100 countries on five continents, Israel's population exudes a diversity of culture and ideas. Israel has flourished through the development of a diverse and technologically advanced economy and has come to exemplify the best of what a democracy can be. Our countries have stood by one another in peace and in war. And we will continue to stand together in fighting terrorism and threats from stateless actors and rogue nations.”

– Betty Sutton, American Representative (Dem) from Ohio. 1963 AD

[Congressional Record (Bound Edition), Volume 154 (2008), Part 7] [House] [Page 9049] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office,].​ 

"My trip to Israel left me with a distinct impression of a modern secular democratic country that makes a significant contribution to the world’s economy through science and technology based high value manufacturing organisations."

– Graham Evans, English/British Conservative MP. 1963 AD

September 20 2011 | CFI - Conservative Friends of Israel. 

“Germany and Israel are connected by unique relations ever since the existence of the State of Israel. Our bilateral relationship goes well beyond the cooperation on memory and reconciliation. Germany and Israel are connected by the common values of freedom, rule of law and democracy. We have built a relationship of trust and friendship during the past decades.”

– Michael Georg Link, Württembergian/German member of the Bundestag (FDP). 1963 AD

 [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“Although it has immensely appealed to me for years, I haven’t been able to travel to Israel so far. I am incredibly excited to visit this country, which is indeed – even only considering its history – almost breathtaking. (…) The people are supposed to be extremely friendly and helpful. And I have been told that Tel Aviv is supposed to be one of the most exciting cities in the world.”

– Holger Pfandt, Rhenish/German football commentator. 1963 AD

Täglich ran (2013): Ich freue mich unglaublich auf dieses Land. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“Israel is our most important ally in the Middle East, serving on the front lines in our joint battle against terrorism and weapons proliferation. Extraordinary restraint has been exercised by Israel. (…) I will continue to work hard (…) to assure our ally and friend, Israel, has the means necessary to resist existential threats from her hostile neighbors, and that she remains a beacon of freedom and liberty in the Middle East."

– Gus Bilirakis, Greek-American Representative (GOP) from Florida. 1963 AD 

“Israel in itself connects the flavor and the vibe of the Middle East, as well as being in the same time a very civilized, democratic western country. Tel Aviv is an absolutely amazing place to have fun, to enjoy cultural life, to enjoy socializing. (…) People in Europe don’t know about the bright side of Israel – its cultural life, excellent restaurants, wonderful nature, fantastic wines, great atmosphere, very open and warm people.”

​– Darius Degutis, Lithuanian Ambassador to Israel. 1963 AD

Israel Council on Foreign Relations: Interview with Darius Degutis. 

“In Israel, there is more courage in one square mile than in all of Europe. In Israel, there is more courage in one soldier than in the combined and cold hearts of every bureaucrat at the United Nations. In Israel, you can find people who will stand against incredible odds… against the entire tide of global opinion, for what is right and good and true. (…) When the world turns its back on Israel and the Jewish people, the world turns its back on the source of all human rights. Without the Jewish people, humanity would not know that every individual life has dignity, that every life is sacred, that God names every star and knows every soul. That was God’s message to Abraham and Moses. It is the message of the Jewish people to the world, and by their very existence they teach it to us.”

– Glenn Beck, German-American presenter, author and entrepreneur. 1964 AD

Glenn Beck at his Restoring Courage Rally in Israel. 

Our religion, culture, language, traditions, upbringing, values, collective habits and cultural level will always be more safe with the Jews than with the Muslims. Israel is a sovereign, progressive democracy that is peaceful, while Hamas is an anti-Semitic terrorist group that depends on war. (...) No, Jews are not settlers, they can't be because they've indigenous and have actually been indigenous for thousands of years. (...) Israel is not an apartheid state and Arab citizens have voting rights in the Jewish parliament. As a Muslim you can roll out your carpet and pray anywhere in Israel. That's not how apartheid looks. (...) My people shares with your people a mantra: 'we have no other land, we have nowhere to go'. My people is a stateless nation and I can't recommend it. Fight for your piece of land, Israel.

Steve Hofmeyr, South African (Afrikaner) singer and activist. 1964 AD

Hofmeyr, S. (2023): Hier is my 38 REDES HOEKOM EK ISRAEL ONDERSTEUN. In: Facebook. 31 October 2023. [Translated by C. Nooij].

“The relationship between the U.S. and Israel is not just one between states. It is between two peoples and the millions of intimate, personal connections that bind us. (…) The relationship between the United States and the State of Israel is not a partnership between individual leaders, or political parties. It’s an alliance between two nations, rooted in the unbreakable friendship between our two peoples. It is not negotiable. And it never will be. (…) The Jewish community amplified the rightness and the urgency of the civil rights movement with its own unassailable moral compass – guided by the basic principle that people should be free in their own land.”

– Susan Rice, African-American Ambassador to the United Nations. 1964 AD

Remarks As Prepared for Delivery at AIPAC Annual Meeting by National Security Advisor Susan E. Rice. March 02, 2015.​ 

The United States and Israel enjoy a strong and enduring military-to-military partnership built on a trust that has been developed over decades of cooperation.”

Richard M. Clark, African-American lieutenant general in the USAF. 1964 AD

Ferdinando, L. (2018): Upcoming Joint U.S.-Israeli Exercise Aims to Improve Interoperability. In: U.S. Department of Defense. Feb. 26 2018.

"Israel is our most important ally in the Middle East. 75 years after the country was founded, I’m proud to work closely with our Israeli partners to counter shared threats and work toward lasting peace, security, and stability in the region."

– Mark Kelly, Irish-American Senator (Dem) from Arizona. 1964 AD​

In: Twitter. 10:36 p.m. 26 apr. 2023. 

“Israel forms one of the biggest miracles in human history, as well as a modern democracy that against all odds became successful in the field of high-tech and agriculture and the country is a source of pride for every westerner who is well-disposed towards the cause of freedom.”

– Martin Bosma, Dutch president of parliament (PVV). 1964 AD

Het bericht ‘Ophef om uitspraak Broertjes’. Kamervraag 2014Z18808. 24 oktober 2014. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“srael has been responsible for everything from USB memory sticks to all sorts of apps that are of great value. The country has played a huge role in the whole tech explosion. But it’s more fundamental than that: the world would be greatly poorer without Israel. The world would be impoverished without a state that – for all its faults and all the criticisms you can level – is far and away the most free, open, democratic in this neighbourhood. (...) On every visit, I’m reminded all over again of the scale of Israel’s achievements, the strength of its democracy and the tolerance and openness of the only free society in the Middle East. This small country – barely the size of Wales – has managed to become one of the most innovative and technologically advanced nations in the world. Year after year, Israeli scientists, surgeons and engineers push out the frontiers of human knowledge… There is simply no other country of Israel’s size or population that can match its record of invention and discovery. (...) All my life I’ve been a defender and supporter of Israel. I’m very proud the government I lead is also a strong defender and supporter of Israel. It’s a relationship getting stronger all the time. (...) [The UK and Israel are] science superpowers united in values. (...) Israel remains a vibrant, democratic economy and a great source of academic research and knowledge and I condemn any one-sided boycott.”

– Boris Johnson, English Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. 1964 AD

Trade Mission to Israel, November 2015.

Jewish News, March 2017 & CFII Magazine Update 2021/2022. Page 1.

Higher education boycotts 1 - Greater London Authority. MQT on 26 February 2014. 

“China should learn from Israel and set a limit on the Japanese armed forces, so that the latter does not go beyond the range of self-defense."

– Dai Xu, Chinese senior colonel of the airforce. 1964 AD

Chunshan, M. (2013): Why Israel Is Not A Model For China. In: The Diplomat. December 6 2013. 

“Israel (…) is a whole village of Jews that seem to be taking care of business in this cesspool of horrible people that are anti-Semitic and trying to kill them. (…) Shouldn’t we be ON the side of these people that are over there, trying to hold up all the ideals that we have, that we cherish so greatly here, and are surrounded by people that are throwing all those notions out the window? Why are we siding with others and not those folks?”

​– Adam Carolla, Italian-American comedian, actor and radio host. 1964 AD

[On Youtube]. 

“In our whole region consisting of over 350 million Arabs, there are only 1,658,000 Arabs who have complete political and religious freedom and have the right to vote in full democratic elections. It is no coincidence that all of these Arabs live as full and equal citizens in the one Jewish State.”

​– Hamad Amar, Druze-Israeli member of the Knesset (Yisrael Beteinu). 1964 AD

Miskin, M. (2013): Druze MK Responds to MK Tibi. You Are the Problem. In: ArutzSheva. 24 December 2013. 

"Israel is the freest and most democratic nation in the Middle East. It is the only Liberal democracy in that part of the world, and reflects many of the values and beliefs that Canadians hold dear, including respect for democracy, the rule of law, tolerance of a multi-racial and multi-religious society, and tolerance of gender and sexual expression rights. Israel is called a start-up nation for a reason. It is probably the most innovative nation in the entire world. It ranks first in the world for its attitude toward entrepreneurial risk and for the growth of innovative companies, and it is second, only after the U.S., for venture capital availability. It ranks 20th out of 140 countries listed in the latest competitiveness report for the freeness of economy. Canada can only gain by partnering and having stronger economic ties with such a country."

Kelly McCauley, Canadian Conservative MP. 1964 AD


“We are friends with Israel and I don’t think that we should second guess the measures that Israel has to take to defend themselves and for their security. (...) Israel has got to have the opportunity and the ability to protect itself. They are our closest ally in the Mideast. We need them. They need us. (...) Israel is our strongest and best ally in the Middle East.”

– Sarah Palin, American Governor (GOP) of Alaska. 1964 AD

Jones, E. (2008): On the side of God. In: The Guardian. 12 September 2008. 

“The Netherlands is home to some of the largest enterprises in the world (such as Shell, Philips, or Unilever), while Israel is the 'start-up nation'. We can learn from each other. (...) Our relationship has always been close. If you look at the 1960s, '70s and '80s, politically it was a more leftist idea to be pro-Israel in a country like mine. People on the left identified with Israeli ideas on egalitarian society and kibbutzim. Now the connection is felt much more strongly among more right-wing parts of society and politics, where it is seen as a Western bulwark against Islamic extremism.”

– Caspar Veldkamp, Dutch member of parliament (NSC) and Ambassador to Israel. 1964 AD

[Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“[I am] on way to visit one of many state of the art centers here for special needs/disabled children…

This country is so ahead of ours when it comes to caring for children with autism... I'm inspired.”

– Holly Robinson Peete, African-American actress and singer. 1964 AD

[On Youtube].​ 

There is no country in the world which has so much common with Israel. 1000 years of common history.

Jacek Chodorowicz, Polish Ambassador to Syria and Israel. 1964 AD

Kalhousová, I. (2019): Our Jews, Our Israel!. Page 122.

Israel is our greatest ally in the Middle East, and I will always stand with them.

Stacy Garrity, American Treasurer of Pennsylvania. 1964 AD

Heckel, S. (2023): Treasurer Stacy Garrity Announces Additional $20 Million Investment in Israel Bonds. 12 October, 2023.

“I support Israel because I’m a humanist. Hate of Jews has been thru the ages the marker of people standing against everything I stand for. I stand with the Jews because I got to know them both thru books and, what is more, in person. I saw in them a proud, intelligent and hard-working people bearing the traumas of millenia of discrimination by us, non-Jews. This made me feel shame for my people, and it made me want to do my utmost to help heal the traumas inflicted on the Jews by my people. More than a sense of justice and honor (for only people who recognize their nations’ crimes can be seen as honorable to my mind) what brings me close to the Jews and their State, Israel, is love and a sense of belonging born out of the knowledge I have gained in the meantime regarding the history and culture of the Jewish people."

Ioannis Ikonomou, Greek translator for the European Commission. 1964 AD

Behan, D.I. (2017): The Incredible Diversity of Zionism. In: The Times of Israel. March 23 2017, 6:09 PM.

“At the regional level, Israelis depend on their military superiority to protect them from their geographical vulnerability of being surrounded by nations that question their very legitimacy. The majority of Israelis would like to be accepted as a state among the nations of the Middle East and enjoy economic and cultural relations across the region. However, nations in the region continue to view Israel as a foreign entity and do not recognize its right to exist as a state. (…) Israelis have a strong sense of identity expressed through their attachment to the Hebrew language and their strong commitment to the state.“

– Nasser Abufarha, Palestinian-American anthropologist and social entrepreneur. 1964 AD

Hadi, M.A. (2005): Palestinian-Israeli Impasse. 

"In Israel, PM Modi is rightly focussing on areas like agriculture, irrigation, water resources, disaster management and trade. (…) [His] historic Israel visit is giving new strength to the India-Israel Friendship. Both our nations will gain tremendously from it. (…) As the BJP president I feel proud of the role played by the BJP in prioritising ties with Israel, a true friend of India."

– Amit Shah, Gujarati/Indian assemblyman. 1964 AD

Amit Shah on Twitter. 5 July 2017, 12:56 p.m. 

“Israel emerged as a refuge of the Jewish people, three years after the Holocaust. In the entire Middle East, Israel is the only modern, democratic country and ever since its hour of birth it has had to fight against surrounding countries which want to push its inhabitants into the Mediterranean Sea. Where our loyalty should lie doesn't have to be questioned.”

– Bart Jan Spruyt, Dutch historian, journalist, writer and thinker. 1964 AD 

“Lebanon and Israel became the only two countries in the Middle East that were able to prosper without having any oil: We prospered based on our intelligence, our contribution to math, to science, to education. We educated men and women in the same way because we did not believe that women are secondary to men.  This is why Lebanon became Paris of the Middle East, and this is exactly why Israel is the incredible amazing country that it is today.”

– Brigitte Gabriel, Lebanese-American journalist and author. 1964 AD 

“For many years, Israel has suffered the record of attacks. No country has suffered so many civilian deaths from terrorist acts, not even Colombia, not even Ulster. To give you an idea in relation to population, it is as if Italy had suffered a massacre of Piazza Fontana for a week. How many states would, in those conditions, be able to keep intact institutions and guarantees democracy, in a region where democracy is almost a blasphemy? Israel, despite all its mistakes, excesses and contradictions, has succeeded.”

​– Marco Travaglio, Italian journalist and author. 1964 AD

5 novembre 2003. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

"In Israel, all citizens enjoy the same rights, chances and opportunities. In absolute contrast to the 57 Islamic countries, in which Muslims stand as a master race over the ‘kuffar’, i.e. all inferior people of other faiths. In Israel, on the other hand, Muslims are even in the parliament, the Knesset, and even made it into the government already. (...) Israel is a tiny country the size of Hessen. If the Israelis put down their weapons, their homeland is shortly thereafter destroyed.​"

– Michael Stürzenberger, Franconian/German politician (DIE FREIHEIT). 1964 AD

PI News (2014): Demo München: Wir stehen zu Israel!. 18. Juli 2014. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“My heart beats for Israel, this so incredibly beautiful but also so often internally torn and vulnerable country. (…) These people, who since 1948, despite all the hostilities, made so much out of their homeland: a strident democracy, a cultural nation, a country of science.”

​– Dietmar Nietan, Rhenish/German member of the Bundestag. 1964 AD

Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft: Warum Israel?. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

(BEWARE: Ziemkiewicz has had anti-Semitic outbursts)

"It is difficult for the Polish nationalist not to look at Israel with admiration and sympathy. I would really like Poland to look at it in such a way (aside from, of course, the climate and constant terrorist attacks) and to pursue its own national interests as effectively. (…) The exuberant anti-Semitism of Western societies, which, suppressed for years by the terror of ‘political correctness’, finds a convenient outlet in the condemnation of ‘Zionist imperialism’. (…) Reason and honesty are strongly on the side of Israel in the ongoing war in the Middle East."

– Rafał Ziemkiewicz, Polish author and journalist. 1964 AD 

“Throughout its history Israel has faced the challenges the EU is facing right now, such as defence of borders, control of immigration and verifying the origins of migrants. Israel has quite vast know-how, including some lessons what not to do, so we can benefit from those. The latest projects about to be launched concern cybersecurity and government system data protection as well as detection of parties at the state border.”

– Ivo Schwarz, Czech Ambassador to Israel. 1964 AD

Schwartz, I.: “Czech-Israeli Relations at the Time When Past Collaboration Helps to Address Future Challenges”. In: Czech & Slovak Leaders. 

"Israel remains one of our closest allies and a critical partner in the struggle against the myriad [of] threats posed by radical Islam and a nuclear Iran. Therefore, America's commitment to Israel must remain as steadfast as the democratic principles our nations share. We must never allow partisan politics to jeopardize this longstanding friendship and strategic alliance.”

​– Scott DesJarlais, American Representative (GOP) from Tennessee. 1964 AD

Rep. DesJarlais Statement on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Address to Congress. March 3, 2015. 

The return of the Jews to Israel since 1870 brought about a strong economic development and modernization in the land between the Jordan and the Mediterranean, which enticed jobseekers from all over the Arab world into the country. Between 1870 and 1947 the Arab population grew by 270%. (...) The history of the expulsion of the Jewish population from the Arab states is at the same time however the history of an one-off integration effort: in a short amount of time, the small and young Israel managed to absorb and integrate more people than the total number of inhabitants it had at the start of independence. (...) For those Arab fellow citizens, who did not follow the calls by Arab leaders to flee and instead stayed in the country, Israel was also succesful in providing them with and guaranteeing for them a life in security and peace on equal footing. Arabs in Israel today provide policemen, judges and parliamentary representatives. According to a recent survey, 70% of Israel's Arab inhabitants, whose ancestors remained in the country, are satisfied with their state. (...) Those Arabs and their descendants, who resisted the calling by their leaders to flee Palestine and remained in the State of Israel, today enjoy more rights, more security and more stability than Arabs in every other Arab country.

​– Andy Eggert, Württembergian/German activist and blogger. 1964 AD

Ergert, A.: Gedanken zur „Nakba“. In: Allgäuer Israelfreunde. 17.05.2020. [Translated by C. Nooij].

“If necessity is the mother of invention, then Israel is the frugal grandmother of water self-sufficiency. The parched nation with too little natural water for its people was innovating and conserving for decades before the southwestern U.S. faced the long-term water imbalance it now must overcome. Israel’s natural surface and groundwater sources provide less than 1 million acre-feet of water per year – or only about half of the nation’s requirement.”

– Brandon Loomis, American environmental reporter.

Loomis, B. (2015): As the River Runs Dry. 

"In 1939, Jews did not have a country they could consider their own, where they could be confident they would be safe. Maybe that is what made them so vulnerable and almost wiped them from the face of the Earth, victims of the madness of some and the indifference of others. Today, almost 80 years later, they have a prosperous country and we are talking about modernizing a free trade agreement linking Canada and Israel. We have come a long way. (...) Israel is one of the first countries in the world with which Canada reached a free trade agreement. In terms of trade, Quebec and Israel have a lot in common. Israel is a modern country, one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world, especially in communication and information, and so is Quebec. In any given year, between 40% and 45% of Canada's technology exports originate in Quebec. Also, Israel is a global leader in the electrification of transportation. Quebec is poised to become one. The only thing missing is a little boost from Ottawa."

Gabriel Ste-Marie, Quebecoise/Canadian MP (Bloc Québécois). 


I support the only country in the Middle East that is a functioning democracy. They are also the only country in the Middle East with both actual and theoretical freedom of religion. (...) Notice that the countries surrounding Israel in the Middle East are run by Muslim theocrats who would not support me or the practice of my [Ásatrú] religion. Should Israel fall, my folks are next.

Doug Freyburger, American IT professional.

Doug Freyburger. Answer to "Why do you support Israel if you're not Jewish?". In: Quora. October 27 2023.

“Under the Arab land owners the land was arid and infertile. Punctuated by malarial swamps. Steeped in poverty. The Jews brought law. Agriculture. Industrialization. Modern medicine. These remarkably increased the wellbeing of the Arab world. And for this... they are persecuted. (…) Why hate them? They've brought progress and democratic gov to a region that had known neither. (…) The Israelis apologize for the innocents killed. Have the Arabs done that once? ONCE? (…) Rock on Israel. Truth and justice is ON YOUR SIDE.”

– Mark Pellegrino, German-American actor. 1965 AD

Taylor, J. (2014): 'Rock on, Israel': Actor Mark Pellegrino's defense of Israel should be required reading. In: Twitchy. July 24 2014.

"We invest in 5G, in the cloud, cybersecurity, I have met with some companies here in Israel and the innovation here is thrilling. I've come here several times in recent years and it is only growing and improving. We love this country and it's an amazing place. A model of innovation. When you think of the size of Israel and the amount of startups and technology, it's phenomenal. It's important to mention that activities here in Israel are less than half a percent of our revenue annually. And we are here because there is a lot to learn from you, the ecosystem here is super impressive and we are speaking to companies all the time. What we find here is simply unbelievable."

Chuck Robbins, American CEO of Cisco Systems. 1965 AD 

Trabelsy, N. (2022): Cisco CEO. Israel is a model of innovation. In: Globes. 30 Oct, 2022 12:55.

”Many Jews contributed to the development of Ukraine in the fields of science, economy and culture, and they will forever be engraved in the pages of history. (...) My country is in awe of your achievements in science, medicine and the military, ​and of the diligence of the Jewish people, who built a modern and prosperous country in such a short time.”

- Petro Poroshenko, President of Ukraine. 1965 AD

Speech of the President of Ukraine in the Israeli Knesset. December 31st, 2015. 

“[My visit to Israel] is a testament to deepening our already existing excellent relationship, which has been built 3,000 years ago when the Queen of Sheba visited King Solomon. (…) Israel, falling and rising, has developed unique technologies. (…) We know that Israel has converted desert into oases. This is because of the Israeli technology, and we want to transfer this technology to my country. (…) Israel is our dependable ally in this region and (...) we have to strengthen our ties for the future. (...) Israel has a place in the hearts of Ethiopians and Ethiopia has a place in the hearts of Israelis, in the hearts of the Jewish people."

– Hailemariam Desalegn, Prime Minister of Ethiopia. 1965 AD

Speech December 2019 in Israel. 

I am not surprised to hear you [left-wing party Podemos] defend communist dictatorships. I am not surprised to hear you defend religious dictatorships. I am not surprised to hear how they applauded their commitments. But what does surprise me, mr Manolomata, and let me tell you, is when someone speaks about 'apartheid' in Israel and I see people from the PSP applauding. You who talk about change, you do surprise me. This drift surprises me and it saddens me. (...) Shame on you for condemning the only democracy in the area."

Toni Cantó, Andalusian/Spanish actor and politician (PP). 1965 AD

Israel Noticias y Cultura (2021): Toni Cantó. Israel es la única democracia de la zona. In: Youtube. 16 de Marzo 2021.

“Israel is a democratic state that provides equal rights to all of its citizens irrespective of religion, ethnicity and colour. Bangladeshi people would benefit greatly by being friends with Israel.”

– Dr Shadman Zaman, Bangladeshi activist. 1965 AD

i24NEWS (2017): Exiled Bangladeshi returns to Israel in Zionist bid. November 27, 2017 at 07:29 PM 

Israel is our friend - our closest ally in the Middle East and a democratic beacon of hope in a region of the world with so little freedom.

Tim Scott, African-American Senator (GOP) from South Carolina. 1965 AD 

“Jewish exceptionalism and the exceptionalist nature of Jewish civilization require an unconditional space for the continued evolution of their civilization. What’s good for Jewish civilization is good for humanity at large. Jewish civilization is an international treasure trove that must be protected.”

– Jason D. Hill, Jamaican-American professor. 1965 AD

Ilany, O. (2019): Israelis Abroad Facing a philo-Semitic Wave. In: HaAretz. October 22, 2019. 

I express my strong support for Israel’s acts of self defence. Israel is a vigorous multiparty democracy, a beacon of freedom around the world, and it is the homeland of the Jewish people. I call on the Australian government to provide strong and clear support for the government of Israel as it works to restore order and defend its citizens. (...) I am confident that despite the extraordinary challenges and the very difficult times ahead, the values embodied in the state of Israel—of civilisation, of education, of faith, of tolerance and of democracy—will prevail.

- Paul Fletcher, Australian Minister for Urban Infrastructure and Cities. 1965 AD

Parliament of Australia. House of Representatives on 16/10/2023.

“Freedom and democracy give people hope. Indeed, it is these two values that make Canada and Israel so close. Our history of relations is long. (…) Our relations have strengthened over the past six decades. We are committed to Israel’s security. However, our record is not unblemished. We were among those who turned our backs on Jews fleeing the Holocaust. But we have learned from our mistakes. We aim to increase and diversify economic partnership. We have even brought hockey to the farthest reaches of Israel. (…) We will continue to speak up loudly to support Israel and to defend Israel as a democratic, legitimate nation in the UN, NATO, and other forums.”

– Peter MacKay, Scottish-Canadian Foreign Minister. 1965 AD 

"Your determination did not end in 1948, it only became stronger. These have not been an easy 64 years. Every step of the way, Israel’s courage – your courage – has been tested. But Israel’s tenacity through those tough times has spurred unparalleled innovation. Israel is home to some of the top universities and technical institutes in the world. It’s a country with leading edge research and innovation in health sciences, biotech, chemistry, clean technology and the environment. A country with more start-ups per capita than anywhere else in the world. And to me, that’s the story of Israel."

– Christy Clark, Scottish-Canadian Premier of British Columbia. 1965 AD 

“Who would deny that God's faithfulness to his people throughout the centuries has remained visible and tangible, despite persecution, diaspora, antisemitism and the Holocaust. After all, isn’t it quite a miracle that this nation, which has always been hounded, has preserved over the centuries its own identity? And then the divine miracle of 1948: a state, a private home for the hounded, beaten up and persecuted nation. (...) We all know that the creation of the State of Israel, the acquisition of their own national home, did not result in a safe environment. There is no sheltered accommodation whatsoever. (...) Our biblical solidarity with Israel is therefore one with a nation suffering from affliction and distress.”

​– Joël Voordewind, Dutch member of parliament (CU). 1965 AD

[Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“If there’s one place, which makes my summer heart beat even more than the television garden ever did during the last seven years, it’s Israel and the people living there. If you, dear readers, want an extra portion of joie de vivre and vital energy, then go to Tel Aviv. I know it sounds a bit odd, considering what we hear about Israel on the news. But I was there for seven days, and if there can exist a personal relationship between a lady and a city, I found it right there. Everything that our life, our desires, memories, dreams and wishes consist of, is to be found in Tel Aviv: tradition, youth, forgiveness, hope, tolerance, audacity, visions, laughter, music, prayers, architecture, silence, modernity, peace, humanity, youthfulness, elderliness – and all that in an XXL family-size package.”

– Andrea Kiewel, German TV presenter from Berlin. 1965 AD

Israelnetz (2019): „Israel ist in meinem Herzen“. 4. Februar 2019. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

"Israel is an island of stability amid the turbulence that engulfs the Middle East. The knowledge and experience that Israel and Canada share are ever more important. (...) Israel has the second-largest concentration of high-tech companies after Silicon Valley, in the United States. Israel is a model of innovation. (...) Israel has an impressive approach to supporting and encouraging start-ups. For example, universities are involved in developing start-ups, and there risk is part of the equation."

Joël Godin, Quebecoise/Canadian Conservative MP. 1965 AD


​“France loves and respects Israel. I love Israel and I love Israelis. Israel is a great democracy, and it is familiar with ​suffering and injustice. The Israeli people must be able to live in peace and within secure and recognized borders.”

– Rachida Dati, Maghrebi-French (Arab) Minister of Justice. 1965 AD

Dati, R. (2008): France in the Process of Change. 

"I believe in the justice of the Zionist dream. I also acknowledge this historical reality: that the world ​has endeavored to crush that dream and, yes, even to destroy the viability of the Jewish people.”

– Salah Choudhury, Bangladeshi activist. 1965 AD

Choudhury, S. & Uddin, S. (2005). "A letter from a friend of Israel". Israel Insider. 13 June 2005. 

“Like every other country Israel has the right to defend itself when its own population is unceasingly fired upon with Hamas' missiles. Whoever criticizes Israel, may therefore not be silent about Hamas, that simply wouldn't credible. It is understandable that Israel wishes to destroy the supply routes of Hamas.“

– Cem Özdemir, Turkish-German Minister of Food and Agriculture. 1965 AD

Cem Özdemir in Israel und dem Westjordanland. In: Youtube. 10. Februar 2012. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“We understand very well that free protests of tens of thousands of Druze on the streets of our villages in Israel should not be taken for granted. This happened only in the Israeli democracy, while the Druze in Lebanon and Jordan remained in their homes. Moreover, we understand that it is only thanks to the standard of living in Israel that we were able to collect $3 million within one week and transfer it to the Druze in Syria. (…) The State of Israel and the IDF are a warm home and family.”

– Reda Mansour, Druze-Israeli Ambassador to Brazil. 1965 AD

Mansour, R. (2015): What do Israel's Druze want?. In: YNet News. 06.30.15 , 21:06.​ 

“It IS Samaria and Judea. It is in my opinion very clearly the land of the Jewish people. We learned in the lectures that, also from a military perspective, Israel is not defendable when it cannot control these territories. For that reason I am inclined to say that it’d arguably be the best solution if Israel could indeed control these territories. When we’ve seen in what condition villages and towns find themselves, one sees very clearly the contrast to a civilized democratic culture, as we know it in Europe, as it also exists in Israel. Thus one sees what it looks like when Islam does not rule.”

– René Stadtkewitz, German politician (DIE FREIHEIT) from Berlin. 1965 AD

DIE FREIHEIT (Stadtkewitz und Doll) in Israel. In: Youtube. 10. Juli 2012. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

Not only has Israel been a staunch ally of the United States in our battle against terrorism, but the state of Georgia has created a robust economic partnership with Israel and Israeli companies. (...) Georgia is home to 26 Israeli-owned companies which together employ over a thousand people. These companies range from manufacturing to software, cybersecurity, and several other sectors. As Georgia leads the country economically, we owe immense thanks to the Israeli people who chose to bring their companies to our state. (...) Let’s put the economic benefits aside. We also have Israel to thank for their efforts to help us lead the country in cybersecurity, as Israel fuels the intelligence hub in Augusta with an intelligence-sharing partnership. Israel works with Georgia’s intelligence industry to ensure our safety and security and that of our nation. Israeli leadership has made it clear that the safety of all Americans is a genuine concern for them.

Bruce Thompson, Labor Commissioner (GOP) of Georgia. 1965 AD

Thompson, B. (2024): Georgia’s Economy, Security Depend on Safe & Supported Israel. In: Atlanta Jewish Times. January 10, 2024, 1:17 pm.

“For decades Israel and the United States have shared a strategic partnership in developing technologies that save lives both on the battlefield and in our hospitals. For the past 60 years, Israel has been a bastion of democracy in a region dominated by authoritarian regimes. As the only country in the Middle East with free elections, free press, freedom of religion, and the protection of minority rights, Israel continues to uphold the values that make it a true Western-style democracy.”

– Vito Fossella, Italian-American Representative (GOP) from New York. 1965 AD

April 17, 2008 - Issue: Vol. 154, No. 61 — Daily Edition 110th Congress (2007 - 2008) - 2nd Session. 

“Israel is a critical ally and a model of democratic government in an unstable region. Israelis live under a constant threat, and President Obama's call for the implementation of 1967 borders only puts Israel in an indefensible position, limiting their ability to properly defend their people. We cannot allow for that. Our commitment to our friends around the world isn't just based on national security, but our economic security as well.”

– Kevin McCarthy, Irish-American Representative (GOP) from California. 1965 AD

McCarthy: America Must Continue To Support Israel May 24, 2011. 

“Israel and its citizens have made outstanding contributions to global prosperity and culture. The whole world has benefited from Israeli advances in science, medicine, technology, and the arts. As the longest-enduring democracy in the Middle East, Israel is a strong and trusted ally in a volatile region. After more than six decades, the United States remains committed to its friendship with Israel. This friendship has endured, and will endure, because our countries share fundamental values.”

– Rick Larsen, American Representative (Dem) from Washington. 1965 AD

May 12, 2009 - Issue: Vol. 155, No. 72 — Daily Edition 111th Congress (2009 - 2010) - 1st Session. 

“Israel has the best research and development in this field. The Israeli brand is a great brand around the world in terms of agricultural technologies. We will invest in Israel and grow in Israel. (…) The commitment to succeed of Israeli farmers is evidenced by their willingness to stay on the land at all hours and their detailed knowledge of the land’s needs.”

– Anil B. Jain, Marathi/Indian managing director of Jain Irrigation. 1965 AD

Udasin, S. (2012): ‘Spicing’ up Israeli irrigation – Jerualem Post. In: Jerusalem Post. 05/15/2012. 

"We are here to deliver a message to residents of Israel: Stand firm and united against the threats and pressure. We want to encourage Israel and the newly elected Knesset not to give in to those who try to pressure them to give up parts of the homeland. Surrender to this pressure is not a recipe for peace, but rather war. We stand beside you."

– Anne Richardson, Native American chief of the Rappahannock Tribe. 1965 AD

On Youtube. 

(BEWARE: These words are hostile, but recognize the strength of Israel)

"You in Lebanon, your power is no match to Israel. Israel, militarily, is more powerful

than you and maybe it is more powerful than all the Arab countries, or most of them."

– Bashar al-Assad, Alawite President of Syria. 1965 AD 

“I have dreamed about coming to Israel for as long as I can remember, I always wanted to be here… I love history. There are few places on earth that have as much historical value. (…) Israel has a special place in the heart of people in the US. The two countries are special friends. (…) It being the only democracy in the Middle East, and the things it stands for – things that I’ve always fully supported – and as I grow older, I’m not old, but as I grow older, I realize just how special a country it is.”

– Dean Cain / Dean Tanaka, Japanese-American actor. 1966 AD

Benari, E. (2018): 'Superman' on Israel: All I've imagined and more. In: Arutz Sheva. March 15 2018, 1:06 AM (GMT+2). 

"If by Zionist you mean that the Jews have the right to a homeland in Israel and the right to a country then yes, I am a Zionist. (...) Conservatives also recognise Israel's unique position as a lone democracy in a region that currently boasts no others. I am a strong admirer of what Israelis have achieved in the fields of science, the arts, business and philanthropy, and of the immeasurable contribution of Jewish culture to our own society. (...) Israel is a vulnerable country and yet, against all odds, it has become an oasis of freedom where the call to prayer mingles with church bells, and where Hebrew, Arabic, Aramaic, echo down narrow streets. And it’s a symbol of success, supplying Britain with a sixth of our prescription medicines and developing the processors that we use in our laptops. And Israel is a country with more start-ups per capita than any other country in the world. What an incredible nation this is – and we are a true friend. (...) I’ve been a friend of Israel through thick and thin. I believe in Israel – and that belief is rock solid. It is an extraordinary nation – and even more extraordinary when you think where it is."

– David Cameron, English Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. 1966 AD

Barkat, A. & Uni, A. (2007): Tory Leader Calls Himself 'Zionist'; U.K. Jews Campaign Against Boycott. In: HaAretz. Jun 13, 2007

CFI Annual Business Lunch, December 2014.

“For us it's very important to have a very good bilateral relationship [with Israel], not only concerning culture, philosophy and so on, but also because we want to learn from you how to build a startup nation, how to build startups, how to build a more innovative economy.”

– Enrico Letta, Italian Prime Minister. 1966 AD

Speech in January 2013 in Israel. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

Encounters with survivors of the genocide against the Jews of Europe remind me time and again of how important an independent Jewish state is. Germany carries a historical responsibility for Israel to exist in security and live in peace with its Arab neighbors. That, at the same time, more and more Jews wish to live in Germany, is, considering our history, an undeserved bliss.

Heiko Maas, Saarlandic/German Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs. 1966 AD

Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft: Warum Israel?. [Translated by C. Nooij].

In a time of upheaval and unrest we will never find a just and lasting agreement if we forget or overlook the fact that that Israel is the only regional exemplar, not just of democracy but of social democracy. Its values are rooted in left-of-centre principles. It is a place where women enjoy equality; the LGBT community flourishes; the media is unfettered and critical; an independent judiciary protects the powerless from the powerful; where trade unions are well-organised and strong; educational excellence and scientific innovation are pursued; religious minorities are free to practise their creeds; a welfare state supports the poor and marginalised; and, yes, it is a fully functioning, vibrant, participatory democracy.

David Cairns, Minister of State for Scotland. 1966 – 2011 AD

Cairns, D. (2011): Making the Progressive Case for Israel. In: Garratt, B. (2011): Making the Progressive Case for Israel. Page. 1-8.

We are proud of Britain’s Jewish community, who make such a positive contribution to all aspects of our society and to public life. Long may that continue.

Jeremy Hunt, English/British Chancellor of the Exchequer (Conservative). 1966 AD

CFI Informed Magazine 2018/2019. Page 9.

In the Middle East, we have had no more consistent friend over the past 75 years than Israel. The flourishing alliance between the United States and Israel is a partnership in the truest sense of the word, and America’s commitment must remain bipartisan. In Israel, we have an ally on the front lines of the fight against terrorism, nuclear proliferation and an emboldened Iran. We have a partner who is developing cutting-edge solutions to our most complex challenges in medicine, climate change and cybersecurity. We have a friend who stands with America, helps create and support American jobs, and promotes our interests and values. Despite its small size, Israel consistently punches above its weight and is now an irreplaceable partner that greatly benefits the United States. Israel has achieved remarkable successes while overcoming increasing dangers, principally from Iran and the regime’s terror proxies Hezbollah, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. With a land mass the size of New Jersey and a population of only 9.7 million, Israel has no room for error when it comes to its security. (...) In Israel, we see the model of what a strategic partnership should be. Israel wants to defend itself by itself — it doesn’t ask for American troops. It is in our national security interests to ensure that our ally has the resources and support it needs to defend itself against unprecedented threats.

Kirsten Gillibrand née Rutnik, American Senator (Dem) from New York. 1966 AD

ICYMI: Gillibrand Op-Ed Last Week: Israel Is A Vital Ally, And I’m Proud To Support It | Jerusalem Post. Oct 10, 2023.

“Since July 8, more than 1,300 rockets have come down upon Israel [by 16 July 2014]. No country in the world can accept this, no country can tolerate it. None of the countries in which we [MEPs] are elected would tolerate it when our territory is striked with a thousand rockets. What do the Israelis do: they defend themselves, they fight back hard. BUT, they try to adjust a Hamas tactic, namely that of human shields, by alerting people: we know the weapons caches are in schools, we know the weapons caches are in hospitals; go, leave this building. And yes, you can move around in Gaza, it’s not THAT small.”

​– Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, Rhenish/German member of Bundestag. 1966 AD

Ausführliche Sitzungsberichte Mittwoch, 16. Juli 2014 - Straßburg. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“Israel is an outstanding country in the world with track-record in agriculture. We know when it comes to agriculture today Israel is one of the greatest.”

– Udom Emmanuel, Nigerian Governor of Akwa Ibom. 1966 AD 

“I’m a strong supporter of Israel (…) for all of the standard reasons - the support for freedom of speech is very important ​to me, the rights of women, proper democracy.”

– Jimmy Wales, American co-founder of Wikipedia. 1966 AD

Sales, B. (2015): Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales likes Israel but stays neutral. In: The Times of Israel. 19 May 2015, 1:50 pm. 

“Ever since its establishment, Israel has contributed enormously to global scientific developments. In engineering, but also in the field of pharmacy. (...) In some respects, the technological superiority of Israel is greater than that of America. They don't import this knowledge. They've got this knowledge. (...) Whenever they have bought ordnance, they dismantle it entirely in order to further modernize and perfectionize it. Israelis don't want to be dependent on other peoples. The Shoah taught them that.”

– Afshin Ellian, Iranian-Dutch jurist, philosopher and poet. 1966 AD

Elsevier. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“In the sixty years since its founding, Israel has overcome numerous security threats while serving as a model democracy in the Middle East and a beacon of freedom in the region. Importantly, Israel has also been one of America's strongest and most steadfast allies. (…)Today, the strong partnership between our two countries continues through commerce, educational links, familial ties, and joint efforts to stabilize and bring peace to the Middle East."

– Daniel Lipinski, Polish-American Representative from Illinois. 1966 AD


“Like Canada, Israel is a nation born of many people and backgrounds. It is bilingual and plays a pre-eminent role in international development. Despite an ongoing onslaught by Israel's neighbours, Israel not only survived but flourished. (…) Today, as it has in the past, Israel faces a number of threats, from despots and terrorists who aim for its destruction to boycotts that claim to support peace, but instead only encourage further mistrust and misunderstanding.”

– Mario Silva, Portuguese-Canadian Liberal MP. 1966 AD

Last in Parliament March 2011, as Liberal MP for Davenport (Ontario). 

“Does anyone emphasize the fact that the IDF is the only army in the world to have developed a sophisticated system to protect civilians living near military targets? The Israelis target military objectives and only cause what is called tragic ‘collateral damage’ among Gazans used as human shields by their leaders. Hamas, for its part, deliberately targets Israeli civilians—Jews and Arabs alike—but causes fewer casualties because Israel has invested in a very effective system of antimissile defense and because, happily, Israelis rush to their many shelters when instructed to do so. But no, they are still guilty. Jews, eager to protect themselves, and not content with having had a remnant survive the Holocaust, establishing a state, transforming a desert into an oasis and a thriving democracy, granting civil rights to the Arab minority in their midst, developing the best universities in the Middle East and one of the best armies in the world – they no longer want to hear about being led ‘like sheep to to the slaughter’ – now have the chutzpah to not die in large numbers.”

​– Alexandra Laignel-Lavastine, French journalist, historian and philosopher. 1966 AD

Laignel-Lavastine, A. (2015): La pensée égarée. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

Performance of the Israeli state is, in many respects, much better than many liberal democracies. (...) Israeli law provides for freedom of speech and of the press. (...) The country has 13 daily newspapers, at least 90 weekly newspapers, more than 250 periodicals, and numerous internet news sites, many of which are popular internationally. All are privately owned and managed. (...) On issues integral to the left around the world, Israel also has a record to be proud of. It has strong labour protection laws, which the government respects and implements, allowing the right of association, and providing that citizens may join and establish independent labour organisations of their choice. In fact, approximately 33 percent of the total workforce is unionised and the law allows unions to conduct their activities without government interference, leading to the widespread use of collective bargaining across the workforce. But there are other measures beyond these, on some of which Israel performs considerably better than most. On the Human Development Index, Israel is ranked 15th in the world, above all but four members of the European Union. Furthermore, Israel was the only country in the Middle East and North Africa ranked as free in the Freedom House world report of 2010. (...) In all cases, and in many others, (...) Israel is on a par with all Western democracies and ahead of many. And it is, of course, leagues ahead of anywhere else in the Middle East. These positive characteristics are built into Israel’s DNA; they appear in its Declaration of Independence and are affirmed in its Basic Laws; they are represented in its parliamentary democracy; and they are maintained by a progressive community working hard to hold the state up to the ideals of its foundation and to its international obligations.

​– Brian Brivati, English historian. 1966 AD

Brivati, B. (2011): Championing, not undermining, human rights in Israel. In: Garratt, B. (2011): Making the Progressive Case for Israel. Page. 17-23.

Israel is a beacon of democracy and freedom in the Middle East, and we should stand up for the rights of all religious minorities in that place. No one other than Israel in the Middle East is doing that, so I believe that we need to stand up for Israel’s right to defend itself and be clear about what the main roadblock to peace is.

Steve Double, Cornish/British Conservative MP. 1955 AD

Israel and Palestine Volume 697: debated on Monday 14 June 2021.

I support Israel's right to exist 100%. If everyone did so, there would be peace much sooner. (...) Israel has every right to be there. That's a reality and if people can't accept this, there will never truly be peace.

​– Ludo Van Campenhout, Flemish member of parliament (N-VA). 1966 AD

DeMorgen (2014): Van Campenhout. "Als iedereen Israël zou erkennen, zou er veel sneller vrede zijn". 7 augustus 2014, 18:07. [Translated by C. Nooij].
HLN (2014): Joods Actueel. "Antwerps schepen Van Campenhout staat 200 procent achter Israël". 07-08-14, 12:03. [Translated by C. Nooij].

“The Netherlands is very attached to Israel. That is clear from our solidarity with your country. From our support during the wars Israel has had to fight. It is clear from the close socioeconomic ties we share. And from the level of Dutch public interest in Israel's past, present and future. Israel still faces existential challenges. Its continued existence without further threat cannot be taken for granted. The Netherlands will continue to support Israel in its efforts to form an undisputed part of the global community, to work with Europe, and to integrate in the region, so it can live in peace and security.”

– Willem-Alexander of Orange, King of the Netherlands. 1967 AD

Speech by His Majesty King Willem-Alexander at a dinner on the occasion of the visit to the Netherlands by President Shimon Peres of Israel. 01-10-2013. 

"It is wonderful there is no fur farmed here in Israel. It is very progressive and a wonderful example for the rest of the world. (...) There are a lot of really great animal rights [activists] here, really good, sympathetic people. (…) I love Israel, I think it’s a beautiful place, very forward-thinking people, really wonderful. And it’s gorgeous and beautiful here, and I think it’s a really important part of the world."

– Pamela Anderson, Canadian actress. 1967 AD

Rabinowitz, G. (2010): Pamela Anderson calls out Ultra-Orthodox men on fur hats. In: Sydney Morning Herald. November 8 2010, 6:22am. 

"Israel is the ultimate start-up nation. In relative terms, no other country invests as much in research. Google and Samsung come here to find inspiration for new products. According to Google chairman Eric Schmidt, after the US, Israel is the world’s most important centre for high-tech. And there are other sectors where Israel’s creativity is second to none. Your pioneering spirit is perfectly in keeping with the Netherlands’ culture of enterprise. My country has always been good at consolidating successful companies and helping them grow. What’s more, we have a very highly educated population and a tradition of innovation. And of course, the Netherlands is the gateway to Europe and the wider world. That means big opportunities to work together in targeting other countries. All in all, we’re a match made in heaven!”

– Mark Rutte, Prime Minister of the Netherlands (VVD). 1967 AD

[Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“The rest of the world has shown itself eager to murder the Jews at almost every opportunity. So, if there were going to be a state organized around protecting members of a single religion, it certainly should be a Jewish state. (…) [The Israelis] have used more restraint in their fighting against the Palestinians than we - the Americans, or Western Europeans- have used in any of our wars. (…) What would the Israelis do if they could do what they want? They would live in peace with their neighbors, if they had neighbors who would live in peace with them. They would simply continue to build out their high tech sector and thrive.”

– Sam Harris, American philosopher. 1967 AD 

Harris, S. (2014): Why Don't I Criticize Israel?. 27 July 2014.

“I have developed great affection and admiration for this country and your ideals. I have learned a great deal about how you work, live and innovate. (…) Today, Australia has a strong and vibrant Jewish community. Its members make an enormous contribution to Australian society. (…) But our most important bond is our bond of shared values. Our mutual and historic commitment to liberal democracy, respect for human life and freedom from opression. Israel and Australia have stood shoulder to shoulder through thick and thin. (…) We in Australia have watched Israel’s rise from an economy primarily based on agriculture and a traditional manufacturing sector, to a technologically advanced nation. It has been nothing short of meteoric. Israel is now a hub of innovation. You have a flourishing ICT-based economy. It is shaped by a sophisticated system of major global investors, startups and universities engaged in industry research. So as an innovation pacesetter, you have valuable lessons for the rest of us.”

– Christopher Pyne, Australian Minister for Defence (Liberal). 1967 AD

Australian Parliament: Keynote address to the Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce. Tuesday 15 December 2015. 

“Believe me, Georgia is eager to expand bilateral relations with this remarkable country. The 26 centuries (…) of harmonious coexistence of our friendly nations are deeply rooted in our national memory. The personal ties and relations between the Jews and the Georgian people are truly exemplary.”

– Giorgi Kvirikashvili, Prime Minister of Georgia. 1967 AD

PM Netanyahu's Remarks at the Start of his Meeting with Georgian PM Giorgi Kvirikashvili. 24.07.2017. 

First, Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East (according to the Democracy Index). The Knesset is the unicameral national legislature of Israel. There have been both Jewish and Arab members of this body since the first elections in 1949. (...) Israel protects freedom of religion. I was just there in June and I looked out over the Dome of the Rock and at the Al-Aqsa Mosque — which is the third holiest site in Islam. All over Israel, there are synagogues, churches and mosques.

Scott Walker, American Governor of Wisconsin. 1967 AD

Walker, S. (2019): Supporting Israel. The only democracy in the Middle East. In: The Washington Times. August 22 2019.

"What I have admired [about Israel] is the resurrection of the Jewish people and Israel after the terrible horror of the Holocaust. I wish Israel and all of its inhabitants a lot of peace, that you may coexist in harmony with everyone around you, and a very good future for everyone."

– Caroline van der Plas, Dutch member of parliament (BBB). 1967 AD

CIDItv (2023): Israel 75 jaar | BBB-fractievoorzitter Caroline van der Plas feliciteert Israel. In: Youtube. 22 May 2023. [Translated by C. Nooij].​ 

"Why Israel? Because Tel Aviv has the best restaurants, the most fashionable clubs and the nicest cafes along the Mediterranean. Because Tel Aviv is the most exciting metropole along the Mediterranean. Because many important inventions come from Israel - for example, the cherry tomato, the USB stick or the 3D printer. Because Israel is a stronghold of start-up businesses. Because wonderful wines are grown. Because Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. Because Israel is full of exciting museums. Because Israel turns the desert green - also with the help of a SPD forest in the Negev desert. Because Israel is the homestead of the Jewish people. Because even after 50 years of diplomatic relations between Germany and Israel, the German-Israeli ties continue to be something unique. That's why!"

– Christian Lange, Württembergian/German member of the Bundestag. 1967 AD

Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft: Warum Israel?. [Translated by C. Nooij].

"Israel is a Liberal democracy. The values of human rights and freedom of speech form the founding ethos of this country. In that, Israel and Australia are alike. But our connection with Israel runs much deeper than that. It was an Australian foreign minister who chaired—who drove—the UN Special Committee on Palestine in 1947 which gave rise to the very creation of Israel. Doc Evatt regarded this as his signature achievement in public life. He was inspired and supported by the Australian Jewish community of the time. (...) What this says is that, from the very beginning of Israel's remarkable journey, Australia was there. This history makes all the more significant the statements of solidarity that we make now in respect of Israel."

Richard Marles, Australian Minister of Defence. 1967 AD

Parliament of Australia. Motions. House of Representatives on 16/10/2023.

“Especially when you hear of Judaism, you know that humor and seriousness are close together. In particular that Greek dualistic thinking: at one time I make a joke, another time [I’m not] – that’s actually wrong. In Judaism: everything is ONE. The Eternal is one; and we are created to be one with all our heart, all our soul and all our mind and all powers. To be one in the love for God, love for the neighbors and for ourselves. So one big fat unity. That’s the Biblical thought, the Jewish thought.”

– Cor Verkade, Dutch jurist and politicologist. 1967 AD

Christenen voor Israël: Cor Verkade over 'Is Israël uitverkoren?'. In: Youtube. 14 September 2015. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

"I remember in 1938 what the fascists did to Jews and what they would have tried to do with Israel if it had existed then. (…) You ought to praise the Jewish State as the fruit of a conglobate of people from 130 different countries, capable of living under a single flag, the only democratic state of the Middle East, the place where, paradoxically, Arabs enjoy more political and civil rights than in their own countries… Anyone who knows history, knows that the Zionist movement is something that was born in 1800, that the Jewish pioneers gradually arrived in the region as refugees and migrants, much like the African ‘boat people’ of today, founding cooperatives and kibbutzim. (…) You’re on the side of the oppressed? Then perhaps during Yom Kippur in 1973 you’d be on the side of the five million Jews, preparing to celebrate their holiest day when a huge land and air attack was launched against them from four corners.”

​– Gennaro Della Volpe (Raiz), Italian singer and convert to Judaism. 1967 AD

Baroz, E. (2010): L’odio dei pacifinti colpisce anche Raiz, l’ex leader degli Almamegretta. In: Focus on Israel. 14 ottobre 2010. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

"The reason why there is a Zionist movement and the reason why there is a State of Israel is because the Jewish people were almost exterminated from the face of the globe. And they did not have a sanctuary place they could go to have their own state. There are plenty of Muslim states, there are plenty of Arab states. There wasn't a state for Jews to be able to call their own. By the way, it's their land. So I think it's awfully important."

​– Matt Schlapp, German-American politician (GOP). 1967 AD

The Ingraham Angle (2019): Does the left have an anti-Semitism problem?.

"In 1949, Prime Minister Ben Chifley said that the new State of Israel would be ‘a force of special value in the world community’. Seventy years later, as we celebrate the free and prosperous democracy that Israel has become, Chifley’s words still ring true for me, for our party, for our country and for the world community. Chloe and I have had the privilege and pleasure of visiting Israel on a number of occasions. We’ve walked the ancient streets and marvelled at the modern research and innovation. And we’ve been touched every time by the kindness and generosity of the hospitality. Australians always receive a warm welcome in Israel, particularly because the story of modern Israel contains so many great Australian moments. (...) I acknowledge the members of the Jewish diaspora who fled the persecution, tyranny and atrocities of Shoah and built a new life here in Australia. Our nation has been enriched and enlarged beyond calculation by their intellect, their culture, their hard work, their generosity, their philanthropy, their faith and their love of family. How fortunate is it that, in the midst of the evil of Europe, we had people who survived the very worst of humanity, who came face to face with unimaginable atrocity, yet what they gave to Australia wasn’t a legacy of trauma or fear but a gift of hope for the future."

​– Bill Shorten, Anglo-Australian Minister for Governmental Services (Labor). 1967 AD

Parliament of Australia. House of Representativeson 19/02/2019.

“Given how hard it is for intelligence and law enforcement agencies to detect people who have become radicalized, like those who opened fire at a holiday party in San Bernardino, Calif., a certain number of relatively low-level terrorist attacks may be inevitable, and Americans may have to learn to adapt the way Israel has.”

– Peter Baker, American writer for NYT. 1967 AD

Baker, P. (2016): Balancing Terror and Reality in State of the Union Address. In: New York Times. Jan. 11 2016. 

“Israeli companies are counted among the world’s leading providers of cyber security technology to protect critical infrastructure – energy, water, telecommunications, and banks. (…) Exports by Israeli companies in the cyber field were estimated to stand at approximately $3 billion in 2013. By comparison, Israel’s exports are three times greater than the United Kingdom’s. (…) I would contend that the fearless approach of Israelis to new business enterprises has been one of the primary drivers of its successful innovation culture.”

​– James Morris, English/British Conservative MP. 1967 AD

Morris, J. (2014): Lessons from Israel’s cyber security success. In: The Times of Israel. March 12, 2014, 10:57 AM.​ 

“For me, the right of Israel’s civilians to live within safe borders, free from fear, terror and violence, forms an elementary component of the solidarity and friendship with the State of Israel. ​The right to exist of Israel as a Jewish State within safe borders is part of our raison d’être.”

– Ralf Brauksiepe, Rhenish/German member of the Bundestag (CDU). 1967 AD

Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft: Warum Israel?. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“As a citizen who is very sensitive to the fate of the Palestinians, I cannot accept their future to be built upon the destruction of Israel, from the ashes of Israel... from the ashes of Jews. It would be a shame for the Palestinians, it would be a shame for the Arabs, it would be a disgrace for Muslims and it is unacceptable to humanity. (…) It must be recognized that, apart from a few small extremist groups, no one in Israel speaks of destroying Palestine.”

​– Mohamed Sifaoui, Algerian-French (Arab) journalist and author. 1967 AD

Gaza - Le grand mensonge. In: JForum. 13 octobre 2009. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“Israel is the Silicon Valley of the Mediterranean, which boasts an excellence in research that you can combine perfectly with the great Italian skills in applying those technologies in the production chain and final products.”

​– Catia Polidori, Italian politician and entrepreneur. 1967 AD

Polidori: Israele 'Silicon Valley' del Mediterraneo. La Repubblica, 14 giugno 2011. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“There’s no doubt Israel is going to change the world with the human capital that’s here. At Microsoft, we seek to empower ​every Israeli citizen, every business, every startup, all key government organizations to achieve more with our tools.”

​– Satya Nadella, Telugu/Indian-American CEO of Microsoft. 1967 AD

PM Netanyahu meets with Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella. 26 February 2016.

"No greater success story could have been invented, and no greater source of hope could have been imagined than the creation, preservation and present thriving of the world’s one and only Jewish State. (...) To me, Israel is an inspiration. It shows that the human spirit can achieve amazing things against incredible odds… The Jewish people after millennia of persecution built a home while surrounded by enemies and made that home a beacon of liberty. Israel’s vibrant democracy, respect for individual freedom and restlessly innovative culture make it an example to others. (...) As a friend of Israel and an observer, let me remind you how whenever there is a disaster, an earthquake or tsunami, it is the IDF and Israeli aid there to help the victims. Whenever there are Jewish citizens in need, in Russia and Ethiopia, Israel is always a welcoming home. Israel is a democracy, at a time when democracy is under assault. Israel is an nation where every life is precious."

Michael Gove, Scottish/British Conservative MP. 1967 AD

CFI Annual Business Lunch, December 2017. & Jewish Chronicle, April 2018.
Jewish Chronicle, The (2011): 'I will defend Israel's right to exist as long as I have breath in my body'. 22 sep 2011. 

“I do not want Israel’s existence to be tolerated or simply accepted, but recognised and celebrated. (…) Born in the shadow of horror, the State of Israel was nonetheless imbued from the beginning with a progressive spirit, embodied by its founders and pioneers. And despite facing existential dangers, Israel built a vibrant democracy, a welfare state that supported the poor, strong and well organised trade unions, a critical and unfettered free press, and an independent judiciary. (…) I will always be a proud and vocal champion of Israel’s successes – be they Israel’s innovative IT sector, R&D prowess, cultural creativity, strong social rights and proud record on promoting equality between men and women.”

– Douglas Alexander, Scottish/British Labour MP. 1967 AD

Labour Friends of Israel (2013): Keynote speech by Guest of Honour Rt Hon Douglas Alexander MP Shadow Foreign Secretary at Annual Lunch 2013 2nd July. 

“The Israeli people are innovative with an incredible work ethic. (...) This is a nation that is continuing a journey of recovery from the trauma of the Holocaust. Six million people perished at the hands of the Nazis. All six billion human beings must visit and experience Yad Vashem. (...) I absolutely believe that the intellectual powerhouse that is Israel can be a real force for good across the whole region."

– Nadhim Zahawi, Iraqi-British (Kurdish) Secretary of State for Education (Conservative). 1967 AD

September 20 2011 | CFI - Conservative Friends of Israel. 

I am proud to say that, with Australia, Israel has a true friend. The Australian people will always stand by the Israeli nation and the citizens of Israel. (...) Israel is a beacon of hope. It is a beacon of peace. It is a strong, robust democracy. Australia has always stood by Israel. Israel has two great friends in the world: the United States and Australia. I was proud to stand on the steps of the Melbourne GPO in support of Israel and its right to exist, and democracy, freedom and the rule of law. Given the opportunity again, I would do so. (...) Israel is a free and democratic state. The rule of law prevails. There is freedom of speech. There is freedom of association. There is freedom of assembly. (...) No nation is perfect. The nation of Israel is not perfect. It does not claim to be. But it is free and it is democratic. It deserves the support of the Australian nation. As a friend we can make criticisms, but we should stand by Israel and its right to exist."

Mitch Fifield, Australian Minister of Health (Liberal). 1967 AD

Senate Speech. Wednesday, 16 August 2006.

Parliament of Australia. Senate. Tuesday, 13 September 2011.

“I'm a Zionist because I believe Israel is the homeland of the Jewish people. The Diaspora returns from the 'four corners of the earth' and I'm honored to see it in my day. Zion, stand up!”

– Dumisani Washington, African-American pastor, author and composer. 1967 AD 

“Israel has had to fight for its existence throughout its history. Now it is the only democratic state surrounded by 22 Arab states.”

– Mika Niikko, Finnish member of parliament. 1967 AD 

"Call me an accidental Zionist, if you must, but Eretz Yisrael is a vital shelter, an only shelter, from lethal, genocidal anti-Semitism... If we care for wider humanity at all, we must all be 'accidental' Zionists and want for the Jews, for the Israelis, what each Muslim already has for themselves: a future, a nation and a faith, secured."

– Qanta Ahmed, Pakistani-English physician and author. 1967 AD

Ahmed, Q (2011): Adventures of an Accidental Zionist. In: Huffpost. Dec 2 2010, 02:51 PM EST.

"Today Israel’s light is now a beacon of democracy in the Middle East. Ours is a 70-year-long friendship between two peoples which share a commitment to democracy and the rule of law, have a multicultural character and are committed to science and research, to a free press, to prosperity for our people and to innovation to overcome the challenges of our often hostile natural environments. My government has resolved to ensure our commitment to Israel remains as firm today and in the future as it indeed was 70 years ago for Australia. (...) Australia admires Israel. In Israel, we see a companion on our journey as sovereign and free democratic nations. (...) Australia will always speak in support of freedom and the people of Israel (...) My government stands with Israel. On this day (...) there are many in the world who continue to seek to bully Israel – we won’t be part of that, and we won’t put up with it. We will stand by Israel every step of the way. (...) We know this is about Israel. They are a steadfast and loyal friend. Seventy years on, this parliament restates our commitment to Israel, to its people and to the deep friendship between our nations. We are friends who have always stood with each other, and may that always be the case."

Scott Morrison, Prime Minister of Australia (Liberal). 1968 AD

May 5 – Israeli Independence Day Message.

Parliament of Australia. House of Representatives on 19/02/2019.

“The Jewish democratic state of Israel is a pearl of such great price. It is the concrete manifestation of the promise ‘never again’. The free world can best discharge that promise and honour its very serious moral debt to the Jewish people by guaranteeing the security of Israel as a beacon of hope and self-determination and democracy for the Jewish people. Some 4.8 million Jews, fewer than were murdered in the European Holocaust, live in a democratic state on a tiny parcel of land smaller than any of our Great Lakes and only nine miles across at its narrowest point. Israel is surrounded by 23 Arab or Islamic states, almost all of which are dictatorships with combined populations of more than 300 million and standing armies that outnumber Israel's by more than fifteen to one.”

– Jason Kenney, Irish-Canadian Minister of Defence (UCP). 1968 AD

Jason Kenney on The Middle East. In the House of Commons on April 9th, 2002. 

“Israel is a well-functioning democratic constitutional state. In the fields of ICT, innovation and technology Israel is a star peformer. Israel has a lot of experience with integrating diverse population groups. Freedom of press and religion is protected in Israel. Victims of the Syrian conflict are taken care of in Israeli hospitals. (…) Israel isn't perfect, but compared to surrounding countries, it is an oasis of stability and a well-functioning constitutional state.”

– Kees van der Staaij, Dutch member of parliament (SGP). 1968 AD

[Translated by C. Nooij].

I have always felt a strong affinity to the State of Israel and the UK's Jewish community. (...) Today's pro-Israel movement now needs to reclaim the word Zionism and work to educate people on how it helped to deliver the only real democracy in the Middle East and a refuge for people who had suffered centuries of persecution, culminating in the horrors of the Holocaust. Zionism has also led to the establishment of the only state in the Middle East where women enjoy equal rights and where the LGBT community does not face victimisation and injustice. The country which Zionism created is also a scientific powerhouse that has benefitted the world in so many ways, including medical breakthroughs that have saved countless lives. (...) I will continue to do everything possible to promote peace, standing firmly against Israel's detractors, and clear in my support for Zionism - without which the world's only Jewish State would never have been created.

Theresa Villiers, English/British Secretary of State for Northern Ireland. 1968 AD

Informed 2021/2022. Page 11.

Israel and Germany are true friends, and I am grateful for this. I view your invitation to the Holocaust Remembrance Day events as an honor and a vote of confidence. I bow my head with humility in the face of the inconceivable suffering of the victims of the crimes against humanity committed by the Germans. The lessons of the Holocaust require us not to make room for antisemitism. Germany's responsibility has not ended. We stand alongside Israel.

Bärbel Bas, Rhenish/German President of the Bundestag (SPD). 1968 AD

Knesset News (2022): Bundestag President Bas during visit to Knesset ahead of Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremonies. April 27 2022.

"In little over six decades the people of Israel have made an outstanding contribution to the world as leaders in science, environmental research and finance. On a per capita basis, Israel is a world leader in venture capital and is an entrepreneurs paradise with a business spirit."

– David Southwick, Australian Liberal MP. 1968 AD

“The collapse of civilization through the Shoah in World War II has proven irrefutably to Jews all over the world, that they need the State of Israel as a life Insurance. No country in the world is more ​obligated to protect Jews’ security and right to live than ours. Israel has a right to our solidarity.”

– Fritz Felgentreu, Holsteinian/German member of the Bundestag (SPD). 1968 AD

Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft: Warum Israel?. [Translated by C. Nooij].

“We receive much humanitarian aid from Israel. (…) Israel created a country with European values in this difficult region. What happens now is Israel has a good relationship with the United States, with European ​countries. It’s like they’re part of this [Western] world. We also want to be part of this civilization.”

– Mykola L. Knyazhitskiy, Ukrainian member of parliament. 1968 AD

The state of Israel is our ally, it is our only potential democratic ally in the region. And I assure you that if the state of Israel falls, Europe would finally fall as well.

Marek Benda, Czech member of parliament. 1968 AD

Kalhousová, I. (2019): Our Jews, Our Israel!. Page 179.

“The Jewish leaders made miracles, creating a democratic country among the Arabs. In Baghdad I was taught that Israel was created by the Americans and the British. Reading the biographies of Ben-Gurion and Dayan, I discovered that the Jews built the country. There is much for us to learn from their example.”

– Shafiq Kheder, Kurdish/Iraqi author and translator. 1968 AD

Odenheimer, N. (2016): The Kurdish-Israeli coalition. In: Jerusalem Post. November 29 2016, 15:32. 

The Jews are indigenous to the region going back to Abraham, with their story caught up in the story of the land. A large proportion of the current population traces its origins from the Middle East and North Africa, rather than Europe. But there is no doubt that Israel is a Western society — in its political system, in its respects for rights, in its innovative economy, in its mores.

Rich Lowry, American editor-in-chief of National Review. 1968 AD

Lowry, R. (2023): Why does the left hate Israel? Because of its woke Western self-hatred. In: New York Post. Oct. 27, 2023.

“There is no doubt that the Israeli state and its people are friends of Turkey.”

– Ömer Çelik, Turkish Minister of Culture and Tourism. 1968 AD

Keinon, H. & Abu Toameh, K. (2015): Hamas activity in Turkey an obstacle to Ankara-Jerusalem reconciliation. In:  Jerusalem Post. December 21, 2015, 23:08. 

“My father was a great admirer of the Jewish faith. He would talk about your commitment to the family, your commitment to education and the deep pride in your traditions and history. He admired how your faith has endured – withstanding adversity and horrors but always seeming to emerge stronger."

– Jay Paterno, Italian-American football coach. 1968 AD

Beth Israel Speech (excerpts) Chester County, PA  October 25, 2015​.

We all have a role to play in calling out and uprooting antisemitism. We also have a duty to defend the state of Israel, the world’s only Jewish state and our friend and ally. The people of Australia and Israel have a long and enduring relationship which was forged in moments throughout the Second World War, like the liberation of Be’er Sheva. Our nations are innovators. Together, we’re pioneers, researchers and entrepreneurs. We are democratic partners and egalitarian people, and we owe much of our way of life to founders of great faith."

Andrew Wallace, Australian Speaker of the Australian House of Representatives. 1968 AD

Parliament of Australia: International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. Monday, 6 March 2023.

Canada stands in solidarity with the State of Israel and the Israeli people, and that Canada stands shoulder to shoulder with Israel and the Israeli people. They can count on Canada's continued support."

Chrystia Freeland, Canadian Minister of Finance (Liberal). 1968 AD

House of Commons. 44TH PARLIAMENT, 1ST SESSION. MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2023.

Australia stands with Israel and always will, just as we always remember the thousands of years of persecution and atrocities perpetrated against the Jewish people—six million European Jews killed in the Holocaust—that finally resolved the international community to establish the state of Israel."

Penny Wong, Australian Minister of Foreign Affairs (Labor). 1968 AD

Parliament of Australia. Senate on 16/10/2023.

"Would an apartheid state have several Arab political parties, as Israel does? (...) Would an apartheid state award its top literary prize to an Arab? (...) Would an apartheid state encourage Hebrew-speaking schoolchildren to learn Arabic? Would road signs throughout the land appear in both languages? (...) Would an apartheid state be home to universities where Arabs and Jews mingle at will, or apartment blocks where they live side by side?"

– Irshad Manji, Ugandan-Canadian author. 1968 AD

Manji, I. (2007): Modern Israel is a far cry from old South Africa. In: The Australian. 9 February 2007.

"One of the first countries to send support to Türkiye [during the 2023 earthquakes] was Israel; search and rescue and medical teams came to our country immediately. They gave great support in Kahramanmaraş, they saved 19 people from the wreckage. Thank you for your solidarity in difficult times."

Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs. 1968 AD

Hürriyet Daily News (2023): Çavuşoğlu thanks Israel for earthquake solidarity. February 14 2023 15:39:51.

“I assumed from television pictures, that all of Israel lived in a constant state of emergency and that everyone was armed to the teeth and walked around warily. In reality, I realized that this small country counts an immense abundance of totally different biotopes, from the mundane Tel Aviv and multicultural Haifa to the holy and somewhat segregating Jerusalem; from the muggy desert plains to the cold mountain heights; from the rich Bahai gardens to the poverty-striken social districts, where at least the wild capitalism does NOT discriminate between Jews and Muslims; from the peace movement among both Israelis and Palestinians to the fundamentalist terrorists.”

– Philip Heylen, Flemish/Belgian politician (CD&V). 1968 AD

[Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“Instead of proclaiming a Palestinian state as envisaged by the UN partition plan, the armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon invaded the country hours after Israel’s birth. The Arabs attacked Israel with a 310-fold superiority. Israel was hopelessly inferior to the aggressors both numerically as well as in respect to its improvised military equipment. (…) It is a miracle that Israel survived despite the superiority of its enemy. (…) The people of Israel is God’s Chosen People and it will remain so for all times. Now, God has regathered His people in the Land of Israel. And I believe that God has a mission vis-à-vis Israel for the Body of Christ and for every single Christian.”

– Tobias Krämer, Württembergian/German pastor and author. 1968 AD

Youtube: Gemeinde-Israel-Kongress, 7.-9. Nov. 2013 in Berlin - Tobias Krämer lädt ein. [Translated by C. Nooij].

Australia stands with the democracy of Israel and freedom-loving people everywhere. (...) We join the free and democratic nations of the world in expressing our solidarity and friendship with Israel. Democracies must stand together.

Andrew Gee, Australian Minister for Veterans' Affairs (National). 1968 AD

Parliament of Australia. House of Representatives on 18/10/2023.

“[We've had] excellent relations (...) as nations since Guatemala supported the creation of the State of Israel. (...) Israel is our ally and we must support it. Although there were only nine of us around the world, we are with total certainty and conviction that it is the correct route," said the president.

​– Jimmy Morales, President of Guatemala. 1969 AD

Voz de America: Guatemala anuncia traslado de su embajada en Israel a Jerusalén.

“[Israel is] the country that, especially today, in the current Middle East, is an oasis of peace. (...) Let it be crystal clear that, in good times and bad times, we stand up for our friendship with Israel, for our unbreakable bond with the Jewish people.”

​– Gert-Jan Segers, Dutch member of parliament (CU). 1969 AD

MessiaNieuws. Spraakmakend op joods-christelijk gebied. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“I'm not afraid to defend Israel's right to defend itself. It is unfortunately surrounded by very chaotic countries. Israel is the only Western country in that region. It is a country that respects human rights, respects all the things that we place very highly here.”

– Siv Jensen, Norwegian Finance Minister (FrP). 1969 AD

Jensen vil flytte norsk ambassade til Jerusalem. In: VG. Oppdatert 27. august 2008​.

“In Israel, the Jewish people, after being expelled into the Diaspora, finally found a new and yet also so old homeland. The Freedom Party of Austria is commited to Israel’s right to exist. Israel’s right to protect itself is also not questioned by us. (…) Israel will always find a friend and dialogue partner in us, for this country is, through the bond of the common Christian-Jewish values, inseparable from Europe. Israel is an important befriended state for Austria. Once more I repeat emphatically that we are fully and entirely commited to Israel’s right to exist within secure borders under international law. And, from the bottom of my heart, I wish Israel a happy future in peace, freedom and security.”

– Heinz-Christian Strache, Federal Vice-Chancellor of Austria (FPÖ). 1969 AD

FPÖ. Strache (2). Besondere Beziehung Europas zu Israel. In: OTS. [Translated by C. Nooij].

“I sometimes see Israel as the canary of Europe. Our challenges in the area of terrorism, assymetric warfare, but also migration have been experienced by Israel for much longer. The VVD understands the security challenges of Israel. And while parties like CDA and D66 are anxious to impose sanctions against Israel and constantly downplay the war on terror, my party will not lose sight of Israel’s security arguments. In a sense you might see Israel as the gatekeeper of the West. And however much criticism Israel may deserve sometimes, my party will not abandon this ally.”

– Han ten Broeke, Dutch member of parliament (VVD). 1969 AD

[Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“Israel is the democratic bridgehead between the Occident and the Orient. It is a country of culture and innovation, of traditions and modernity, a start-up nation, that gets enormous power from generations of women and men who learn to protect their country in the IDF and are taught self-confidence and to believe in their own abilities. The smallest of all nations is standing in loyalty to its values and is keeping their spiritual virtues to have a brighter future, like it is written down in the fifth book of Moses. From the Mediterranean Sea to the Golan Heights, from the sand of the Negev to the (part-time) snowy top of Mount Hermon, from the nonstop city of Tel Aviv to the capital Jerusalem, Israel is a vibrant planet at a compact size, an innovation in itself.”

– Uwe Becker, German mayor of Frankfurt. 1969 - 2014 AD

Becker, U. (2017): Israel through my eyes. In: Mission of Israel to the EU and NATO. 25.04.2017.

“[Israel] fights a stubborn struggle just to be allowed to exist. (…) In the midst of a sea of ​​Muslim feudal states, [it] impressively adheres to the democratic traditions.“

– Kristian Thulesen Dahl, Danish member of parliament. 1969 AD 

“Israel deserves our full support as a greatly valued friend and partner – it is a tremendous force for freedom and liberty amidst a sea of tyranny and despotism, and a vital bulwark in the face of Islamist terrorism.

– Nile Gardiner, British journalist and columnist.  

“I admire Israel for its tenacious determination when the odds are stacked against it. (...) I guess necessity is the mother of invention. Because over the past 69 years, Israel really made business bloom in the barren desert. It is the ultimate start-up nation. (...) In the tech sector Israel boasts more active start-ups than any country outside the United States and the high-tech sector accounts for about half of all Israeli exports. If the UK is going to thrive ​as a centre of digital technology we have to work with the best in the world - and that means Israel.”

​– Sajid Javid, Pakistani-British MP. 1969 AD

Israel’s Independence Day (Yom Ha’atzmaut) speech, May 2017.

BICOM (2015): Sajid Javid praises UK-Israel tech cooperation. 4th December 2015.

“Our commitment to supporting the State of Israel is deeply rooted in our principles of democracy, freedom and justice. We firmly believe in upholding the rule of law and the rights of sovereign nations to protect their citizens from harm. We defend Israel’s right to defend itself and its duty to protect its citizens. (...) Australia and Israel share a unique and profound bond, rooted in a common commitment to democratic values, human rights and the rule of law. Israel is the sole genuine democracy in the Middle East and has consistently upheld democratic values and principles whilst grappling with numerous security challenges and threats. For my part, I am a Zionist. I’ve visited Israel several times. I steadfastly and unashamedly defend the right of Israel to defend itself from the existential threat to the only genuine democracy in the Middle East. Australia played a fundamental role in the creation of the state of Israel in 1948, in the aftermath of the Holocaust, being the first nation in the world to vote in favour of the United Nations resolution. Australia also accepted an influx of refugees after the Second World War, and those citizens and their children have made an enormous and extraordinary contribution to our nation. Most of them ended up in the capital city of my home state, in Melbourne. The close connection between Australia and Israel has continued, mostly uninterrupted, since then. Support for Israel in Australia has been bipartisan.”

​– Bridget McKenzie, Australian Minister for Agriculture (National). 1969 AD

Parliament of Australia. Senate on 16/10/2023.

“Like it or not, Israel is a sovereign, democratic state. Not only does it have the right to defend itself, its people expect it to defend itself. And when you’re sitting huddled in a bomb shelter, and then emerge to see the charred remnants of a Qassam rocket sticking out of the roof of your child’s school, I suspect it shapes your perception of what a “proportionate” response actually is.”

– Dan Hodges, English journalist. 1969 AD

Hodges, D. (2014): Israel's critics don't want a proportionate response in Gaza. They want no response at all. In: Telegraph.​ 

“Eighty years ago, when the full extent of the Holocaust emerged, Australia and its democratic allies declared, 'Never again.' The massacre perpetrated by Hamas last Saturday resulted in the greatest loss of Jewish life in a single day since the Second World War. (...) If there is one ray of hope from any of this, it is my unwavering belief that the state of Israel will rise, as it has done before, from this place of unimaginable pain to a world beacon of freedom and prosperity, a country where not only Jewish people but people from all creeds and backgrounds can enjoy one of the most unique, beautiful and, indeed, wonderfully privileged countries in the world. In the end, of course, their victory will not merely be their continued survival but their flourishing.

Dean Smith, Australian Senator (Liberal) for Western Australia. 1969 AD

Parliament of Australia. Senate on 16/10/2023.

“I was there as a Roman scholar. Israel has a ton of Roman history and archaeology. (...) I came out of this experience [i.e. a terrorist attack] with the firm belief that while Israel is not perfect, Israel tries harder than any other country in the region for peace. It has tried to establish democracy, a rule of law, to establish freedom and prosperity for all citizens, including Arab citizens. My pro-Israel stance really came to me in a non-religious way, I was proud to see this country trying so hard to establish democracy in the face of such hardships. That was quite inspiring."

Jonathan Calt Harris, American foreign policy analyst from Illinois. 1969 AD

Campus Watch (2008): For this Central Illinois Native, All Roads Lead to Jerusalem [on Jonathan Calt Harris; incl. Asaf Romirowsky]. November 25 2008.

“Israel has been fighting a battle just for it’s existence right since 1948, when the Arab countries refused to accept it’s formation as an independent state and attacked it . The nascent IDF managed to beat back the Arab forces, and establish itself. But the attacks did not stop, as the Fedayeen launched assault after assault, often against civilians. The other factor is that the Arab nations refused to grant citizenship to the Palestinian refugees, as they feared that it would legitimize Israel. For a long time, the Arab countries kept attacking Israel on two fronts, one was militarily, and another was using it’s wide network of Leftist, Liberal sympathizers in the Western democracies to paint Israel as the villian of the piece. (...) There have been so many such attacks on civilians, old people, children, what kind of cause or freedom struggle leads to attacking innocents who have no relation to the conflict? (...) Israel is basically pitted against a group of barbarians, who want to destroy it, and that makes me support it all the way.”

– Ratnakar Sadasyula, Telugu/Indian author and IT professional. 1969 AD

Ratnakar Sadasyula. Answer to "Why do you support Israel if you're not Jewish?". In: Quora. November 17 2023.

“I was born in Israel, and it is my homeland. I thank God every day that I was born in the Jewish State because of everything that happens in the Arab states in general and Syria, in particular. Not only do I support Israel, I am also willing to sacrifice my family for the existence of this state. You have to understand, Israel is my homeland.”

– Anett Haskia, Arab-Israeli activist. 1969 AD

Marginalia (2019): Gary A. Rendsburg on Israel. November 1 2019. 

"I’ve never had to fight a war to defend my right to live in this community. I’ve never been exiled from my home. I’ve never had to rebuild my nation. I only point this out by way of contrast to the phoenix-like rising of the modern state of Israel, from a barren desert to the dynamic country we see today. After 2,000 years of bitter exile, Zionism – the national expression of the Jewish people – gave voice and shape to a dream that never left the Jewish conscience: the return of world Jewry to its ancestral homeland. (...) More than 60 years ago, Israel appeared as a light in a world emerging from darkness. Against all odds – and despite concerted efforts by some – the light has not been extinguished. It burns still. And it burns ever brighter when upheld by the principles of freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law. (...) May that light shine ever brighter."

– John Baird, Canadian Foreign Minister (Conservative). 1969 AD

Baird, J. (2012): "Why Israel holds such a special place in my heart". In: National Post. November 20 2012. 

“My main impression was that Israel is a liberal democracy. In the places I visited, including Jerusalem as well as Tel Aviv and its beaches, I saw that men and women are equal. (…) I understood that a crucial element of success is the unifying factor among immigrants to Israel. Whether one arrives from Ethiopia or Russia, or one’s grandparents immigrated from Europe, what binds them is being Jewish. Such a bond is lacking in the Netherlands.”

– Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Somali-Dutch member of parliament (VVD). 1969 AD

Hirsi Ali, A. (2006): Confronting Israeli Realities with Dutch Ones. In: Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. September 26 2006. 

“Our goal is to foster applied research and continued growth in Israel’s technology sector. We recognize evolving global needs, as well as the wealth of innovation taking place within Israel and its universities.”

– John D. Evans, American vice president of Lockheed Martin. 1969 AD

Reuters (2014): Lockheed Martin, EMC to develop tech projects in Israel. January 26 2014. 

“Israel has forged a politically diverse and dynamic society with a thriving economy and vibrant cultural and intellectual life. It has produced 8 Nobel Prize winners and has provided sanctuary for millions of Jews throughout the world. I have visited Israel on more than one occasion and I was most impressed by its commitment to many of the democratic principles we cherish here in the United States.”

– Barbara Lee, African-American Representative (Dem) from California. 1969 AD

April 23, 2008 - Issue: Vol. 154, No. 65 — Daily Edition 110th Congress (2007 - 2008) - 2nd Session.​ 

“As the only true democracy in the Middle East, America and Israel share so much. We both celebrate democracy and freedom. We feel an obligation to make the world a better place for all people. The United States has considered the existence of Israel a profound moral and spiritual imperative and was the first nation to recognize the State of Israel. Israel's security is of paramount importance, and our support for that security is unbreakable. We should take this occasion to reinforce our bond and renew our commitment to end tyranny and protect democracy.”

– Linda Sánchez, Mexican-American Representative (Dem) from California. 1969 AD

May 6, 2014 - Issue: Vol. 160, No. 67 — Daily Edition 113th Congress (2013 - 2014) - 2nd Session.​ 

”I respect the Israelis; they at least have learned a lesson from history. 'Never again'. (...) Israel is an island of civilization in a sea of barbarism and Islamic fanaticism. The struggle of the Israeli people to preserve their state and their existence continues to this day and they deserve the support of the civilized world against the barbarians of the modern age."

– David Huntwork, American conservative blogger. 1969 AD

Huntwork, D. (2015): Why Does Anyone Defend Hamas And The Palestinian Culture Of Death?. In: The Global Free Press. 17 August 2015.

“I’m a Druze, but I’m proud to be a  partner of the Jewish people. I am glad that after two thousand years of the Jewish soul yearning for its own country, the State of Israel has arisen here, and my friends and I are part of this. (…) It’s a big privilege to be able to serve the State of Israel. You shouldn’t serve to honor the country or attain privileges but because of your love for the Jewish people and want to protect the borders of the Jewish State. (…) The Land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people. Period.”

​– Atta Yemini Farhat, Druze-Israeli leader.

Arutz Sheva (2016): Is Israel's national anthem for Jews only?.  July 7 2016. 

“The Jews, who yearned for centuries to once more be in charge over their own destiny, are animated by the nationalist vision of the author Theodore Herzl. In 1896 he published in Paris the visionary call The Jewish State. Since the establishment of Israel in 1948 the Jews repeatedly fought wars of self defense against the surrounding Arab states.”

– Louis du Plessis, South African (Afrikaner) professor in military science.

Plessis, Louis du (2012): Watter volke regeer hulleself?. In: Maroela Media. 14 Junie 2012. [Translated by C. Nooij].

“Conscription of young Israelis into the entrepreneurial ethos of the IDF was an important factor. Facing continual geopolitical conflicts created the confidence to solve problems that others deemed impossible. The fact that many of Israel’s founders were scientists and intellectuals certainly laid the groundwork for placing a high cultural value on technology.”

– Jason Hiner, American author of TechRepublic. 

Torossian, R. (2014): Persecuted or Not, Israeli Economy Continues To Boom. In: Charisma Magazine. February 26 2014. 

On a spiritual level, Uganda regards Israel as the mother of Christianity. Ugandan Christians are no longer standing on one leg for Israel, but two - in prayer and action.

Drake Kanaabo, Ugandan pastor

New Vision (2020): Christians want deeper ties as Israeli premier jets in. Feb 03 2020.

“The Israeli government ultimately decided [during the Korean War] to send medical supplies and food items worth some $100,000. This was very valuable and meaningful help to the South Korean people. It was an enormous burden to the Israeli people as well, because it was only two years after the birth of the state, following an exhausting war for independence, and the country was in a period of austerity. (…) The Israeli assistance was greatly valued by the South Koreans, who were suffering from injury and hunger. The total aid package of about $100,000 was quite a considerable sum in today’s values. Taking into account Israel’s difficult situation at home, and its rehabilitation needs after its own war, the amount was enormous.”

– Young Sam Ma, South Korean Ambassador to Israel and Denmark.

Young, Sam Ma (2010): Israel's Role in the UN during the Korean War (PDF). Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs. 2010, 4 (3): 81–89. 

As a German [I] wish to make a practical mark for my friendship with Israel and its people through my service [as an IDF volunteer]. The Jewish State is in my view the basis and root of my Christian belief. Politically I support Israel because, despite all the societal conflicts, it constitutes a prime example of freedom and democracy in the region..”

Simon Jackl, Swabian/German volunteer in the IDF.

Jackl, S. (2016): Extraschicht für Israel. In: Israelnetz. 23. Dezember 2016. [Translated by C. Nooij].

“In 1904, the Jewish people were scattered all over the World. In 1960, the state of Israel had already fought two wars for the basic survival. Even though the Arab League had a written policy of destroying the Jewish state, the Jews showed grace to its Arab citizens. The majority of them Muslims, two million of them. They were all given Israeli passports, and could vote Muslims into [the] Knesset. Israel was anti-racist even in the middle of wars for its destruction. (…) The state of Israel deserves our support.”

– Ivar Fjeld, Norwegian journalist and missionary. 

[Zionism is] the belief that Jews have a right to their homeland in Israel. Period. You're absolutely right when you say anti-Zionism is anti-Semitic, because it is. Why? You ask yourself that one question in the mirror. Why is it that anybody would protest Israel having its own tiny state in a vast Middle Eastern area, that was actually taken [from them] by conquest.

Christine Douglass-Williams, Canadian journalist and blogger.

ICEJ Canada (2021): Pastor Giulio Gabeli-Why Should the Church Support Israel?; Christine Williams-History of Zionism. In: Youtube. 5 November 2021.

“The Jews only became certain about the survival of their nation once they had set up an independent place of their own. Today Jews live all over the world but they have tied an umbilical cord between their faith and their mother Israel. Where is the mother where Afrikaners can attach their umbilical cord?”

– Jaco Kleynhans, South African (Afrikaner) activist.

Kleynhans, J. In: Beeld. 

The state of Israel is the best thing to happen to Christians and other minorities in over a thousand years: a revolution for freedom against religious empire, a refuge for Jews, and a model of multi-ethnic pluralism at the same time. (...) Christmas offers an opportunity to thank Israel for safeguarding Christianity. If the Church of England wants a Christian renaissance in the Near East, it should extend a hand of friendship to the only country where that project is still viable.

Robert Nicholson, American President of the Philos Project..

Nicholson, R. (2021): Israel is the best thing to happen to Christians in the Holy Land for centuries. In: The Telegraph. 26 December 2021.

“Here in the West, where we share the same values as Israel, we need to start standing ​shoulder [to shoulder] with this tiny oasis of democracy in a vast desert of savagery.”

– Ian O'Doherty, Irish columnist.

Irish Independent (2009): Why the Israeli people have finally had enough. 5 Jan 2009, 01:00. 

“I went to Israel to learn about the revitalisation of an ancient language into a modern language of everyday ​communication for millions of people... one of the most remarkable linguistic experiments ever undertaken.”

– Jakelin Troy, Australian Aboriginal (Ngarigu) linguist.  

“Israel is a sign from God, then and now. This people has a long and turbulent history, which continually advances further. I am touched that despite the attacks, threats and persecutions, this nation can not be ruined: there is someone who watches over them! Both the People as well as the Land of Israel have my support, benevolence and trust. I wish him a good and peaceful future.”

​– David Sindhu, German social pedagogian.

Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft: Warum Israel?. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

The shock regarding the pogrom of 7 October [2023] has already turned into moral outrage against Israel. In 1945 we said: never again. If this happens again, we'll make short work of it. Israel thought: yeah sure, we'll build our own army just in case, so that we can at least defend ourselves. Now, the worst slaughter of Jews since 1945 can and may not be without consequences, but we're letting it be. While Israel pulls our chestnuts out of the fire, makes short work of that which we never wanted to see again, we condemn Israel. (...) Israel is (...) my big brother and my best friend. It can always count on me.

​– Wybe Fraanje, Frisian/Dutch journalist.

Fraanje, W. (2023): Waar ik sta: achter mijn broer en beste vriend | Column. In: Friesch Dagblad. 28 October 2023. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

“Grabbed some duty-frees and headed into downtown Tel Aviv. Looks just like Surfers Paradise meets Surry Hills. Cool hipsters and hot chicks everywhere. Grabbed a quick beer and a burger, bought some fab new apps and software. (…) Meet some scientists who invented the smartphone industry, or all the cool stuff like Viber and Waze. Plus they invented all this bionic stuff that helps paraplegics and things that stop crib deaths and things that cure. (…) Back to Jerusalem. Beautiful old city. Visit the Wailing Wall, which is all that's left of the original 3000-year-old Jewish temple where the dudes in black hats go and nod. (…) Go to the funky Knesset Parliament building. Time to discuss politics! Oh boy! None of them agree on anything! They all argue like crazy about the best way to achieve peace (that's democracy, I guess) and if they can make the two-state solution work. Everyone agrees a Palestinian state is fine, as long as they stop trying to kill Jews. Fair point.”

​– Rowan Dean, Australian editor of The Spectator.

Dean, R. (2016): Don't worry, Israel, if Australian MP's are mates with Palestine. In: Arutz Sheva. Feb 7, 2016, 8:30 PM (GMT+2). 

If a Western liberal democracy like Israel falls to the terrorist attacks of a group like Hamas and its supporters—to the missiles, to the kidnapping, the hostage taking and all the abominable crimes against civilians—then what hope does a small nation of five million like New Zealand—a similar Western democracy—have if we were to accept the fall of the nation of Israel?

​– Rowan Dean, Simon Court, New Zealand MP (ACT).

New Zealand Parliament. Thursday, 7 December 2023 - Volume 772.

Israel is part of our neck of the world. Western civilisation. They represent some of the best there is on offer. Israelis are intelligent, innovative, educated, sophisticated, practical and determined. I know a couple. Most of all Israelis are not victims. And if you want to turn them into victims, you have reckoned with the wrong guys. And if 70 years of conflict have not taught you that one very obvious lesson, you are truly not very bright. Admittedly, it is a bit scary when you see them unleashed. You instinctively feel protective of those who will be the target of that overwhelming, no-nonsense determination. It seems ‘disproportionate’, yes, this very cultural and moral gap we can clearly see. Almost unfair. But then again, who got it into their head to poke them over and over again, year after year? Who thought it was a brilliant plan to go and attack their private citizens in the most callous way? Who thought it wise to reject any peaceful solution offered? What did they think they would eventually get? I think they went too far. The patience has run out. I pray for Israelis to be merciful and circumspect and not be led by their anger. But I will not, stand in their way. And I will not lecture them on morality.

​– Christian Benesch, Swiss ICT developer.

Christian Benesch. Answer to "Why do you support Israel if you're not Jewish?". In: Quora. November 9 2023.

I have connections with Israel. Before coming into this place, I worked as an agronomist or agricultural scientist with a water company called Netafim. I visited Sderot, which is one of the towns that was most affected by this unspeakable brutality. There are other southern kibbutzim and towns that have been affected, including a Hatzerim, a kibbutz near Bathsheba which has the Netafim factory. I’ll just reflect that these kibbutzim sustain themselves by world-leading water technology, mostly for agriculture, which is what I was involved in. They are sustained by this aspiration for technology to give life to communities throughout the world. There are obviously examples of this Israeli technology not only in Australia but in Africa, Asia, North and South America and Europe. It helps efficiently and with reverence to the environment to grow more food for people, which is life. That’s life, and, for people working on such life-giving technology and devoting their lives to making sure that the globe has enough food to be attacked by people who have this obsession with death, makes it even harder to bear.

​– Sam Birrell, Australian National MP.

Parliament of Australia. House of Representatives on 16/10/2023.

The establishment, after the Holocaust, of a homeland for Jews was a miracle in international politics. The country embraced democracy, survived three wars, made the desert blossom and attained prosperity and power. May peace reign within its stronghold.

​– Wim Houtman, Dutch editor of daily Nederlands Dagblad.

Houtman, J. (2023): Zoek in Israël aansluiting bij zachte krachten. In: Nederlands Dagblad. 20 mei 2023. [Translated by C. Nooij].

Much of the hatred against Israel is also hatred against the West. Our civilization is based on Athens, Rome and Jerusalem. Israel is our Helm's Deep, our Wall of Fire and Ice, in the face of those who hate the rule of law, liberal democracy and capitalism.

​– Santiago Navajas, Spanish/Andalusian professor.

Twitter/X. 4:20 p.m. · 12 okt. 2023.

[Visiting Israel] we learnt that in stark contrast to the plight faced by Christians all across the region, Israel’s 160,000 Christians live as citizens in a democratic country with freedom of religion, rule of law and open elections. Crucially, they enjoy a freedom to worship which is denied to so many in the Middle East.

​– Gareth Wallace, Northern Irish CCF of Conservative Christian Fellowship (CCF).

INFORMED MAGAZINE 2017/2018. Page 17.

“The story of the creation of Israel (…) is about much more than a reaction against the evils of the Holocaust. The story is also the story of thousands of years of Jews yearning for a homeland. (…) For Israel, too often the right to be treated equally - and at times, even the right to exist at all - has been challenged. Israel’s history, in part, is the story of perpetually overcoming these challenges. It is a story that is still being written, as the obstacles persist in so many forms - from virulent anti-Semitism around the world, to the terrorists and regimes that continue to threaten Israel.”

– Samantha Power, Irish-American US Ambassador (Dem) to the UN. 1970 AD

Power, S. (2015): Address to the American Israel Political Affairs Committee Conference delivered 2 March 2015, Washington, D.C.

“There is no other nation or people on earth that holds the unique position in times past or times to come, that Israel holds. I am proud to honor and stand with Israel this morning. (…) Israel is our strongest and most important ally in the Middle East. Israel is a beacon of freedom and democracy in an oppressive region surrounded by enemies who seek not only the destruction of Israel as a nation, but also seek the genocide of the Jewish people. This cannot stand unchallenged.”

– Ted Cruz, Cuban-American Congressman (GOP) from Texas. 1970 AD 

“Israel, like us, is a liberal democracy in a sea of authoritarian regimes. So when America helps both countries, both countries become stronger. Both countries are protecting our way of life. Just remember, Israel does not fund terrorism in other countries, but it does help the New York Police Department fight terrorism in our country.”

– Paul Ryan, Irish-American House Speaker (GOP). 1970 AD

Pierce, C.P. (2016): Paul Ryan's Latest Speech Said One Thing: He's Running. In: Esquire, March 22, 2016 8:47 AM EST. 

Like any sovereign democratic nation, Israel has a right to defend itself and protect its people from terrorism. Australia should support and help Israel in any way that it can, without question. Israel is doing its utmost to ensure that the conflict is contained, civilians are protected and casualties are minimised. Barbarity, however, cannot prevail. By standing with Israel, Australia is supporting it in one of its darkest times and is showing Jewish communities here in Australia that they have our unwavering support.

Michaelia Cash, Attorney-General of Australia (Liberal). 1970 AD

Parliament of Australia. Senate on 17/10/2023.

Of course Israel has every right to defend itself against this attack and any future attacks and should be supported by other Western nations, other Western democracies, like Australia. We’ve seen antisemitism on display outside the Sydney Opera House, something that we should also condemn, and we do. But I want to say to the Jewish community and the Israeli community in Australia that the vast, vast majority of Australians reject that antisemitism and the violence it represents. Today I rise to join with my colleagues and say that we stand with Israel and we stand with Australia’s Jewish community."

Slade Brockman, President of the Australian Senate (Liberal). 1970 AD

Parliament of Australia. Senateon 17/10/2023.

“I find it hard to see how one can be anti-Zionist without being anti-Semitic. We all argue passionately for the rights of people around the world to self-determination. Why should we single out Israel as being the one country that is not allowed to have self-determination and, particularly in the light of the Holocaust, why should we deny its people the right to live secure within its borders? I use the term Zionism in a specific sense – Israel's right to its own state if it wants that. I believe that, following the Holocaust and the example of the 20th century, the case for that is incontrovertible. I worry whenever anyone denies that.”

– James Purnell, English/British Culture Secretary (Labour). 1970 AD

UK Parliament: 20 Apr 2004 : Column 1WH. 

(BEWARE: Cenk Uygur has now fully embraced the Palestinian anti-Zionist narrative)
"I understand why there was a reasonable demand for a Jewish state at the time of the creation of Israel. I understand the need of Jews, as an ethnicity, to demand a place they could call their own and feel safe residing in. And who thought they would be safe in the middle of a sea of Muslims? (...) Though I think the (...) choice of locale [of the Zionists] – was misguided to say the least, what’s done is done. (...) Obviously Israel is a Jewish State, and there's been an enormous history of discrimination against Jews throughout the whole world. (...) Israel could beat all the Arab states near it combined, with one hand tied behind its back. In fact, it's done that several times already and only gotten stronger since then."

– Cenk Uygur, Turkish-American political commentator and tv host. 1970 AD 

“It is a bizarre situation where people consider ‘You are a friend of Israel’ to be an insult. I am a friend of Israel! We even have a sister city over there: Haifa. I visited Israel and was surprised to see what the country has accomplished. I was also in Tel Aviv, where I saw Muslim families celebrating Iftar during Ramadan on the beach in peace and tranquility. I went to the Jewish capital, which is Jerusalem, and I saw people of all the religions that coexist there: Christians, Muslims and Jews and who held worship services in complete safety and professed their faith in harmony. I know where to find the only democracy in the Middle East.”

– Bart De Wever, Flemish mayor of Antwerp (N-VA). 1970 AD

Joods Actueel: Veelvuldig applaus tijdens toespraak Bart De Wever voor Europese Rabbijnenconferentie. 15 mei 2019. [Translated by C. Nooij]. 

Israel is a symbol for homeland and hope. As a democratic state with all its values it provides a homeland for all Jews in the world. And Israel stands for hope, because it is exposed to constant conflicts ever since its establishment and nevertheless does not abandon the faith in peace in the region. Germany will continue to support Israel on this road and stand on Israel's side as a close partner.

Nicola Beer, Hessian/German Vice-President of the European Parliament (FDP). 1970 AD

FDP (2018): BEER. 70 Jahre Israel, 70 Jahre Hoffnung. 18.04.2018. [Translated by C. Nooij].

“I have no problem with the Star of David on the flag or with the national anthem –- no problem at all. Israel is a democracy, and I respect every country that is a democracy. Israel did not expel me. I kept my land. I have the right under the law to do whatever I want to do, even to become prime minister. We Arabs need to thank God that we live in this democratic country. (…) Israel is a wonderful place for Arabs, it is the only democracy in the Middle East.”

– Aatef Karinaoui, Bedouin-Israeli politician. 1970 AD

Assouline, P. (2012): A would-be new leader of Israel’s Arabs urges full integration with Israel. In: The Times of Israel. 30 October 2012. 

“Israel took 19 Jews from Yemen in a secret operation because the terrorist threat kept increasing. Israel is constantly under fire, but at least they make sure that their people are brought to safety. (…) The idea used to be that Palestinians would profit from the technological and agrarian progress of the Israelis. The advanced knowledge of Israelis would turn Palestine into a blossoming region.”

– Hafid Bouazza, Moroccan-Dutch (Amazigh) author. 1970 2021 AD

Zwaan, I. de (2013): Hafid Bouazza: 'Hysterie zit ingebakken in de aard van Arabieren'. In: De Volkskrant. 15 augustus 2013, 15:57. 

I can only join with the Premier and say how proud I am – like I’m sure [Premier] Daniel is, and all of our colleagues – to be part of a Parliament that comes together with such strong support for the State of Israel. Democracy in that region of the world cannot be easy, and we know from our own democracy, how challenging balancing the rights and different viewpoints between people can be. I join with the Premier and I want you to know that there is not a sliver of light on this between us. There will be a solid brick wall to this.

John Pesutto, Italian-Australian politician (Liberal) from Victoria. 1970 AD 

Kohn, P. (2023): 75th birthday toast to Israel. In: The Australian Jewish News. June 1 2023.

Since Israel joined the OECD in 2010, our partnership has gone from strength to strength. [The OECD] has been inspired by Israel in particular when it comes to innovation and digital security and water governance. (...) [Your economy is] remarkable, inspirational.

Mathias Cormann, Belgian-Australian Secretary-General of the OECD. 1970 AD 

Hessen, J. & Viner, E. (2022): OECD. Israeli economy ‘remarkable, inspirational’. In: TV7 Israel News. February 15, 2022.

Seventy-five years ago, the nation of Israel was born. The Jewish people finally had a place which was theirs. The Jewish story, as we know, is one of every trial and tribulation—of privation, of enslavement, of wandering, of subjugation, persecution and exile, of dispersion, of massacre, of Holocaust, the gassing of six million people. But, most importantly, the Jewish story today is one of survival, and it always will be. It's a story of achievement against adversity and of triumph from tragedy. It's a story which is committed to the collective Jewish memory. It is the Jewish memory of prevailing over tragedy and that Jewish spirit we know so well in many of our friends and fellow Australians which will see Israel again succeed through these darkest of days.

Peter Dutton, Australian Liberal MP. 1970 AD 

Parliament of Australia. Motions. House of Representatives on 16/10/2023.

Since Israel was founded 69 years ago, the UK has stood by its side as a partner while the country rose out of the desert and prospered against all odds to become an innovation powerhouse – the ‘Start-Up Nation’. (...) Israel’s world-leading expertise in cyber security – one of the most pressing issues facing businesses, public bodies and nations today – has greatly benefitted the UK. (...) More than 350 Israeli companies now operate here in the UK, responsible for thousands of British jobs. They represent a diverse range of sectors – from financial services to software, advertising, infrastructure, trade, engineering, space, tourism and technology.

Mark Harper, English/British Secretary of State for Transport. 1970 AD 

INFORMED MAGAZINE 2017/2018. Page 10.